American Comics: Multiverse of Madness

215. The Death of the Hydra Captain.

215. The Death of the Hydra Captain.

"This is impossible?!"

The Hydra Captain tried with all his might to break free from the webbing, but the incredibly fine strands were unyieldingly tough. The strength of the opponent was even more terrifying—despite his full exertion, he couldn't budge.

"Nothing's impossible, big guy. You have no idea what real power is."

Ashley smirked, her face still spattered with droplets of blood, giving her an eerily enchanting appearance. She then turned to glance at Old Hawkeye and Songbird before continuing.

"Sorry, I'm not great at finding rats in a maze, so you two can go after Baron Zemo. As for this big guy, it's better if I handle him."

"Blood! Blood everywhere!" Venom roared, baring its fangs and claws.

Seeing this, Hawkeye and Songbird exchanged a glance, quickly realizing why they hadn't seen any Hydra reinforcements for so long. Likely, those soldiers never made it to this room, having been slaughtered by Ashley.

"You..." Hawkeye felt his mouth go dry, momentarily unsure of what to say. But he knew this wasn't the time to lecture his daughter. "Be careful. When this is over, we need to have a serious talk."

Ashley merely rolled her eyes at his words, clearly not taking them to heart. The only thing on her mind now was a good fight with this so-called super soldier standing before her.

As Ashley used a tug-of-war approach to keep the Hydra Captain under control, Hawkeye and Songbird quickly made their way to the door. There, they found an elderly man, appearing to be a researcher, clutching a box and trembling on the ground.

"Tell me where Zemo is! You must know where he is, right? And the access codes to get there. I don't want to have to ask twice."

The old man shuddered, clutching the box even tighter before stammering, "I-I know, but I have to protect this box."

"What's in the box?" Hawkeye frowned, but he quickly deduced the answer. "This is the so-called Super Soldier Serum, isn't it?"

"Yes," the old man nodded. "It's an inhumane substance; it can't be allowed to spread."

As it turned out, Baron Zemo's research on the Super Soldier Serum hadn't been entirely successful. Although there were a hundred vials of the serum, only the Hydra Captain had successfully become a super soldier. This was far from a perfect serum, with a high risk of death for anyone who injected it.

After a moment's thought, Hawkeye spoke. "Take me to Zemo. I promise you won't have to worry about that bastard after this."

"I won't let you escape!" The Hydra Captain, having used his shield to cut the webbing, roared as he charged at Hawkeye, who was preparing to leave. But as fast as he was, Ashley was faster.

Just as Hawkeye and the others were making their way out, a few strands of webbing shot out, sealing the entire door, completely blocking the only exit from the room.

The Hydra Captain stopped abruptly as he reached the door, realizing he had no choice. The webbing was not only extremely tough but also incredibly sticky. If it were just a few strands, he might have been able to force his way through with his shield. But faced with this thick, clinging web, he was at a loss.

This webbing wasn't something Ashley had created, nor was it something her body naturally produced. It was powerful webbing created by Venom, just as strong as what Spider-Man used.

Furious, the Hydra Captain turned to face the frail-looking Ashley, now intent on tearing this troublesome girl to pieces.

"Oh, I like that look," Venom sneered. "As much as I'd love to deal with Zemo, taking down a knockoff Captain America could be fun too."

"Listen, little girl, and you, alien parasite. I don't care what you think you're doing, but you've really pissed me off." The Hydra Captain removed his hat, his eyes bloodshot as he glared at the girl and her symbiote.

"That's exactly what I wanted. So you'd better give it your all. I hope you're tougher than those foot soldiers." Ashley flexed her wrists, showing no sign of taking the Hydra Captain seriously.

Already enraged, the Hydra Captain could no longer contain his fury. With a roar, he charged at Ashley. Seeing this, Ashley merely smirked coldly, while Venom chimed in.

"He's coming! Go get him, tiger!"

Ignoring Venom's words, Ashley leaped into the air, flipping over the Hydra Captain's shield. In mid-air, she shot out two strands of webbing, securing them firmly to the Captain's shoulders.

The next moment, Ashley yanked with all her strength. The immense force transmitted through the webbing caused the Hydra Captain to stumble backward, losing his balance. But his super soldier physique saved him—he quickly steadied himself and immediately launched into close combat with Ashley.

What the Hydra Captain hadn't expected was the terrifying strength hidden beneath Ashley's frail exterior. With every blow, she struck with such force that he struggled to defend himself. If not for his Vibranium shield, his arm might have been snapped by the sheer force of her attacks.

Not only that, Ashley's speed was incredible. As the fight continued, the Hydra Captain grew more and more alarmed. He had yet to land a single hit on the girl, and she continued to press her advantage.

It was then that he recalled a record from Hydra's files, mentioning someone like this girl. If he remembered correctly, she was a superhero associated with Spider-Man, and heroes of that caliber were exceptionally powerful!

"Looks like this is all you've got. What a bore."

Once again, Ashley used her spider-sense to dodge the Hydra Captain's counterattack. Her face showed only disappointment. She hadn't expected the famous Hydra super soldier to be this weak. Just as the Hydra Captain was about to retort, Ashley kicked his leg, snapping it in two. The excruciating pain silenced him, swallowing whatever he had meant to say.

"Your weakness is your legs. Too obvious."

Ashley sneered as she grabbed the Hydra Captain's head. Seeing the terror and shock on his face, she didn't hesitate, snapping his neck without a second thought.

"Captain America was way stronger than this guy," Venom said disdainfully as it looked at the Hydra Captain's lifeless body.


Ashley, however, wasn't convinced. She turned to look at Avalanche, still twitching on the ground after being shot through the face by her father's arrow. Ashley shook her head in disappointment.

"...Do they really never learn the importance of tying up loose ends?"


📢30 advanced chapters on p@treaon📢
For advance chapters: /Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a)
216. The Final Chapter of Baron Zemo.
217. Red Skull's Judgment Proclamation!
218. The Eagle and the Sparrow.
219. Neck and Neck.
220. The Next Step.

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