Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 162 First Try Casting Spell In The Right Way

First Try Casting Spell In The Right Way

[Ace POV],

I cleared my mind to listen to Emma without missing a single thing after she said I should follow her words exactly as they come out.

After that, Emma's body began to emit mana, and I knew she was circulating the mana in her body without being told what was going on.

Seeing this, I mimicked her action by circulating mana in my body and waiting to see what she would do or say next. Thankfully, I didn't have to wait long because Emma spoke a few seconds after she began circulating mana in her body.

"Listen to me, o nature, sprits of the wind, Kajsa, and heed my call."

"Make an arrow for me to use in shooting down my enemies."

"Neutral Magic: 'Magic Arrow'"

While I tried to mimic Emma's actions or rather the words she was saying, I couldn't because there seemed to be multiple things going on and happening in those seemingly simple words she spoke.

Immediately after she finished speaking, the mana in the air began to gather towards us, and green spots of dim light began to appear all around us.

While this intriguing scene was taking place, another one was occurring that drew Emma and my attention to it because it involved air being condensed into something, and after a few seconds of waiting, the condensed air finally formed an arrow.

This was different from the one Emma and I made because it didn't reek of elemental magic, but strangely enough, it also did.

It was a little perplexing, but it only heightened my curiosity. Due to distraction, I was more focused on the green spot of dim light scattered around us rather than the magical arrow that was condensed out of thin air or the fact that it felt like magic and did not feel like magic at the same time.

I would have wanted to observe them more if they hadn't started disappearing right when the magical arrow was formed.

The last green spot vanished only after the magic arrow was condensed.

When I saw this, I shook my head and returned my full attention to the magic arrow, and saw that when the magic arrow finished condensing and solidifying to the point where it felt like it could be touched from its appearance, Emma smiled and was about to speck when the magic arrow, which had looked fine before, suddenly became unstable as it slowly lost its form and disappeared.

Seeing this, the words Emma and I were about to say were swallowed as Emma cast a downcast expression on her face and spoke softly before remaining silent.

"It's a failure," she said softly, making me assume she didn't like the outcome of the spell that just happened and was sad, or perhaps I should say that rather than assuming, she was sad and it should have been because of the outcome of the 'experiment' we just did.

This went on for a few seconds, and when I noticed Emma was still silent, I was at a loss because I wanted to tell Emma that she should cast another, perhaps a simpler spell, but I felt that saying this would cause more problems.

Troublesome,' I thought to myself. I wondered what there was to be sad about.

Isn't she aware that failure and more failures are simply a means of gaining experience and knowledge?

As I reflected on this, I turned to Emma, who had brought back the spell grimoire at some point to see what its contents and wondered what to do to make us experiment right away, but after attempting to even think about something stressful, I just laid my hand on her head and began to pat it.

I wasn't sure if this would work because I'd mostly seen this method work on dogs, and Emma's hair reminded me of one, hence my actions.

What I didn't expect was Emma to slap my hand away from her head and take a small step away from me while looking at me strangely.

I was perplexed by the sudden action because I assumed dogs like this, so why didn't she?

Hmmm, Emma is a human not a dog.

Emma spoke as I pondered this.

"Okay~" Emma began with an unusually long word and then added; "Though the spell failed due to my unfamiliarity with it, we did confirm that we can cast spells that are not related to our element.

This is very exciting! "Emma said as I suddenly realized something that triggered an odd thought in my mind.

The recent event demonstrated that, while the spell failed in the end, Emma was a different breed when it came to magic, but that was not the point.

Emma's strength and weakness were kind of the same thing because her light element was strangely strong but also reached a balance because it consumed way too much mana but with the relatively large amount of neutral spells available to Emma now, she didn't need to use her light element all the time but this was where things kind of changed.

Though this neutral spell, from what I've seen, will be weaker than elemental spells, the damage they cause should be nearly equivalent, allowing Emma to have more mana to spear, but considering Emma's gift in mana, this was like giving Emma a carrier when she already had a nuke.

I knew Emma could do a lot with magic if she had time during our fight with the oil puppeteer.

Her having neutral spells was already making Emma become a monster among monsters.

She was truly gifted.

As I reflected on these things, I turned to Emma and responded to her previous words.


I saw the summoning pens y'all dropped so this is for you.

Hopefully I can fulfill promise and release the other chapter today.

Preparing for school is stress xd.


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