All-rounder Artist

Chapter 241 - 225: No flowers, No wine, Tilling Fields 1

Chapter 241: Chapter 225: No flowers, No wine, Tilling Fields 1

The promotional content is wildly exaggerated, and the cover features a hot girl flashing her long sexy legs to catch the wolf’s attention. Deng Chi thought that “Flirting Scholar” perfectly fits his concept of a crappy movie, so he wasn’t interested in watching it.

But then, he opened the movie, and didn’t close it right away.

How does the old saying go?

Since he’s already here…

Even if it’s a terrible date he initiated, he has to see it through…

Watching a movie he opened himself, a few glimpses shouldn’t blind him, right?

And while Deng Chi was contemplating, the plot had already started.

The protagonist of this movie is Tang Bohu, exceptionally skilled in both poetry and painting, with an enormous fortune, and also regarded as the most talented of the four great scholars of the Jiangnan region.

Deng Chi knew that Su City in Qin Continent was called Suzhou in ancient times and the area south of Qin Continent was known as Jiangnan.

But that’s not the main point.

The main point is the beginning of this movie.

Behold, Tang Bohu elegantly pulls out a brush…

Deng Chi thought the protagonist was about to start creating, writing calligraphy, or painting something, but this dude started using the brush to grill chicken wings?

So the ink in the brush was not ink, but soy sauce?

What’s going on in the script writer’s head?

It’s kinda funny though.

Following that, Zhu Zhishan made his entrance.

The movie introduced Zhu Zhishan’s identity through a rough dialogue. He’s one of the four great scholars of Jiangnan, and a good friend of Tang Bohu.

But that’s still not the main point.

The point is this Zhu Zhishan, he doesn’t look like a scholarly person at all, even less reliable than Tang Bohu using a brush as a skewer for chicken wings.

He’s actually a hopeless gambler, who often loses everything, and then asks Tang Bohu to paint for him to sell and make money…

Although the dialogues are simple and crude, there are quite a few comedic subtleties inserted within.

Next, Tang Bohu is finally about to paint.

But Deng Chi is utterly dumbstruck to see that Tang Bohu’s mode of painting is…using Zhu Zhishan’s body…

Bang bang bang.

Boom boom boom.

After such arrangements, Tang Bohu really has created an exceptional ink painting!


Very exaggerated!


Very much bullshit!

The scriptwriter is nothing short of whimsical.

Yet, for some reason, Deng Chi found it even more entertaining, although he didn’t laugh-

As someone with a high humor threshold, Deng Chi declaring a movie as “entertaining” is already a high rating.

At this point, Deng Chi wasn’t in a rush to quit anymore.

This movie had successfully aroused his interest.


Deng Chi noticed a barrage of rolling comments on top of the movie. Compared to Deng Chi, who has a high humor threshold, these comments were far too lively:

“Holy shit!”

“I’m dying of laughter!”

“Hahahaha, this guy’s penis painted out the bug inside the beak of an eagle.”

“Are you an eagle or the bug in its mouth?”

“Anyway, I won’t hook.”

Deng Chi didn’t block the barrage of comments.

Although his laughter threshold is high, seeing these funny comments from the netizens makes him feel good.

Maybe because happiness is contagious?

The plot continued.

As it turns out, Tang Bohu had eight wives.

Except the depiction of these eight wives seemed a bit odd.

They were all addicted to Pai Gow, turned Tang Bohu’s bird paintings into “Important birds”, and even used Tang Bohu’s poetry book as a tablemat…

Tang Bohu had to put up a brave front.

His mother couldn’t understand, “You’re young and successful, having accomplished so much in your career, possessing great wealth, and surrounded by a group of wives and concubines. You should be the happiest person in the world. So why are you always looking so gloomy?”

At this point, Deng Chi felt as if he had been hit.

Tang Bohu seemed so similar to himself!

There were also people who couldn’t understand Deng Chi. They said Deng Chi was not only handsome but also rich with pretty girlfriends. They couldn’t understand why he still suffered from depression…

At this moment, Deng Chi felt that he really understood Tang Bohu.

Unfortunately, this melancholic feeling couldn’t ripple out and was diluted by the following scene, all of Tang Bohu’s eight wives together…

Committed suicide by hanging themselves?

Tang Bohu praised, “Eight people hanging themselves together, what a spectacular sight!”

For the first time, Deng Chi felt an urge to laugh.

Your eight wives commit suicide, and you only find it spectacular?

His thoughts were once again confounded by the protagonist’s decision making, or to be precise, the scriptwriter’s whims…

This movie continues to take unexpected, humorous turns.

Every time the plot diverges, it brings out an intense sense of humor.

Having watched so many comedies, “Flirting Scholar” is definitely the most unconventional!

The most unconventional part is when the Prince of Ning invited Tang Bohu to be his advisor, but Tang Bohu, pretending to be sick, was joyfully eating chicken wings.

Facing doubts, Tang Bohu casually burst to a song, “Because… I love to eat braised chicken wings…”

The person followed along, “But your mother says you’re about to die…”

His mother chimed in, “If you’re about to die, you should eat desperately. If you don’t eat now, there’s no chance in the future…”


What the heck?

Deng Chi felt the corners of his mouth twitching, sensing that he had been fully played.

Is this how you play it?

You guys even started singing?

What happened to the rebellion? Can’t you be a bit more serious?

The weirdest part is …

The rhythm of the song is quite catchy?

Deng Chi felt like he was about to crack up.

When the doctor took Tang Bohu’s pulse, but Tang Bohu played a musical piece on doctor’s wrist, Deng Chi’s jaws twitched even harder.

The bullet screen had turned into an ocean of laughter:

“My god, is it that much fun?”

“I’m laughing my head off!”

“I believe this must be Xian Yu’s movie, the songs in it are amazing!”


Please give me the source of the original music!”

“What kind of divine movie is this?


“The scriptwriter certainly isn’t a Blue Starian. Only an alien could think of such a plot!”



This movie was not at all rigorous, and the logic didn’t stand up to scrutiny. But strangely, nobody saw anything wrong with that, on the contrary, they just found it amusing.

Absolute mockery!

It was outrageous!

This style permeates the following plot.

The Four Talented Men go on a trip, and without a word, they strip…

Then, there’s Ruhua’s backward glance, and the classic counter-performance of picking her nose…

The barrage hits a peak, each wave in quantity seems to exceed the previous, and the humor also escalates wave after wave.

The plot enters the main line.

Tang Bohu, to get close to Qiuxiang, infiltrates Hua Mansion, and competes in misery with pedestrians.

Tang Bohu has someone fake death, selling himself to bury his father.

To his surprise, the pedestrian brings over seven dead bodies from his family, with their dog dying with a whimper…


Deng Chi inevitably bursts out laughing.

When Tang Bohu pinches a cockroach, yells Xiao Qiang, and cries bitterly, Deng Chi can’t stop laughing.

Lastly, to win the competition of misery, the pedestrian even knocks himself dead with a stick, and Deng Chi laughs so hard that it hurts!

At this moment, he was indistinguishable from the stupid-netizen commenters…

“God damn Xiao Qiang!”

“The dog is dead, haha… I can’t stand it anymore, this is killing me with laughter!”

“A competition of misery, is this for real?”

“This guy actually knocked himself out…”

“Working too hard, man!”

“A friendly reminder, don’t eat or drink anything while watching this movie! Don’t ask me how I know!”

“You should’ve said that sooner! I just took a gulp of water, now I’m choking!


“I can’t stand it, I can’t…I laughed so hard I’m about to wet myself!”



After quite a while, Deng Chi finally manages to contain his laughter.

For those who have never seen such a nonsensical film, once they tune themselves in, the impact of “Flirting Scholar” becomes terrifying!

Deng Chi almost forgot when he last laughed out loud.

Of course, not all comments are praise.

Some comments say:

“What the hell?”

“What a mess.”


I just don’t get it.”

“This film has no substance.”



Deng Chi filters out these comments automatically.

There are trolls everywhere.

Looking for substance in a comedy, buddy, are you in the wrong theater?

And haven’t you figured out the style of the movie after watching for so long?

Anyway, the majority of the viewers could not stop laughing at this point.

And amid the laughter of countless audiences, Tang Bohu finally gets into Hua Mansion.

The plot threads have linked up at this point.

Madam Hua hates the Tang family, thus she dislikes Tang Bohu greatly…

However, Qiuxiang, the woman Tang Bohu always programs his heart for, unexpectedly has a secret crush on him and starts to murmur his poems:

“In the Peach Blossom Abbey at Peach Blossom Bay sits the Peach Blossom Fairy, growing peach trees for wine money in exchange for peach blossoms.”

Seeing this, Deng Chi’s laughter fades a bit, and his expression flashes a hint of peculiarity —

Did the screenwriter write this poem?

Regardless of how absurd the previous narrative was and how extraordinary the screenwriter’s train of thought was, it could not let the audience ignore the level of this poem.

Anyone with a bit of literary taste can feel the artistic conception of this poem!

This screenwriter, not bad!

There are quite a few people having similar feelings as Deng Chi, and they are noticeably stunned by the barrage:

“This poem is of a high level!”

“Looked it up, it’s original by the screenwriter.”

“You have quick hands, how many years have you been single?”

“The screenwriter is Xian Yu…I honestly admit defeat, Xian Yu’s literary talent is frightening, this poem is absolutely amazing!”

“No wonder the lyrics Xian Yu wrote are all so good!”

“I feel that, Xian Yu is a little like Tang Bohu?”

“You’re right…his songwriting is elegant…but the script he wrote is extremely absurd, resembling Tang Bohu’s vagabond and squiral style…”



The audience is more or less shocked.

But it does not end there, for Tang Bohu himself follows with a few more lines, which seem to belong to the same poem that Qiuxiang was reciting:

“World laughs at me for being too insane, I laugh at others for not seeing through. See not the tomb of heroes at Wuling, who farm with no flowers and no wine.”


It exploded!

If the few lines recited by Qiuxiang only provoked a bit of surprise and astonishment among the audience, then when those lines of poetry came out, many viewers were already dumbfounded and shocked!



This poem rocks!”

“The screenwriter is truly a genius!”

“It’s the same poem Qiuxiang read, right?”


Those saying this movie has no substance, stop right there! Is this poem deep enough for you yet?”


I thought it was just a comedy…now I know how genius the screenwriter is!”

“Confirmed! Tang Bohu is Xian Yu, Xian Yu is Tang Bohu!”



At this moment, Deng Chi’s eyes are wide as eggs!

His breath couldn’t help but hasten a few ticks…

World laughs at me for being too insane, I laugh at others for not seeing through?

At first, Tang Bohu’s tribulation only made Deng Chi feel sympathy, but these lines of poetry pierced his heart like a sharp blade!

He feels that his mood is perfectly vented in this poem!


If you truly think that the screenwriter can only write comedies, that would be the real comedy!

This screenwriter conceals too deep!

His literary accomplishment, his poetic level, instantly raises the level of this movie!

“Xian Yu?”

Many comments say the screenwriter is Xian Yu.

At first, Deng Chi didn’t pay much attention, he just found it familiar, but at this moment he suddenly remembered…

Isn’t Xian Yu a songwriter?

The screenwriter of this movie is Xian Yu?

This guy is amazing!

At this moment, there was a trace of admiration for Xian Yu in Deng Chi’s heart. Farming with no flowers and no wine, what a state of mind…

Never mind Qiuxiang admiring Tang Bohu!

Deng Chi feels he is about to become a hardcore fan of Tang Bohu!

At this point…

The movie is not over yet!

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