After Transmigration, She Sold Herself to a Man as a Wife

Chapter 78

Chapter 78


Upon hearing Luo Ge's words, Li Shopkeeper did not hesitate and tried it, then nodded.

"The sweetness is just right, and it also has a pear fragrance. This taste is truly novel."

He had actually never tried tea made from fruit before, though he had tried many flower teas.

And the aftertaste was sweet and felt comfortable going down his throat.

These past few days, due to the sharp decline in business at his shop, he had been a bit irritated, feeling like his throat was hurting.

"This is not just a simple fruit tea. I've also added wild honey and a few medicinal herbs, which are very effective at moistening the lungs, resolving phlegm, and stopping coughs."

"If you often have trouble sleeping, you can also try brewing some of this. It can help improve sleep."

Seeing the dark circles under Li Shopkeeper's eyes, Luo Ge said with a smile.

Hearing this, Li Shopkeeper couldn't help but lower his head and look at the tea in his hand. Wild honey itself is quite valuable, and with the addition of other medicinal herbs, it's likely not cheap.

"No wonder my throat feels so much more comfortable after drinking this." He said with a smile.

"This paste you've added the wild honey and other costly ingredients to, I'm not sure what price you're planning to set for it?"

Luo Ge raised her brow slightly: "Its true value has not yet been realized. Setting a price at this time may not be appropriate."

"If not, Elder Brother Li, you can first take it back and try selling it for a couple of days to see the results, then we can talk about its value."

"As for this fruit sugar, you can also try selling it first. When results start coming in, we can discuss it then."

Yesterday, she had made two more baskets of fresh pears, two batches of five catties each. These two items can be sold by weight, so she thought she could try putting them out for sale for a couple of days.

Hearing what Luo Ge said, Li Shopkeeper looked down at the few jars.

After a brief moment of consideration, he nodded.

"Alright, I'll take them back and give them a try."


After discussing with Luo Ge, Li Shopkeeper didn't linger. He just had the people help carry the seven or eight baskets of pears he had brought over today.

He didn't know how Luo Ge's products would turn out, but they had collaborated a few times before, and he still trusted that Luo Ge wouldn't let him down.

So, he sent over another batch of fruit today.

"Then you stay here, sister-in-law, we'll be taking our leave now."

After the people had finished carrying the fruit, he said his goodbyes to Luo Ge.

Luo Ge nodded, then handed him two baskets she had prepared.

"These are the salted duck eggs and preserved eggs I've been working on recently."

"Elder Brother Li, you can take them back and have your wife cook them to try. This basket is the salted duck eggs, the ingredients are a bit different from the usual. Elder Brother Li, you can give them a taste."

"These are preserved eggs. You can cook them with congee or slice them and eat with some sauce, they're both quite good."

"Take them back and try them out. I haven't had much good stuff to bring you when you come, so I made these new food items, hoping you'll enjoy them."

As she handed over the items, Luo Ge said with a smile.

"Okay, I won't be polite then. I'll have my wife cook them up and try them. I'm sure your craftsmanship is excellent."

Hearing her words, Li Shopkeeper didn't put on airs.

He was a smart man, knowing that whatever Luo Ge could provide him would definitely be good, and would be something that could be put into business.

So, he simply took them.

"Good, be careful on your way home."

"Mm-hmm, take care."

Li Shopkeeper nodded, waved to Luo Ge, and left with his people.

Seeing Li Shopkeeper's car drive away, Luo Ge went back home to prepare the things she needed for her trip to town in the afternoon.

The day for Older Baby and Second Baby's official apprenticeship had already been set, and soon she needed to go to the town with Wang Sister-In-Law to buy the items needed for the apprenticeship ceremony.

Last time, it had been a bit rushed, with no time to prepare.

So they looked at the calendar and chose an auspicious date, which was selected by the children's master and the couple.

Since there was still time, after tidying up, she continued to simmer the pear paste and pear sugar.

As soon as a batch was done, the two little ones should be back soon.

She quickly made a simple lunch, and after the two little ones had eaten and rested, Wang Sister-In-Law came to find her.

"Luo Ge."

"Alright, Sister-In-Law, let's go."

As soon as she heard the voice, Luo Ge paused.

Suddenly, she remembered that she hadn't told him about going out to town.

"Sister-In-Law, wait a moment, I'll be right out."

Thinking about it, she went back and left a note on the table.

"Okay, take your time, no rush."

Seeing Luo Ge's demeanor, Wang Sister-In-Law quickly said, then turned around and saw a group of men coming down the mountain.

"Husband, Second Master Gu, you're back!"

Seeing the brisk, agile Gu Jinchen carrying several wooden beams, Wang Sister-In-Law was momentarily taken aback.


Wang Elder Brother laughed as he ran up to his wife, while Gu Jinchen simply put down the wood and went inside to find his wife.

"Sister-In-Law, I'm ready, let's go."

Hearing the commotion outside, Luo Ge thought it was Wang Sister-In-Law and called out from inside.

"Go where?" Hearing his wife's words, Gu Jinchen furrowed his brow.

Hearing Gu Jinchen's voice, Luo Ge looked up, her eyes brightening.

"Husband, you're back."

"Mm, where are you and Sister-In-Law going? May I come along?" Wiping the sweat off his forehead with a handkerchief, Gu Jinchen asked.

Luo Ge took the handkerchief and helped wipe his brow.

"Didn't we set the date for Older Baby and Second Baby's apprenticeship ceremony? I was just going to town with Wang Sister-In-Law to buy the things needed for the ceremony."

Hearing this, Gu Jinchen nodded: "I'll go with you."

"??? Are you done with your work already?" That was quite fast.

"Mm, the wood has been chopped and left at the base of the mountain. I just need to go back and get one more load, then it'll be done. I'll be back soon, wait for me?"

"Alright, don't rush, be careful."


After Luo Ge agreed, Gu Jinchen went outside, and his reply came from quite far away, as he was running quickly.

Luo Ge has a message:

【These past few days Luo Ge has been quite busy, what with her sister's wedding and all the things that needed to be handled at home. The updates may be a bit less frequent, so you all can stock up on reading.

Likely after she's done with the busy period and returned home, the regular updates (twice a day) will resume, along with occasional extra updates.】

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