All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 87: Watching the love-brained brother committing suicide (34)

Chapter 87: Watching the love-brained brother committing suicide (34)

Chapter 87 Watching the love-minded brother commit suicide (34)

The middle-aged man holding the kitchen knife slashed at Lin Shanghuai again.

By this time, Qian Yan had arrived, jumped up and kicked the middle-aged man in the arm.

Lin Shanghuai heard a click and was dislocated.

He reacted quickly and quickly snatched the kitchen knife from the middle-aged man's hand.

Qian Yan kicked the middle-aged man in the leg again. He screamed in pain and had to fall to the ground.

Lin Shanghuai cooperated very well. He threw the kitchen knife aside and cut the middle-aged man's hands behind his back.

Qian Yan's feet in pointed leather shoes stepped **** the middle-aged man's head, his face was so close to the ground that it was deformed.

Miss Gu, call the police.

Lin Shanghuai's eyes were astonished. He didn't expect her to be so powerful. It was even more impressive. If it hadn't been for her, even if he was in good physical condition, he might have ended up here if he was attacked from behind.

Qian Yan took out his cell phone and called the police.

The police arrived here quickly and felt relieved when they saw the middle-aged man being subdued by the two men. Knowing that the person who was attacked was Lin Shanghuai, their hearts ached.

Dr. Lin, are you okay?

They often encounter some unpredictable things during police missions, so they are very familiar with Lin Shanghuai. Some of their colleagues have been treated by Lin Shanghuai.


Lin Shanghuai's heartbeat was very fast. He was almost close just now... He couldn't help but look at Qian Yan who was still stepping on the middle-aged man's head.

The police officer cuffed the middle-aged man's hands, collected the kitchen knives on the ground, and reminded Qian Yan who stepped on the middle-aged man's head: "Miss, you can let go of him. He has no ability to commit crimes now."

Okay. Qian Yan retracted his foot.

I would also like to ask you two to go back together and make a note.

Police officers took photos and evidence collection at the scene, searched and retrieved videos.

The middle-aged man who attacked Lin Shanghuai quickly confessed, almost shouting crazily in the interrogation room: It's all Lin Shanghuai's fault, otherwise his son would not be disabled.

Lin Shanghuai has a very good memory and cannot remember the existence of such a family member among the patients he treated. He asked to see the middle-aged man. He felt uneasy until the matter was clarified.

"If it weren't for you, my son wouldn't be disabled. He's only seventeen years old. He's seventeen years old." The middle-aged man's name was Shi Xing. His face was ferocious and he growled angrily, "If you had performed an operation on my son, , he will definitely not be disabled, absolutely not! It's all you! Since my son is disabled and will be disabled for the rest of his life, you have to pay with your life."

Lin Shanghuai: "What's your child's name?"

"Shi Yue, my son's name is Shi Yue, Lin Shanghuai, what's the use of asking these questions now? If you save my son, he won't be disabled. If I don't kill you today, I will find a way to make you pay the price in the future. No matter what How long can I be held here? As long as I come out, you won't be able to live well."

Shi Xings threat made everyone in the police station frown. Such dangerous language made them feel uncomfortable.

If I remember correctly, none of my patients are named Shi Yue. Lin Shanghuai said that his memory was very good and he had never seen this middle-aged man in his memory. The other party cares about his son so much that he won't show up when he gets hurt.

"I don't care. It's just that you didn't save my son. My son became disabled at a young age. They all say that you are the best orthopedic surgeon in this city. If you were here, he would be fine." Shi Xing was arrogant and unreasonable. However, the people from the police station caught something. Then they investigated Shi Xing and his son and went to the hospital to find their medical records.

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