Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 82 Another Job Offer[1]

Another Job Offer[1]

[Ace POV],

After Emma left, I returned my attention to Chris's panel. Despite having seen the content on it several times, I was still perplexed by the list of jobs offered to Chris.

I'm not sure if it's because of him, something he did, or something the primordial chronicle is doing, but something is pushing him down this path.


[Your records is being evaluated],

[Records evaluated. Available jobs to choose],

[Common Job],


[Rare Job],

*Sword Bearer

[Epic Job],

* Magic Swordsman


He had fewer job options than Anna and mine, and they were all related to swords, so whether he liked it or not, his job would still be related to the sword regardless of which job he chose.

The mage job didn't even appear, even though I saw it twice in Anna and my job offer. Thinking about it now, if a mage job was so common that it could appear every time someone wanted to select a job, it wouldn't be classified as rare.

What I don't understand is why the job appeared for me and Anna but not for Chris, despite the fact that I've seen him attack with mana.

It's not like it's my concern since it's the primordial chronicle business.

I also noticed a familiar job that was also offered to me in the list of jobs he could choose, and that was the magic swordsman, and looking at the list of jobs he could choose from, it is almost certain that he will choose the magic swordsman as that is the only high-grade job he could choose from.

And now Chris says he wants a job with a higher grade than epic because he feels it is too low in comparison to Anna and mine. Of course, based on what I've seen in the primordial chronicle, anything labeled 'Epic' is either extremely powerful, extremely useful, or extremely valuable, so I was confident that, in comparison to some people in the world today, Chris's Epic grade job should be as high as the heavens for them.

But now he's asking me to help him get stronger by getting him a better job. I'm not sure if he thought of it because he was a kid or because he thought I could do something about it.

Logically, I believe the primordial chronicle can offer another job. While the likelihood of a legendary job appearing is low, I still believe it is possible for the primordial chronicle to offer another job.

This belief stems from observations of Anna, Chris, and my job offers.

Basically, the primordial chronicle only offers jobs that are related to us in one way or another, so if I wanted another job, I should be able to get it.

It's just that the grade of the job I'll get is unknown.

When the apocalypse arrived, I used a gun, and perhaps the primordial chronicle evaluated me and saw it as something that could be a job for me and offered it to me, so it should also be logical that if I use a shield for a certain period of time, there is a high chance that a job related to shields will appear when I was offered a job to choose from.

Though it sounds plausible, it is only a theory that I came up with, and even if what I assume is plausible, the question of how to change the primordial chronicle evaluation to offer another job remains.

In the case of wanting a job related to your weapon of choice to appear, it may be necessary to use that weapon for a period of time, whereas in the case of wanting a more unusual job such as martial artist, it may be necessary to study a certain number of martial arts and be efficient in being able to use them well for a job related to it to appear.

But the problem is that, while this sounds plausible, it was only a thought I had not long ago, and if it hadn't been for Chris, I might have forgotten about it.

The good news is that, while it is still a theory, I already have an idea of how to proceed.

Since we want to change or modify the evaluation of Chris's Primordial chronicle, we must first change his qualities.

And I have something right here that could do the job without risk while also serving as an experiment for me to see how it works.

With this in mind, I took a berry-like fruit from my storage ring that was red but so deep red that it appeared to be coated in blood.

Yes, it was the fruit I got from the awakening tree we found.


[Rank 2 Awakening tree]

A tree blessed with mana that bears fruit that awakens an element or strengthens the affinity of the existing element of the one who consumes it.


If there is one way to improve Chris's quality, this is it.

Chris, unlike Emma and I, has no element and has only used mana in his attacks since I've known him.

In my opinion, the only way to drastically alter the primordial chronicle's evaluation is to make him awaken an element.

Chris was able to have an epic-grade job in his offers even without an element, so what if he awakened an element? There must be a change, right?

The red berry-like fruit in my hand is called an awakening fruit, which allows the person who consumes it to awaken a new element or improve the affinity of the existing element.

The effect may appear simple, but it is a true gem.

Most people, with the exception of a few people or rare cases, can only have one element, according to basic alchemy knowledge in my head, so it's not a lie to say I'm sacrificing a treasure below rank 3 for experiments.

Even though I had eight fruits like this in my hand, including this one, it is true that I am sacrificing and possibly wasting a treasure like this for experiments. Each awakening fruit, after all, is a rank 2 treasure.

Its rank would have been higher if the fruit hadn't been ineffective for rank 3 species and above, and the chance of awakening an element was only 50%.

I considered this as I turned to face Chris, who was staring at the fruit that was in my hand.

I spoke while handing him the fruit.

"Take it," I said, and when he heard that, he took it without hesitation.

If he can awaken an element, even if a new job is not offered to him, I will be able to confirm that the awakening fruits are working.

As I pondered this, I waited to see how the awakening fruit affected Chris, but nothing happened even after a few minutes.

When I saw this, I thought the experiment had failed, and I was about to say something when Chris let out a low groan.

'It has started.'

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