Academy’s Genius Swordmaster

Chapter 324

[Abduction 8. In the New Continent (2) ]


“They are obviously spies. Kill!”

The man who seemed to be the boss shouted. At the same time, the masked people threw something at once. Kagagak! Dozens of shurikens flying through the wind struck Asher’s defenses.


Asher screamed. Of course, not a single shuriken could pierce his shield. Embarrassment erupted from the masked people’s mouths.

“Damn, it doesn’t work with long-range attacks following swords.”

“It seems that he is no ordinary guy. No matter how enchanting it is, there must be a weakness…”

“Couldn’t it be the one dispatched from the Pandemonium, not the hostile faction?”

They started chattering and uttering unintelligible words. From the occult door to the pandemonium. All of these were unheard of in the Empire. Asher, who could not stand it, mustered up courage and opened his mouth.

“That’s why I have no intention of fighting you! Why the hell are you doing this?!”

I couldn’t understand English. It’s been almost 15 days since I came to the new continent, but this was the first time. Asher was attacked by those masked men while taking a walk alone at night.

It was fortunate that the camp at the top of Caravel was far away. At that time, the masked chief heard Asher’s words and shouted with a snort.

“It’s not even funny. You don’t want to fight? I saw with my own eyes that the black monster bird you raised ran away with the stone statue that sealed the Rakshasa in its bite!”

“A black monster?”

“okay! A monster flapping its four wings. I won’t say I don’t know!”


Asher’s face turned white. All the characteristics of the black rook matched Sheeta. Something that happened just the other day passed through my head.

‘It was a big deal.’

It was around the time that I was touring the village with Marya. Suddenly, Sheeta came back with a statue with an amulet in her mouth and proudly showed it off. The sealing stone seemed to mean that.

In addition, Sheeta, who came to the New World for the first time, traveled all over the place and collected things she liked. Asher, who belatedly grasped the situation, swallowed a thick saliva.

“That… what is a rachal?”

“It’s a monster made from the hearts of wicked people like you. You know everything, but you make fun of it!”

“No, I really don’t know…”

“Shut up! There was no way he would do such an evil thing unless he was a fan of the Pandemonium! I will slay you with the honor of Yeongwolrim Guardian!”

The masked man was indignant. It was unfair to Asher, but it was not a situation where appeals were not accepted. It was the moment when they closed the distance again and pulled out their swords.

“Upper is dangerous!”

Asher, who sensed danger, shouted urgently. bang! A giant tree flew in a parabola and landed on the heads of the masked people. At the spot where the tree fell, bewilderment erupted.

“It’s a surprise!”

“What is it!?”

Fortunately, there were no casualties. It was thanks to the fact that the masked people spread out in orderly movements. Naturally, people turned their heads in the direction the tree flew. A masked man who found something was frightened and pointed with his finger.

“Look over there!”

“no way…!”

Fear hung over the faces of the masked people. From the distance in the valley they had passed, something dark was approaching rapidly. The sound of thumping footsteps was getting closer. A shriek resembling the death of a beast resounded.


At the same time, the existence hidden in darkness appeared. It was a humanoid monster approaching 5m in height. someone shouted

“I am Raksha!”

The monster called Rakshasa had a terrible appearance that was feared to appear in dreams. The body made of obsidian was densely covered with letters written in melted gold. Sharp fingernails glistened in the moonlight.

“That’s that…!”

Asher’s face went white. In my adventures with Ronan over the past few years, I’ve encountered all sorts of terrifying and terrifying beings, but I’ve never seen anything like it.

Should I say that it looks completely different? The feeling itself is different from the monsters I’ve seen so far. The masked people in a state of panic were wandering around while stopping Asher’s pursuit.

“It’s all over…”

“I’ll buy you time, everyone run away!”

“How can I do that to Jang!”

All of their faces were stern as if they were risking their lives. Rakshasa seemed to be a powerful being comparable to a dragon. what to do What should I do? Asher was in the middle of crying and looking at Rachal.


Feeling suspicious, Asher tilted his head. The mana I felt from Rachal was weaker than I thought. Contrary to its terrifying appearance, the power itself was a bit stronger than that of an ogre.

Asher’s breathing, which had been rapid, gradually calmed down. Surprisingly, I thought that it might be worth trying. Asher, who gathered courage once again, opened his mouth.

“If only that is resolved…”


“If you kill that monster, will you stop chasing it?”

The masked people frowned. I wondered what nonsense this was. The man in charge of the captain snorted.

“under! That’s funny. Do you think that makes sense? A girl like you would kill that rakshak that the exiled masters rushed in and barely sealed it?”

The subordinates followed and spat out curse words. It was impossible, no matter how outlandish magic was used. Asher, who had heard that she was a woman, was trying to correct the men’s mistakes. A booming voice echoed from behind.

“Assel-! what are you doing there?”

“Ma marya?!”

It wasn’t a very familiar voice. Asher shrugged and slowly turned his head. Carrying a greatsword over one shoulder, Marya was striding forward.

“I’ve been looking for you for a long time. What are you doing?”

Her rich blonde hair swayed in the night breeze. A red silk robe was draped over her sleepy-looking body. It was an item bought with expensive money to narrow the distance with the natives of the New World.

“These guys kept following me…I was going to drop it in case it would harm the top.”

“Oh, this is frustrating. At first glance, it looks like a group of thieves, but they’ll just blow it up and come back. You’re too nice to wear.”

Marja clicked her tongue. Hearing that he was a thief, the masked captain shouted out loud.

“A bunch of bandits! Who are you talking about!”

“what? Wasn’t it?”

“of course! We are the guardians of the great Yeongwollim! Unknown and unknown rogue boats…”


It was the car he was talking about. Marja suddenly clapped her hands and opened her eyes wide in admiration. bang! After running for a month, she stopped in front of the captain.

“A handsome granddaughter. Did you just say Yeongwollim?”

“The speed of the cow is…”

The captain freaked out. In his eyes, Marja’s form seemed to disappear for a moment and then reappear. Marja, who inflated one cheek, asked again, poking his side.

“I asked if you belonged to Yeongwollim.”

“That’s right. Then what will you do! Seeing that you use witchcraft too, you must be friends with that girl!”

“Wow, I’ve been looking for it like that, but I never expected to run into it here. My name is Marja Carabel, the vice-captain of the Caravelle Merchant. If you have time…”


Marja, who instantly changed into sales mode, was continuing her conversation in a friendly manner. Rakshasa screamed again and began to run, twisting his limbs grotesquely. The masked people’s faces turned white.

“Huh! Stop talking like that and get out of the way!”

“Oh really. annoying.”

Marja narrowed her brows. Only then did she notice Raksha’s presence and turned around. I don’t know what it was, but I didn’t like it very much when it interrupted the business talk.

“Then let’s just put that away and talk about it.”

The masked man had no time to say anything. Marja spat out and suddenly jumped off the ground. bang! A crack formed at the place where the foot stepped, and the flagstone bounced off.


Nachal’s eyes widened. Marja, who had narrowed the distance with just three leaps, was already at his feet. Sensing a crisis, Rakshara raised her arms high.


Holding the greatsword with both hands, Marya twisted her body sideways and swung the sword. Wow! With a crushing sound, one of Raksha’s legs was completely cut off.

It was the moment when the unbalanced body fell forward. Marya, who made a sudden stop, raised her greatsword upwards and cut it. Awesome! The greatsword drawing a massive arc cut through the rakshasa’s head in half.



The masked people’s eyes widened as if they would pop out. I couldn’t believe the power that came from such a small body. thud! Rakshasa, whose legs and head had been cut off, collapsed with a roar. Marya, who finished the work in an instant, grinned.

“Now is it?”

“That, that sozer…”

Some of the masked people dropped the swords they were holding. It was a martial art that could only be seen in a dream. At that time, a grotesque roar resounded throughout the mountains.



Unlike before, it wasn’t just one. Tens of thousands of birds soared over the moonlit forest. The sound of trees cracking, the sound of something huge stepping on the ground quickly approaching.

“What is this again?”

Marja frowned. Suddenly, several huge shadows cast over the road. The masked people with their heads up froze. There were probably dozens of Rakshaks looking down at them from the cliffs on both sides.


“Don’t be ridiculous!”

It was a sight that seemed to freeze all the blood in his body. Each of the differently ugly Rakshaks was the size of a small hill. Eyes randomly attached to all parts of the body were scanning people.

“…we’re all dead now.”

“Wasn’t one of them the end?”

Despair hung over the faces of the masked people. There was no time to question what was going on. No matter how excellent the martial arts of the blonde Sojeo was, it was impossible to deal with such a number.

However, Marja’s face was calm and unwavering. She looked up at the rachals and smiled.

“You are really unlucky.”


“If you had come when I was alone, you would have had a chance. All of a sudden, when our cutie is around, come with us.”

Marja shook her head. The masked people were taken aback by his tone of sincere sympathy. Who do you mean cutie?

Come to think of it, the red-haired girl from earlier was nowhere to be seen. It was the moment when one of the Rakshaks who had jumped down the cliff lifted his leg to trample Marya. Quaang! An invisible fist hit the rachal in the chest.


A large body much larger than an ogre flew away as if it had become a pebble. Rakshasa, who was driven into the cliff on the other side, lowered her head. The steel chest was dug like a crater.

“This is…!”

The masked people hardened. It was like being hit by a meteorite. Marya lowered her greatsword and said without turning her head.

“Assel. Please.”

No answer came back. It was just as the other rakshaks were about to move. A low voice echoed above people’s heads.

“Knock up frost.”

It sounded like a normal conversation. At the same time as the incantation was performed, a huge magic circle was drawn under the feet of the seven demons. That was before they even reacted. Kwaaang! The magic circle emitted light and a column made of blizzard soared.

“Huh uh uh uh!”

The masked people were astonished. The seven ice storms ripped through the moonlight and soared up to the night sky at once. Before long, Rakshaks who could no longer move appeared in the place where the storm had subsided.

“It is over.”

Marja laughed. Rakzal had become seven ice statues. It was the moment Asher dispelled the magic. Blasphemy! The bodies of the Rakshals collapsed with a sound like rocks being split.


Asher, who put an end to the situation at once, let out a sigh of relief. The Rakshaks were weaker than expected, so I was able to finish them with almost no mana.

He slowly landed on the ground and was the car he was trying to get to Marja. In an instant, the masked people surrounding them all bowed their heads and shouted.

“Sojeo! Please help us!”

“I am a man.”

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