Abandoned by the Alpha, I Became the Lycan King's Mate

Chapter 63

Chapter 63: A Possible Drug Bottle

[Donald’s Perspective]

I walked into the ward. Karl and the others rose and bowed to me.

I casually waved for them to sit down and asked, “Did you find anything else on him?”

“We’ve already checked the forest. There’s nothing.”

I’d already heard this answer once in the forest, but I still found it baffling. An ordinary person would always carry some items with him. If it was an assassin, it made sense that he didn’t have anything extra. Especially werewolves. Their claws were the best blades. They didn’t need to carry other weapons.

But Benjamin had said it might be drugs. There were needle marks on the man’s body. Most of the drugs that could cause organ failure were short-term outbreaks. It couldn’t have been injections given in advance. So he would have at least a small, opened drug bottle on him, unless he threw it away right after using it, or dropped it somewhere during the pursuit. Either way, it should still be in the forest.

I used my Mindlink to contact Elliot and asked him to send someone to search the forest. I hoped he would have some good news for me. If we could find the drug bottle, there should be a little residue in it. Benjamin might be able to find some clues there.

“Who went to investigate in the forest?” I asked casually.

“It was Commander Angel.”

“Was she alone?”


A subtle suspicion rose in my heart, but I suppressed it. No matter my past with Angel, her loyalty to the royal family could not be doubted. Her family and mine had been friends for generations. We were bound together for good or ill. She could not possibly betray me.

“Guard this place well. Report to me if anything happens.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

After a busy night, I finally walked back. My heavy heart seemed to lighten up a little when I thought of Margaret waiting for me in the house. She was like my sunshine, comforting me whenever I felt tired.

As I approached the room, I deliberately lightened my footsteps. I thought she might be asleep.

But when I opened the door, I saw her sitting on the bed, her legs dangling in midair. Her hands were fiddling with the flowers in front of her chest. She was looking at her hands as if she was thinking about something. When she heard me open the door, I saw her look up and smile at me in surprise. I smiled back at her.

I took off my jacket and hung it on the side. I turned around and asked her, “Why aren’t you asleep?”

Margaret looked at me but said nothing.

I touched her hair, which was still damp. She had just taken a shower and was in her pajamas. She smelled good. But even more fragrant than that was the personal scent she exuded.

“Waiting for me?”

I ran my fingers through her hair. It was a little damp, but it had another kind of mesmerizing beauty.

She leaned over and kissed me gently on the lips. It was so natural, as if we had done it a thousand times. For a moment, I had the illusion that we had been living together for a long time. I didn’t have the heart to ruin the mood. I just hugged her lightly and we kissed gently.

When we separated, I remembered that we had been arguing before. But I couldn’t think of any reason. We were so good at this moment. Why did we quarrel before? What was worth arguing about between us? We were together. This should be more important than everything.

“It’s late,” Margaret said.

“It’s very late,” I replied.

I knew I should wash up now and rest in bed. In two or three hours, I would have to leave here again. There were more things I needed to deal with. But I didn’t want to let go of Margaret’s hand. It would be good for us to just sit here for a while and say something meaningless.

“Do you want to talk to me about what happened in the forest?” I asked.

“No, thanks.”

I raised my eyebrows and looked at her questioningly. Her reaction then was different from now.

“You were mean to me. I kissed you. We’re even.”

Margaret looked away, but not before I saw a blush creeping stealthily up her ears.

She was always shy about such small matters, but she was very passionate in bed no matter what I did. She was really cute like this.

“That’s it?” I hugged her from behind and deliberately whispered in her ear. I knew that location was very sensitive. She was indeed ticklish. She trembled in my arms, but I hugged her even tighter. “So in the future, if I encounter any problems, can I kiss you more?”

As I spoke, I kissed her cheek.

“Tell me, why did you lose your temper then?”

“I was just a little jealous to see you standing with Angel,” Margaret replied shyly.

This answer really surprised me.

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