After Transmigrating as a Tycoon’s Wife, My Thoughts Are Heard by the Whole Family

Chapter 283

Chapter 283

Madam Xie's proposal came as a surprise to everyone, yet it was also admirable. She showed Cen Ting the utmost respect.

Cen Ting was slightly moved. Just moments ago, she had been feeling troubled. After experiencing such an ordeal, she truly felt repelled by the idea, not to mention her suspicions about Jing Yan's feelings toward her...

But now, because of Madam Xie's words, Cen Ting felt as if she had been reborn, with all the shackles on her soul lifted.

Madam Xie smiled and said, "Which one will you choose? Or shall I give you more time to think it over?"

After all, Cen Ting was the one she had chosen, and because of her son, Cen Ting had suffered. She had to take responsibility for this.

Madam Xie's reasoning was accepted by both the Jing and Cen families, though they still leaned toward the idea of a marriage alliance, as it seemed more stable and reassuring. The Cen family members were subtly hinting at Cen Ting to choose that option.

Onlookers thought Cen Ting had actually come out ahead in this situation.

Small groups began discussing what Cen Ting might choose.

Ji Fei whispered to Qin Xian, "What do you think?"

Qin Xian shook his head. "I have no idea."

Ji Fei's eyes sparkled as she said, "How about we make a bet? You pick one, I pick one. Whoever guesses right can ask the other to do something."

[Hehe, I already know what Cen Ting is thinking. She's going to choose to be Madam Xie's goddaughter. I'm definitely going to win! Now, let me think about what to make Qin Xian do... hehe...]

Ji Fei's inner laughter grew increasingly mischievous.

Qin Xian, though unsure of what Ji Fei had in mind, blushed first at the mere thought.

"Alright... alright," he said. "I'll choose the first option, the marriage alliance."

Ji Fei immediately beamed. "Then I'll be nice and let you have the second option. I choose the goddaughter!"

Seeing Ji Fei smile as if she had hit the jackpot, Qin Xian couldn't help but smile too.

Their tablemates overheard their conversation and joined in the betting.

"I wonder what Jing Yan thinks about this," Luo Fei said, considering his friend's feelings.

"He likes..." Guo Yalan started to say something about Jing Yan possibly liking men, but Luo Fei quickly cut her off.

[Playful banter is one thing, but don't joke about a friend's orientation.] Ji Fei caught on and struggled not to laugh.

[It's hilarious how his unrequited crush is so secret that even his friends don't know about it, and now people are questioning his sexuality. Poor Jing Yan. If his friends knew how he felt, they'd probably be trying to set him up with Cen Ting right now.]

As they were thinking this, Cen Ting spoke up. She wasn't one to hesitate. Before, she had no choice, but now that she could choose...

"Auntie, I..."

"Cen Ting," Jing Yan finally couldn't hold back any longer.

He had been too afraid to fight for her before, considering Aunt Er's kindness. Now the marriage was something Jing Yu had ruined on his own. If he hesitated to move forward at this point, it would truly show he had no courage. After ten years of affection, he needed to fight for himself this time.

This was the closest he had ever been to holding the hand of the girl he had been secretly in love with for ten years.

Just as Jing Yan was about to speak, Cen Ting said, "I've made my decision."

Her cold tone stopped Jing Yan in his tracks. Their eyes met, and without a word, it felt as though the answer was already clear.

Cen Ting knew his feelings.

But Cen Ting had made her choice.

And he had no right to interfere.n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

Jing Yan fell silent, looking even more dejected than after being set up. He was utterly heartbroken.

Such a simple exchange didn't raise any suspicions of romance. People were just curious about Cen Ting's choice.

Madam Xie was also curious, surprised at how quickly Cen Ting had made her decision.

"I want to be your goddaughter," Cen Ting said directly.

The moment the words left her mouth, many people gasped in disbelief.

They had really thought Cen Ting would choose to marry Jing Yan, considering they had known each other for years and were both of good character and ability. It seemed Cen Ting wouldn't find a better match.

The Cen family was particularly disappointed, but they couldn't force the wronged girl.

The small group at the table didn't feel too bad about it, as they still thought the two had no feelings for each other.

Ji Fei immediately grinned at Qin Xian.

Qin Xian smiled. "You win. What do you want me to do?"

Ji Fei said, "I'll think about it slowly."


Of course, recognizing a godchild wouldn't be done so casually. They would need to pick a lucky day for the ceremony.

After handling this matter, Madam Xie turned her attention to the three culprits.

"Jing Yu, do you admit your mistake?"

Seeing his enemies so well taken care of, Jing Yu was furious. He stood up and said, "Admit my mistake? You treat Jing Yan like your own son, and Cen Ting like your goddaughter, but you don't want me, Xie Lifeng! You're doing great! You don't see the grievances I've suffered, you look down on me, and I don't care about you either. Today, I'm cutting ties with you! Go be a mother to them."

Jing Yu's father was so shocked he jumped out. "How dare you talk to your mother like that! You've done wrong, apologize right now!"

"Are you threatening me?" Madam Xie was hurt again by her son's words, but she managed to keep her emotions in check.

Jing Yu's vicious expression showed he was determined to outlast his mother in this battle, to see who would back down first.

"If that's your decision, I don't object," Madam Xie said calmly. She wouldn't be threatened. Ever since she knew Jing Yu had ruined everything, she had decided to take drastic measures.

Even now, Madam Xie still wanted to save her son. Cutting ties, cutting off his financial support—perhaps only when he suffered enough would he grow up. To correct her son, she was willing to go this far.

"You... you you..." Jing Yu was so shocked by Madam Xie's agreement that he felt dizzy and almost fell.

"How can you be so heartless? How can you treat Brother Yu like this?" Wan Ru couldn't keep quiet. "Are you really his mother?"

Wan Ru's words almost made the onlookers laugh out loud.

Everyone had the same thought.

[What a hypocrite! You and your mother were even harsher to Jing Yan. What kind of person could raise a daughter with such twisted values? Oh, right, it's her mother. She's just as bizarre.]

Wan Ru didn't notice, but because of her words, Madam Wan suddenly snapped out of it, trying to pull Wan Ru back.

But Madam Xie had already locked eyes with Wan Ru. Her cold gaze and the aura of someone in power made Wan Ru freeze.

"You're not part of our family, yet you're meddling in our affairs? Remember, what you and your mother did could be reported to the police."

Wan Ru was immediately silenced. She tried to pull her mother for help, but felt her mother pulling her back.

"Mom!" ​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​​‌​‌‌​​​​‌​​‌‌​‌​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌​​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌‌​​​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​​​​‌​‌‌​​‌‌​‍Wan Ru panicked and looked over.

She met the furious gaze of Madam Wan, who looked like she wanted to hit her, scold her, all while being overwhelmed with regret and fear. Her veins bulged, her eyes bloodshot, on the verge of breaking down.

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