American: Native Empire

Chapter 34: The Road of Blessing.

Chapter 34: The Road of Blessing.

Chapter 34 < The Road of Blessing. >

The morning of the day he left the capital finally dawned.

Before leaving, Kim Ki-woo hugged Deep Lake tightly and whispered in her ear.

Then Ill be back. Take good care of yourself while Im gone.

Dont worry about me. I hope you will achieve what you want.

Thank you.

Kim Ki-woo left Deep Lakes farewell and got on the road of blessing.

How long has it been since I left the capital?

Kim Ki-woo was the only sovereign of this nation.

So it was hard for him to leave the capital unless necessary.

Even if he did, he only visited the cities near the capital.

Going to a city far away like this

Its been since I made the mining village.

It was the first time since he went out to develop the first iron ore.

It was not long after he arrived in America Its been almost 20 years.

As he went out, a transport vehicle similar to a medieval carriage was waiting for him.

Of course, it was not pulled by a horse.

It was none other than eight llamas tied to the front of the carriage.

It seemed more appropriate to call it a llama carriage than a carriage.

The llama carriage was very splendid. It looked like a lot of money had been poured into it.

It was worthy of being an emperors exclusive llama carriage.

Its such a pity.

He felt sorry as soon as he saw the llamas.

He was constantly bringing in llamas and trying hard to breed them and increase their numbers.

It would take time for llamas to become popular, but in the future, there would be enough of them.

But what Kim Ki-woo regretted was not that.

They are too different from cows or horses.

They were better than humans transporting things, but they were much less efficient than other strong livestock.

But what could he do? He was trying to domesticate bison that ran around the North American plains, but they were so fierce that it was not easy.

Until Columbus brought horses, this was the best Kim Ki-woo could do.

He sorted out his thoughts and got on the llama carriage. Then, shortly after, the llama carriage started to move forward.

The ride is terrible.

He felt it every time he rode it, but every time it jolted, the shock hit his buttocks hard.

As Kim Ki-woo remembered the ride of modern cars, it was a very disappointing part.

Of course, it was a little less because of the paved road, but still, it couldnt be perfectly flat under the current conditions.

There were no springs, and there was no rubber yet, so he had to endure this pain.

I have to bring in rubber when I open up South America.

There would be para rubber trees growing in South America. They would be used in many places in the future, so securing rubber trees was essential.

As he thought about this and that, before he knew it, the llama carriage passed the main gate of the palace.



Suddenly, a thunderous cheer rang out.

The sound was loud enough to make Kim Ki-woos ears dull.

Kim Ki-woo opened the wooden window and looked outside.

Hehe. The imperial citizens have gathered so much.

Its all because they want to bless your majestys road of blessing. Please wave your hand to them. They will all consider it an honor.

At the words of the director of industry, Kim Ki-woo nodded and smiled and waved his hand outside.

Then an even louder cheer erupted.

Its amazing. The security department must have had a lot of trouble.

The crowd filled both sides of the paved road endlessly.

The imperial citizens were ecstatic as they saw Kim Ki-woo, as if they were possessed by madness.

At this moment, he didnt envy any top star of modern times at all.

Thanks to that, the ones who died were security soldiers.

They blocked both sides of the road and forcefully restrained the imperial citizens who tried to approach Kim Ki-woo.

Also, they kept their eyes wide open and watched around to prevent any possible unrest.

When you go back to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, give plenty of alcohol and meat to the security soldiers who were mobilized this time.


The steward bowed his head. Kim Ki-woo paid no more attention to the security guards.

The grand welcoming crowd continued until the moment he boarded the boat on the river.

Phew Im already tired.

Haha. The residents of Black Sky are very excited to hear that Your Majesty is coming.

Werent the artisans resentful of me? They were forced to relocate from the capital not long ago.

No matter what, they still respect Your Majesty very much.

Kim Ki-woo was the great emperor who established the current Wakan Tanka Empire. He was respected by every citizen, but especially by the artisans.

How many things had Kim Ki-woo created so far?

Starting from ironmaking, countless machines came out of Kim Ki-woos head. Things that could never be made in such a short time without him.

Thanks to that, Kim Ki-woo was praised as the greatest artisan.

The resentment that arose from being driven out of the capital and the artisans perception of him were two separate things.

Haha. Im glad they think so.

Im sure this visit will ease any remaining bitterness. Dont worry.

The industrial minister, Black Mud, said that and bowed his head.

The only minister who accompanied him on this journey was the industrial minister.

If only Straight Tree had come with me

He felt very empty without Straight Tree, who always traveled with him on foreign affairs.

But it was unrealistic to bring Straight Tree along.

He was busy collecting military supplies and preparing for war.

It all cost money.

Didnt they say that war was done with money?

It was surely better than in modern times, but it was a rule that applied to this era as well.

As a result, the Ministry of Internal Affairs was the busiest department right now.

Straight Tree, the minister of internal affairs, had to work without a break.

The industrial minister had to travel back and forth between the capital and Black Sky anyway because of weapon production, so he could join him.

There will be another opportunity.

Kim Ki-woo had planned to visit various cities in the empire once or twice since the moment currency was circulated and his primary goal was completed.

Then he would surely be able to go with Straight Tree.

Kim Ki-woo put his thoughts aside and leaned on the railing of the boat.

It was the largest boat that could be made with the current technology.

Thanks to that, unlike the chariot, it had a good ride quality.

Its developed a lot.

Kim Ki-woo looked at the river and thought.

The waterway was unrecognizably well-maintained.

The scenery of the cities built along the river was very impressive.

It was natural, but at present, the empire was forming large cities from places connected by waterways.

Water transportation became very smooth as boats became popular.

According to reports, at this moment, Wakan Tanka Empires territory was gradually expanding.

Along the rivers scattered throughout North America.

Over time, cities of Wakan Tanka Empire would be built in the inland as well, based on those rivers.


At least North Americas east coast will be completely under my empire.

Of course, Kim Ki-woo was not satisfied with just North Americas east coast.


The speed of traveling was quite slow.

It was because they eliminated all possible threats along the way.

But there is an end if there is a beginning.

Finally, they arrived at their destination, Black Sky.


And Kim Ki-woo felt a dj vu.

He said that as he saw the imperial citizens who crowded in and cheered like they did in the capital.

Kim Ki-woo asked as he rode a chariot.

Do they not work at all? How can they all be here when there is work to do?

Haha. How can they just work on this historic day when Your Majesty steps into this city? We stopped all work today.


This place was different from the capital. This was an industrial city that produced many products needed by the empire.

And they stopped all work at this point when they were facing a war? Even though supply was already falling behind demand?

Kim Ki-woo wanted to say something to the industrial minister who smiled brightly, but he let it go.

He thought that if he made them work in the factory until the day he visited this city for the first time, the artisans and various workers would rebel greatly.

Most of the artisans had hardly any chance to see Kim Ki-woo in person.

He could only hope to see Kim Giwoos portrait at best.

He might never have a chance to see him in person for the rest of his life if it wasnt for this occasion.

Fine. But still, you dont have to go this far when I return to the capital.


This is not a request but an order.

I understand.

The industrial director looked displeased, but he had no choice but to agree with Kim Giwoos firm words.

It was a matter of later days, but a big festival was held every year on this day in the Black Sky City.

To commemorate Kim Giwoos first visit forever.


The next morning.

Kim Giwoo woke up from his sleep by the morning sun that came through the window.

Ha I miss home already.

This place was a palace that was made in preparation for Kim Giwoos arrival. The room was fairly large and decorated similarly to the one in the capital.

But maybe because it was unfamiliar?

Or because there was no deep lake next to it?

It felt uncomfortable somehow.

Although it would take at least ten more years for the palace in the capital to be completed, the palace where Kim Giwoo lived now was very large.

I want to see the palace in the capital completed soon.

A palace that was built with enormous resources, manpower, and time.

It would surely become a landmark representing the Waktanga Empire when it was finished.

Are you awake?

Yes. Did you sleep well?

Yes. The meal is ready.

Kim Giwoo followed the guidance of the steward and went to the dining room to have a simple breakfast.

Its time to start.

He rested well yesterday. It was time to work now.

He didnt come all this way to play and eat.

Kim Giwoo went outside. Then, in his sight, he saw black smoke rising into the sky.

The air is quite bad.

It seems so because of burning coal.

It was the industrial director who had arrived at work by now.

He couldnt see it yesterday because most of the factories were closed, but he could tell when the factories started running properly.

The reason why this city was named Black Sky.

Even at this moment, black smoke was spreading into the sky in clumps.

It sounds like the environment is being destroyed.

This was a trade-off. The industrial zone wasnt even completed yet, but it was like this.

And as time passed and industry developed further, more coal would be burned.

When steam engines were invented and industrial revolution occurred, this problem would become much more serious.

Then, environmental pollution issues like the smog disaster that happened in London would emerge.

I have to accept this part if I want to develop industry.

Kim Giwoo knew this problem well enough, but he deliberately ignored it.

This gradual environmental degradation was nothing compared to the impact of an asteroid colliding with Earth on the Earths environment.

If he gained the technology to change the orbit of an asteroid by destroying the environment now, it would be a profitable deal.

If he couldnt catch both birds, it would be wise to focus on catching the more needed bird.

After thinking about various things, he arrived at a steel mill by the river.

Nothing special.

Except that coal turned into coke and the scale got bigger, it was similar to the steel mill in the capital.

Coke, iron ore, and lime powder were continuously transported to the steel mill along the paved road.

Using these piled up raw materials, pig iron was produced endlessly.

Pig iron is poured into molds and made into iron products.

These products were immediately shipped by boat.

A considerable part of iron weapons went straight to Andes via Panama, and necessities were spread throughout the empire.

I cant just watch.

Kim Giwoo sorted out his thoughts.

He couldnt forget his purpose.

The reason he came all this way was to make steel.

Soon after, Kim Giwoo began to prepare for making steel in earnest.

< The Road of Blessing. > End

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