After the Groom Ran Off, I Convinced a Military Commander to Marry Me

Chapter 778: He confessed to me

  Chapter 778 He confessed to me

   But just as Jiang Huai relaxed, two people walked in suddenly, one was Commander Su Wansu in military uniform.

  The other one is her daughter, Gu Yan!

  Jiang Huai's eyes narrowed slightly.

  Gu Yan just walked over, and in the eyes of many people, he saw Jiang Huai first, "Jiang Huai, why are you here?"

   "Ji Mu had an accident in the training room. Several of our classmates happened to be there at the time. We were all worried about him."

  Although Su Wan walked in front, she listened to the conversation between her daughter and that Jiang Huai.

  Xiaoyan spoke to Jiang Huai in a very familiar tone, as if the two had known each other for many years.

   But how is it possible?

  How long has Plant Plant Planet been established? How many days has Jianghuai been staying in Landis Star?

  Su Wan raised her head to look at Jiang Huai, Jiang Huai immediately joined the others and called out politely, "Hello, Commander Su."

  Su Wan nodded slightly, she walked up to her son Gu Yu, "What's the situation now?"

   "Ji Mu's condition is very serious. The teachers are giving him first aid. Others... are very worried about Ji Mu."

   "Okay, you continue to stay here."

  After speaking, Su Wan walked out.

  Everyone was taken aback for a moment, they were surprised that someone like Commander Su would suddenly appear here, but the other party didn't go in to see that Ji Mu, maybe they were worried about him?

  Jiang Huai clenched his fist slightly...

   "Jianghuai, what's going on, why did Ji Mu have an accident?"

  Looking at Gu Yan's puzzled and worried eyes, Jiang Huai calmed down, "We were training together in the training room, and Ji Mu's training cabin broke down. Fortunately, Gu Yu found out in time."

  Gu Yan felt lingering fears, she turned to ask the little brother about the specific situation.

  Jiang Huai was a little absent-minded, he turned his head to look, and Commander Su had disappeared?

  Where did Su Wan go?

  She remembered Xiao Yu said that at that time, Ji Mu's training cabin broke down, and he was trapped inside and couldn't get out. Is the failure accidental or man-made?

  The training room of the Imperial University Military Academy has always been equipped with the most advanced equipment in Landis. After all, the training rooms here are all future outstanding star warriors.

   Not only is the equipment advanced, but it is also regularly maintained by someone. In this regard, the teacher in charge of this aspect will not be careless.

  Combined with all the recent situations, Su Wan felt that Ji Mu's incident was definitely man-made!

  Xiao Yu also said that at that time, there was a vegetative man standing by and rushed over, and Xiao Yu moved his hand directly...

   "Commander Su, why are you here?" The teacher in charge of the training room immediately greeted him.

   "Take me to the training room where the accident happened."


  Su Wan walked in and saw that a training cabin had been sealed. She checked carefully and saw a lot of scattered powder inside.

   That's the powder on the butterfly's wings.

   When Ji Mu was struggling, he revealed his butterfly wings, and the powder on them would slide off.

  Su Wan looked at the teacher, "Why do all the good things break down?"

"We conduct an inspection every six months. There was no problem with this machine last time. This inspection was at the end of the month, that is, in these two days." The teacher also felt very helpless. The training cabin broke down and the students Trapped to death inside, this kind of situation has never happened before!

  He said worriedly, "Commander Su, how is student Ji Mu?"

   "Still in rescue."

  Su Wan looked around, "Who has been here since Ji Mu's accident?"

   "Except for Gu Yu, it was the other students who were in the training room at that time, and there were no others, we blocked it."

   "Give me the list of those students."

   "Yes, Commander Su."

  Su Wan looked at the training cabin again, and when she was walking out, there were suddenly some powder-like things on the ground, so tiny that it was almost overlooked.

  She squatted down, stretched out her hand to pick it up, put it next to her nose and smelled it.

  A light woody fragrance.

   She seems to have smelled this kind of smell somewhere.

   "On Xiaoyan..."

  Su Wan's eyes became deeper and deeper.

  Ji Mu was rescued after all, but sadly, he fell into a coma because of severe mental damage.

  And his virtual training content was also destroyed, leaving no clues at all.

   At least, it seems so on the surface.

  Su Wan ordered Ji Mu to be sent to the medical center immediately, and must ensure his safety.

  After finishing all this work, it was already midnight. Su Wan took her son and daughter home and got off the aircraft. Su Wan asked her son Gu Yu to repeat what he found out.

"I went to Ji Mu's dormitory first, but I didn't find anyone. Other students said that he had gone to the training room. Later, I went to the training room and found that Ji Mu was trapped in the malfunctioning training cabin. At that time, another Classmate, also rush over, he should also save Ji Mu, but I missed and used my ability."

  Su Wan raised her eyes, "Xiao Yu, but that's not what you told me when you found Ji Mu in the training room before."

   Gu Yu has a meal!

  He frowned and thought about it carefully, and suddenly blurted out, "It's Jiang Huai! After I chatted with him, I changed my original mind!"

  Su Wan's eyes darkened even more.

   It’s this JAC again!

  Gu Yan was a little confused the whole time, she quickly said, "What does this have to do with Jiang Huai? Mom, brother, who is going to kill Ji Mu? Isn't Jiang Huai just in the training room at that time?"

  Su Wan looked at the doubt in her daughter's eyes, and she said softly, "Xiaoyan, why have you been talking to that Jiang Huai recently? We haven't convicted Jiang Huai yet, so you are eager to speak well of him. Why?"

  Gu Yan bit the corner of her mouth lightly, and finally said a little embarrassedly, "I always thought that Jiang Huai was very good, and today he... confessed his love to me, and I also said that I would give him an answer tomorrow."

   "Doesn't he know you have a boyfriend?"

"I, I told him that I felt that there was something wrong with my relationship with Bai Li, and then he... But Mom, I haven't promised Jianghuai yet, I will never do something that is two-footed! Even if it is To be with other people, I have to officially end with Bai Li."

Su Wan looked at her daughter, and she said, "Yes, you talk to Bai Li about breaking up in person and alone. You promise mom that if you don't settle the relationship with Bai Li, you won't be contaminated by other people's feelings. In any case, this is a matter of moral bottom line, my daughter, you are not allowed to do things that step on two boats!"

   It was the first time Gu Yan saw her mother being so strict, she quickly said, "Mom, don't worry, I won't do that."

  After Gu Yan went to rest, Gu Yu said curiously, "Mom, why are you so harsh on Xiaoyan all of a sudden?"

  Su Wan lowered her eyes and said softly, "There is a problem with that Jianghuai."

  (end of this chapter)

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