After Transmigration, She Sold Herself to a Man as a Wife

Chapter 67

Chapter 67

"Little Uncle, Aunt."

"Older Baby and Second Baby are back."

"Mother! I'm back!"

After a nap and cooking lunch, the two little ones had returned.

Together with Tie Dan, the three little kids walked back in a line. Even before entering the house, their cheerful calls could be heard.

Gu Jinchen had planned to go out and greet them, but it was no longer necessary.

"Come and wash your hands. It's time to eat."

Luo Ge called out to them from beside the vat.


"Aunt, Teacher taught us the Three Character Classic today."

"We've already memorized it!"

"Older Baby was the first one in the class to memorize it."

The two little ones obediently washed their hands, sat at the table, and excitedly shared their news before being asked.

Older Baby's face clearly showed excitement as he spoke.

"Second Baby also memorized it. Second Baby was the second fastest!" Second Baby hastily added, not wanting to fall behind his older brother.

"Our Older Baby is so wonderful!"

"Second Baby is also great."

Seeing their expectant little faces tilted upwards, Luo Ge praised them with a smile.

Gu Jinchen raised his eyebrows slightly: "Recite it?"

Hearing this, Luo Ge also turned to the two little ones, who immediately lit up, clearly having been waiting for Gu Jinchen's request.

The two little ones exchanged a glance and recited together: "At the beginning, human nature is good; it is similar in nature, but habits make it diverge."

This was what Teacher had just taught them that morning. It was the first time the two little ones had learned it, yet they could now recite it fluently and smoothly.

Gu Jinchen listened and nodded, signifying his approval as their little uncle and father figure.

Seeing him nod, the two little ones couldn't help but smile, revealing their small teeth, their hearts filled with joy.

"Everyone has different talents and abilities. You two learn quickly, which is an advantage."

"Little Uncle and Aunt are both proud of you!"

"But you must remember not to become arrogant because of your advantages, and never slack off because of your advantages.

While your innate talents may give you an initial edge, if you don't work hard, you will be surpassed by those who are diligent and strive tirelessly."

"Innate talent is temporary, but effort is eternal."

While affirmation is necessary, reminders should not be neglected.

Listening to Luo Ge and Gu Jinchen's words, the little ones nodded solemnly, though not fully comprehending.

"We'll remember."

Although they could not completely understand what their little uncle and aunt were saying, they would keep it in their hearts.

Gradually, they would come to understand these words thoroughly.

"Good, let's eat."

Seeing their obedient and sensible behavior, Luo Ge felt her heart melt. She reached out and pinched their soft little cheeks, saying.

After being cared for for some time, the two little ones had gained weight, their chubby cheeks soft and irresistible.

At the same time, the neighboring Wang family was also engaged in a similar scene.

"At the beginning, human nature is good..."

Hearing Tie Dan recite the Classic of Poetry, the whole family was overjoyed.

Although they had never received an education and did not know if Tie Dan was reciting correctly, they were still immensely proud of their child's accomplishment.

"Good, good. Grandma's Tie Dan is so capable and promising." Patting her obedient grandson's head, Wang Sister-In-Law smiled with squinted eyes.

"Hehe." Hearing his grandma's words, Tie Dan laughed shyly, feeling content to see his family so happy.

He resolved to study even harder in the future, determined to outperform Older Baby and Second Baby the next time.

After all, he was the older brother!

How could he possibly lose to his two younger brothers?

...After finishing lunch and resting for a while, the few little ones returned to the study hall.

The village chief also came in the afternoon to deliver their land deed.

"This is the deed for those few acres of land. I got it sorted out for you yesterday, but you weren't home when I came over."

He had actually completed the paperwork in the morning and intended to deliver it in the afternoon, but unfortunately, the couple was not home.

"Yesterday we went to the town to purchase household supplies. We forgot to let you know, causing you an unnecessary trip. My apologies," Luo Ge explained, feeling a little embarrassed.

They had indeed forgotten to inform the village chief.

"No worries. This is the list of names I compiled at home. You two take a look?

If you've selected your workers, find a day to start construction. If everything goes smoothly, you should be able to move into your new house before the New Year."

There were still over four months until the New Year. If they worked quickly, they should be able to complete the house before then.

Imagining celebrating the New Year in their new home was truly a pleasant thought.

To undertake a task entrusted by others is to be faithful to the task.

Upon returning home, the village chief had carefully selected a list of village workers who met the couple's criteria for assistance.

Who they chose ultimately depended on the couple's plans.

"Good, thank you for your trouble, village chief. We'll take a look."

Gu Jinchen and Luo Ge also intended to have the house built before the New Year so they could move in and feel at ease sooner.

Most people did not use full names in daily greetings, so Luo Ge did not recognize many of the names on the list, except for Wang Big Brother.

However, Gu Jinchen nodded repeatedly after reviewing it.

He was familiar with most of the people listed, many around his age, solid and capable young men.

It was evident that the village chief had put a lot of thought into assisting them with this matter.

"The people you've selected are all good. We don't need to make any changes. Please help us notify them when the time comes."

"The daily wage will be 20 coins, not including meals. On the first day, we'll host a simple meal at our home for everyone."

This was what he and Luo Ge had discussed. Although meals were not included, such a major undertaking as building a house required a proper meal on the first day.

With around 5-6 tables' worth of people, they could ask Wang Sister-In-Law and others to lend a hand in the kitchen and accommodate everyone.

"Got it. I'll let them know later."

The foreman overseeing the house construction would be his own son, so the village chief naturally had to take charge of this matter himself.

First, his status made it easier to notify people. Second, he could also gain favors from the villagers through this opportunity.

Being summoned to work for pay was a good thing, after all.

By helping to recruit workers, he would earn goodwill from the couple.

These two kids were truly capable and thoughtful. He would keep them in mind and ensure everything was handled properly.

"Yes, good. For the bricks and tiles, please also help keep an eye on that. We don't have much timber stored at home, so we'll probably need to go to the mountains to chop some once everyone is gathered."

"Feel free to chop. In our village, the rule is that if a family needs timber, they go and chop it themselves. You can just go."

Hearing Gu Jinchen's words, the village chief nodded and waved his hand.

"I already inquired about the bricks and tiles yesterday. They'll be ready in a couple of days. I'll come and get you then so we can haul them back together."

The young couple planned to use gray bricks for their house construction, and such materials as bricks and tiles were managed by the officials, so they could only go through him. He naturally needed to oversee this process closely.

"Understood." Hearing the village chief's words, the couple nodded in relief.

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