Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 73 Changes After The Contract[2]

Changes after the contract[2]

[Ace POV],

The magic array was emitting light of various colors, and they all had one thing in common: they all had a tinge of black in them. The light emitted by the magic array was initially dim, but as time passed and Anna's chants became louder, the light emitted by the array became bright to the point of being blinding.

Fortunately, the curtains were already down and thick, so I didn't have to worry about drawing attention outside.

Ignoring the mana that was beginning to become a little violent around me, I turned to look at anna, who had finished drawing the magic array on the floor and was standing in the center of it while continuing to chant.

This continued for a while until she abruptly stopped and bit her tongue, causing it to bleed slightly as she spits the blood to the center of the magic array, which became slightly dimmer when the blood came into contact with it.

When this happened, the crow that had been sitting quietly in a corner of the room flew to Anna's side and landed in front of her. Coincidentally, the crow landed in the center of a small magical circle.

When Anna saw the crow, she knelt on one knee and bit her thumb, causing it to bleed, while drawing a strange symbol on the crow's head with it and continuing her chants.

At this point, Anna's actions appeared to be ritualistic.

As this thought passed through my mind, I focused my attention on the crow rather than Anna, because as soon as Anna removed her finger from the crow, the crow began to emit a dim silver, gray, and a little black color.

Changes like this were not limited to the crow, as Anna's body began to show signs as the mana in the air began to gather in her direction at an alarming rate.

I knew this despite my lack of mana experience because I could 'see' it. It's difficult to describe, but I could really 'see' it.

When this happened, something unexpected happened that caught me off guard.

The crow abruptly transformed into a silver orb and immediately entered Anna's body. I couldn't react because I didn't know if the change was good or bad, but I was still able to react as I caught Anna's body when she fainted just after the crow that turned into an orb entered her.

The reasonable thing to do now would be to lay Anna on the bed since she had fainted and was unlikely to regain consciousness soon, but I was unable to do so, or rather, something made me unable to do so as I observed the strange changes that began to occur just after I caught Anna.

I had some expectations and assumptions about what would happen when Anna contracts the crow the basics and roots of all of this came from an epic rank skill, but I really didn't expect it to be this exaggerated!

Though my face remained calm as I thought of this, I could tell from the others, Chris and Emma who had surrounded me and Anna, that they were having similar thoughts.

I ignored them and watched as Anna's hair gradually turned from black to silver, with the tip of her hair dyed black.

Aside from the part where Anna's hair magically changed colors, I added the entire scene of everything that happened starting from the beginning when Anna began drawing the magic array, and all I can say is as expected of something related to an epic grade I guess.

As these thoughts raced through my mind, I carefully placed Anna on the bed and checked her temperature. Seeing that everything appeared to be fine and she was only unconscious, I took a step back and made my way back to where I was staying before all of this happened.

Apart from the master-sized bed, there were a few sofas in the room, so I went back to the one I was in before.

Sitting down and sighing in exhaustion, I looked at Emma and Chris, who both looked at me as if they had something to say.

Seeing this, I spoke up.


"Will sister Anna be alright?" Chris inquired, Emma's gaze fixed on me.

Hearing his question, I responded directly, saying;

"I don't know," I simply stated, adding, "the only thing we can do now is to wait until tomorrow and see what happens."

When Emma and Chris heard this, they both nodded and Emma said, "Hopefully, nothing goes wrong."

After the words were spoken, the room descended into silence for a few minutes. When I looked in the direction of Chris and Emma, I discovered that they were both fast asleep.

The exhaustion of fighting all day must have caught up with them since they couldn't even bother checking their primordial chronicle to select a job.

So I guess I'll be on the lookout tonight.

'But really, the change may appear minor, but I'm sure it's more than that,' I thought as I looked at the now silvered hair Anna sleeping on the bed.

The only way to know is for Anna to confirm it herself when she wakes up... hopefully.

As I considered this, I reflected on everything that had happened today and couldn't help but double-think that the drop rate of orbs appearing was far too low. Even after we killed all of the monsters, not a single orb appeared.

It's far too low.

As I was thinking about this and other things, I called out the primordial chronicle in my head as I still had unfinished business.



[Name: Ace Blaze [Yet to evolve]],

[Age: 17],

[Race: Human [Homo sapiens]],

[Level: 25[+]],

[Job: [Alchemist lord[23.25%]],


[Title: None],


Now comes the question: no one knows what will happen tomorrow, so should I use my level-ups or not?


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