Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 173 New World Kingdoms[1]

New World Kingdoms[1]

[Ace POV],

Looking at the four a distance away who were cautiously and slowly approaching the rocky hill riddled with holes, I made my move as well, but still trailed at a distance that should be enough to remain undetected.

And because the rocky hill wasn't far from either of our locations, we didn't have to walk far to get there.

I couldn't be as close to the hill as they were because I was trailing them, so I had to keep a safe distance to observe.

While I was curious about what these people wanted in this particular rock hill, I had no expectations about what they really wanted.

Perhaps going into the lions' ...perhaps going into the earth rats' den and putting their lives in danger means what they're looking for is important, but that doesn't mean what's important to them is also important to me.

One example is the rank 1 health potion Chris obtained from his orb.

I just want to know what they're saying, and if they're here to kill the monsters, I wonder if I can be a little fisherman and fish.

As I was thinking of these thoughts, I noticed the four men in front of me enter the hill through one of the holes there, and after a few seconds, I entered the hill as well through the hole the four men in front of me had previously entered, and as I expected, I was immediately met with darkness as I entered the hole.

The fact that it was currently nighttime didn't help, and because I was trailing others and wasn't alone, I couldn't use my flames to light the surroundings and could only keep moving forward.

Fortunately, I didn't care about it too much when I noticed a dim light ahead of me.

When I saw this, I knew the light had to have come from the four I had been trailing earlier, so I lowered my already low presence even further and tried to blend in with my surroundings as I moved closer to the source of the dim light, as I heard whisper-like sounds the closer I got to the light.

I was able to recognize my surroundings due to the little lighting.

I was in some sort of tunnel that kept going down, and it was made of rocks, as expected.

I came to a halt when I heard the voices I was hearing before resounding again as I got closer to the dim light, as only a curved road separated me from seeing the little.

"Isn't this a little risky?" A male voice said softly while his voice appeared to be slightly shaking.

Hearing his words, another male responded with a snort to the earlier man.

"No, it's not dangerous," the voice began before adding, "A location with multiple rank 1 monsters is completely normal." He said with obvious sarcasm.

Hearing this, I waited for a response from the previous speaker or another male among the four, but after a few seconds, I heard nothing but the sounds of rough breaths.

Seeing this, I began to wonder what had caused the sudden silence and was about to take a risk by peeking out from behind the curved road when I heard a male voice speak and listening to the sound of the voice, I noticed that it was different from the two I had heard before, indicating that the one speaking now was an another male.

"You two should stop," the voice said in a deep manly tone before continuing, "Let's just get the king's item and leave here."

After the voice said this, another male voice spoke that I hadn't heard before from the three voices I'd heard earlier.

This must be the fourth and final male.


I'm curious what the previous male voice meant when he said their goal was to retake the king's item.

Apart from being intrigued by the item in question, I was also intrigued by this king.

Normally, a king refers to a ruler, but I was curious if the ruler the men here were referring to was a king even in the old world, or if the king here was simply a new ruler who got drunk on power and decided to have big ambitions, or for some other reason.

If it was the former, I might have to turn my nose up at this, but if it was the latter, it would only make me more curious about what the men were discussing.

If the later part was true, and the king the men were referring to here was a newly self-proclaimed one who was just a little more powerful than the general public, I wasn't going to be bothered.

After all, just because you have power doesn't mean you're a big threat to someone as a king if you can't even lead, but things would be different if the king here was also a king in the old world.

Something that could bother an experienced king was not going to be ordinary, and I wasn't about to get my hands dirty.

I still haven't forgotten that according to the primordial chronicle, more than 70% of the humans in the rankings section are all past rulers who were most likely still rulers.

They were all rank 1 species as well.

Who knew if these men I was following were actually men of a king in rank 100, but since I didn't know who the king they were referring to, I didn't mind too much because my interest in the said item was still high.

This was not me looking for an excuse to stop trailing after the four.

As I was thinking these thoughts, another of the four men I was following spoke up.

"Staying here won't help us, so let's just go," the male voice said, but was immediately interrupted by another companion who spoke and stopped him from speaking.

"Wasn't it you who caused us to lose the item in the first place?" The voice said quickly, with a hint of anger in his tone.


"Okay! Will you both please stop talking?" Another of their companions said as he managed to avert an impending argument.


If I could, I'd rather see their faces than just sit here passively listening to their whispers, which were gradually becoming louder and louder.

As I was thinking of this, the voice that had interrupted the upcoming argument spoke up again.

"Just so you know, we are literally in the den of multiple rank 1 monsters for your information, so I would appreciate it if you guys could just keep this matter for another time and let's just focus on retrieving the item we lost," the voice said as it suddenly became quiet as no one spoke again and the only sound that could be heard was the breathing of all four men a distance not too far away from me.

Unlike them, I had to slow my breathing to match theirs in order to remain undetected, and from their conversation, it appears that the item they came to retrieve was actually lost by them.


I'm curious about the item that will entice people to risk their lives.

Can't they just run away and not report to their king, or is there something stopping them?

Thinking about this, I started hearing sounds again, but this time they were created by the men I was trailing moving rather than their voices.

Seeing this, I waited a few seconds after they began moving before following them.

I did this to avoid being detected if I got too close to them.

But, really, is it because these people's senses are dull or because I can hide my presence so well?

These were my thoughts as I followed the four men.

I couldn't lose them either because of the light they cast, which followed them wherever they went.

I also discovered what was causing the dim light that was lighting up the surroundings, and it was the same item I brought in the alternate dimension to light my room.

That's understandable given the low price, as it should be popular among people looking for items like this.

As I considered these things, the four men and I continued down the tunnel in a single direction, which was understandable given that I later learned from their conversations that they had no idea where they were going and were simply hoping to find the item they sought quickly.

Because of this, they did not deviate from our path by entering various tunnels that appeared along the way to avoid getting lost.

The map function was completely useless here because it only showed the area outside the hill and not the area inside.

This is probably normal given that the map shows details primarily from a bird's eye perspective.

As I thought about these things and continued to follow the four, something happened that brought us to a halt.


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