All Things Are Contracts

Chapter 213: Golden Eyes

Chapter 213: Golden Eyes

Their lips drew closer, their bodies pressed together. Unlike last time when he was unaware, this time Zhanyue clearly knew what he was doing, but he couldn’t control his actions. Reason was locked in a cage, and he could only watch as desire did what he dared not do.

Feng Xueqing was no better off than Zhanyue, her eyes tinged red, passion surging, her cheeks flushed. Their lips met, then their tongues intertwined. Zhanyue greedily sucked and took, his hands not idle, freely exploring that beautiful and noble body, conquering territory. Rough growls and enticing moans alternated.

Just as the situation was about to become uncontrollable, a blue lotus mark suddenly appeared on Feng Xueqing’s forehead, dispelling the crimson in her eyes. She looked at Zhanyue with a complex expression, then pressed her forehead against his.

“Heaven and Earth clear! Mystic law returns to stillness…” Feng Xueqing began chanting the “Great Luo Blue Lotus Mind-Calming Incantation.”

Zhanyue felt an icy coolness in his head. The incantation was indeed powerful, and soon Zhanyue regained control of his body. He looked awkwardly at the disheveled beauty before him.

“Don’t speak yet, you’ve been poisoned. Quick… I need to help you detoxify,” Feng Xueqing’s pretty face was pale. At this moment, she felt no shame, only extreme worry for Zhanyue. Her body was special, with all bodily fluids being highly toxic. Though her saliva wasn’t as terrifying as her blood, it wasn’t something ordinary people could come into contact with, and Zhanyue had just explored her mouth for quite some time…

Zhanyue suddenly felt pain all over his body, his senses gradually fading. He immediately used state reversal, returning his body to its pre-poisoned state.

Feng Xueqing was holding silver needles, about to apply acupuncture, when Zhanyue suddenly grabbed her wrist.

“No need, I’m fine now,” Zhanyue smiled. The concern on this girl’s face couldn’t be faked.

“You’re… you’re fine?” Feng Xueqing looked carefully at Zhanyue, finding all signs of poisoning gone. She gaped in disbelief.

“It’s complicated to explain. Simply put, you can understand it as me being immune to all poisons,” Zhanyue said. “You… you should put your clothes back on.”

At this moment, Feng Xueqing’s outer clothes were undone, revealing the belly band underneath, with large areas of jade-like skin exposed. That belly band was the treasure Feng Xueqing had lent Zhanyue before, her innate contract object she was born with.

“You… turn around!” Feng Xueqing finally felt embarrassed.

After some rustling sounds, Feng Xueqing dressed and composed herself before speaking: “What just happened? What was that strange statue?”

Zhanyue explained: “According to the information I received, this object was a holy relic of an ancient evil religion called the Rakshasa Cult. It contained their highest-level eye technique – the Great Joy Heaven’s Lustful Eyes. This relic needed to be activated by human desire to obtain the eye technique hidden within. When I used the Three Talents Wondrous Fire to refine it, I accidentally succeeded, as my Three Talents Wondrous Fire contains human desire. This eye technique can manipulate various desires in others, including lust, bloodlust, and all kinds of desires. Of course, the most basic desire is lust, as it’s human instinct.”

“The Rakshasa Cult was once despised by the world. Its leaders, a man and a woman, both mastered this eye technique. They often used it to hypnotize and control the opposite sex, practicing dual cultivation or turning them into blood slaves. Eventually, they provoked a top-tier sect called ‘Supreme Clarity Sect,’ whose experts completely destroyed the Rakshasa Cult. The Rakshasa holy statue was lost until I found it.” Zhanyue recounted all the information he had obtained from the statue.

Feng Xueqing looked at Zhanyue’s eyes with disgust, “If others discover such an evil eye technique, you might be seen as a demon. Hypnotizing the opposite sex, arousing their desires for cultivation – only lustful demons would do such things. You just obtained the eye technique and probably used it unconsciously.”

Zhanyue also felt a chill of fear, “You’re right, I can’t control it at all yet. Fortunately, your cultivation method seems to counter it. It’s good that it didn’t really harm you, otherwise I’d find it hard to forgive myself. This eye technique has seven desire heavens with seven levels, but historically, most inheritors only mastered the first level of lust heaven, so they were like lustful demons. But I feel this eye technique should have greater uses, not just for hypnosis and dual cultivation. It’s just been used wrongly.”

“Are there any side effects from inheriting this eye technique?” Feng Xueqing asked, her beautiful eyes examining Zhanyue up and down, especially looking at his lower body, which still seemed somewhat abnormal.

Zhanyue immediately blushed and explained: “I haven’t fully mastered this yet, so my bodily desires are over a hundred times stronger than before. Others might be driven by desire, sinking into a sea of lust and acting recklessly, but due to previous coincidences, I’ve already mastered human desire fire, so I won’t lose my reason. Earlier… earlier was an accident, completely due to my own carelessness.”

“Mm, I’ll believe you this once. If there’s a next time, I’ll help you gouge out these eyes to prevent you from harming others,” Feng Xueqing was also relieved that such a bizarre eye technique ended up with Zhanyue, who had some means of control. As for what happened earlier… Feng Xueqing dared not think too much. He had not only taken her first kiss, but his hands had roamed all over her body. She didn’t know how to face Zhanyue in the future.

“Um, I’d like to ask for your help with one more thing,” Zhanyue said, somewhat embarrassed.

“What is it?” Feng Xueqing looked at Zhanyue, her voice much softer than before.

“I want to completely refine this eye technique. But I’ll inevitably fall into that state again. I want you to use that technique you just used to suppress it,” Zhanyue requested awkwardly.

“Alright…” Feng Xueqing agreed without hesitation.

Then, they sat cross-legged, both taking a deep breath before beginning. A blue lotus appeared on Feng Xueqing’s forehead again. She leaned forward, pressing her forehead against Zhanyue’s, the lotus mark protecting them both.

With this protection, Zhanyue opened his mind, fully circulating the bizarre eye technique.

The negative effects of the eye technique were very strong, desires stirred again. But this time Zhanyue was prepared. He mobilized the mysterious Three Talents Wondrous Fire, suddenly inspired to use it to refine his own eyes. With his state reversal ability, he wasn’t afraid of really going blind. This time, he finally experienced the feeling of Sun Wukong being refined in the Eight Trigrams Furnace, and similarly gained a pair of fiery golden crystal eyes.

But when Zhanyue opened his eyes again, they were replaced by golden pupils, less evil and more divine than the blood-colored eyes. This represented Zhanyue’s complete mastery of this eye technique, even more thorough than the previous Rakshasa Cult leaders.

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