All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 59: Watch the love-brained brother committing suicide (6)

Chapter 59: Watch the love-brained brother committing suicide (6)

Chapter 59: Watching the love-brained brother commit suicide (6)

Qianyan changed her clothes according to her memory. It was a simple dress.

These clothes conflict with her ideas, but Qianyan is a person who accepts new things well. Its not awkward to get used to the customs of this world, but its actually very new.

Apart from being a little uncomfortable at first, she is now very calm.

She found the hair dryer, opened the window, slowly blew her hair, and looked at the sea outside.

Fortunately I didnt tear you down.

Qian Yan suddenly sighed, frightening System 666 half to death.

He was glad that he was a lost system, rather than being bound by someone and taken to conquer the host's system.

Otherwise, he wouldnt be alive now.

"Is it a little difficult to take this hair dryer back?" Qian Yan fell into deep thought. The emergence of advanced things would not be a good thing for her world. She instantly gave up letting things like hair dryers and electricity appear in her world.

Besides, in that world, she would be reborn on the third day of her birth every time she lived to be ninety-nine, which felt like she was doing some useless work. Until this problem is solved, everything is in vain.

Thinking of this, her enthusiasm for the new items faded by half.

After she had almost dried her hair, Gu Jingkui knocked on the door of her room, accompanied by his voice: "Yanyan, have you rested?"

Qianyan put the hair dryer away before opening the door. Seeing Gu Jingkui who was still wet, she thought that he must have comforted Lan Yazhen just now. To be honest, facing a brother whose elbows are always turned outward, if it were her brother, she would have dealt with him long ago.

This is the original owner's brother. She chose to respect the original owner's choice and ignore him.

"What's matter?"

"Yanyan, are you still angry with your brother?" Gu Jingkui had a smile on his face and touched Qianyan's head affectionately again, but she didn't have time to escape.

Its really strange, why does the other person like to touch peoples heads at all times?

When Gu Jingkui took his hand away, Qian Yan patted his head. The disgust on his face was difficult to see. Gu Jingkui's face was full of helplessness: "Brother, can you apologize to you? This time it was my brother's negligence and I didn't consider you. Next time There won't be anything like this anymore." Qian Yan didn't want to talk about the brother-sister relationship with the other party, so he nodded lightly: "Okay."

Youve been soaking in the water for so long, Ill get you some cold medicine to avoid getting sick. Gu Jingkui didnt wait for Qian Yans answer, turned around and walked very fast with his long legs.

She stood there for a moment, unable to understand Gu Jingkui's contradictory behavior.

She cares about her own sister, but chooses to save an outsider first when the situation is most dangerous.

Gu Jingkui is back.

Come, take the medicine, or else youll feel sick and youll have to hold me and cry.

Qianyan took the boiled water and a few pills handed over by Gu Jingkui. When she pinched the pills, she got into an old habit and sniffed it.

"I've prepared some candy for you. Eat it. It won't be bitter if you swallow it quickly." Gu Jingkui thought Qianyan was reluctant to eat it. He pinched the pill and smelled it because it was bitter, so he waved a plum candy in front of her.

Qian Yan analyzed that there was nothing wrong with the pill and finally swallowed it.

Gu Jingkui stuffed plum candy into her mouth, with a smile on his face, and touched her head.

I dont think you can touch my head all the time. Qian Yans serious expression made Gu Jingkui laugh.

Are you still angry?


The response to Gu Jingkui was a loud slam of the door closing. He stood at the door a little helpless.

As expected, I am still angry.

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