Amazing Doctor With Super Vision

Chapter 286 The Buddha That Loves Money

Chapter 286 The Buddha That Loves Money

There are not so many people today in the auction market. It was crowded here last time. Only a few people can be seen here and there.

Li Yong thinks that he has come to the wrong place. He looks up at the sign and the surrounding environment. Then he makes sure and goes in.

What he doesn’t know is that since he bought more than 300 pieces of jade stones last time, the stone gambling industry became sluggish. There were no good jade stones for a long time, so there were no auctions. Thus people didn’t come here any longer.

Fewer people came to gamble on stones, so there were less incentive and fewer people traveling here.

This has affected the economic development of Shikang City. Even the government is worried about it.

“Sir, what are you doing here?” After Li Yong walks around with Han Fei and Wei Fangxia for a long time, a staff member walks to them slowly and asks lazily. This person can’t even open his eyes, as if he is still dreaming.

“Auction jade stones.” Li Yong says faintly, “Do you still have auctions here? Why is there no one here?”

“Yes! People will come as long as you have jade stones.” The staff is immediately interested, “What kind of jade stones do you want to auction? How many pieces do you have? Let me see what level of auction it is.”

“The auction is graded?” Li Yong smiles and asks.

“Yes, if you have only one piece, it is very difficult for us to organize a decent auction. You should have at least five or more jade stones. Then we can organize relevant personnel, advertise, and inform jewelers and tourists to come to the auction. We have a special offer now. If you have more than ten jade stones, we can provide the venue free of charge and exempt the auction fee. That means that no matter how much you earn, we will serve you for free and won’t make profit from it.”

Li Yong takes off his bag and pulls open the zipper, “Here, there are 65 pieces.”

The staff is shocked and suddenly opens his mouth widely. He could never dream of such a big customer today.

After looking at the bag full of jade stones, the staff grabs Li Yong’s hands excitedly and says in a trembling voice, “Sir, please come in. Please come in and have a sit.”

When Li Yong is invited by the staff warmly to the living room, several persons in charge of the auction house also rush over. Someone will auction 65 pieces of jade stones at once. It’s worthy of their serious treatment.

These people may be too idle and they are very polite to Li Yong as he is a big customer.

Han Fei takes out the two pieces of jade stones that she has selected and asks them about the price. An old man looks at it and praises, “The color is pure. The green is natural. It’s perfect. This is an upper-grade green jade stone. Besides, it’s so big. It should be worth at least three million yuan. The two pieces should be worth about seven million yuan.”

Wei Fangxia is excited after hearing this. She hurriedly takes out her white jade stone and asks the old man about the price.

The old man gently takes it in his hand for a moment and looks at it under the flashlight. Then he smiles and says, “This white jade is also good. The white color is natural and it feels good. It should be worth about two million yuan.”

She didn’t expect that it was so expensive. Wei Fangxia looks at Li Yong gratefully. She really didn’t expect that she could receive such an expensive gift at work, which makes her a little worried. She doesn’t know if it’s a kind of bribe.

She wants to return the white jade to Li Yong, but she is also very reluctant. She doesn’t know what to do for a moment.

After deliberation, the manager of the auction house decides to hold an auction for Li Yong free of charge. The auction will be held after two days on the morning, because they have to use two days to do preparatory work, such as advertising and informing the jewelers.

There has been no auction of jade of a certain scale for a long time, so everything has to be re-arranged. They also need to invite reporters from TV stations and newspapers to increase publicity so as to attract tourists and improve the economic development of Shikang City.

Li Yong is okay with that as long as he can sell the jade stones. He can stay here for two more days and take the two beautiful women Han Fei and Wei Fangxia to look around. They can watch beautiful women and scenery.

After signing relevant agreement with the auction house and leaving the 65 pieces of jade stones, Li Yong takes Han Fei and Wei Fangxia to the street.

“Where are we going for fun?” Li Yong asks.

“Let’s go climbing the mountain! There is Shikang Mountain in the west of the city. It is a national five-A tourist attraction.” Han Fei likes to play, especially climbing, so she immediately suggests happily.

“Okay, let’s go climbing the mountain.” Li Yong laughs and says.

“Climbing the mountain! How can we climb in high heels?” Wei Fangxia complains. They don’t ask her opinion at all, which makes her feel no sense of existence.

“I am going to buy sports shoes.” Han Fei smiles and runs into a shoe store.

Han Fei buys the sports shoes and comes back soon. They take a taxi to Shikang Mountain and change the shoes. Han Fei and Wei Fangxia are wearing skirts and stockings. Now they put on hiking shoes, looking quite different.

If there are many mosquitoes in the mountain, their fair skin that is exposed will definitely become the biggest temptation for mosquitoes. Looking at their slender legs and snow white chest muscles, Li Yong is worried about them.

However, he doesn’t remind them to change clothes, because he sees on the road that some women wear less than them. Their fair skin looks very charming in the sun, which is the most beautiful scenery for Li Yong.

They walk into the forest and face a lake. Li Yong shouts, “Wow, a lot of birds!”

“Don’t shout. You really have no culture.” Wei Fangxia is shocked by Li Yong’s suddenly shouting behind her, so she glares at Li Yong and says.

“I am expressing my feeling. What is it to do with you?” Li Yong says unhappily.

“This is called the rosy evening clouds and lone ducks fly together, and the autumn water makes the sky look the same.” Wei Fangxia says with disdain.

Han Fei has already run to the front. Li Yong doesn’t care about Wei Fangxia’s words. He graduated from medical major and has had no interest in literature, not to mention the poems. He hits Wei Fangxia slightly with his shoulder and hurriedly chases Han Fei. He shouts, “Fei, I am coming to catch you.”

“Come on, ha-ha.” Han Fei twists her butts and immediately runs forward. It seems that she is very happy.

“Wait for me.” Wei Fangxia graduated from a police school. She has good physical quality and catches up with them.

They run all the way. Han Fei is tired and out of breath before running far, so they have to stop and have a rest. Han Fei takes out her phone from the bag to take pictures and posts the pictures of climbing the mountain on the moment of WeChat. She also insists on taking a picture with Li Yong and Wei Fangxia.

When having a rest with Han Fei and Wei Fangxia, Li Yong opens the clairvoyant vision to look at the inside of the mountain. He wants to know that how deep he can see with his clairvoyant vision.

One meter, two meters, five meters, ten meters... Li Yong keeps looking into the mountain and sees all kinds of stones, sands, and many things that he can’t recognize.

Suddenly, Li Yong sees a skeleton as large as a big stone, which shocks him.

Because this is obviously neither the skeleton of a human being nor the skeleton of a beast. The largest terrestrial animal in the world is elephant now and its whole body is as large as the skeleton.

Li Yong hurriedly stops looking at it. He thinks about it and feels that this should be the skeleton of an ancient animal–dinosaur.

There are many dinosaur fossils under the mountain. Li Yong is excited and then feels disappointed, because these things are not circulated in the market. They can’t be sold, so he can’t make money even if he digs them out.

But this makes Li Yong think of another idea.

Since he can see deep into the earth using his clairvoyant vision, he can go to dig the ancient tombs.

But Li Yong thinks that he is not short of money and has no interest in the dirty and tired work of archaeology. Besides, the antiques dug out all belong to the country. He will break the law if he digs them secretly.

Therefore, Li Yong immediately cuts off the illusion in this regard.

Then they continue to climb the mountain. They see the cable car in the middle of the way, so they take a cable car, which makes it a lot easier. It only costs a little money and soon they reach the top of the mountain.

There is a temple on the top of the mountain. Many tourists from all over the world are waiting in line to worship the Buddha and burn incense.

A monk asks Li Yong to donate money and says that the more money Li Yong donates, the more blessing and better luck he will get from the Buddha. The money he donates will show his character.

Li Yong won’t believe this. According to the monk, the rich people will have good luck. But there are also rich people killed in a car accident and put into prison.

These things can’t be generalized. Some people burn incense and worship Buddha for a lifetime, and their families make a fortune. Some people also burn incense and worship Buddha for a lifetime, but they always have bad luck and even die unexpectedly.

Under the expectant look of the monk, Li Yong touches his pocket and says smilingly, “I have no money.”

The monk saw that Li Yong was wearing brand clothes, so he wasted his time to talk to him. After hearing that Li Yong has no money, he sneers angrily and says resentfully, “You’ll have bad luck if you pretend to be poor before the Buddha.”

“Bad monk, how could you say that?” Han Fei is angry. She can’t tolerate that the monk dares to say that Li Yong will get bad luck. She puts 10,000 yuan that she just took out back into her bag.

“I’m okay with bad luck. I am not afraid of it.” Li Yong says happily, “There is a Buddha in my heart. Buddha can’t be measured by money. Your Buddha that loves money is not a really Buddha. I won’t give money to you even I have.”

Many people agree with Li Yong’s words and feel that this monk’s blatant behavior of collecting money is too annoying. They all begin to say that the monk here loves money and the Buddha here is a fake Buddha.

The monk is furious. He immediately closes his eyes and begins to read the scripture.

At this moment, someone suddenly squeezes out of the crowd, grabs Han Fei’s bag and suddenly runs into the crowd. There are six pieces of black jade stones in the bag, which are especially important for Li Yong. Han Fei is shocked and shouts, “My bag!”

Li Yong sees that the person who grabbed the bag is quite powerful, otherwise he can’t run through the crowd easily. He asks Wei Fangxia to protect Han Fei. Then he shakes his hair and chases up.

Seeing this scene, the monk laughs happily. “Ha-ha-ha...They have bad luck. See? They just insulted our Buddha and they get bad luck at once. This is retribution! Our Buddha has manifested. You’ll get worse luck than him if you don’t donate money and burn incense...”

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