Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 107 Status Updating

[Status Updating],

[You have inaccessibility to the primordial chronicle doing this period],

[All functions will resume after the update],


When I finished reading the last text on the panel in front of me, it vanished, and when I tried to summon the primordial chronicle in my head multiple times, there was no response.

Just as it was stated, whatever was happening, we were unable to access the primordial chronicle throughout this update.

It is acceptable as long as it does not take too long.

This wasn't the first time my primordial chronicle status had been updated; something similar happened shortly after the primordial chronicle originally appeared.

The only difference is that the previous one was completed in an instance, whereas this one is not.

But this didn't bother me because the only thing I had planned to use the primordial chronicle for before this was to buy some materials from the store, which isn't urgent at the moment, thus this Status update didn't actually bother me much.

A part of me also thought the primordial chronicle now sounded like a customer service representative issuing a notification.

I know this is a random thought, but I couldn't stop thinking about it.

While I was thinking about these things, Anna spoke up and informed me that her crow had discovered a lake a bit too far away from our current location.

Hearing this, I told her to lead the way, to which she nodded as wings sprang from her back and she flew into the sky with Mia in her hands.

'She must enjoy flying,' I thought as Emma, Chris, and I followed her lead on the ground.

When Anna said the lake was a little far away from us, she must have been judging the distance using normal human standards, because the location she indicated was far away only took us a few minutes to get there.

Perhaps it was because everything here in nature was excessively big, huge, or large, the lake in front of me was also of the larger variety.

Before reaching the lake's edge, there were rocks of all sizes, and looking at the structure of the lake from my standpoint, the shape of the lake looks to be a U shape, with land with towering trees splitting it in the middle.

In a world as primitive as it could be, the image in front of me was rather pleasing to the eyes when I observed the reflection of the sun on the surface of the lake.

But I didn't have time to appreciate this as I couldn't even feel the sense of enjoying the current scene since all I could tell was that it was appealing to the eyes at the very least.

As I reflected on this, I made my way to the lake's edge, my feet stepping on the rocky terrain.

Anna stated there were no monsters in the lake, but I wanted to confirm it myself to avoid accidents and after I did, I stripped off my remaining clothes and set them ablaze as I stepped into the water, disregarding the short yells of the girls around me.

I didn't have time to bother with them as I began washing myself in the lake.

Seeing that the temperature of the lake was quite good for a bath, I turned to my teammates who were avoiding making eye contact with me for some reason and spoke.

"Why don't you guys come and take a bath with me before we continue our journey?" I said, but aside from Chris, who seemed to be thinking about it, the girls' bodies shivered for some reason when they heard what I said.

When I saw this, I was perplexed and assumed I had said something incorrectly; but, except for suggesting we take a bath together, I don't believe I said anything incorrectly.

Is it because we were of different genders? But who cares about that?

I was going to say something when Anna interrupted me with her request for clothes.

Seeing this, I assumed the girls were finally ready to have their baths and fetched multiple sets of clothes from my storage ring for them to choose from, only for them to leave quickly after selecting the outfits they desired.

I was initially perplexed, but when I saw where they were going, I realized they were preparing to take their baths on the other side of the lake, which was separated by land with towering trees.

I ignored the girls' antics and returned to scrubbing the dirt off my body as Chris joined me.


I made my way out of the lake after finally washing the dirt and grime off my body.

Because my body was still wet, I circulated the mana in my body, coating my entire body in flames as I dried off the water droplets that remained on my body after I exited the lake.

Chris mimicked my moves, attempting to achieve the same thing but failing.

When I saw this, I decided to assist him by coating his body with my mana. Because I possessed the fire element, my mana could contain elements of it, as I was able to dry Chris after a while though I did not coat his body with my blue flames.

Though it appeared wasteful to utilize my mana for such a minor task, I didn't mind since doing it this way was more convenient.

After we dried ourselves, I took a few sets of clothes from us to change into as I burnt Ace's previous ones because they were still the ones he wore since the challenge Trial, so he needed to change his clothes.

After all of this, we noticed that the girls had not yet appeared, and with my enhanced hearing, I could hear their mummers on the other side of the lake, so I chose to wait seeing as we had nothing urgent to do at the time.

'I can use this time to rest and eat,' I reasoned as I sat cross-legged on the grassy grounds under a tree near the lake, Chris following my movements as we ate together and I gave him tips on circulating the mana in his body.

The girls arrived while we were eating, so I gave them theirs as everyone ate together.

This continued for a while when suddenly a panel appeared in front of me. Based on the reactions of others beside me, I realized I wasn't the only one who had this happen to him.

When I saw this, I turned back to look at the panel in front of me, and when I read the text written on it, I realized what was going on.

[Status Updated],

[New Function Added],



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