Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 141 Beyond The Bronze Door

Beyond The Bronze Door

[Ace POV],

Shaking my head to get rid of the dizziness caused by the sudden vision blur, I looked around at the somewhat familiar surroundings.

It was the room we saw and entered just before we came across the bronze door that served as the dungeon's entrance, and strangely, the bronze door remained despite the dungeon having been cleared.

When we returned from the dungeon, I was perplexed since, if I recall correctly, the primordial chronicle stated that if the dungeon was cleared, it would vanish because it was an instant dungeon.

The one-time kind.

But, if the dungeon was supposed to disappear, why is the entrance still here? For a brief moment, I was perplexed, thinking that I had misread the primordial chronicle's message, but when Emma addressed the same issue on my mind, I knew I wasn't wrong and had read correctly.

As I was thinking about this, I turned to Emma and asked her a question.

"Would you like to see what's on the other side of the door?" I inquired, to which Emma turned away from the door to face me, and replied.

"Mhmm," she said, nodding, "but what if it leads to another dungeon?" She inquired as I pondered what she had said.

If she is correct and this bronze door leads to another dungeon, it is possible that this bronze door leads to multiple instance dungeons.


As I considered this, I held Emma's hand, and she did not speak or resist as I moved toward the bronze door and opened it.

But instead of the expected scene, something else appeared in front of me.

I did not appear in another location like the last time I opened the bronze door with Emma though this time I was finally able to see what was beyond the bronze door.

"Wow," Emma exclaimed beside me, squeezing my hands in what I assumed was excitement.

I just gave her a quick glance before returning my attention to the scene beyond the door.

Although I had not entered, I could see a world filled with green life and mountains as far as the eye could see from where I stood.

The cold breeze hit my face.

From what I could see, it appeared to be another world.

As I reflected on this, I walked through the bronze door with Emma, holding hands as nothing unexpected happened as we stepped our feet on the grassy floor, the wind passing by and roughening our clothes, but we ignored it because we were completely focused on the scene in front of us.

"It looks so real," Emma said beside me, turning to look around curiously.

When I saw this, I turned to look behind me and saw that the bronze door was still there, and beyond it was a dark room with a staircase leading upward.

It was as if the two locations were in different worlds.

'Is this a dungeon as well?' I thought as I turned to face the sun in the distance, my free hand over my head to shield myself from the sun's rays.

Everything felt so real.

The ground beneath our feet felt so real. We could feel the air we were breathing. The distant trees, hills, and mountains appeared to be real as well.

It gave us the same impression we had when we first arrived near Sir Roland's village.

Everything felt so real, and looking at the dark room beyond the bronze door, I'd believe it if someone told me it was an alternate dimension.

"Let's take a look around,"

Emma urged me as she dragged my hand away from the bronze door to follow her and observe the surroundings, to which I did not object and moved along with her as we both observed the surroundings after reaching a certain distance away from the bronze door.

After a few moments of observation, it was exactly as I had expected, and this place was identical to the dungeon we had just left.

It felt so real.

As I was thinking of this, Emma's voice came from beside me and pulled me out of my reverie.

"This is incredible," she said, adding, "I wonder how this works," she sighed in admiration.

Because of the scene in front of me, I, too, received a refresh and a new understanding of the primordial chronicle powers.

At times like these, one wonders if the primordial chronicle was actually a God or the work of God.

Is there even a God in the first place?

If someone had asked me this question before the apocalypse, I would have ignored the person because there was no such being as God, but this thought and belief of mine about the existence of a God not being real seem to be fading as the days pass after the apocalypse.

Perhaps God or gods exist, but this was not something I could be concerned about.

I was still an ant in comparison to those beings, assuming they exist at all.

As I reflected on these things, I returned my attention to the scene in front of me as Emma spoke.

"So, what are we going to do now?" Emma asked, taking her gaze away from her surroundings and turning to face me.

"What do you mean, what are we going to do when the answer is right in front of us?" I turned to face Emma, who had a puzzled expression on her face when she heard me.

Seeing this, I spoke out again to clarify matters.

"Since we didn't see any other people here, we know this place is likely ownerless, so we'll keep it," I explained.

"Eh!? Keep it! "Emma exclaimed beside me when she heard what I said, but I didn't say anything else and simply told her that I'd explain later when we gathered with Emma and Chris.

When she heard this, she didn't say anything else and just nodded as we walked back to the bronze door.

Fortunately, it was still there.

As I was about to walk through the bronze door, I came to a sudden halt as Emma slammed her head on my back.

"Ouch," I ignored her and bent down to dig a small hole in the ground, pulling out a ball of soil.

After doing so, I threw the soil ball into the dark room through the bronze door, and the soil suddenly froze in the air just after passing through the door.

Seeing this, I confirmed that the location we were in the bronze door was not connected to the world outside it.

Since I just confirmed that there was a time difference between this place and the outside world, it was most likely a dungeon.

Unfortunately, When I tried to use the primordial chronicle on the bronze door, it never gave me any information.

I'm not sure if I should refer to this world as a natural treasure, like the awakening tree in my storage ring.


As I considered this and confirmed what I wanted to confirm, I made my way to the dark room in front of us, passing through the bronze door, and as soon as our feet stepped on the ground in the dark room, the frozen ball of soil that had been in mid-air before fell to the ground.

This had no effect on me since I had already confirmed that there was a time difference between the world beyond the bronze door and this world.

As I considered this, I shut the bronze door that had been left open, and the breeze that had made its way into the dark room vanished.

After that, Emma and I made our way back up the stairs to the surface.

'I'm not sure if it's noon or night.'


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