Absolute Sword Sense

Chapter 273

[Episode 89: Return (2)]

It was such a long, long time.

After leaving the fuse, I immediately took off in a sword flight and identified the location.

Because the fuse, outside the flow of time and space, is constantly moving, the time and place constantly change.

The moment I left the foggy forest, I knew where this place was.


It was about 10 ri away from the forest where I first entered the fuse.

You could say it was heavenly luck.

If the distance becomes too far and you end up in another province or county, it will be difficult to find Sima Ying and his companions.

‘The short distance means that the time error is not that big.'

I thought maybe that was the case.

But this expectation was just a vain wish.

In the forest where the fuse was, there was a thatched house that I had never seen before.

What does it mean that there is something that should not exist and that it has been a long time since it was built?

Time has definitely passed.

I hoped that too much time had not passed.



For a moment, I was speechless.

I knew that there would be an error of about a month or two at the most,

but the words that came out of Asong's mouth exceeded my expectations.

“.......Seven months have passed since I disappeared?”

“Master, where on earth have you been and have you shown up now? Do you know how anxious I was when I thought that Mr. Young had passed away in an accident?”


“young master?”

“Hold on a moment.”

My head is more complicated than I thought right now.

Much more time has passed than expected.

If there are seven months, just five months will make it a year.

In not a day or two, but seven months, a lot of things would have happened in that time.

I've been through so many things that this reality doesn't really shock me, but I can't help but sigh.

-oh my god?

There is an extremely high probability that the work in progress has also gone astray.

It was no exaggeration to say that the things we had planned fell through regardless of our will.

I need to know what happened in the past seven months.

The first thing to say is,

“Ah. Where are Sima Xiaoje and Song Zwabaek Song Woohyun and Demon Slayer Fist Demon Jang Munryang?”

“No, master. “Why am I leaving it out?”

“...You are safely in front of me now.”


Ah-song scratched his head as if he was embarrassed by those words.

“Don’t be silly and talk.”

In response to my words, Asong told me about what had happened so far.

“After you disappeared, we stayed here and waited for over a month. But...”

Then, Gyoju’s guards and Jwahobeop Ha Jong-il appeared where they were.

“Ha protection law?”

Ha Jong-il was in the middle of carrying out three missions under my orders.

If he came to visit us, it meant that most of the mission he had been given had been accomplished.

However, contrary to what I expected,

“What did Ha Jong-il’s guard say… Ah! “I told them that negotiations with Green Forest had broken down.”


It was different from the news that Jwahobeop first sent.

It was said that even when they were exchanging letters, the Green Forest King Gwangshin Army came out friendly.

But there was a breakdown in the meantime?

“Do you know why it broke up?”

“I heard that the King of Green Forest, Gwangshingun, suddenly declared that if one does not distinguish between male and female by skill according to the laws of the martial arts, he will never fall under the aegis of blood religion.”

“Mulim law?”

They were friendly in letters, but suddenly they followed the martial law.

Something is strange.

In any case, it is said that he refused to come under the umbrella of our school under the pretext of self-respect.

He is the King of Green Forest, a man with a reputation for having martial arts skills comparable to that of the Eight Great Masters.

Ha Jong-il was also a master of the left guard method, but he seemed to be no match for his opponent.

“So what did you do?”

Since I am missing, there is no one to make decisions.

Even if he came to report, we cannot give him further orders, so it is correct to return him to the main school or put him on standby.


“I don’t even know what happened to Sima Xiaozhe and Master Zwabai, so I can’t hastily announce that Confucius is missing....” Ah


Is it because of the confusion that would arise if I said I disappeared?

Well, since he disappeared for over a month, the situation was completely different from before.

Both people's judgments may be right.

“If you do that, what did Jwahobeop tell you to do?”

“I heard you said that if you don’t collect Green Forest under your control, the Blood Cult could be at a disadvantage in a future war with the Murim Alliance. Is that correct?”

“.....It did.”

I think that's what I said.

It was quite old for me, so I had no idea about it, but I said that.

This was because the four factions had to be integrated to achieve some degree of balance in terms of power.

“Because of that, Master Jwabaek, Master Woohyeon, and Master Jang Moon-ryang left for Green Forest with Jwahobeop, saying that if he had been there, he would have brought them under his wing somehow.”

I see.

Did they go instead?

But if that was five months ago, why isn't it here?

“Do you know what the result was?”

“I’ve been waiting here, but there’s no news.”

“No news...”

Did something go wrong?

If he had won in a fight with the Green Forest King Gwangshingun and won, he would have come under the aegis.

But the fact that he hasn't come back yet...

‘Damn it.'

I am concerned.

“Then where is Sima Xiaoze? “You wouldn’t have gone with them, would you?”

If it were Sima Ying’s true nature, he would have waited for me until the end.

But why can't she be seen?

In response to my question, Ah-song looked at my darkened expression and spoke cautiously.

“Sama Xiaoze was with me until three months ago. That room is Soger’s room. However, after going to a nearby county, my father suddenly had an accident and was seriously injured...”

“Your father-in-law?”

I couldn't help but be surprised by those words.

Who is your father-in-law?

He was one of the five great villains and an absolute powerhouse who went beyond walls and was counted among the five fingers in the midfield.

The last time I saw him, he was correct enough to get into a fight with Papa Aksim.

I couldn't believe he was injured like that.

“Did you hear who did it?”

“Even Master Sima said he didn’t know that. However, I heard that Sojeo’s father’s internal organs and bone marrow were filled with chills and that I was being treated by Go Soo at the temple where people were wondering what was going on.”

“Even the five organs and bone marrow were filled with chills?”

At that moment, someone passed through my mind.

-Are you sure it's her?

Among the current Jungwon martial arts sects, there is no one in all of Jeongsa who has the martial arts ability to control Hangi.

However, Bukhae Binggung, an outside world sect whose whereabouts are known to be unknown, was renowned for its martial arts skills in dealing with cold.

The person from the North Sea Ice Palace is Seolbaek.

‘No way...'

She came under the control of the Lord, or Geumsangje, during the time of the Wulin persecution.

So, did she also remain a subordinate of the Lord for hundreds of years?

I can't be sure, but there were quite a few former masters with extended lifespans under Geumsangje, now called Jonju.

To some extent, I couldn't ignore that possibility.

-So Geum Sang-je was targeting your father-in-law?

If Seolbaek is right, that may be the case.

However, one way or another, we cannot conclude everything based solely on what Ah Song told us.

Anyway, according to Asong's words, my father-in-law is receiving treatment at some temple to drive out the cold that has penetrated his five organs and six organs. What are you talking about, Gu-yang? Gooyang... I heard this somewhere...

‘Guyang Jin-gyeong!?'

At that moment, I was surprised and asked Ah Song.

“...Did you say that temple is Shaolin Temple?”

Ah Song responded by clapping his palms together.

“That’s right! “I said it was definitely Shaolin Temple.”


Shaolin Temple.

-Isn’t that one of the old factions of the political faction?


It is said to be the origin of the Jungwon martial arts world and is a symbol of the political faction.

-no. Your father-in-law is called a villain. How on earth is he receiving treatment there? If you're a political faction, wouldn't you kill your father-in-law because you thought it was right?



Although Shaolin Temple is a symbol of political faction, it is not involved in the affairs of Wulin.

-What are you talking about?

Unlike other sects, the Shaolin Temple is famous for not getting involved in even the affairs of the martial arts world, considering them to be worldly matters.

Shaolin Temple has fulfilled its role more faithfully as a Buddhist sect than as a martial sect.

Therefore, although they produce excellent masters, they are not involved in the affairs of the martial arts federation at all.

I heard that the reason they engage in worldly affairs is only for the sake of the people’s livelihood.

-So your father-in-law is safe?

I don't know.

Is it safe or not?


I told you about it earlier.

The Shaolin Temple is said to be working for the livelihood of the people.

It is said that they step forward if they believe it is harmful to the people's livelihood, and my father-in-law is also called a massacre who killed countless people in the martial arts world.

According to Shaolin Temple standards, it would be considered harmful.

-What do Shaolin temples do with such people?

I heard that the Shaolin Temple forbids killing unless it is the worst case scenario.

That is why they seem to have imprisoned those who were considered harmful to the people's lives in a place called Hoegeum-dong (悔馁洞) and educated them with Buddhist scriptures.

-So your father-in-law is being treated and imprisoned at the Shaolin Temple?

I heard that Shaolin Temple’s Yeokgeun-gyeong and Guyang-jin-gyeong are the highest peaks among the sects.

In particular, Yeokjeongjing has the effect of treating serious internal injuries, and Ouyang Jinjing, which is called the internal martial arts of the Yangtze River, can drive away chills.

It seems that what Ah-song said was Guyang Jin-gyeong is Guyang Jin-gyeong.

A Shaolin monk who does not disregard life would not have neglected injuries, no matter how evil his father-in-law was.

-But if you're locking them up, you're giving them medicine and bottles, right?

.........That's true from our perspective.

However, from the Shaolin Temple's perspective, they have fulfilled their duties.

This means saving lives and imprisoning wrongdoing evildoers.

-Then, the reason Sima Ying didn't come back until now could have been to save his father.

It seem to be like that.

He is Sima Ying's only blood relative.

There was no way I could leave my father like that.

Maybe she was trapped together while struggling to save her father-in-law.

-What needs to be done right away has been decided.

I have to save Sima Ying and my father-in-law.

* * *

Songshan, Dengfeng City, Henan Province.

There is a Shaolin temple called Murim Jeongjong.

Although it is said to be the source of martial arts, the interior of Shaolin Temple is no different from any other temple.

There is a mountain gate, bell tower, drum tower, Cheonjujeon, and main hall.

Inside the hermitage, it was filled with Buddhist scriptures made from bamboo sticks and scrolls, as if boasting of its history, and there were thousands of Buddhas with elaborate murals.

Up to this point, it is a place permitted to civilians visiting Shaolin Temple.

The thirty-six caves called Thirty-six Caves, which have various purposes and the Yeokjeon Sutra, which stores the hundred and eight martial arts techniques that can be said to be the true essence of Shaolin Temple, are off-limits to all but Shaolin monks.

Among the thirty-six caves, there is a place called Hoegeum-dong (悔禁洞).

Inside Hoegeum-dong, the sound of sutra chanting echoed outside.

“Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Haengsim Prajna Paramita, Jogyeon Oon Gaegong, Doilje High Amount, Sarija, Saekbul-i-gong, Gongbul-i-saek, Saek-juk-si-gong, Gong-jik-si-saek, water-processing ceremony, Yeokbu-yeo-si....” The sound of reciting the sutra was overflowing with energy


There was a peerless beauty biting her lips in front of Hoegeum-dong, where such shouts were heard.

She was none other than Sima Ying.


The reason she was wandering around this entrance was because her father, Wolakgeom Samachak, was there.

She heard shocking news three months ago.

He said that the Shaolin Temple was detaining his father in a place called Hoegeum-dong.

At first, it was hard to believe that fact.

Does it make sense for my father, who is one of the five greatest figures in martial arts, to be imprisoned in the Shaolin Temple?

I thought it was true.

It was said that Sima Chak, who had been seriously injured, entered the Shaolin Temple on his own feet.

And the rumor was true.

She was able to see her father's face only once since she came here.

- Wow!

Sima Ying gritted his teeth and glared at the white-bearded monk guarding the front of Huijin-dong.

That monk, called Hoegeumdongju, was in charge of protecting this place.

Hoegeumdongju looked at her and said.

“Amitabha Buddha. “Bodhisattva, please leave now.”

“...How can I leave in peace when my father is trapped here? monk.”

To her words, Hoegeumdongju responded by putting both hands together.

“I tell you this every day, but the more Bodhisattva becomes obsessed, the more it interferes with the enlightenment of Sima Siju.”

“iced coffee!”

It was always like this.

After she confirmed that her father, Sima Chak, was here, she did everything in her power to save him.

At first, they attempted to use force, but the force of the Shaolin Temple was on a different level from that of other political factions.

Hoegeumdongju, who was in front of him, was a transcendent expert who was said to be a candidate for the next head of the room, and he had no talent to deal with her inaction.

Accordingly, they tried numerous methods, such as disguising themselves as human skin masks and drugging the food ingredients of the infiltrated monks, but they all ended in failure.

‘I just need to remove the gold needles stuck in my father's body.'

Sima Chak's seven major Qi gates were sealed with a so-called gold jing needle.

If the qi gate was blocked and the martial arts were not sealed, how could Sima Chae, an expert who had overcome the wall, be held here?

“Just leave now. Bodhisattva. If you continue to obsess like this, you will have no choice but to take action. Amitabha Buddha.”

Sima Ying, who was glaring at Huijindongju with a flushed face, suddenly turned around.

Sima Ying, who was taking steps as if he were spinning around like that, soon kicked off the floor and threw a new weapon at Hui Jindongju at lightning speed.

“Amitabha Buddha.”

Hoegeumdongju took a bow with a sigh.

It was a training technique called Yongjosu, one of the 108 Shaolin arts.

When Sima Ying unfolded his attack, Hui Jindongju blocked it with his defense.

-Papa papapak!

A strange look appeared in the eyes of Hoegeumdongju, who was blocking her herbivorous efforts.

For three months, she attacked him countless times.

I dealt with her every time, but this was the first time I encountered a woman with such outstanding military talent.

‘It's increased again.'

They say they are controlling the water level inside the reservoir, but now they are easily preventing herbivory from the tidal water.

It occurred to me that if they continued to compete like this, Sima Ying might attain enlightenment and reach the pinnacle of perfection.

‘Blood is scary.'

Indeed, Samachak, the Wolak sword, was Yeosik.

But now I couldn't look at her.

A command came from the monk Bangjang.

[If Sima Siju’s daughter continues to cause trouble, she should also be sealed in the Qi Gate and imprisoned in the Defilement Building for 100 days.]

“Bodhisattva. Please forgive me for being poor.”

Hoegeumdongju, who was practicing Yongjosu, changed his method from Jobeop to Kwonbeop.

It was a ceremony for the Baekbo Shinken, one of the thirty-six rising martial arts that Shaolin is proud of.


Hoegeumdongju thrust his fist forward.

Then, along with the sound of a blow, the fist extended forward.


Sima Ying urgently did a backward somersault to avoid Hui Jindongju's blow.

“Excellent. one!”

However, the essence of Baekbo Shinjeon was only just beginning.

As Hui Jindongju stepped on the ground and stretched out his fists one after another, his fists created numerous fists and covered Sima Ying.

‘If only I brought a sword.'

Sima Ying could not help but feel embarrassed by Quan Ying.

Since she was not allowed to have weapons within the Shaolin Temple, she had no choice but to rely on the Moonlight Jade Movement (月影華玉掌), which she learned from her father Sima Chak.

‘You have to hold on.'

Sima Ying gritted her teeth.

I thought of a method of giving up the flesh and taking the bones.

Fortunately, the monks of Shaolin Temple did not use arrows at all.

She launched herself straight at Kwon Young.

“I knew it would come out like that.”


Hoegeumdongju moved behind her, spreading his steps like water flowing, and then tried to grab her wrist using Geumnasu's method.


For a split second, Hoegeumdongju was startled and took a step back.

Sima Ying, who had escaped the danger of being overpowered, could not hide his surprise as he opened a new punishment to him.

‘Why are you doing this all of a sudden?'

It was that moment.


Something hit the ground between Hui Jindongju and Sima Ying from the sky.

Sima Ying, who saw this, got teary-eyed and muttered.

“Blood Demon Sword!”

Hoegeumdongju, who heard her voice, was startled and asked a question.

“What do you mean, a blood demon sword? Si....”

However, Hoegeumdongju was unable to continue speaking until the end.

It was because of an intensely intimidating figure that had suddenly appeared behind him.

It feels like my whole body will be cut off on the spot if I move even a little.

Hoegeumdongju swallowed his saliva and opened his mouth.

“......Who are you?”

“He will be her husband.”

? Hanzhongwolya

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