After the Groom Ran Off, I Convinced a Military Commander to Marry Me

Chapter 828: Extra Story: Dog Abuse Sprinkle Sugar Everyday 9

  Chapter 828 Abusing Dogs and Sprinkling Sugar Everyday 9

   "Among the seven people, there is actually one who doesn't plan to get married, and is a lycanthropist! Forget it, it's okay, there are six more!"

"Damn! Among the remaining six people, there are three who have a crush on Lu Yu! Are they blind? Yu Shao is more handsome than Lu Yu, stronger than Lu Yu, and better than Lu Yu's family background! It's okay, it's okay, there are three people left. indivual!"

  Wearing a white coat, Gu Yu, who was doing an experiment, had his forehead twitching.

  He rubbed his temples.

   Fortunately, at this time, the spaceship finally arrived at the unknown star, because Gu Yu reminded everyone to put on the air-filtering masks when they disembarked from the spaceship.

  Of course, some people take it off after wearing it for a while.

  For example, Lin Tao and the people in his department.

  Lin Tao sneered, "I have been to this place not long ago, and the air has no problem at all. If the mutated plants affect the air, will thousands of people still be alive?"

  The deputies around him didn't dare to speak ill of Gu Yu, but they tried their best to curry favor with Lin Tao and took off their masks.

   Not to mention, wearing a mask is quite troublesome.

  The medical team looked over and frowned slightly. Someone reminded, "It's not safe for you to do this."

  Lin Tao sneered, "It's not safe to breathe, so let's just die! You medical students are too alarmist!"

  He still hated Gu Yu for burning his hair.

  So now even the people who saw the medical team were very upset.

  That person was a little speechless, and he was kind enough to be a donkey, so he simply ignored them.

   This matter quickly reached the ears of Gu Yu in the back team. He said with a smile, "This person will never know how serious it is to offend a medical student."

   Among other things, the group of them are going to help out on Desolate Star for a while now. If Lin Tao and his men get sick or something, they don’t plan to be cured, right?

   "Let's go, the patients in the city are still waiting for us to treat them, everyone should pay more attention to avoid being infected."

   "Director Gu, do you think the mutated plants in this place have already parasitized humans?" A doctor asked.

  Gu Yu said, "The degree of plant variation in this place is too deep, which is a bit strange. Everyone should be mentally prepared in advance."

  He once saw a human being deeply parasitized by plants. The human body has turned into wood, but his eyeballs can still rotate because the brain has not been captured.

  He was in great pain, struggling to get Gu Yu to help him finish him.

   Some plants parasitize the human body, and the human wins, then this person will evolve into a phytochemical.

   This is also an important part of some phytochemicals.

  But some plants are too strong, and they will eventually absorb all human nutrition.

But this is a long-term process, unless it is a particularly ferocious plant that can **** a human being dry in a short period of time, so if it is discovered in the early stage, it can be treated, and the phytochemical part can be surgically removed from the human body kill.

  But some people will take risks if they want to become vegetatives.

   When Gu Yu withdrew his thoughts, he had already entered the main city with the large army.

  Although it is a barren star, it was developed early because of the existence of energy sources, and the construction here is also very good. Because it can be lived and has jobs, many wanderers from other planets have moved here.

  So the city is doing pretty well, but it’s a bit quiet in such a big city, there aren’t many people walking on the streets, and everyone is in a hurry, looking very nervous.

  A child saw the rescue team and stopped, wanting to watch for a while, but was immediately taken home by an adult and closed the door.

The person in charge of the base is a forty-year-old lycanthropist named Ledo. He excitedly said to Adolf, "My lord, you are finally here! Today we have more than a dozen people missing. Eat something and never come back."

  The city walls are very high, and there are various electronic devices around, so the city is safe, and there are no mutant plants for the time being.


  Gu Yu stood a few steps behind Adolf, looked around, and squinted his eyes.

  Is it really safe in the city? not necessarily.

  Ledo saw that all the troops were wearing masks, he hesitated to speak, Adolf said, "Let's talk after entering the management office."

"Yes Yes."

  Because there were a lot of people in the rescue team, they needed to settle down. Each department performed its own duties, and Gu Yu led his doctors to check the staff of the management office first.

  Ledo has already reacted, and he said in shock, "Master Adolf, is there something wrong with our staff? It shouldn't be, we strictly check every day!"

  The other staff members also had ugly expressions.

  No one wants to be suspected like this.

   Adolf said with a smile, "This is a routine, so don't be too nervous."

  After hearing what he said, Ledo and his subordinates heaved a collective sigh of relief.

Gu Yu saw a staff member whose hair was a bit too green, he said slowly, "You still have to be nervous, otherwise, some people think they can fight against the mutant plants, and in the end the plants take away all the things in their bodies." nutrient."

   Of course Laido knows Gu Yu, this young master is very talented in medicine, and his personal strength is still high. Most importantly, no one can offend the people behind this young master!

So Leido said in a more respectful tone, "Doctor Gu, you are right, we must take it seriously. If our staff members have problems, it will be even more serious for ordinary people on the base. Hurry up, Everyone line up according to the code of the work permit, and let Dr. Gu examine us!"

  After he finished speaking, he went to jump in line and stood at the front of the inspection line.

  The inspection was quick, because Gu Yu and the others brought special inspection instruments, so after a few minutes, Ledo breathed a sigh of relief and returned to Adolf.

  However, Ledo relaxed a little early.

  As the top officer of the base, he himself has no problem, but it doesn't mean that other people have no problem.

  Medical inspection equipment made a sharp sound. Someone's face changed and he turned around to run out, but was immediately stopped by the faster Star Warrior.

  The staff immediately said, "I'm fine! Really!"

  Gu Yu asked back, "Then why are you running? Seeing that your sanity should still be clear, then even if you are accidentally parasitized by a plant, as long as the degree is not deep, a simple operation will do."

   So, what are you running?

  The man's face was pale, and he explained lamely, "I, I'm just a little scared, so the reaction is so violent."

  Gu Yu looked at the examination data of this person, and then said to the doctor beside him, "He is only 30% parasitized, arrange an operation for him as soon as possible. By the way, during the operation, tie up his limbs."

  (end of this chapter)

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