Adored Koi in the ’70s

Chapter 31

Chapter 31

"Hahaha, evil will get retribution. They deserve it!"

After Fang Xiao Juan knew about it, she almost miscarried from laughing!

Old woman Fang also gloated in their misfortune: "Wait and see. This will definitely not be the last one. Maybe someone from that family will get divorced soon!"

Although old woman Fang's words were ugly, no one refuted it.

From everyone's point of view, Qiao Xiu Zhi was a weird mom!

How can parents not hope their children to stay together for a hundred years? Instead, she insisted on divorce?

It just happened that she disintegrated old Second Qiao and Fang Xiao Juan by herself. It was said that Qiao Hong Xia would divorce because Qiao Xiu Zhi supported her!

Tsk tsk tsk. Fortunately, they didn't become in-laws with Qiao Family back then. Otherwise they might get divorced at any time!

In an instant, Qiao Family became a target of public criticism.

Especially Qiao Xiu Zhi. She had become synonymous with 'evil mother-in-law'.

When everyone left, old woman Fang lowered her voice and asked, "Xiao Juan, are you sure there is no problem with Wang Family?"

Fang Xiao Juan raised her eyes slightly and lazily responded: "Is there a need to ask? Wang Family has already told me that they will get the matchmaker come here before the spring ploughing!"

Old woman Fang's face suddenly bloomed like a chrysanthemum flower: "Oh, I'm relieved! When you were just born, the village's blind fortune-teller told me that you are the most blessed girl in our Fang Family. You will definitely live in wealthy and prosperity in the future. This old lady is going to enjoy the blessing with you!"

This was pure dog fart!

Before Fang Xiao Juan told her that Wang Family was going to marry her, old woman Fang scorned her as hoodoo every day. On New Year, she even wanted to drive her out of the house!

Now that she had climbed to Wang Family's high branch, her words were laced with currying. What a might!

Still, Fang Xiao Juan enjoyed the days of being held up high.

Xiao Qiao sat in the corner. Her brows frowned slightly.

During this period of time, she couldn't get close to Da Qiao. Only encountered her once from a distance.

Just that once, it shocked her to the point that her whole person freeze!

It had only been half a month and Da Qiao looked like she completely reborn!

It was like she was completely powdered with jade. Her skin was so fair that she can almost glow. Just a look and one can't take her eyes away from her!

More importantly, her stuttering was gone!

In the last life, her stuttering wasn't as severe as this life. Still, it had took her more than a year to correct it and get better.

Now it was only half a month and her stuttering was completely gone!

How could she not be shocked?

No. She can't wait any longer. She must find a chance to meet Da Qiao!

It went without saying Qiao Family knew and heard the rumors outside. They just pretended like they didn't.

Because of Qiao Hong Xia's arrival, the task of caring for Qiao Zhen Jun had become much easier. The people in Qiao's old house don't have to go to keep watch every night.

It was just that the four people in Qiao's small house, there were paralyzed and children. What remained was Qiao Hong Xia, a woman. Qiao Xiu Zhi felt it wasn't safe. So she planned to get two dogs back home to raise.

After knowing this, Qiao Zhen Jun and Qiao Hong Xia agreed to the idea. With a dog in the courtyard, the dog will definitely bark if some person with bad intention enter in the middle of the night.

At this day and age, everyone can't get enough food. Very few owned dog. Qiao Xiu Zhi asked people to inquire around. Only then did she find out that there was a family in the neighboring production team who had a dog and happened to give birth recently.

After Da Qiao and little Yi Ming knew that their family would have dogs, the two little dumplings were very excited.

The two got together every day, discussing what to name the little doggies.

Two days later, Qiao Zhen Guo brought back two small pups from the neighboring production team.

One was black and white and the other was light yellow.

Dumpling Da Qiao looked at the two cute little pups. Her big eyes were so bright that it seem to be glowing: "Grandmother, can we raise the two little cubbies?"

An Ping butt in: "Can only give you one. One is for us to raise!"

How could both of them be placed in Qiao's small house?

The sisters, Qiao Dong He and Qiao Dong Ying nodded like knife chopping onion: "Yes, that's right. Can only give one for you to raise. However, since you and Younger Brother Yi Ming are younger, you can choose first."

The two little puppies were just one month old. They were chubby. Their limbs were not strong enough as they climbed up softly and occasionally collapse down. Their soft barks were nonstop.

Dumpling Da Qiao eyed the lovely and innocent pups. For the first time in her life, she suffered the problem of having a choice: "Little Brother Yi Ming, both little doggies are so cute. Which one do you we should choose?"

Little Yi Ming stared at his elder sister Nian Nian with small eyes, and grinningly answered: "Choose Elder Sister Nian Nian!"

Da Qiao patted her younger brother's head and sighed in her babyish voice: "Little Brother Yi Ming, you got it wrong. We're not choosing me. We're choosing a little doggy."

"No. Just choose Elder Sister Nian Nian!"

Little Yi Ming loudly yelled. When he finished speaking, he threw himself into Elder Sister Nian Nian's embrace. Nearly pushed Da Qiao down.

While Da Qiao siblings clumped together, An Ping had already taken a fancy on the black and white little pup.

The little pup looked very special. The left eye circle was black, while the right eye circle was white. It seem like it was wearing a pair of black and white glasses. A very particular feature.

An Ping greeted the pup,, but the pup seemed to dislike him as it baby-fiercely barked at him twice: "Woofwoof..."

An Ping thought that it liked him, so he reached out and poked its little head. The pup couldn't stand firmly, so it fell on all fours in an instant. Immediately it became even more angry.


It got up, sniffed at An Ping's feet with its small nose, and suddenly shook its body. It gave An Ping a special gift... a baby dog's urine.

"You little rotten egg. You actually pee on the back of my foot!" An Ping blushed. He was furious.

Qiao Dong Ying pointed to her younger brother and laughed like hyena: "Younger Brother, you already reached that age!"

An Ping was huffing in anger: "Second Elder Sister, what are you talking about? What age?"

Qiao Dong Ying grinned: "At the age where people and dogs disdain, hahaha..."

Qiao Dong He covered her mirth. She was afraid that her younger brother would become angry from embarrassment and secretly pulled her younger sister once.

An Ping wasn't angry though. Instead, he sighed: "I'm quite surprised. The age when people and dogs disdain arrived too suddenly."

The adults couldn't help laughing when they heard the children's conversation.

The little pup didn't feel like it did anything bad. It swayed its ass and crawled towards Da Qiao.

When it came to Da Qiao's feet, it intentionally fell over. It revealed its fleshy belly and yelled twice with its baby voice: "Woofwoof..."

Da Qiao's heart instantly softened. She reached out and touched its belly. The little pup wasn't angry. It looked like it was enjoying it.

"Elder Cousin Brother, Elder Cousin Sisters, I have decided. I want this little doggy." Da Qiao pointed to the black and white pup.

The pup seemed to understand what she said and stretched out its little tongue and licked her fingers. The appearance was so clever that it An Ping's heart itching.

Being licked by it, Da Qiao giggled. She hugged the pup and asked little Brother Yi Ming, "Little Brother Yi Ming, what name do you want to give to the little doggy?"

Little Yi Ming tilted his little head for a moment before pointing at the pup and shouted, "Pi Pi! Pi Pi!"

Everyone: "..."

An Ping immediately laughed like a hyena: "Hahaha, Younger Brother Yi Ming, you are amazing! You gave the little dog a butt name!"

Little Yi Ming didn't understand. He treated it as his elder maternal cousin brother complimenting him. His small eyes merrily curved into crescent.

Little Brother Yi Ming had a serious illness before and had lost a lot of weight. Da Qiao felt very distressed about it. Seeing that little Brother Yi Ming was so happy at the moment, she nodded and agreed.

Pi Pi it was then. As long as little Brother Yi Ming was happy.

Like this, the black and white little pup was named Pi Pi and stayed in the Qiao's small house.

The little yellow dog went to Qiao's old home. An Ping gave it a very proper name, called Qiao You Rou.

This name collided with Fang Family's younger grandson, Fang You Rou. After the Fang Family knew about it, old woman Fang pointed at the sky in the yard and cursed for an hour.


Winter passed and spring arrived. The branches quietly bloomed out fresh green. Spring was getting closer and closer.

Before the spring ploughing, another shocking gossip broke out in Qili Village... Wang Family got the matchmaker to go to Fang Family to ask for marriage!

"This news is fake, right? How could Wang Family taken a liking to that broken shoe Xiao Juan?"

"I don't believe it either. Although Fang Xiao Juan got some look, she had been married and had two children. Although Wang Xin Sheng is lazy bum, there is no need to choose a second-hand good like Fang Xiao Juan!"

"Ain't that right! Wang Family is more well-off than Qiao Family. I heard that Wang Family's old Third had bagged another meritorious service in the army. Maybe he will soon be promoted to regiment commander. The money sent back will definitely be more than fifty yuan! "

Hearing fifty yuan, everyone's eyes became different!

Fifty yuan a month. Even if they had meat every day, they won't finish it!

Although Wang Xin Sheng was lazy bum, he wasn't bad to his bones.

He had never committed crimes or molested women. He was just lazy. It wasn't a big problem!

In fact, there had always been people of average family background who want to marry their girls to Wang Family. It was just those girls weren't very good-looking and Wang Xin Sheng hadn't taken a fancy to any of them.

Wang Xin Sheng's requirements for women were to be pretty- have to have a good-looking face and a good figure. Ideally, someone feminine with curvy front and back.

Such requirements weren't low. Even when there was such a girl, they won't fancy him, a second-hand man!

Not to mention that he was a loafer!

Still, everyone never expected that Wang Xin Sheng would end up picking the broken shoe, Fang Xiao Juan!

Some people who were eyeing on Wang Family instantly became dissatisfied and went to Wang Family to badmouth Fang Xiao Juan.

"Cui Hua, you better persuade your mother-in-law. That woman, Fang Xiao Juan is a sh*t-stirrer. Think about the years she was married to Qiao Family. Qiao Family was chicken flying and dog jumping every day. If your Wang Family really let her in the door, there will definitely be no peace in the future!"

"Yes! And that woman hasn't been pregnant for five or six years. Who knows if she can still have a baby? I heard that she had bleed and damaged her body back then. The purpose of marrying a wife is to have children. If a hen that can't lay is married in, then it will be a big loss!"

"Also, Fang Family isn't a stressful bunch. There will definitely be countless troubles when this kind of in-laws stick on. So, Cui Hua, you should let your in-laws reconsider!"

Liu Cui Hua felt bitter in her mouth when she heard these words.

None of Wang Family, including Wang Xin Sheng himself, hoped for Fang Xiao Juan to enter in the door!

But can they refuse?

They dare not!

If they didn't let Fang Xiao Juan enter the door, she would go to the police station to report Wang Xin Sheng later. Then their Wang Family would be finished!

Therefore, she squeezed out a smile and responded: "How can I, a daughter-in-law, intervene in this matter? Besides, Xiao Juan isn't as bad as you said. She is beautiful and has a straightforward temper. Although this temperament is easy to offend people, it at least shows that she doesn't much petty mind. So I think this marriage is very good."

Everyone: "..."

Fang Xiao Juan don't have petty mind?


Wang Family was either blind or got their brains flooded!

Enough. Since the other party had said that, what more fart should they persuade?

So in the midst of the discussions and the indignation of some people, the marriage between Wang Family and Fang Family was settled.

Because it was both's second marriage and the baby in Xiao Juan's belly couldn't wait, the two families decided not to do the wedding big after discussing it.

They choose a date and the two families will have a meal together Like this, the wedding was considered done.

Actually, Fang Family was very dissatisfied with the result of this discussion.

Since the engagement with the Wang Family, Fang Family walked with a spring. The young and old were always looking at people with their chins high.

They naturally wanted to hold a banquet. The bigger the better!

But Wang Family disagreed!

Wang Family originally didn't want Fang Xiao Juan to enter the door, so how could they be willing to hold a banquet for her?

Fang Xiao Juan was very dissatisfied and pulled a long face on the spot. However, Wang Xin Sheng left no room for compromise this time.

What's more, he left an ultimatum. If she wanted to marry, then marry. If not, off with you. If she dared to report, he will kill everyone in Fang Family!

He thought it was a good deal to exchange his life for the Fang Family's eight lives!

Fang Xiao Juan took in his fierce expression and didn't dare to go head-on with him. So she gritted her teeth and agreed.

Fang Family felt that Wang Family was overbearing and looked down upon them. They were so stingy even though they were rich. Can't expect them to take care of Fang family in the future!

Wang Family was forced to marry this hoodoo, Fang Xiao Juan. When thinking of Fang Xiao Juan's threats against Wang Family, Wang Family felt something lodged in their throat.

Like way, the grudge and dissatisfaction were planted before the marriage began.


The news of Fang Xiao Juan marrying spread like wildfire. Qiao Family, who lived in the same village, knew even if they didn't want to.

Wan Chun Ju was half sour and half envious: "I didn't expect that Fang Xiao Juan woman to be quite capable. She can actually marry Wang Family!"

Qiao Zhen Guo sent his wife a strange look and said, "Being able to marry into Wang Family is called capable?"

Wan Chun Ju nodded: "Wang Family has seven brick rooms in a row. There is that old Third, an officer in the army. Eldest is the leader of the production team. When Fang Xiao Juan marries in, wouldn't it mean that she has married into the blessed nest?"

Qiao Zhen Guo thought for a while and shook his head: "I still think you are more capable, Wife."

Wan Chun Ju never expected her man to praise her in front of everyone!

Feeling happy, she purposely glanced at Chen Qiao Qiao, who was opposite her.

Then she heard her man continue to say: "You obviously eat more more than the pigs in the production team. But in order to marry me, you actually endured for more than a month and ate only one bowl of rice per meal. So I think you are more capable than Fang Xiao Juan!"

Wan Chun Ju: "..."

Chen Qiao Qiao burst into a chuckle with a 'puchi'.

This eldest brother was simply a heart-jabbing madman. If he didn't give his wife a jab every day it seem that he can't sleep!

When Wan Chun Ju heard Chen Qiao Qiao's laughter, her face turned red and white. She almost vomited a mouthful of old blood!

Qiao Zhen Min glanced at his eldest brother in speechlessness. Then he turned to ask his mom: "Mom, do you want Second Brother to know about this?"

Qiao Xiu Zhi pondered for a while and answered, "You don't need to purposely tell him or keep it secret. He will eventually know when he needs to know."

Even if their Qiao Family deliberately kept it from him, they couldn't hide it for a lifetime.

Besides, the two had divorced. Fang Xiao Juan was still young. Sooner or later she will marry.

"Then do you want Younger Sister Da Qiao to know? Will she be sad when she knows?" Qiao Dong Ying couldn't help but interject.

She put herself in the position and thought for a moment. If her parents divorced and her mother wants to remarry, she will definitely be sad.

Even though her mother was patriarchal-minded and didn't care about her very much, she would still be sad.

Qiao Xiu Zhi frowned: "Who has seen Da Qiao today?"

Everyone froze. Then they shook their heads.

Everyone realized that Da Qiao didn't come to Qiao's old house today!

Qiao Xiu Zhi stood up and declared, "I'll go over there and take a look."

Xue Chuan also stood up: "I will go with you."

The few kids also stood up: "We'll go too!"

At this time, Da Qiao wasn't in Qiao's small house. She hide behind a big tree not far from Fang's house. Her big eyes were staring in the direction of Fang's house with her small mouth tightly pressed together.

Yesterday, she was caught by some auntie when she came out of Qiao's old house.

They told her that her mom was going to marry and take Younger Sister Xiao Qiao into Wang Family. From then on, she had nothing to do with Qiao Family!

They had said that in the future, her mom would have a new baby and would completely forget her, this daughter.

They had said that Younger Sister Xiao Qiao would change her surname and call another Dad. In the future, she won't be part of Qiao Family, but Wang Family instead!

After she listened, she felt uncomfortable.

She knew that her mom didn't like her as she disdained her for being a calamity and called her inherent hoodoo. Still, she couldn't hate her mom.

She even hoped that one day her mom would like her the way she likes Younger Sister Xiao Qiao.

But now she was going to get married. She will no longer be her mom. The more she thought about it, the more sad she became. She couldn't help come to Fang's house today.

She didn't know what she wanted to do when she came over. Just wanted to come over and take a look. Just one glance was enough.

"Little Stutterer, what are you doing here?" Suddenly, an unceremonious voice sounded behind him.

Da Qiao was startled. She hastily turned around and saw Fang You Liang and Fang You Rou brothers staring at her.

After Fang You Liang yelled out the words "little stutterer," he regretted it. He hadn't forgotten the last time Da Qiao's grandmother put chicken poo on his face.

But asking him to apologize for this was absolutely impossible!

Fang You Rou remembered to eat but not the hits. He had already forgotten about being smeared with chicken poo. He glared at Da Qiao and declared, "What are you doing?"

Da Qiao was a little worried that he would beat her and stepped back two steps: "I came over to see Younger Sister."

Fang You Liang's eyes suddenly widened. He stared at her as if he saw a ghost: "You, why aren't you stuttering?"

Da Qiao nodded: "En, my stuttering is gone. You can no longer call me little stutterer or my grandmother will beat you!"

Fang You Liang snorted coldly. He will absolutely not admit that he was afraid. Then he pointed to her face and asked: "Why does your face seem to be whiter. Even whiter than Younger Sister Xiao Qiao! Did you steal the vanishing cream from home and smeared it on yourself? Shameless!"

Fang You Rou scratched his cheek with his little finger: "Shameless!"

Da Qiao's face turned red. She defended herself: "I didn't use vanishing cream on my face. I became white by myself!"

Fang You Liang made a cheeky face at her. He turned around and ran while yelling: "Big fat liar! You used vanishing cream on your face!"

"Big fat liar! Big fat liar!" Fang You Rou kicked his short legs and ran after his elder brother.

Xiao Qiao was in a daze in the yard. When her elder maternal cousin brother came in, she asked: "Elder Maternal Cousin Brother, who were you talking to just now?"

Fang You Liang replied: "Your elder sister, Da Qiao! I'm telling you, your elder sister doesn't stutter anymore! And her face became whiter. I suspect that she stole the adult's vanishing cream!"

Xiao Qiao became excited: "Elder Maternal Cousin Brother, you mean my elder sister is outside now?"

Fang You Liang nodded. Before he could speak, Xiao Qiao turned into a gust of wind, rushed past him, and disappeared.

He scratched his head and puzzledly muttered: "When did those two sisters become so close?"

Xiao Qiao rushed out and saw Da Qiao's back gradually disappear. She shouted: "Elder Sister, wait for me!"

Since consuming the jade bead water, Da Qiao's ears had become very sharp. Even though she was a little far away, she can still hear Younger Sister's voice.

She stopped and turned around. As expected, she saw Younger Sister was rushing toward her.

Xiao Qiao panted as she ran "Elder Sister, why did you go so far so soon?"

How did Da Qiao go that far from the time her cousin came in to when she went out?

Da Qiao can go that far was all thanks to the jade beads.

Her calf was very strong now. She can walk fast and steadily. Even if she went to town by herself, it was no problem.

However, she didn't plan to tell Younger Sister: "Younger Sister, I just came to see you and Mom. Now I did, I'm going back."

How could Xiao Qiao let her go so easily?

She tilted her head, blinked her big eyes, and said with a sad look: "Elder Sister, are you still angry with me?"

Da Qiao shook her head: "I'm not angry."

Grandmother said one should waste time on meaningless things like anger. Although she didn't understand her grandmother's words, she was a very obedient little cutie. So she won't be angry with her younger sister.

Xiao Qiao frowned. She didn't know if it was her illusion. She had a feeling that Elder Sister had become smarter.

She recalled her speculation of luck-snatching system and her eyes flashed: "I have always wanted to find a chance to apologize to Elder Sister. Now that I know that Elder Sister isn't angry with me, I'm relieved."

Da Qiao stared at her with big eyes: "Younger Sister, have you finished talking? If you are finished, then I will go."

After saying that, she turned around and left before Xiao Qiao could answer.

Xiao Qiao: "..."

Xiao Qiao grabbed her sleeve: "Elder Sister, don't go. I still have something to ask you!"

Da Qiao stopped again: "Younger Sister, what do you want to ask?"

Xiao Qiao cut right down to the topic: "Elder Sister, are you bound to a system?"

Da Qiao looked confused: " Younger Sister, I don't understand what you are saying?"

Xiao Qiao believed that she was pretending: "Elder Sister, don't pretend. We're both thousand years fox demons. What is there to pretend?"

Da Qiao:?

Da Qiao felt Younger Sister speaking strange words. She couldn't understand a word of what she said.

"Younger Sister, I really got to leave. Grandmother and Grandfather will be anxious." After that, she turned to depart again.

Angered to death, Xiao Qiao stretched out her hand to grab Da Qiao's hand. Unexpectedly, she caught thin air!


She hadn't stood firmly. Her face welcomed to the ground first!

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