American Comics: Multiverse of Madness

220. The Next Step.

220. The Next Step.

As one of the most tragic heroes in the DC universe, the experiences of Red Hood are incredibly complex. Perhaps this is the fate of the Bat Family. Anyone who revolves around Batman inevitably walks a path of constant struggle in the darkness.

Among them, the second Robin, Jason Todd, undoubtedly stands out. Although it's unclear what he has gone through here, seeing him now, it's easy to guess that he certainly didn't have an easy time under the Red Skull.

Alex recalled that when he played a game in his past life, he once saw an Easter egg video showing Jason being subjected to prolonged beatings. The haggard image in that video was almost identical to what the Red Skull displayed now. One wonders if Jason saw any traces of the Joker in the Red Skull.

Alex believed there must be a connection between the two universes, whether it's the Wasteland world or Jason's world. There must be some hidden secret within these two timelines that are both heading toward destruction.

This is precisely why Alex speculated that Red Hood came to this universe with a certain "purpose," though perhaps even Jason himself isn't aware of it. But regardless, everything must wait until he meets Jason to be confirmed.

In a way, two parallel universes filled with despair are holding hands, heading toward oblivion together.

Seen this way, it's almost poetic.

Frowning slightly, Alex felt that things had been going too smoothly for him here, which made him suspect that something big was waiting for him later. Suddenly, Alex felt a tingling sensation on his arm. This wasn't a physical sensation but something deeper, a special reaction between the spirit and the material.

Rolling up his sleeve, Alex saw that a dark black raven tattoo on his wrist was flickering with strange light.

This was a unique sorcery Alex used to communicate with others over long distances. Anyone who possessed this tattoo could communicate with Alex at any time, and the range of this sorcery was vast—it could even connect across planets.

Green flames rose, and soon, a man's face appeared in the flames.

"Pietro," Alex spoke first.

"Alex, there's some intel you need to know." Pietro on the other side seemed a bit excited. At the same time, there was a lot of noise around him, and Alex could hear many people talking, with old Barton being the loudest.

Rubbing his temples, Alex spoke. "Go ahead."

"Baron Zemo's situation has been perfectly resolved, and that's without Kara and me having to intervene." Pietro first reported on the situation over there. From his tone, Alex could tell that he was quite surprised.

Perhaps it's because Pietro has always underestimated ordinary people. When he discovered that old Barton had taken down a Hydra base despite his aging body, he was truly surprised and impressed.

"That's good news. Did Barton say anything about their next move?" Alex asked calmly.

"Speaking of which… what I'm about to say next is the key point."

Pietro paused, then he seriously looked at Alex in the flames and said solemnly.

"We found some very interesting intel in Baron Zemo's base. Not only was there Super Soldier Serum, but there was also information about the Red Skull's judgment on a hero from another world. I guess that person is the Batman we've been looking for."

"I've seen it too. I can confirm that the person is indeed a genuine hero from another universe," Alex nodded, confirming Pietro's words.

At this moment, Pietro continued. "That's what I wanted to say. It seems that more than one person has arrived here. Just now, a woman contacted old Barton. She claimed to be Laurel Lance from another universe."

"Laurel Lance? Black Canary?!" Alex raised an eyebrow upon hearing this.

"You know her?"

Pietro was also surprised, but they quickly realized that after experiencing so many multiverses, there wasn't much that could stump Alex. So it wasn't surprising that Alex knew who she was. Alex didn't answer Pietro. He gently stroked his chin, his eyes darting around.

To be honest, Alex didn't expect Pietro to get such important intel. What surprised him even more was that there was more than one superhero who had come to this universe. Even the famous Black Canary was here.

The second Black Canary, Dinah Laurel Lance, daughter of the first Black Canary and wife of Green Arrow, Oliver Queen. She had a sonic ability similar to the cry of a canary, and her reflexes and fighting skills were also extremely strong.

In the lore, her fighting skills were ranked among the top three. In terms of hand-to-hand combat, she was on par with Batman, which made her a combat trainer for the younger generation of superheroes.

But lore is lore. The individual characters in each universe vary greatly, so Alex wasn't sure how strong this particular Black Canary was. However, from the fact that she contacted old Barton immediately after seeing the information about Red Hood, it was highly likely that the two of them came from the same universe and were fairly familiar with each other.

Thinking of this, Alex couldn't help but ask, "How did she get Barton's contact?"

"She got it from Kate Bishop. Old Barton has already confirmed the code with her. She's one of us, no doubt," Pietro said seriously. "She hopes we can help her find the Justice League and rescue her friends."

"Well, this is interesting."

Originally, in Alex's plan, the Justice League was just a front to attract the attention of the wasteland villains, allowing him to better gather some resources from the wasteland.

At the same time, if he could use this method to lure out the guy who used the Bat-Boomerang and was suspected to be Batman, that would be even better. Now, however, things have changed. Batman didn't show up, but Black Canary did. She clearly had great faith in the Justice League. The lie was becoming more and more like the truth.

"She doesn't know about the Justice League, does she?" Alex inquired.

"The details of the Justice League are unknown to old Barton and the others," Pietro whispered.

Hearing this, Alex pondered for a moment, then looked up and said.

"Alright, let's do it this way for now. There are still ten days until the Red Skull's judgment day. You guys go ahead and make contact with Black Canary."

"What about you? And isn't the Red Skull's move obviously a trap?" Pietro frowned.

"I still need to deal with Baron Mordo's situation. The Darkhold he has is very useful to me, and I can't let it fall into Doom's hands."

Alex said slowly, "As for the Red Skull, it's an open conspiracy, but there's no choice. He has hostages, and the initiative is in Hydra's hands. We'll just have to deal with things as they come."


📢30 advanced chapters on p@treaon📢
For advance chapters: /Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a)
221. The Manipulated Agatha.
222. The Eerie Town.
223. Seeing with Your Eyes.
224. Clearing the Memory.
225. Formatting.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.