A VR Travel Story That Makes You Want to Be Humiliated

Chapter 273: Flashback Room – Cultist Defeated (2) ***

Chapter 273: Flashback Room – Cultist Defeated (2) ***

The characteristics of cultists are that they can borrow some of the power of the gods they worship and that they have a unique secretiveness.

Ordinary cult members who do not hold any status within the cult are no different from ordinary people.

They must make sacrifices every time they wish to borrow even the most insignificant level of power.

Unless, like this time, the enemy's invasion is known in advance and prepared for, the proportion of ordinary cultists in terms of combat power is almost non-existent.

But still, cultists place great importance on them.

This is because they are also colleagues who believe in the same cult, and the fact that they are no different from ordinary people plays a very important role in secrecy.

Ordinary cultists have various 'ordinary' skills to avoid being discovered that they are cultists.

For example, a cultist disguised as a hunter really has the hunting skills of an ordinary village hunter, and a cultist disguised as a chef can cook at the level of an ordinary chef.

Thanks to this, the cultist village can camouflage itself without being detected.

And among such cultists, there are naturally those who have carpentry or masonry skills.

The shabby frame placed in the corner of the underground altar was a tool made by such people.

A simple device with handcuffs and rope tied to a wall made of wooden planks.

However, since it was made by a cultist with woodworking skills, it did not break or come loose when subjected to a slight impact.

This means that even if many people shake their hips against it, the restraints will not be loosened.

A new victim was tied to the wall, which was shabby but strong and had signs of being used several times here and there.

Three women, each with purple, pink, and silver hair, were hanging on the wall with their clothes removed, receiving the sexual desires of male cult members with their entire bodies.

Rarely, there were female cult members mixed in as well. It wasn't that important.

The sight of the three, with both hands tied upward in handcuffs and their ankles tied in chains and lifted to a similar position as their wrists, looked like a urinal in a men's restroom.

In reality, what happened wasn't much different.

Several men stand in front, take out their dicks, and after using them, something comes out of their dicks.

There was a slight difference in whether that something was urine or semen, but it was the same in that it was called a 'toilet' in either case.

– Tong, Tong, Tong

The wooden planks, which were not very reliable, made noise and shook every time the cultists used the toilet.

It was because the back of the toilet hit the board.

However, the number of people trying to use the restroom did not decrease, as if it were broken, it could be rebuilt.

In any case, as long as the power of the god they worship intervenes, the toilet will never wake up.

"Hook, huh, huh... "

The man using the first toilet, Soira, was a fat middle-aged man.

Even at a glance, his lack of exercise was clearly visible, and even shaking his waist seemed to be exerting his stamina, and dirty moans kept coming out of his mouth.

In fact, the Soira side, which was being used as a toilet, was quieter.

He managed to scrape together the last of his stamina and finally finished ejaculating deep into the vagina, wiping the sweat dripping from his forehead and picking up the pen lying next to him.

Another stroke was made on Soira's thigh as it was lifted above her head.

With this, there were four sperm marks drawn with a black pen on her pure white thighs.

Of course, this number indicated how much each toilet was used.

In addition, the bodies of the three were covered in various vulgar graffiti.

A line drawn from the vagina to beyond the navel had graduations drawn on it, like a tape measure, to measure how far the dick would go.

Graffiti such as 'training toilet', 'delivery cock case', 'sex is so good', or 'cock runway' drawn on the chest were rather subdued.

Obscene graffiti was drawn on every corner of the body, as if testing the limits of how far human imagination can go.

There is no suitable entertainment in the village in the forest.

For such cliché reasons, cultists tested the newly introduced toilets on things that had been in the realm of delusion for countless hours.

In contrast to each person's defiled body, the adventurer card hanging around their neck remained clean.

Although there were a few drops of semen that accidentally splashed on it, it was still clean.

It was an item that cultists found by arbitrarily searching luggage left in the village.

The cult members were even more excited by the gap between the clean, smiling figure on the adventurer card and the current figure, which was being used as a toilet with all kinds of dirty graffiti on it.

The middle-aged man, who was trying to write down the number of uses on Soira's thigh and then add a graffiti, left in a hurry when he heard a complaint coming from behind him.

This is because the man standing behind him was not an ordinary cultist, but a cult fighter.

His status within the cult was high, and he was a far superior being simply considering his military power.

"It's finally my turn. "Isn't this taking too long?"

The combatant stroked his cock a few times with his hand and turned his head to look toward the toilet next to him.

In front of Flora, who was a little dusty but still had pretty pink hair, was her senior combatant.

'What's so good about a kid like that?'

The combatant did not understand his senior, but passed it on. Although there are differences in degree among cultists, they all have a strange corner somewhere.

The senior combatant said bluntly as he plowed Flora's cunt and pulled out the cum that was filling it.

"Then you bring another sacrifice. "How long has it been since you caught the sacrifice this time?"

"It's been about two weeks."

"It was a man. "I don't think I caught a guy without a hole."

"You know there's a hole. "The one in the back."

"Young. Do you want to have another hole in your body?"

The two laughed and joked.

After completing their preparations, the two approached the toilet to use it.

I opened my pussy with one hand and gently placed the glans into the gaping hole.

The moment he pushed his waist in and was about to enjoy the offering for the first time in a long time, the cultist in front of Soira suddenly discovered something that bothered him.

"... "Senior."

The senior cult member, who had just inserted himself inside Flora and was enjoying her tight pussy, responded in a slightly annoyed tone to the junior's words that interrupted his enjoyment.

"Why, what is it? Did you suddenly open your eyes?"

Driftert's power could be awakened at any time during the 'endless dream', which felt infinite to those involved, as long as the escape conditions were met.

Usually, if you don't escape in the first few weeks, the strangeness of the dream gradually diminishes and disappears, so the possibility of escape continued to decrease as time went by, but that didn't mean it was 0.

This was the reason why the three intruders were tied up with handcuffs and chains even though they were still in a dream.

But that wasn't the strange thing my junior discovered.

If I were to ask, it was a more trivial reason.

"This bitch, are you smiling?"

They invade the stronghold confidently, but are defeated and humiliated.

Even though it was probably the worst case scenario for a female adventurer, Soira's sleeping face was smiling.

Of course, Soira would be wandering around in her dream right now, so it was unlikely that she would be aware of the situation.

"Leave it alone. "I guess she's having a good dream."

The senior answered casually.

Even as cultists, they couldn't know what was going on in the dream world created by their god's power.

No one knew if it would be a terrible nightmare, a happy dream, or a chaos of desire and greed.

So I could have been smiling while having a good dream.

A high-ranking cult member with strong religious beliefs might have been indignant, saying, 'How dare an intruder enjoy happiness!' But it was none of his business as a mere combatant.

All that mattered to him right now was the hot body temperature he could feel from his dick, the thick creamy juice, and the pleasantly tight feel of her pussy.

"Well, I guess it's a good thing."

Her junior also nodded to her senior's opinion and inserted her prepared cock inside Soira.

Even though many cultists had already used it, the tight wrinkles were worthy of being called a masterpiece.

Even though it was twisted and entangled, I was able to feel pleasure differently every time I went a little further.

The sacrifice caught this time seemed to be of high quality. Although Driftert would not judge the value of an offering by the tightness of its vagina.

However, there was something I didn't like about the cult fighters.

Soira's calm and happy expression.

He had slightly sadistic tendencies and didn't like that expression.

The combatant placed her palm on Soira's forehead, and she unleashed the power she could borrow.

The power he borrowed was weak. To delve into the dreamer's dreams.

It was a weak power that couldn't put someone who was awake to sleep, couldn't decide how to use it, and didn't even know how it was used, but it seemed like it would be more fun to use it than not to use it.

A moment later, when his palm left her forehead, Soira's expression subtly twitched.

It's hard to put into words, but... It was a really subtle expression.


I was dreaming.

Several years have passed since I first entered the dream. ... It was that kind of setting.

I have already graduated from college.

I was passing my days brilliantly, taking advantage of the qualifications and connections I had built up. ... It is said that it is.

No, I don't really understand because as soon as I turn on the flashback room, it suddenly says it's been a few years.

Anyway, I guess that's how it is. I was doing it.

And one day.

A ninja suddenly appeared and killed everyone.

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