After Transmigration, She Sold Herself to a Man as a Wife

Chapter 73

Chapter 73

Elder Mr. Xu did not feel troubled at the sight of the two little ones, but rather was heartened by their sincerity.

"This old man has not yet decided, why don't we all think it over and then determine what to do?" he said.

Hearing Elder Mr. Xu's words, the young couple looked at the two little ones and then nodded.

"That works."

In the end, after discussion among the group, Elder Mr. Xu gave the two little ones the "Yun" generation name, and the young couple each chose a character for one of the little ones.

Older Baby was named Gu Yunmu.

Second Baby was named Gu Yunxi.

Ah, the little ones also really liked these two names, so the names were thus decided.

After the names of the little ones were settled, Tie Dan came with Brother Wang and his wife.

In front of everyone, Elder Mr. Xu also accepted Tie Dan as his disciple.

Today, Elder Mr. Xu took on three disciples, and they would be his final apprentices.

Like Older Baby and Second Baby, Tie Dan was also of the "Yun" generation, as decided by Elder Mr. Xu and Brother Wang and his wife.

Tie Dan was named Wang Yunyan.

Originally, based on the order of becoming disciples, Older Baby and Second Baby should have been the senior disciples.

But since they had always called Tie Dan "big brother", they were still arranged by age.

Tie Dan was the eldest, and Second Baby was the youngest.

Although their birth times were not far apart, Second Baby never really cared about this, so he naturally took on the role of the junior disciple.

With that settled, the time was also getting late, so one by one the group bid farewell to Elder Mr. Xu and left.

"Elder Brother Yunyan!"

"Big Brother Yunyan!"

On the way back, the little ones ran ahead, playing together as a group.

Older Baby and Second Baby mischievously called out to their new senior brother.

"Junior Brother Yun Mu! Little Junior Brother Yun Yi!" Tie Dan also laughed as he joined in calling with them.

The adults walked behind, watching the little ones play.

Gu Jinchen walked next to Luo Ge, occasionally gently reminding her to watch her step, carefully guarding his "beloved darling".

Brother Wang and his wife seemed to be chatting about something, their faces full of smiles.

The lingering glow of the sunset cast their shadows long behind them, reflecting the happiness on their faces.

The tranquility of the years, this moment must surely be it.


The next morning, Luo Ge woke up early and steamed some buns for the family's breakfast.

She also made an extra batch for the two little ones to bring to their master.

Not long after finishing breakfast, the village chief arrived with the hired workers who had been selected to go up the mountain to collect lumber. More hands make light work, after all.

Along with Brother Wang, and also Elder Sister Xiu Niang's husband, there were a total of 16 people. All big burly men, with Luo Ge being the only woman among them. So she simply greeted them and then went back inside, leaving Gu Jinchen to see them off.

"Wife, we're leaving now, be careful at home by yourself."

Before leaving, Gu Jinchen couldn't help but call back a reminder, drawing some teasing laughter from the group of men outside.

"I know."

Luo Ge had been about to go into the storage space, but shortly after her husband left, Wang Sister-in-Law came over with a bundle of sewing.

"Sister, why are you here?"

"Ah, your husband told me to come over. He said he was worried you might get bored at home by yourself, and since the housework is done, I don't have much to do either, so I came over to chat with you."

Wang Sister-in-Law said with a smile.

"You know, your Gu Second Master really dotes on his wife, not like my husband, who just leaves without a word of caution."

Hearing the teasing tone in Wang Sister-in-Law's words, Luo Ge's small face flushed slightly.

"There are some dried fruits, please try some," she quietly offered, changing the subject.

"Alright." Understanding that Luo Ge wanted to shift the conversation, Wang Sister-in-Law did not persist in teasing her.

Wang Sister-in-Law was holding the clothes she had been sewing for Luo Ge and the others. She had started on Luo Ge's first.

She had begun working on it some time ago, and now after a brief chat, it was nearly finished.

Tying off the final knot, she put away the needlework, holding the garment up to Luo Ge.

"Why don't you try it on, I think the color will suit you well."

"Okay, I'll go try it on."


It wasn't long before Luo Ge came back out, dressed in the new outfit.

"Wonderful! The pale green makes your complexion look even more radiant."

Seeing Luo Ge now, Wang Sister-in-Law sincerely commented. Luo Ge didn't have many clothes, always wearing the same one or two, so this new style and color was a refreshing change.

The fabric was a delicate, muted green, perfectly suited to Luo Ge's naturally fair skin. Wang Sister-in-Law felt she looked beautiful no matter how she looked at it.

"Your craftsmanship is so good, Wang Sister-in-Law. Let me go change back."

Hearing the compliment, Luo Ge smiled shyly and went to change back out of the new dress.

She also paid Wang Sister-in-Law the agreed-upon price for the garment.

"The pants will be done soon, just wash them when you get back, and you can wear the new outfit tomorrow."

"Be sure to show your Gu Second Master, I'm sure he'll be overjoyed."

Wang Sister-in-Law continued working on the pants as she chuckled.

Just as Luo Ge was about to say something, a knock sounded at the door.

Turning to look, it was Li Shopkeeper.

"Miss Gu, Miss Wang." Li Shopkeeper greeted the two women with a smile.

Li Shopkeeper had come by a few times before, when Wang Sister-in-Law was still helping out at the Gu household, so they were acquainted.

"Oh, oh."

Faced with the prominent shopkeeper, Wang Sister-in-Law couldn't help but feel a bit flustered.

"Li Shopkeeper, why have you come yourself? You could have just sent one of the boys to inform us."

Luo Ge's tone was calm, though she was a bit puzzled.

Hearing Luo Ge's words, Li Shopkeeper gestured behind him, signaling for the men to bring in the items.

On his way over, he had heard that Master Gu was not home, and it was just the two women, so he didn't want to cause any gossip by leaving the gate open.

That's why he had the men bring in seven or eight baskets of pears.

"The peaches and plums are already out of season, and I had previously discussed with Miss Gu about trying to get some more fruits.

Well, the manor just got in a fresh batch of sweet, juicy pears, so I've brought some over to see if Miss Gu would be interested in making some snacks with them."

Li Shopkeeper pointed to the pears, smiling at Luo Ge, though he was quite anxious on the inside.

The sales of the peach and plum dried fruits had been far too late in the season, and they hadn't been able to bring in enough stock to meet customer demand.

This had led to their business steadily declining, as customers who had grown to love these new products were now left wanting.

After telling the customers these items were out of stock, the shop had become increasingly empty.

He was truly worried!

Looking at Luo Ge now, his gaze was almost as adoring as looking upon the god of wealth.

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