Age of Evolution

Chapter 371: 371: Earth’s Calamity Arrives

Chapter 371: 371: Earth’s Calamity Arrives

Translator: 549690339

These three days were the most chaotic in the world.

Reactions from governments around the world varied, with the Hua Xia Government putting full faith in Lin Zhen’s words.

After all, Lin Zhen’s identity and status were now different, as a high-level fighter on the Heavenly Star List, especially someone like him who cares for his country, is truly the backbone of a nation.

In the eyes of Hua Xia’s top officials, even if they were to join the Tianhe Empire in the future, their position would most likely depend on the number of advanced martial artists they have.

Of course, many high-level officials believe that the government should maintain a leading role, which has been a deeply ingrained mindset for thousands of years. They want Lin Zhen to contribute to the nation but are reluctant to give up power, feeling conflicted and fearful.

In short, Lin Zhen’s proposal was still broadcast on television, and a senior Hua Xia official advised people not to gather in crowded places and wait for the situation to become clearer.

However, some civilians decided to welcome the arrival of the Tianhe Empire, seeing it as an opportunity to integrate into the universe’s civilization. Lin Zhen’s words and the government’s announcement were ignored by them.

Other countries responded more actively compared to Hua Xia.

Many civilian organizations have been established, setting up large banners and slogans on the streets to welcome the arrival of extraterrestrial civilizations, creating a festive atmosphere with flowers and streamers.

In the United States, for example, the government even welcomed the arrival of extraterrestrial civilizations and encouraged people to take to the streets.

The three days passed in the blink of an eye.

In the New York area, millions of people gathered in the new Manhattan Square.

The Red Square in Sand Russia was no different, with millions of people gathered there.

Similarly, crowds of people filled the Avenue of Champs Elysees and the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

New Delhi Base City in India was also packed. This densely populated country had an even higher population density than Hua Xia.

The African Union and Brazil listened to Hua Xia’s advice and told people to stay at home, so there were not many people on the streets.

In Hua Xia’s Capital City, Peace Square was filled with only a few hundred thousand people.

People from various base cities had rushed over, as Ya Xuan stated in the video that the fleet would disperse and head to the capitals of each country three days later.

Enthusiasts from all over the country gathered in the capital, holding up banners and waiting for the extraterrestrial guests.

Some military police and city defense forces were closely watching the sky, with radars scanning in circles. As soon as any fleet entered the atmosphere, they would discover it immediately.

On Peace Square, banners were raised by people.

“Welcome to Earth, friends from distant stars!”

“Looking forward to joining the Tianhe Empire to pursue higher civilization!”

“Take us with you to the end of the stars!”

The largest number of people, almost a hundred thousand, was a team from Ice City, with Li Mengxi standing at the front of the crowd, as the organizer of the event.

People elected her as the leader because she was Lin Zhen’s ex-girlfriend.

Although An Ning posted a message online in the last two days mentioning Li Mengxi, calling her a clown, people thought it was just a woman’s jealousy as those were real photos.

Standing at the front of the group, Li Mengxi was full of pride.

Ever since the Yi Lan incident, she never interacted with Lin Zhen again, and as she watched Lin Zhen’s rise step by step, Li Mengxi regretted it deeply.

If she knew Lin Zhen had such great potential, she would have tried to keep him by her side at all costs.

Later, she visited Lin Zhen’s house a few times, but after Su Mingyue appeared, Li Qin’s attitude towards her turned cold. She knew that Lin Zhen would never belong to her again.

With the arrival of the Tianhe Empire, Li Mengxi felt her opportunity had come.

It’s okay if you, Lin Zhen, look down on me, as long as I can enter that advanced civilization, with my appearance, I’ll definitely find someone better than you!

She even pretended to be Lin Zhen’s ex-girlfriend, creating this grand event, believing that she would leave a good impression on the people of the Tianhe Empire.

She anxiously checked the time on her watch, wondering why the people of the Tianhe Empire had not arrived yet.

At 11 am, there was finally some movement.

Hundreds of light spots entered the atmosphere on the military’s radar screen and were rapidly descending.

“Attention! Attention! A large number of unidentified flying objects have entered the atmosphere and are rapidly approaching our national airspace, with speeds exceeding the speed of sound…”

“Attention! Attention! The unidentified flying objects have passed through the troposphere and entered our air defense firepower coverage area…!”

“Attention! Attention! Unidentified flying objects have passed through the clouds, should we open fire?”

At this moment, people looked up and saw the spaceships in the sky.

The military’s flying saucer fighter jets had already taken off to intercept, but upon seeing these massive spaceships, nobody believed that the military planes would be able to stop them.

What is that thing?!

A giant castle with a length and width exceeding ten kilometers, like a curtain, pressed down from the sky.

Outside the castle, there was a pale golden protective shield. Numerous dark and deep gun barrels were densely arranged at all the loopholes and corners, and the rich metallic luster was daunting.

This enormous flying castle was made entirely of metal!

And all around the castle, locust-like small flying vehicles filled the sky!

Despite being called small flying vehicles, the medium-sized ones were larger than the carriers of the Earth calendar era, and even the smallest ones were much larger than commercial airplanes.

A large shadow was cast, blocking even the sunlight.

The hundreds of flying vehicles prepared by the military seemed like lambs lost in a pride of thousands of fierce tigers, unable to make any difference.

“Awooo! So cool!”

“This is a real fleet and a real civilization! We love you!!!”

The excited crowd screamed and danced, waving flags, ribbons, and banners in their hands, as if they couldn’t wait to embrace the visitors.

Hua Xia’s largest flying vehicle hovered in front of the castle and started to call out, “Guests from the Tianhe Empire, please stop your advance. We need to have a deeper understanding of you before we can decide whether to let you land.”

The metallic castle actually stopped in the air.

In the sky, a large space for projection appeared.

Ya Xuan’s figure appeared in the projection again, lowering his head, seemingly dissatisfied with the sparse crowd in the square.

“Is this how you welcome the imperial army?”

The flying vehicle continued to call out: “Please forgive us, we need to have a deeper understanding of you before we can decide our attitude towards you.”

“Hmph! Fine, since you want to understand, let me enlighten you now.”

Ya Xuan slightly raised his head, the castle’s gate opened, and a beam of light shot down.

The beam of light didn’t hit the ground, but formed a huge projection in the air, big enough for people within a hundred miles to see clearly.

“Starting from today, all people on Earth must unconditionally join the Tianhe Empire.”

“First, the Solar System becomes the territory of the Tianhe Empire, including all planets, moons, celestial bodies, and space within it.”

“Second, all government agencies must be dissolved immediately, unified under the management of the Imperial Expeditionary Army, entering a military administration state. All people must unconditionally obey the martial law and follow the laws of the Tianhe Empire.”

“Third, all Earth currencies will be exchanged for Tianhe Coins at a ratio of 1000 to 1, private property can be converted into currency.”

“Fourth, the Empire implements a class system, divided into five levels: the Royal family, aristocrats, citizens, the poor, and slaves. In principle, all people on Earth are classified as slaves.”

“Fifth, to escape slave status, one must meet several conditions: reach the War God level in strength and donate one million Tianhe Coins. With approved application, one can become a member of the poor class. If one reaches the Star Realm level and donates one hundred million Tianhe Coins, with approved application, they can become a citizen.”

“Sixth, those who become citizens can enjoy permanent residency rights in the Tianhe Empire and receive the empire’s protection in education, healthcare, transportation, cultivation, exploration, and trade.”

“Seventh, those who become members of the poor class can gain the right to work in the Tianhe Empire, holding jobs with a monthly income below a thousand Tianhe Coins.”

“Eighth, slaves have no human rights, no choice in work, no right to love, marriage, or mating, and no right to access any social benefits….”

“Ninth, people of lower classes must not offend those of higher classes. Aristocrats have the right to execute lower-class people on the spot….”

“Tenth, all government agencies, armies, and martial artists on Earth must immediately lay down their weapons, determine their class based on their own conditions, and complete registration within a month. Those who have not completed registration by then will be classified as slaves, and their personal property will be confiscated.”


One by one, the extraordinarily harsh conditions were listed before the people.

The cheering crowd in the square quieted down, the vigorous drums stopped, and everyone silently read the information, unable to digest it.

They were actually forced to become slaves! All people on Earth had to become slaves!

With no human rights, no freedom to marry or love, and even no guarantee of life, they were stripped of the right to be human!

Earth’s money would become worthless, exchanged for Tianhe Coins at a rate of a thousand to one. For an average Earth family, having a million in savings was considered a good fortune, but this exchange would reduce the millionaire’s entire fortune to just a thousand in cash!

To become a member of the poor class, they would have to donate a million Tianhe Coins!

What did that mean? Converted to Earth’s money, that would equal ten billion, and they still needed to have War God level strength. If they didn’t have this strength, no matter how much money they had, they’d still be slaves.

Becoming a citizen would be even more outrageous. One hundred million Tianhe Coins would be equivalent to one trillion in Earth’s money, and they would still need Star Realm strength, without which they wouldn’t even be eligible to become citizens.

At this rate, how many people on Earth would be eligible for citizenship? Could there be a hundred of them? It’s not likely.

At that moment, the people realized that all the seemingly wonderful things that they were plunged into, were not as good as they seemed.

This wasn’t Earth’s opportunity, but rather, Earth’s catastrophe had arrived.

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