After Being Reborn and Regaining Her Identity, the True Heiress Is Spoiled in the Seventies

Chapter 116: He’s Back

Chapter 116

The world outside the door was a sheet of snowy white, and goose-feather-like flakes were still falling unceasingly, while a layer of snow had also settled on Pei Jing standing in the doorway.

Just as she was about to tell him to hurry inside, her whole body was picked up by him. Once they were inside, he put her down, closed the door behind them, and said, "What are you dazing out for? Hurry back to bed and lie down, don't catch a cold on such a cold day."

It was indeed very cold, but Zhi Xia still said, "I didn't expect you to come back suddenly. Let me pour you some hot water to soak your feet, it'll be warmer when you sleep too."

Pei Jing took a nearby towel and wiped his face, then led her by the hand into the room and pressed her down to sit on the bed. "I'll take care of myself, don't worry about me. You should take care of yourself first and hurry under the covers."

Pei Jing's eyes were on the bedding which, although spread out, was still very tidy and didn't look like someone had just crawled out from under it.

But he was in no hurry to ask about it. After getting Zhi Xia to lie down and tucking her in, he went back out.

Having just returned from outside, he carried in the chill with him, and his military uniform was faintly damp.

The two hot water bottles were full, and after washing up a little and soaking his feet in a basin, a feeling of comfort instantly spread from his soles throughout his body.

After putting on his autumn clothes to sleep in from the wardrobe, he turned and walked out, only to hear Zhi Xia tilting her head back and asking, "Still not ready?"

"Mm," he grunted in response, and walked out again.

When he came back in, he was already changed into the autumn clothes he had taken out.

Zhi Xia had lost her temper from his actions.

She got out of bed, opened the wardrobe, took out the new pajamas she had made for him, and handed them over. "The clothes you're wearing are all pilly, it won't be comfortable to hug you. These are new pajamas I made for you, wear these to sleep."

Pei Jing was taken aback but didn't object either. He just took the clothes and said, "Then I'll go change."

Before he could leave, Zhi Xia spoke up again. "It's so cold outside, with you opening and closing the door, the heat we managed to get in the room will all escape."

His hand on the doorknob paused, and he turned to look at Zhi Xia. His tranquil eyes were as deep as an abyss.

Zhi Xia was suddenly nervous under his gaze and ran back to the bed to hide under the covers. "It's just changing clothes, I won't look at you anyway."

Zhi Xia really had no intention of peeking while hiding under the covers, but the room lighting was already dim, and he had turned it off. Rustling sounds came from the foot of the bed, then it quieted after a while, accompanied by the sound of him walking over.

The covers were flipped open at one corner and Pei Jing got in. He immediately felt Zhi Xia's body shivering.

Reaching over to her, she was ice cold, without a trace of warmth.

Pei Jing's brows furrowed as he pulled her into his arms. "Why are you this cold? Is this how you've been enduring it alone all this time?"

"No, it wasn't this cold before. It just suddenly started snowing in the afternoon, the temperature dropped, and then I couldn't get warm in the bedding." In fact, she had just come out from a comfortable temperature, and facing the chilly weather and icy bedding, it was normal to not adapt immediately.

Pei Jing held her even tighter against him, trying to transfer his body heat to her. "Why don't you just go back to Jin City? The difference in temperature here and there is indeed quite big. You're also pregnant, it must be hard to adapt, and your family is all over there too, it'll be easier if you go back and have people look after you."

This winter had just begun, and he might still have missions later that would take him away from home. When he was around he could still look after her somewhat, but what could be done when he wasn't home?

An Zhiqing was her brother, true, but he also had his own matters and couldn't possibly run over every day. And even when he did come, it would only be for a short while and serve no great purpose.

Since it wasn't truly that cold, Zhi Xia felt a little guilty. "I'm really fine, and Grandma already sent the quilt over. I went with Sister-in-Law Feng Xia to the post office last time, but it was too heavy and I was afraid I couldn't carry it back myself, so Sister-in-Law Feng Xia said the postal worker will deliver it on the 15th day of the first lunar month."

"With this snow, it'll probably be delayed for a period," said Pei Jing. "Nevermind, let's just sleep first. I'll go get it when the snow stops tomorrow."

They already had two layers of bedding, having prepared amply after hearing it would be very cold here.

Afraid that Zhi Xia would be cold, Pei Jing held her tightly against him, and their temperature rose quickly.

In the middle of the night, Zhi Xia felt she was even sweating a little.

In fact, Pei Jing was more uncomfortable.

The woman in his arms was wearing only a strappy top, with her shoulders and thighs completely bare. He had one arm pillowing her neck, and didn't even dare to move.

On top of that, due to a normal physiological reaction, he was afraid he might startle her, so he could only arch his body.

Zhi Xia tossed about, and Pei Jing took the chance to release her, turning to lie on his side with one hand draped over her waist. The two of them sank into deep slumber.

At dawn, the bugle call of the troops sounded.

Zhi Xia stirred and realized half her body was already sprawled over him.

Reflexively opening her eyes, she also found him looking at her intently.

Zhi Xia stiffly retracted her limbs, covering up by asking, "Aren't you assembling today?"

Ever since the day he arrived, he would get up very early every day and be gone before she woke up.

"No need, I can rest at home for two days." Pei Jing's just-woken voice was somewhat hoarse. He hesitated for a moment, then brushed his lips against Zhi Xia's ear, "Zhi Xia, my comrades told me before that intercourse is not allowed in the first three months of pregnancy. You... wait a while more."

Pei Jing wasn't a fool, he could sense her constant attempts to get close to him. But he was afraid of harming her.

Zhi Xia's eyes instantly went wide as she turned to look at him.

She had been trying to get closer to him, yes, but she hadn't been thinking of... that kind of thing!

She just wanted him to get used to having her around, not keep resisting her.

But explaining now seemed a little too deliberate.

There was still an imperceptible restless excitement within.

Their first intimate encounter had not been pleasant, it was even somewhat painful, but that didn't mean she lacked curiosity about such matters.

Especially having already had the experience once, it was like a feather brushing her heart, and her body's curiosity outweighed that of her mind.

Seeing her stunned expression, Pei Jing thought for a moment, then pressed his lips to hers.

It was but a light touch, sampling it briefly.

He fled like that, getting up and putting on his clothes, saying he was going to cook first.

Zhi Xia lightly touched her lips with her fingers, thinking of his awkward actions, and smiled.

Suddenly, she felt a sense of anticipation.

By the time she got up and tidied up, Pei Jing had already returned with the food cooked.

After a night, the snow piled high outside the door, sinking in up to the ankles with each step.

After breakfast, he took an iron shovel to clear the snow, piling all the snow in the yard into a mound. The small paths in front of each house were also cleared out, and even the roofs were swept clean.

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