All People Want My Created Cultivation Skills

Chapter 15

C15 – The Peerless Beauty Threw Herself into Jiang Que’s Embrace

“Pann Qiu?”

Jiang Que was taken aback to see Pann Qiu and Roger cautiously navigating through the woods just a few hundred meters out.

“Jiang Que, what are you doing here? Didn’t I tell you that the southern forest of the valley is off-limits to our Flame Mountain Tribe?”

It wasn’t long before Pann Qiu and Roger spotted Jiang Que, and they could hardly believe their eyes.

“Aren’t you here too?” Jiang Que retorted with a casual remark.

“We got word that someone heard the Green Leopard’s terrifying roar,” Pann Qiu explained.

“The Patriarch and High Priest are concerned about unusual activity in the forest. They fear the Green Leopard might abruptly leave and deal a devastating blow to our Flame Mountain Tribe, so they sent us to check things out.”

“No need to worry anymore. The Green Leopard is dead,” Jiang Que announced.

Instead of relief, Pann Qiu and Roger’s fear intensified.

“It must be a more formidable beast that has come to claim dominion over the forest and has slain the Green Leopard,” they speculated.

“What do we do now? The Green Leopard never craved human flesh, which is why our Flame Mountain Tribe has managed to survive in the valley.”

“If a different Ruler takes over, and they invade the valley, our Flame Mountain Tribe will face severe calamity,” they reasoned.

“Let’s get back quickly. We need to alert the Patriarch and move out of the valley before winter sets in.”

The more Pann Qiu and Roger talked, the more frantic they became, almost ready to sprint back to the Flame Mountain Tribe at once.

Jiang Que couldn’t help but feel a mix of amusement and frustration. He clarified, “I’m the one who killed the Green Leopard.”

“You killed the Green Leopard?” Pann Qiu and Roger echoed in disbelief.

They stared at Jiang Que, utterly perplexed by his claim.

“Yes,” Jiang Que confirmed with a nod.

“How could that be possible? Even if our entire Human Race combined forces, we couldn’t defeat the Green Leopard. To us, it’s an unbeatable adversary,” Roger insisted, shaking his head in disbelief.

Pann Qiu and Roger were full of doubt.

In their eyes, the Green Leopard was invincible.

“The Green Leopard’s body lies not far from here. See for yourselves, and you’ll understand,” Jiang Que suggested.

Jiang Que had no interest in explaining. He simply gestured toward the lifeless body of the Green Leopard, signaling for them to see for themselves.

Pann Qiu and Roger exchanged puzzled glances.

After a brief hesitation, Pann Qiu, with a mix of skepticism and caution, bit her lip and cautiously made her way in the direction Jiang Que had indicated.

Roger reluctantly followed suit.

They advanced several hundred meters before the sight of the Green Leopard, devoid of any signs of life, came into view.

​Despite being sprawled on the ground, the sheer size and the impeccable definition of the Green Leopard’s muscles were awe-inspiring.

Yet, what truly astonished Pann Qiu and Roger was the sight of numerous Thorn Fruits densely embedded in the Green Leopard’s eyes, forehead, and throat.

“Did Jiang Que actually kill the Green Leopard?” they both wondered aloud.

Pann Qiu and Roger were at a loss for words to describe their emotions.

There were no bite marks on the Green Leopard’s body; its fatal wounds had been exclusively inflicted by the Thorn Fruits.

The Green Leopard couldn’t have possibly died in a battle with other powerful ferocious beasts.

Despite their disbelief, Pann Qiu and Roger were forced to accept that the Green Leopard had indeed been slain by Jiang Que.

Could there really be someone among the Human Race capable of single-handedly killing such a colossal creature, over ten meters in length?

“Do you believe it now?” Jiang Que’s voice emerged from behind them.

Turning around, Pann Qiu and Roger’s eyes were filled with reverence as they gazed upon Jiang Que, as if he were a deity.

Within the Flame Mountain Tribe, Pann Qiu and Roger were already the most esteemed and revered warriors among the clansmen.

But now, in the eyes of these two valiant warriors, Jiang Que had transcended humanity, embodying the divine being spoken of by the High Priest.

If Jiang Que was not akin to a godly being, how else could he have vanquished such a formidable ferocious beast?

“Now that you believe, go and gather the clansmen to carry the Green Leopard back,” Jiang Que commanded.

Pann Qiu and Roger instinctively nodded in agreement.

Then, a wave of unspeakable excitement filled their hearts as they began to grasp the significance of Jiang Que’s victory over the Green Leopard.

​This meant that the forest to the south of the valley, rich with wild beasts and low-level ferocious beasts, would now be accessible to the Flame Mountain Tribe.

From this point forward, the clansmen of the Flame Mountain Tribe wouldn’t have to fret over food shortages. The harsh winters would no longer claim the lives of many through freezing or starvation.

The members of the Flame Mountain Tribe also wouldn’t have to fear the Green Leopard developing a sudden craving for human flesh and appearing out of nowhere in the valley to prey on their people.

This signified that there were no longer any threats for hundreds of miles around the Flame Mountain Tribe.

All because the Flame Mountain Tribe had the formidable Jiang Que on their side.

Pann Qiu took a few steps forward before abruptly turning back.

A brilliant sparkle erupted in her eyes.

Her cheeks were unexpectedly flushed.

Biting her lip, she confessed to Jiang Que, “I like you! If you ever want to get close to a woman, you can find me anytime.”

Roger, standing nearby, was taken aback.

He hadn’t expected her to make such a heartfelt confession to a man who wasn’t rough-skinned or particularly burly.

Roger glanced at Jiang Que and remained silent.

Only someone like Jiang Que, capable of slaying the Green Leopard, was deserving of her.

Jiang Que, for his part, was completely taken aback.

Pann Qiu nervously added, “People usually get very excited after a big battle. If you’re up for it, I could give you a kiss right now.”

“A peerless beauty from the Exile Planet being so forthright?”

“It’s true, a man might be unattractive and have low emotional intelligence, but if he’s capable, beauties will come to him of their own accord! This holds true even on the Exile Planet, where beauty standards differ from ours!”

“Pann Qiu is quite impressive! Not only is she considered a peerless beauty on the Exile Planet, but she’s also got great taste and is decisive. She knows when to make her move.”

“Oh no, my dream guy is about to be snatched away by an unattractive woman!”

“On the Exile Planet, Pann Qiu is regarded as a peerless beauty. So, I suspect the production team will soon cut to commercials, and we’ll miss what happens next.”

“How odd. According to the data from Jiang Que’s body, his heart rate hasn’t sped up at all.”

He truly is a man capable of inventing a method of cultivation. A peerless beauty is showing him such fervor, yet he remains utterly unfazed. Only ancient monks could achieve such composure.

The viewers in the live stream were buzzing with excitement.

A man might be unattractive and dull, but he must possess capability. As long as he’s capable, he can draw the attention of beautiful women, regardless of his circumstances.

In the forest, Jiang Que was completely bewildered.

For a moment, he even thought Pann Qiu was more daunting than the Green Leopard.

He nearly turned tail and fled.

Even though he retained the memories of this body’s previous owner, his sense of beauty, thoughts, and personality remained unchanged.

He believed that only women who were fair-skinned, slender, and striking could be considered beautiful.

By his standards, Pann Qiu certainly didn’t fit the bill.

He would prefer a life of solitude to engaging in a sexual relationship with her!

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