Amazing Doctor With Super Vision

Chapter 88 How Did You Come in?

Chapter 88 How Did You Come in?

“You? Aren’t you in the cosmetics business? I’m afraid you’re too busy.” Li Yong laughs.

“Do you care about me? Or don’t you want me to make money? I run three companies but I still go shopping with my friends. How can I be too busy? Besides, this kind of business will not conflict with the business of the Han Family.”

“It’s our agreement. Our Wu Family can continue to develop in Zhonghai City as long as there is no competitive relationship with the business of the Han Family.”

“Just give me the product formula! The price will follow what we talked about before.” Wu Yuting says briskly and shakes Li Yong’s arm. She takes Li Yong’s arm in her arms, and Li Yong doesn’t know whether she is intentional or not.

“Okay.” Li Yong takes a notebook from his arms with his other hand. It is the product formula on it. He hands it directly to Wu Yuting and doesn’t ask when Wu Yuting will give him money.

Wu Yuting is very sensible. After reading the product formula, she sends 10 million yuan directly to Li Yong’s card. The remaining 10 million yuan and 10% of the shares will be carried out in accordance with their previous contract.

Wu Yuting will pay Li Yong after the product hits the market and she earns money.

It’s great to have someone help him make money. Although Li Yong bought a lot of clothes and spent some money today, he immediately earned it back when the money was transferred into his account.

In fact, if Li Yong starts his own company to do research and development, he will surely make more money.

However, if Li Yong runs a company in person, even if he is dog-tired, he will not have such a quick profit return. Li Yong feels that he is not suitable for running a company and he is only suitable for product research and development.

As long as he thinks deeply and studies carefully, he feels that he will have endless good formulas.

“Will this really help?”

Seeing Wu Yuting carefully looking at Li Yong’s formula, Feng Miaomiao also looks over. She can’t even recognize the names of all kinds of herbs and she also doesn’t know their functions and effects. When she saw that Wu Yuting transferred 10 million yuan directly to Li Yong’s card just now, she questioned it.

“When it’s developed, you can have a try and you will know.” Li Yong laughs happily. Then he also imagines Feng Miaomiao becoming a sexpot and doing various kinds of actions that make men bleed.

“Hum, I’m not sexually apathetic.” Feng Miaomiao glances at Li Yong and says contemptuously.

“Miao, have you slept with that logy man?” Chen Xiuju immediately screams.

“No.” Feng Miaomiao’s pretty face turns red like the rising sun.

“Then how do you know you’re not sexually apathetic?” Chen Xiuju grins and says.

“No.” Feng Miaomiao says with anger. Suddenly, she laughs and says, “Didn’t you always say you’re not interested in men? You can have a try.”

“Bah, I won’t try it.” Chen Xiuju hurries to say angrily.

“Stop arguing. It’s expensive. If you want to try, you’ll have to pay for it.” Li Yong smiles faintly.

Chen Xiuju hums and Feng Miaomiao wants to vomit.

Wu Yuting doesn’t interrupt. She reads the product formula carefully several times and signals everyone to be quiet. Then she takes out her phone and dials directly to the company’s research and development staff to ask them to work overtime tonight.

Then at Wu Yuting’s command, Chen Xiuju sends Li Yong to the villa of the Han Family and leaves in a hurry.

Two different product formulas are enough for Wu Yuting to be busy for some time. When this new product is developed, it will enter the market and compete with other products, which will take Wu Yuting’s lots of energy.

In front of the villa of the Han Family, the bodyguard sees Li Yong coming back. He opens the courtyard door with a smile.

Li Yong tidies up his clothes and steps in.

In the living room, Han Lu throws the documents heavily on the tea table. Then she stands up suddenly and says angrily, “They cut off the supply of medicinal materials. How can our pharmaceutical factory produce medicines?”

His delicate wife has such a hot temper. Li Yong looks through the window and he is surprised.

The middle-aged beautiful woman, who is standing in front of Han Lu, is the director of Lulu Pharmaceutical Company. Her name is Huang Anhe. During the period when Han Lu is ill at home, she handles the company’s specific affairs.

Huang Anhe always asks an assistant to send important documents to Han Lu for her agreement and signature and then take them back for execution. Today, she comes in person.

Although Han Lu is ten years younger than her, she seems to be ten years younger than Han Lu in front of Han Lu.

Many things must be decided by Han Lu, because Han Lu is the boss after all.

The reason why Han Dongtao gave Han Lu a company is to train Han Lu. Huang Anhe was specifically designated to Han Lu by Han Dongtao. Huang Anhe knows Han Dongtao’s good intentions very well, so she also deliberately trains Han Lu.

“Is there any stock?” Han Lu reorganizes the documents, circles around the tea table and asks.

“President Han, there are not many medicinal materials in reserve in the warehouse and they can last for up to three days.” Huang Anhe says in a low voice.

“Buy them elsewhere. The Zhao Family is not the only supplier of medicinal materials.” Han Lu grits her teeth and says, “Even if the price is more expensive, we should buy them. These two drugs are the main products of our company. We must never stop producing them.”

“President Han, I have contacted several suppliers of medicinal materials, but most of the medicinal materials we need are out of stock. Even if some of them are in stock, the price is not a little more expensive but more than twice.”

“What?” Han Lu sits down on the sofa and feels bad. She thinks for a moment and says, “This is unreasonable! There were many medicinal materials we need on the market in the past years. Have you investigated the cause?”

“Yes. Ten days ago, the pharmaceutical company of the Zhao Family began to buy these medicinal materials at a high price. In just a few days, all the medicinal materials we need were purchased by them. Even if there are still some left in the market, the price has more than doubled. It is said that the Zhao Family specially built a warehouse filled with medicinal materials. I think they’re targeting our company.”

Huang Anhe says slowly and orderly. She stands in front of Han Lu like a housekeeper.

“What on earth do they want to do? They have so many medicinal materials but don’t sell them. Aren’t they afraid that these medicinal materials will rot? Do they want to raise the price?” Han Lu thinks.

“Present Han, we have already communicated with the Zhao Family. They said that they did not want to raise the price and they also wanted to continue to cooperate with us. They just said that you should talk to them personally. They said that Mr. Zhao has been ready and has been waiting for you in the Xiangong Hotel.” Huang Anhe says softly.

“Does my father know?” Han Lu suppresses her anger and asks. Mr. Zhao is Zhao Hongyu. Han Lu feels sick at the thought of this person.

“Yes. The chairman said you had to deal with it by yourself.” Huang Anhe reported to Han Dongtao at the first time. Since Han Lu was ill at home, no matter what happened in the company, Huang Anhe would report to Han Dongtao. Previously, Han Dongtao would always come forward to solve those things, but this time Han Dongtao wants to let Han Lu solve it by herself.

“I see.” Han Lu says firmly.

“Darling, why are you so woebegone? Come on, smile.” At this time, Li Yong comes in happily. His eyes fall directly on Han Lu, squinting and staring at her.

Han Lu is wearing blue and white sportswear now, which is very casual and fashionable. She seems to have just stepped down from the treadmill and a beautiful strand of hair on her forehead is still wet with sweat.

Her exquisite round collar reveals her sexy collarbone, which is a fatal temptation for Li Yong. Her reddish fair skin, like ripe apples, makes Li Yong want to bite.

When Han Lu sees Li Yong’s wild eyes, she rushes to hand the documents to Huang Anhe and asks Huang Anhe to leave.

When Huang Anhe walks out of the living room, Han Lu stares at Li Yong fiercely, grits her teeth and says, “When there are outsiders, you don’t play jokes.”

“What should I do then?” Li Yong asks with a smile.

“Be serious.” Han Lu grits her teeth.

“I can’t be serious.” Li Yong laughs happily.

“Hum.” Han Lu turns to the stairs.

Li Yong follows her and continues to say happily, “Darling, life is full of fun and sunshine. The world is so beautiful. Why are you woebegone?”

“It’s none of your business.” Han Lu says coldly.

“I have a good idea to make you happy. Would you like to try it?”

“What’s the idea?” Han Lu blinks her beautiful eyes, slows down and asks.

“We consummate!” Li Yong says gladly and shows a look of expectation.

“I have no mood.” Han Lu glares at Li Yong and speeds up her pace.

Li Yong continues to follow her and goes on to say, “Darling, you should think more about happy things. Do you know the four joys of life? The four joys of life are: having a welcome rain after a long drought, meeting an old friend in a distant land, enjoying the wedding night and succeeding in the government examination. You are a droughty field and I am a welcome rain. If the rain falls, you will be in the mood.”

“Bang.” Han Lu walks into the room, closes the door heavily and locks it.

“Hum, I’d rather be droughty.” Han Lu looks at herself in the mirror and grits her teeth.

Then Han Lu looks at herself quietly for a moment, takes a deep breath for twice and begins to change her clothes

The more she thinks about meeting Zhao Hongyu, the more she feels sick.

But she has to go for the company.

Han Lu takes off her sports clothes one by one. Because they have to be washed, she throws them all on the ground. Looking at her bright and nice hour-glass body, Han Lu is very proud.

However, when she thinks of the faces of men, she feels sick again.

Han Lu takes off her last clothes weakly. When she is about to open the wardrobe to find a suit of clothes to wear, she suddenly feels someone behind her. When she turns head in amazement, who can it be besides Li Yong?

“How did you come in?” Han Lu hurries to pick up a blanket to cover her body casually and asks angrily.

She clearly remembers that she locked the door just now. The door lock is high-grade and was specially customized in the lock factory when decorating the villa.

The factory director once boasted that even if the most powerful king of unlocking comes, he will not be able to unlock this kind of door lock in a short time.

However, Li Yong came in just for a moment.

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