A Star Reborn: The Queen's Return

Chapter 1124 - Cat Abuser

Chapter 1124: Cat Abuser

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Xia Ling was shocked. She didn’t expect them to recognize this brand of sunglasses.

After she escaped this time, she could wear the old grandma’s old clothes, but she didn’t have other sunglasses and could only wear the one she had originally. But this pair of sunglasses cost a few months of living expenses for ordinary people, so how could she afford it with her current status? She thought for a second and smiled. “Really? This is very cheap. I bought it from a small store some time ago. I don’t know about it being limited edition, but it is probably an imitation.”

It turned out to be a fake.

The girl was a little disappointed, but she didn’t pursue it anymore. The sunglasses was too expensive, and Xia Ling’s explanation did indeed seem more reasonable. She turned her head and continued to look at the cat, then she took a white long-haired cat and said, “How about giving us this one to adopt? I quite like it. Then we’ll pick another one—one cat is too lonely, two will make a great partner and they will be happier.”

The grandmother smiled and said, “Okay, Xiao Bai is very docile and can get along with everyone.”

But Xia Ling frowned slightly. She couldn’t tell what was wrong, but she always felt like Xiao Bai was shivering in the girl’s arms. “Is it cold?” Xia Ling looked in concern at Xiao Bai. “Is it ill?”

The girl looked down at it and then looked up again with a bright smile. “It’s probably just not used to smelling the perfume on my body? It’s nothing, I’ll bathe when I’m home.”

“You have to treat it well.” The old grandma nagged.

The girl smiled radiantly and agreed, and after the man chose another kitten, they both bade their farewells.

Xia Ling kept feeling ill at ease, it was a very strange instinctual feeling. She paced around in the room and saw a chew toy at the corner of the room, so she said to the grandma, “They didn’t take Xiao Bai and Ah Huang’s toys when they left just now, right? Cats will feel uneasy in unfamiliar surroundings, and having their old things can help them get acquainted with the environment.”

These were what the grandma had told her.

The old grandma slapped her forehead. “Look at my memory, I was so busy I completely forgot. Quickly go catch up with them and see, they probably haven’t gone far.”

Xia Ling immediately ran out.

At the door of the unit building, she heard the rumbling of a small van. The man and the girl were squeezing the two cats into a cage. Xiao Bai and Ah Huang were struggling desperately and meowing loudly. “Stupid cat! What are you meowing for!” The girl suppressed her volume and scolded. She hit Xiao Bai fiercely. “I’ll kill you if you keep meowing!”

Xia Ling was shocked. Didn’t they love cats? Why were they treating the cats like this?

She couldn’t think too much and went up to grab the girl’s hand angrily. “Stop!”

The girl was caught off guard, and the cat and the cage in her hand were knocked over to the ground. Xiao Bai meowed and ran away as if avoiding some beast. Ah Huang didn’t run, but his body arched in the minivan and he hissed anxiously. Soon, more hissing sounds could be heard in the cages, some sounding mournful and some weak.

“Ah Huang, come out!” Xia Ling was also anxious, fearing that the two people who treated the cats poorly would take them away. She pushed the girl and bent over into the carriage to catch Ah Huang. Suddenly, her whole body froze—in the carriage, several cat cages were piled up in a row, and there were at least a dozen cats in them. Each one was scarred and badly injured, some had broken claws, some were blinded, and some even had their tails cut off...

The air was filled with the smell of rancid blood, making people feel sick.

Xia Ling had never seen such a horrible scene before, and her face turned pale in shock. At the side of the car, the girl pulled her back fiercely. “Get out! Who are you to enter my car!”

She regained her senses and reached out to catch Ah Huang, but Ah Huang clung deadly to the cage and refused to let go, looking at her with pleading eyes. She resisted the girl’s pulling and untied the cage with shaking hands. Inside, a cat with a broken tail zoomed out in a craze and disappeared instantly.

There was also a small milk cat whose eyes were poked by something. In the place where her eyes should have been were two bloody holes, rotting and full of pus. It curled up and shivered uncontrollably. Xia Ling reached out and picked her up, only to realize that her hind paws were also broken. The white bones poked out and dark red blood stained her snowy-white fur.

At the same time, the girl and the man worked together to pull Xia Ling out.

“Give me my cat back!” The girl screaming, grabbing the cat from Xia Ling’s arms.

Xia Ling shunned to the side and said with a trembling voice, “You’re abusing the cats!”

Grandma’s face was also pale, and she twitched her finger at the man and woman. “You two are cat abusers! You especially search for stray cats and then abuse them, right! Leave them all! I will take them to heal!”

Now, the man and woman stopped pretending.

The man looked at them arrogantly, his long colorful hair hay-like and messy. “We are cat abusers, but so what, it doesn’t have anything to do with you. You’ve already given us the cats, so we can play with them however we want to. Hahaha, get lost and don’t hinder us from having fun!”

Then, he signaled the girl. “Let’s go!”

Ah Huang was still in the car, and there were still several cat cages in the car. Many cats saw that Xia Ling had opened the cage and were all clawing on their cages and meowing desperately, all anxious and awaiting rescue.

Xia Ling looked at them and couldn’t bear leaving them, so she rushed into the car again. “Leave the cats!”

The man and woman hit her viciously.

Xia Ling’s arms were still holding onto a wounded little milk cat, and she couldn’t avoid the hit, so she instinctively bowed her head. The sunglasses on her face fell down. Her slightly haggard yet gorgeous face was exposed under the sunlight, and the girl suddenly stopped her hand mid-air and looked like she had seen a ghost. “You... you are Xia Ling!”

Xia Ling’s heart jumped. Oh no, she had been recognized.

But now was not the time to think about this. She looked angrily at the man and woman. “Leave the cats!”

The girl turned and got into the car. “Go, go, go, start the car quickly!” She was shocked. Why was the big star Xia Ling here? Didn’t the news report that she was in poor health and was resting at home? She had actually clashed with such an unattainable character and fought with her?

The girl escaped unconditionally.

The man also got on the van with the girl. “Come on!” On the driver’s seat of the minivan, there was a young man dressed very uniquely. He quickly stepped on the gas pedal and the car drove away.

Xia Ling chased after the van in vain. “Let go of those cats!”

The only thing that answered her was the car exhaust.

She was too angry and lowered her head to look at the little milk cat in her arms. Its breathing was already shallow, so she quickly handed it over to the grandma’s arms. Then, she picked up the sunglasses on the floor and put it on again. Together, they sent the little cat to the pet hospital.

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