Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 147 Inserting The Building Deed

Inserting The Building Deed

[Ace POV],

In Chris's hand was a big scroll. It wasn't as large as an oil puppeteer scroll, but it was larger than a regular one. Unlike the oil puppeteer scroll, which had a relatively plain appearance, the one in Chris' hand had a yellow background and multiple scattered vein-like lines that emitted a dim grey light several times.

Even though the scroll was still rolled up, it was clear from its appearance that it was not ordinary material.

As I thought of this, Emma, Anna, and I went to the back of Chris, where Anna urged him to open the scroll so we could see its contents.

Chris finally opened the resealed scroll due to Anna's urgings, and we finally saw what was on the surface of the scroll now that it has been unsealed for us to see.

Covering a large part of the scroll was a black magic circle, and in the middle of the scroll and the magic circle was an image of a building, and scattered around the scroll were inscriptions of various shapes, and on four sides of the scroll were four different runes.

I recognized the runes and the inscription because they were part of the basic alchemy knowledge in my head, but I couldn't recognize their meaning of them because they appeared to be quite high-level ones, and since I couldn't understand them, I didn't attempt to comprehend them as I shifted my attention to something else, which was the black magic circle on the scroll that was slowly but steadily rotating.

"Interesting," Emma muttered, her eyes gleaming.

"It is indeed," I replied, nodding, remembering the magic circles I'd seen when Anna summoned her contracted creature and wondering if Emma can build any magic circles at all.

'If she can, I'd want to see it,' I thought as Chris, who had been silent for a long time, spoke up.

"So that's how it is," Chris said softly, to which I responded and addressed him, asking, "What is?" I questioned.

Chris turned to face me, who was standing behind him, before returning his attention to the scroll in his hands and speaking.

"I just discovered how to bring the building sealed inside," Chris replied, motioning to the image of the building on the scroll.

When I saw this, I let out a simple 'oh' and took several steps away from Chris and others who were watching while I examined my surroundings.

This went on for a while before I stopped observing my surroundings and spoke to my teammates.

"Where do you think a good location for the building would be? I believe it's best if it's near a water source," I said as the others let out an 'Oh' and started moving in different directions.

Since Chris stated that he knew how to bring the building out of the deed looking like a scroll, the next step was to find a location for the building.

I didn't ask Chris how he knew how to use the building scroll because I knew it had to be the primordial chronicle doing it since it had happened to me before when I brought items from the store and whenever my hand came into contact with the said items, the information relating to the item would automatically appear in my mind.

Chris should have the same experience.

As I considered these things, we looked for a suitable location for the sealed building, drifting further away from the bronze door until we couldn't see it again if we turned our backs.

While we did find a suitable location in the alternate dimension located in the woods, it was not what we were looking for since the others agreed with my thoughts that staying near a water source was preferable.

This was due to a variety of factors.

One was our need for water for various reasons such as bathing and the like, and no one knew anything about this 'magical building' and whether or not it could generate water, so we were unwilling to be lax with the water issue in case the building could not be relocated after it was fixed for the first time.

As I and my team continued our journey through the woods, I came to a halt with the others as I turned to look in a specific direction.

There were only trees in the direction I was looking, but this did not cause me or the team to stop moving.

It was due to the sound we were hearing.

It sounded like something heavy was falling and hitting the ground, similar to the sound of a waterfall.

Seeing this, I changed my course and headed in the direction of the sound, while my teammates followed me.

It didn't take long for us to arrive at the source of the sound, as I was able to confirm that the sound we had heard earlier was indeed from a waterfall.

It was surging and plunging down the mountain at its widest point. It had a nice serenity pool at the bottom. It was completely clear. The waterfall moved as easily as syrup.

The waterfall's height was also in the tall category, but that wasn't the point.

The point was that there was a large piece of flat grassy land not far from the waterfall, which meant we had finally found the location for our building.

Emma spoke as she addressed me as I reflected on the waterfall situation at a distance in front of me and the sound unique to waterfalls resounded in the surroundings.

"Isn't this a good location?" She inquired as I turned to face her and responded.

"It's the best we've seen in this place since our search," I replied, nodding as I spoke, before turning to Chris, who was not far from me and holding a yellow scroll in his hands, and asking him a question.

I didn't say anything else as I waited for Chris to do his part, but the scene of him going to the location I had pointed out earlier did not happen as Chris continued to stand in his current location as he held the scroll on his hand high to a level above his head and while he didn't head to the location I had pointed out earlier, he held the scroll in his hand like a camera as he positioned the scroll to face a straight line to the location roughly around the area I had pointed at before as he opened his mouth to speak.

"Unseal," he said, and as soon as he said it, I began to sense Chris's body emitting mana from where I stood, and looking at the things that appeared, it appears the scroll was sucking Chris's mana given by his slightly pale expression.

But, despite the fact that the scroll appeared to be devouring quite a large portion of Chris's mana, I was unconcerned about his safety because I could tell from the intensity with which the scroll emitted light that all it was doing was devouring Chris's mana and nothing else.

This went on for a few minutes before the light from the scroll abruptly dimmed as another magical scene unfolded in front of me.


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