All My Disciples Are Kings

Chapter 1291: Lu Changsheng: Is this a 996 overtime system?

Chapter 1291: Lu Changsheng: Is this a 996 overtime system?

Hearing Lu Changsheng calling her, Ji Qianyao smiled slightly, then took a step forward, letting go of all the defenses in her body and letting Lu Changsheng investigate.

Every ascetic usually conceals part of his or her own strength.

Even though Lu Changsheng can detect it easily with his Sky Surveying Eye, this is because Ji Qianyao completely trusts Lu Changsheng...otherwise she wouldn't do this.

When people around him saw this scene, they also looked at each other.

What's going on? Although Senior Lu is not a bad person, he can't show all his cultivation and strength to others easily, right?

Hongying and Ning Chenxin also looked at each other with ambiguous eyes.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, the look in Ji Qianyao's eyes towards her master was so weird...

On the other hand, Lu Changsheng did not have this consciousness.

After all, everyones physical condition looks the same to him.

The cultivation level is too high...

I saw that Lu Changsheng's eyebrows had a ray of golden light, and this strand of golden light condensed into a eye in Lu Changsheng's eyebrow heart.

Eye that scans the sky!

Destroy all illusions.

In front of Kantianzhi, all the problems in Ji Qianyao's body were exposed to Lu Changsheng's eyes.

"Well, the problem last time has been solved. I see that the Hongmeng Purple Qi has been integrated well." Lu Changsheng nodded slightly: "It's just that after the Hongmeng Purple Qi was integrated, the quality of the spiritual energy and the physical strength of the meridians in the body were not enough to withstand too much fusion. The Hongmeng Purple Qi.

Speaking of which.

Lu Changsheng took out a jade purification bottle and said, "The immortal energy in this is enough for you to breathe. Sit down cross-legged and start practicing the technique."

Ji Qianyao obeyed the instructions.

Immediately, Lu Changsheng stretched out his hand, but instead of touching Ji Qianyao's back, he injected this ray of immortal energy into Ji Qianyao's body from a distance to help her breathe.

At this time, Xiao Shitou suddenly appeared next to Hongying Ning Chenxin. Looking at this scene, he joked: "Master, this is not good. I don't cherish the opportunity to take advantage of it."


Ning Chenxin:

At this moment, an invisible force suddenly pinched the small stone.

Little Shitou was stunned for a moment, and then immediately shouted: "Master! Don't! Don't! That's wrong..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the small stone was thrown out by this force and flew to no one knows where...

Looking at this scene, Hongying couldn't help but nodded in approval: "Yes."

With the help of Lu Changsheng, Ji Qianyao quickly replaced all the spiritual energy in her body with immortal energy.

The solid immortal energy contained wisps of purple energy, swirling around Ji Qianyao's body.

The realm actually began to loosen and break through!

Middle stage of the Divine Lord Realm.

Everyone looked at this scene and couldn't help but look a little unbelievable.

Although Lu Changsheng's strength is unfathomable.

But with such a little guidance, the realm broke through the shackles and reached the mid-term at the same time?

Ji Qianyao stood up, with a smile on her face, and thanked Lu Changsheng: "According to my seniority, I should bow, but I don't want to be the junior of my senior, but I still want to thank you for your guidance."

Lu Changsheng smiled bitterly in his heart.

Ji Qianyao didnt bother and walked straight away. She also knows that too much is too little.

Okay, next one.

One after another, for a time, the breath in the Qingxiao Academy Square continued to surge, and the breath of breaking through the realm came from time to time...

Three days have passed before Lu Changsheng gave instructions to all the students present here.

Then seeing how effective the guidance was, even Divine Lord Haotian and other elders who had recently joined Qingxiao Academy shamelessly came up to ask Lu Changsheng for guidance.

After waiting for the end.

Hongying and Ning Chenxin came to the high platform and said: "From now on, after you all abide by the order of the college, complete the college assessment and tasks and become inner disciples, the master will often come to give lectures to you."

Lu Changsheng, who had just retreated to the rear, staggered when he heard what Hongying said. He almost choked on his saliva and was dumbfounded.


Still come here often?

It's good to come here once. Do you think that as a teacher, I don't have enough limelight?

By then, I will be exhausted from running back and forth!

Lu Changsheng suddenly recalled what he was like as a social beast in his previous life... Is there still a 996 overtime system here?

After Qingxiao Academy has stabilized, the reconstruction of the mortal world has been completed.

This day is the day when the mortal world celebrates victory. Logically speaking, Ye Qiubai and other disciples in the thatched cottage have to come to receive their rewards.

However, he has been missing for a long time.

Because now, Hongying, Ning Chen, Xinmu Wan'er and Xiao Shitou are staying at Qingxiao College to continue to improve various matters.

And Ye Qiubai, Mu Fusheng, Xiaohei Fangqiong Shisheng set out for the world of chaos under the leadership of Tan Zongzhao.

The journey to the realm of chaos is extremely long, and it takes half a month to travel through space to reach it.

On the huge space ship, Tan Zongzhao looked at Xiaohei and others and smiled: "Everyone, I also need to tell you what you need to pay attention to when we arrive in the realm of chaos."

Everyone looked over.

The realm of chaos is fundamentally different from the other five realms.

"That is, the Chaos Realm puts all the bad qualities and evils on the surface. Whether it is killing people and stealing goods, massacres for profit, or killing each other within sects can be seen everywhere."

This kind of thing actually happens in the mortal world.

It's just happening in the dark, unlike the Chaos Realm where it's on the surface.

Tan Zongzhao looked at Xiao Hei and said seriously: "Brother Xiao Hei and I have said before that you must join a force in the world of chaos, otherwise you will be unable to move forward in the world of chaos!"

The first is that even if you obtain a valuable treasure, once you are discovered to be a rogue cultivator, you will face an endless pursuit by multiple forces.

"Second, whether you are buying or selling things, you need the guarantee of the sect. Without the sect, many formal channels will not dare to accept your things. This point is actually linked to the first point. If there is no sect, If the guaranteed items are sold to another person, if they are robbed, they will be hunted by the other party. This kind of business is not worth the gain."

Hearing this, Mu Fusheng said helplessly: "It seems that the world of chaos is a bit too chaotic..."

Tan Zongzhao nodded: "It is indeed chaotic, but it is this harsh environment that has created countless strong people."

It is not for nothing that heroes and heroes can emerge only in harsh environments.

You cannot grow if you are always in a comfortable environment.

"So, I suggest you join the Hunling Academy." Tan Zongzhao went around in a big circle and finally got back to the topic. "Hungling Academy is a top-notch force in the entire Chaos Realm. Very few people dare to provoke people from the academy. At the same time, there are extremely many resources and secret cultivation realms. Although I have selfish motives, what I said is indeed true. There is nothing better than this. chosen."

Ye Qiubai and others looked at each other and smiled softly.

"We can agree to your invitation. But let me make it clear in advance that in the Six Realm Academy Competition three years later, we will represent Qingxiao Academy in the battle."

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