A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation

Chapter 358: Is It Not A Joy To Have Friends Come From Afar? (2)

Chapter 358: Is It Not A Joy To Have Friends Come From Afar? (2)

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Chapter 358: Is It Not A Joy To Have Friends Come From Afar? (2)


Seo Ran leaps down from above Hong Fan's head.

His face is a mixture of joy and astonishment.

"No, Senior. What is this...are you really the same Senior from 300 years ago?"

"Haha, yes. Some minor things have been added, but there hasn't been much change, has there?"

"Ah...hmm...well, let's just say so. Haha, it's truly astonishing, Senior. The last time I saw you, you were at the Nascent Soul stage, but now you're already in the late Four-Axis stage...indeed, Senior is a genius like no other."


Seo Ran burst into admiration as if assessing my cultivation.

Well, considering that I appear to have progressed from the Nascent Soul stage to the late Four-Axis stage in 300 years, it's indeed an enormous growth.

Of course, there were far more events involved in my cultivation progress than it appears on the surface.

"Well, let's leave it at that. Anyway, it's been a while since we met. Let's go inside and talk instead of standing outside."

I stand up and intend to guide Seo Ran inside the Wuji Religious Hall.

"Oh, I almost forgot, there's one more person."

I look at another figure who has returned with Hong Fan.

It's a beautiful fox-eared woman dressed in a pure white robe with long white hair flowing down.

"Is she your wife?"

As soon as I see her, I can recognize who she is.

'It's been a really long time for her as well.'

Indeed, her identity is that fox who had chewed my arm like a snack when I fell to Ascension Path during my early cycles.

Of course, after reaching Entering Heavens, she was always beaten up by me.

I don't know her name, and honestly, I don't even care about her gender, but it seems she was female.

She descends from Hong Fan's head, gracefully holding the bottom of her robe and bows to me.

"Hello, Senior. It has been a long time. I am Shi Ho (始狐), the beloved of Older Brother Seo, and my art name (號) is Gi (棋)."

[TL/N: 'Older Brother' is 가가 (Gaga) in the raws. It's basically what a younger woman would use to address her older beloved. Gi means the board game Go, and Kim Young-hoon used to call the fox baduk, which is the board game Go in Korean.]

[Editor: Also, amusingly, her name, Shi Ho (始狐), literally means 'start/beginning fox.']

"Hoh, impressive."

I exclaim, gauging the cultivation level of the fox, now named Shi Ho.

'Grand Perfection Heavenly Being...she might step into the Four-Axis stage soon.'

Thinking about it, she's the fox who reached the Core Formation stage by merely absorbing Heaven and Earth spiritual energy on Ascension Path.

It seems her inherent talent is truly extraordinary.

'Seo Ran is now on the verge of crossing from the Grand Perfection Nascent Soul stage to the Heavenly Being stage...he must be under her thumb a lot.'

Regardless of what happened with Seo Ran and the fox.

Though there were some unfortunate incidents in the past, looking back now, they are both those I consider good friends.

"You come in too. Since it's been a while since we've met, let's hear how you've been. Haha, tell me how you two got married."

"Thank you for your consideration, Senior. Huhu, but this girl has yet to marry Older Brother Seo. We are just getting to know each other."

Shi Ho blushes and seems shy, and I laugh heartily.

They seem to be in the early stages of their relationship, still embarrassed around each other.

"Sorry about that. You two looked so much like a newlywed couple that I didn't real...ize..."

However, during the conversation, I'm startled as I notice Seo Ran's face growing increasingly pale.

'What's this?'

His intent is filled with terror, shock, and confusion.

And right then, Shi Ho suddenly sniffs the air.

In the next moment, her face contorts like a malicious evil spirit.

"Senior, please pardon my rudeness, but did a koi with a changing face sneak into your territory?"

"Ah, you mean Yuk Yo? I found it interesting since she had Seo Ran's face, so I brought her over. I used her to gather information about the Ancient Force Realm, and now she's temporarily kept in the guest chambers of that building..."

"...I see, she still has Older Brother Seo's face. That mongrel dares..."


Shi Ho grinds her teeth and, exuding killing intent, flips in the air.


In an instant, Shi Ho transforms into a fox with five tails and rushes towards the building I pointed at.

'She grew two more tails...'

I watch in fascination and, at the same time, speak to Hong Fan since Yuk Yo is still my guest.

"Go and calm her down a bit."



Hong Fan transforms into his human form, quickly splitting the space and heading to the guest room.

I pat Seo Ran's shoulder and guide him inside the Wuji Religious Hall.

"Haha, come to think of it, you didn't look very happy when I mentioned your marriage earlier. What's the matter? You seem to be quite under her thumb?"

As I say this, Seo Ran looks around.

A loud commotion is unfolding from inside the building Shi Ho has rushed into. Seo Ran, having entered the Wuji Religious Hall, is now inside the hall's protective barrier.

"D-Does this barrier have soundproofing as well?"

"Yes, it does have a soundproofing function."


When I snap my fingers, the formation activates, blocking the sound from inside and outside.

"Do you have something you want to say?"

I ask curiously, and Seo Ran, pale-faced, grabs my arm as if clinging for his life.

"Senior! Please save me! I can't live like this! My master, who is of lower cultivation than that fox demon and is very open-minded, doesn't seem to understand me. Even when I asked Lady Buk to intervene, she only told me to 'have a beautiful love.' which isn't helpful at all! I absolutely can't endure this. Even though it's said that different species of the Earth Tribe can have children after the Transformation stage, I really think this too much! Senior, please separate Shi Ho away from me!"

His face is pale with fear.

His intent is filled with terror and astonishment.

'No, wait, this is...'

Within Seo Ran's terrified intent, I realize what he is scared of.

'Amidst his fear, he's afraid of something changing within himself...'

Seo Ran feels that something is changing within him as he interacts with Shi Ho, and that is what he fears most.

I ask seriously.

"Seo Ran, what's the matter? Does Shi Ho torture you every night? Or, does she drain your essence for her cultivation with something like the Star-Absorbing Great Technique...?"

[TL/N: Star-Absorbing Great Technique is a reference to Jin Yong's novel The Smiling, Proud Wanderer, where it's one of the iconic techniques of the main character Linghu Chong.]

"No. Shi Ho is always good to me. Shi Ho never uses any techniques like the Star-Absorbing Great Technique. In fact, Shi Ho's cultivation was even delayed to find spiritual elixirs that would aid mine. As a companion, Shi Ho is ideal."

"Hmm...then what's the problem? I heard from the koi demon who deceived you that the koi demon drugged you and did something. Perhaps, did Shi Ho get extremely jealous thinking you cheated because of that?

"Yes, that's part of it. Since the night I spent with that koi demon, Shi Ho became extremely jealous towards any female demon beasts that come near me, to the point of even trying to kill them if they get too close."

"So she's extremely possessive. But how bad is it for you to be like this?"

"No, the reason I'm acting this way is not because of possessiveness. Although Shi Ho is very jealous, most fox demon beasts are said to be highly jealous when they fall in love, so it's a racial trait that I can understand."

"Then what exactly is the problem?"

I frown, unable to understand.

She doesn't torture her husband using her higher cultivation, nor does she use any essence draining techniques, and her possessiveness can be understood as a racial trait. Then just what is the issue?

But seeing my confusion, Seo Ran looks at me with eyes that seem to say he can't understand me either.

"Senior, do you perhaps not possess the vision of demon beasts?"

"Hmm, no. Of course, I do."

"Then you can see the Taiji, right? How can you pretend not to know?"

"Huh? Taiji? What are you talking about?"

As I'm still puzzled, Seo Ran finally explains directly, sounding frustrated.

Upon hearing his words, I stop dead in my tracks.

"That fox is male."





We share a moment of silence in the dark atmosphere.

"...Did you really not know?"

"...No, I just...thought it was a racial characteristic. Why would I use the Taij-seeing vision to check something like gender? Normally, people don't observe such things in detail."

"...Ah, yes. That is true, I apologize..."

"...So how did you two end up together?"

"In my opinion...I think his mind became a bit strange after being beaten up so much by Sir Kim Young-hoon. I felt sorry for him getting beaten up like a local dog, so I treated him once, and he's been like this ever since."

"...Oh...hmm. Is that so...?"

Just as I'm about to say something to Seo Ran.

"Older Brother~ I'm back."

Shi Ho, dressed in a pure white long robe, runs towards us.

'He' jumps into Seo Ran's chest, acting affectionately.

"You know, I felt so sad being apart for so long. But don't worry. I never forgot about Older Brother. It wasn't too painful because it was a meaningful task, so don't worry too much."

Seo Ran and I notice the blood on Shi Ho's fingers.

When I reach out with my consciousness to check, I find that fortunately, Hong Fan is treating Yuk Yo who has been injured to the point of death but is not dead yet.

'If Hong Fan is treating her, her life should be fine. And...'

I meet the desperate gaze of Seo Ran, who is silently pleading for my help.

Shi Ho, meanwhile, is overflowing with intense, pale pink emotions towards Seo Ran.

I'm at a loss for words, my mouth opening and closing. Finally, I manage to speak something.

"Um...have a beautiful love."

Seo Ran's intent decays, while Shi Ho, overjoyed, wipes tears with his bloodstained hands.

"Thank you, Senior!"

"...Ha, ha... Thank...you."

I avoid Seo Ran's gaze.

'Well...they'll handle it somehow.'

It isn't as if someone had died or a close friend was lost, so minor matters like are none of my concern.

It isn't my business, and I can only hope that Seo Ran will handle it himself.

Besides, there are many techniques to change one's gender. If he can't endure it, one of them will learn one eventually.

'As long as it's not me, there's no need to interfere.'

Unless it's something as serious as selling Seo Ran's flesh as Qi Building Pills every night, I decide not to meddle in the affairs of these lovers (?), and I sit them down in the guest room to ask about what has happened.

Seo Ran seems extremely uncomfortable regarding their relationship, so I mainly ask about Song Jin and Kim Young-hoon.

As well as her matters and the Ancient Force Realm.

"There really have been many events."

"...Yes, many indeed. I never expected we'd have to go to Salt Sea Island to collect salt crystals for Cheongmun Ryeong-nim."

"Salt crystals, huh..."

Hearing about it, it seems Seo Ran and Shi Ho are currently searching for clues related to Cheongmun Ryeong, who has turned into a salt pillar.

"Speaking of which..."

I spread my hands and demonstrate a simplified version of the Great Mountain Splitting Emperor Technique.


Salt grain-like energy appears in my palms.

Seo Ran is startled at the sight.

"I too have obtained a similar power. Though I haven't yet thought of a way to save Sir Cheongmun Ryeong, combining my power with your research might yield some results."

"...! I see. Thank you."

"And while we're on the subject...I heard that Kim Young-hoon and Buk Hyang-hwa are primarily focused on Cheongmun Ryeong, but you and Song Jin have a different goal related to Seo Hweol."

"Yes, that's correct...to properly understand the King's intentions, identify the nature of the spells he placed on the Sea Dragon Palace, Serving Command Palace, and the Black Castle, and find a way to counter him, we thought it would be best to ascend to a different realm than the Bright Cold Realm where he resides. Hence, for various reasons, we ascended to the Ancient Force realm."

I nod and share the information I have gathered about Seo Hweol with Seo Ran.

Seo Hweol and the Tainted Soul Filling the Heavens.

And that within him exists a trace of pure light, along with the fact that he has a separate 'main body.'

Seo Ran, seemingly overwhelmed by the continuous revelations, listens with wide, open eyes.

"...In that case, the incident 300 years ago when our group suddenly vomited salt was also..."

"Yes, when I used the Great Mountain Splitting Emperor Technique on Seo Hweol, showing him the power of this salt, it must have dissolved the Tainted Soul Filling the Heavens within you all."


"But don't worry. The remaining Tainted Soul Filling the Heavens within you has been turned into salt, so it's no longer a threat."

"...Understood. Thank you, Senior. Truly, thank you."

He appears to be in such a state of shock that he seems to have forgotten even the presence of Shi Ho clinging to him, contemplating something with a serious expression.

Shi Ho wipes the sweat from Seo Ran's forehead and says,

"Older Brother, we can't just keep receiving such incredible information from Senior without giving anything in return. Let's give him what we've gathered."

"Oh, we should."

Following Shi Ho's suggestion, Seo Ran takes out a storage scroll and spreads it before me.

Inside the storage scroll are various drawings.

"These are items we collected while wandering the Ancient Force Realm. We'll explain each one, and you can take whatever you like, Senior."

"Oh, thank you very much. I've always been curious about what items exist in the Ancient Force Realm..."

As I look into the storage scroll with growing interest, Seo Ran begins explaining the items one by one and laying them out on the table.

"Yes. first, this is..."

As I listen to the descriptions of the unique specialties of the Ancient Force Realm, I am suddenly shocked by an item with immense capabilities.

"Wait, explain that again."

"Yes, this is called the Supervisory Jade (監察玉). It's a crystal that allows you to project your consciousness to observe one of the Lower Realms you have been to or have previously descended your consciousness to."


I receive the Supervisory Jade with trembling hands.

"It consumes both ancient stones and spirit stones to activate and only lasts for about a day, so its practical use is limited. However, it's a popular item among collectors who enjoy observing the Lower Realms."

"Hmm...! A very useful item indeed."

"Useful? You can only observe the Lower Realms with your consciousness in the Plane of Soul so it's not very practical..."

"No, for me, it's one of the most necessary items."

With the All-Heavens Sword's ability, this item is practically a one-time-use Void Spirit Pond for me.

'Especially since the Void Spirit Pond disappeared when I left the Nether Ghost Realm, this is a very meaningful resource.'

Currently, the structure of the Ancient Force Realm makes it uncertain if there is a Void Spirit Pond or not.

Although seeing that Yeon Wei built the Health Axis makes it plausible there is one, there is nothing more important that can be used than this right now.

"Sorry, but could I use this for a moment? There's something in a Lower Realm that I need to observe."

"Ah, of course. Use it as much as you need."

"Thank you. Then..."


Borrowing Seo Ran's ancient stones and using my spirit stones, I activate the Supervisory Jade.


Ham Jin chews on his lip.

"Hoh, is it this boy?"

"Remarkable, a demi-god disciple. Your luck with disciples blossomed. Hahaha!

Ham Jin awkwardly smiles at the praise from the three old monsters before him.

Before him stand the Three Sage Gods of Yuhwa.

Heavenly God Blissful Sage.

Fire God Merchant Hwa Yeol.

Devil God Black Tomb Old Devil.

Each one of them is a top expert in the Core Formation stage.

'Sir Fighting Ghost, Sir Infinite Fighting Ghost.'

He repeatedly calls out to Infinite Fighting Ghost, the subordinate of the Wuji Ghost King, but receives no response.

Since Infinite Fighting Ghost disappeared like the wind, he no longer answers Ham Jin's calls.

'What happened to Sir Infinite Fighting Ghost? Just what is going on? Damn it, why today of all days!'

He bites his lip tightly.

"To inherit everything from Black Tomb at such a young age, you're really fortunate."

"For even the disciple to have such exceptional talent, I'm so envious I could die, Black Tomb."

Heavenly God Blissful Sage and Fire God Merchant Hwa Yeol look at Black Tomb Old Devil with eyes filled with jealousy.

Black Tomb Old Devil chuckles and replies.

"Enough! Ham Jin is mine. We agreed on this from the beginning, so don't covet him."

Ham Jin feels chills run down his spine at those words.

"Haha. Well, we've seen his face and rested enough...When will the ceremony start?"

Amidst their noisy chatter, they ask Black Tomb Old Devil with serious expressions.

Black Tomb Old Devil nods solemnly with a serious face and speaks.

"We can start immediately."

"Then let's begin right away. What are we waiting for?"

"Haha, I was just concerned that you weren't ready. Let's go!"

At those words, the Heavenly God and Fire God stand up, and Black Tomb Old Devil signals Ham Jin from behind with a look.

A signal to rise.

'Damn, I was planning to follow from behind and look for a chance to escape...'

It seems that will be difficult as well.

Ham Jin grits his teeth and squeezes between the Sage Gods as they head out of the cave residence.

Split Turtle Valley was originally a massive round black mountain that had been split in half.

However, being split in half doesn't mean it's perfectly divided into two; if seen from above, the split is slightly skewed to the left.

And the place Ham Jin and the old monsters are headed to is presumed to be the 'center' of the round black mountain before Split Turtle Valley was formed.

"Is this the place, Black Tomb?"

"That's right, Blissful. That's the spot."

Black Tomb Old Devil takes out a small black awl from his bosom.

His gaze turns to Ham Jin.

"Watch carefully, disciple. This is my natal dharma treasure and the artifact you will inherit, the Black Tomb Seal."


Ham Jin flinches in surprise at the sight.

It's an awl that emits an overwhelming energy.

"Now then. I will show you the power of the Black Tomb Seal. Let's begin!"



Black Tomb Old Devil throws the awl into the air.

The Black Tomb Seal hovers midair before lodging itself slightly into the center of the black mountain.

"Everyone, take it out!"

At Black Tomb Old Devil's words, Heavenly God Blissful Sage pulls out something like a massive crushing metal head from his mouth.

The head, radiating a white sacred light, exudes such a terrifying coldness that just looking at it makes one shiver.

Next, Fire God Merchant Hwa Yeol takes out the spine of a demon beast, wrapped in fiery red flames, from his storage scroll.

"Hehe, this is the spine of a Nascent Soul stage True God level demon beast. I happened to find it by chance in a cave residence within a volcano across the deep sea."

"Hoh, how astonishing. The spine of a True God level demon beast..."

"If refined into a dharma treasure, who knows what might come out..."

Though greed flashes in the eyes of Black Tomb Old Devil and Blissful Sage, they suppress themselves and each form hand seals.


Simultaneously, the crushing metal head held by Blissful Sage and the demon beast spine held by Merchant Hwa Yeol fuse in midair.

'A hammer?'

The spine became the handle, and the crushing metal head becomes the head of the hammer.

Black Tomb Old Devil confidently reaches out for the hammer they have created.

At that moment, Blissful Sage and Merchant Hwa Yeol glare at Black Tomb Old Devil and speak.

"Wait, before you use it, we need to place a restriction on you."

"If you use this dharma treasure, you'll be wielding both the True God level dharma treasure Black Tomb Seal and this supreme True God level dharma treasure. If you decide to kill us, we'll have no way to defend ourselves."

Though Black Tomb Old Devil's expression shows his displeasure, he spreads his arms and relaxes.

"Hmph, so distrustful. I too need to work with you all to obtain that power; why would I betray you?"

"You never know. Now, stop talking and accept the restriction quietly. You would do the same in our position."

"That's true. Do it quickly."

The Heavenly God and Fire God each place their respective restrictions on Black Tomb Old Devil.

"By the way, Black Tomb, are you okay with this? If we use Returning Fall Star, everyone in Split Turtle Valley will explode from the shockwave."

"Won't your disciples die too?"

However, Black Tomb Old Devil snorts and draws upon his devilish energy.

A dark devilish aura envelops his entire body, transforming his appearance.

[That's ridiculous. I only have one disciple, Ham Jin. The rest were just kindling to produce an excellent result like him. Whether they die or not is none of my concern. Just hold it in place.]

"Well, alright then."


Heavenly God and Flame God each exude their energy, firmly fixing the Black Tomb Seal in place.


In the hands of Black Tomb Old Devil, now in the form of a devil, holds a hammer.

The Returning Falling Star begins absorbing the devilish energy.

Soon, the Returning Falling Star turns pitch-black, and Black Tomb Old Devil soars into the sky holding it.

[Now then. I will pave the way! Ham Jin, protect yourself!]


Ham Jin draws upon the Silica Earth Great Wall Secrets to protect his body.

At the same time, he manipulates the dragon veins he has intertwined over the years.

'I can't let my fellow disciples die.'

Following Ham Jin's will, the dragon veins of Split Turtle Valley move, wrapping around his fellow disciples.

[Here I go!]


Black Tomb Old Devil descends from the sky.

Ham Jin tightly shuts his eyes.

The moment is near.

According to Black Tomb Old Devil's journal that he had secretly read, Black Tomb Old Devil intends to seize Ham Jin's body at this spot.

'Is it really the end now?'

And then, Black Tomb Old Devil's spell activates.


His body burns with devilish fire, shining brilliantly, and the Returning Falling Star begins to glow with starlight.

[Offering Sparrow Seal (奉雀印), release (開)!]


Black Tomb's entire body explodes, engraving a massive formation in the air.

Receiving the power of the formation, the devilish fire-formed body of Black Tomb swells significantly.

Black Tomb then swings the Returning Falling Star downward.

"What!? Wait!"

"Black Tomb, you bastard, you're betraying us after all!"

The Returning Falling Star, which was originally supposed to strike the Black Tomb Seal, grows massively just before impact, encompassing both the Heavenly God and the Fire God who are holding the Black Tomb Seal in place with their energy.


A tremendous explosion echoes.

A terrifying shockwave spreads throughout Split Turtle Valley, and Ham Jin feels all the defensive spells he had cast being torn apart, his entire body wracked with searing pain.


He spits out blood as he is flung far from the spot where the Returning Falling Star has struck.

'This is ridiculous...even for someone in the Qi Building stage like me, this impact is overwhelming. If I hadn't protected my comrades with the dragon vein, they would all be dead...'

With the power of Silica Earth Great Wall Secrets, Ham Jin originally should have been unscathed.

However, he had dispersed his strength to save his peers by providing them with protective Gang Qi.

As a result, his entire body ended up being torn apart.


Fortunately, the regenerative abilities of someone in the Qi Building stage allows Ham Jin to quickly heal as he stares into the dust cloud.


The sight before him is impressive.

A massive cylindrical pit with a diameter of about one zhang continuously extends downward.


"Black Tomb, you dog-like bastard...!"

"Krrrk, khahahaha!"

The two Sage Gods appear battered and bruised.

They seem to have used some life-saving spells to survive.

Although their bodies are in tatters, they are still intact.

And between them, a small Golden Core, covered in black devilish fire floats in midair, bound by numerous golden chains.

Ham Jin almost screams with joy at the sight.

'The Black Ghost Old Monster!'

The old monster Yeom Gok, who had tried to seize his body, now has his soul and Golden Core captured by the two Sage Gods!

Heavenly God Blissful Sage sneers.

"You foolish Black Tomb. Did you really think we wouldn't anticipate you betraying us at the last moment and trying to take over your disciple's body to kill us completely? The golden chains aren't just simple restraints. They are designed specifically to prevent body possession techniques!"

"Haha, this is what happens when you stupidly indulge in greed. Your devilish fire is useful, so I'll refine your Golden Core and soul well for my use, Black Tomb!"

The two Sage Gods laugh at Black Tomb Old Monster before turning their gazes to Ham Jin.

"Well, we've cleared the path and captured Black Tomb so..."

"Now, let's get rid of the witness."


Ham Jin feels a shiver down his spine.

The two Sage Gods are targeting him.

"Apologies for this, disciple of Black Tomb."

"May you live a better life in your next one."

The attack of Heavenly God Blissful Sage, radiating the light of Vanquishing Evil and Upholding Righteousness.

The fiery attack of Merchant Hwa Yeol, casting fire attribute spells, shoot towards Ham Jin.

No matter how injured and tattered their bodies are, they are in the Core Formation stage, while Ham Jin is only at the early Qi Building stage.

Under normal circumstances, their combined attacks would have exploded Ham Jin instantly.


However, Ham Jin envelops his entire body in a green light and blocks the attacks of the two Sage Gods.


"No, how is that possible!?"

Sweating profusely, Ham Jin activates the Silica Earth Great Wall Secrets.

Simultaneously, he feels a surge of power throughout his body and stomps his foot.


His foot strikes Split Turtle Valley.

A memory of learning the Silica Earth Great Wall Secrets from Infinite Fighting Ghost flashes through Ham Jin's mind.

―This Silica Earth Great Wall Secrets is a method with clear strengths and weaknesses. It requires an understanding of the dragon vein and is difficult to master. However, if you succeed and connect the dragon vein with your spiritual vein, you can exert immense power within the area of the dragon vein you control.


Enveloped in green light, Ham Jin looks like a Ghost King with green will-o'-the-wisp burning all over his body.

―The dragon vein you control is essentially your formation diagram. Of course, if you go outside the area dominated by the dragon vein, this method has the drawback of making you weaker than those of the same realm...

'The Black Tomb Old Devil is dead, and the Sage Gods are in tatters from the Black Tomb Old Devil's betrayal.'

―However, if you control the dragon vein of Split Turtle Valley, you can wield power surpassing the Grand Perfection Qi Building stage within the valley.

'True freedom is right before my eyes!'


The will-o'-the-wisps emanating from Ham Jin's body spreads in the four directions, fully activating the dragon vein within Split Turtle Valley.

The dragon vein of Split Turtle Valley converges centered around him. turning the entire vicinity into his formation diagram.

[Come at me! I won't die easily!]

Ham Jin's shout makes the two Sage Gods grind their teeth.

"This brat, are you challenging a Sage God as a mere demi-god?"

"Know your place, you insolent thing!"

Radiant light bursts from Heavenly God's body, and crimson flames erupt from Fire God's body.

Soon, the tattered Core Formation duo and the Qi Building stage Ham Jin, who has gained transcendental power within Split Turtle Valley, clash.

A battle that shakes Heaven and Earth ensues.

The disciples of Black Tomb within Split Turtle Valley look up at the sky with desperate faces.

And soon, the battle between the Sage Gods and the demi-god, appearing like a scene from a myth, comes to an end.

The battle ends with Ham Jin's defeat.


Ham Jin collapses, coughing up blood.

The dragon vein still holds immense power, but Ham Jin's stamina fails to sustain it.

'Damn it, just a little more and it would've been fine...'

He coughs up blood, looking at the two panting Core Formation Sage Gods before him.

"Amazing, kid."

"If you weren't Black Tomb Old Devil's disciple, I'd want to take you as my own..."

The two Sage Gods, though panting, look at Ham Jin with gazes filled with wonder.

Ham Jin closes his eyes.

And then.

Fire God Merchant Hwa Yeol reaches out to Ham Jin.

"I can't stand it any longer. This won't do. Ham Jin. You, become my disciple. I can't kill someone as ridiculously talented as you here."

"Wha, what?"

"I'm saying I'll spare you."


Ham Jin's eyes tremble.

He is afraid of serving under someone.

But the connection with the Wuji Ghost King is severed, and his master who seeked to steal his body, Black Tomb, is dead.

As a result, there's nothing more to fear.

That look in his eyes...it's genuine. Maybe Fire God Merchant Hwa Yeol is really...'

And as Ham Jin reaches out his hand towards Hwa Yeol with a dazed look in his eyes.


From behind Merchant Hwa Yeol, a black devilish fire bursts forth, and a dark hand emerges from around his heart.

[Ah...kuku. That won't do. Ham Jin is my disciple.]

The voice of Black Tomb Old Devil echoes.u0026nbsp;

Fire God Merchant Hwa Yeol turns around, bleeding, with an expression of disbelief.

There stands Black Tomb Old Devil, in the form of a Ghost King with his body made of black devilish fire.

[Sorry, but I once obtained a devilish art left by a Nascent Soul True God. Even if I lose my physical body, I can resurrect as a demon ghost. Well, if you had thoroughly examined my soul after capturing it and added more restraints, I wouldn't have been able to obtain a demon ghost body, but my disciple's efforts bought me time. Just like this.]

"Kurgh...Black Tomb, you bastard!"


Purple devilish fire envelops Fire God Merchant Hwa Yeol's entire body.

When the devilish fire subsides, Ham Jin opens his eyes wide.

The eyes of Fire God Merchant Hwa Yeol have changed.

Heavenly God Blissful Sage grits his teeth, realizing something.

"You...this bastard. You never intended to take over your disciple's body from the beginning! Were you aiming for our bodies all along!?"

[If one is going to backstab, one needs to plan three steps ahead. Kukuk...Now then, farewell, Heavenly God Blissful Sage.]

Black Tomb Old Devil, now possessing Fire God's body, reaches his hand out towards Heavenly God.


Heavenly God Blissful Sage, having nearly exhausted his spiritual power, fails to resist and is incinerated by the devilish fire emanating from the hand.

The gaze of the devil who has killed the two Sage Gods, Black Tomb Old Devil, turns to Ham Jin.

"Hmm, hmm..."


His voice returns to a more human tone.

"How astonishing, my disciple. I didn't expect you to hide such power. Though I knew you had something, I didn't have high expectations. But not only did you bring time against two Sage Gods, you also exhausted their spiritual power..."


Black Tomb turns around and picks up the Returning Falling Star he used earlier.

Then, with his other hand, he lifts the Black Tomb Seal, his natal dharma treasure.

"If it weren't for your help, I would've had to exhaust the innate energy of both the Falling Returning Star and the Black Tomb Seal to backstab them. Thanks to you, the treasures remain intact. Haha, I am very satisfied."

Seeing Black Tomb's satisfied expression as he gazes upon the hammer, Ham Jin grinds his teeth.

"What do you plan to do with me?"

Black Tomb looks at him.

"What do you mean? You are still my disciple."


Ham Jin grits his teeth.

The Heaven and Earth spiritual energy warns him of impending doom.

'He still plans to take over my body. I must not let my guard down!'

Whether aware of Ham Jin's worries or not, Black Tomb beckons to him.

"Come with me, my disciple."

Ham Jin wants to refuse, but he can't escape.

He has no choice but to reluctantly drag his exhausted body and follow Black Tomb.

Black Tomb and Ham Jin descend together to the bottom of the pit that the three Sage Gods had dug together.

As Ham Jin descends deeper into the pit on a flying magic artifact with him, he gasps.

'What is this power?'

It's an overwhelming power.

The further down they go, the more palpable it becomes.

"Since the day I discovered that ancient power is buried beneath Split Turtle Valley, I've been desperately striving to obtain it. However, upon investigation, I realized that there's a grand restriction below this valley. To break the restriction, one has to 'simultaneously' destroy parts of both the restriction and the valley itself. To achieve this, the three of us joined forces. Finally, with the help of the Returning Falling Star and the Black Tomb Seal, we were able to approach this power."

'Why is he telling me all this?'

Ham Jin looks at Black Tomb with tension-filled eyes.


The flying magic artifact carrying Ham Jin and Black Tom arrives at the bottom of the pit.


Ham Jin sees a green spirit tablet.

'This is...'

It's the object protected by the dragon veins of Split Turtle Valley, which he sensed through the Silica Earth Great Wall Secrets.

The source of this tremendous power.

Black Tomb's eyes gleam with greed and tension.

"But at the same time, I thought. Even if it is an overwhelming power, it would be disastrous if I can't control it or if there are side effects. So, I came up with a plan."

He reaches out towards the spirit tablet.


The spirit tablet buzzes as if rejecting Black Tomb's touch, but he ignores it and lifts the tablet.

"First, I'll transplant this power into someone else's body to observe any side effects before properly examining it."

The body of Fire God Merchant Hwa Yeol possessed by Black Tomb Old Monster.

His chest has a hole where his heart should have been, caused by Black Tomb crushing it during his initial attack.

Black Tomb places the spirit tablet into the hole in his chest.

After forming hand seals, the flesh around the hole begins to heal.

Ham Jin, watching from behind, breaks out in a cold sweat.

As the immense power from the spirit tablet melds with Black Tomb's spell, a heart grows over the tablet.

The spirit tablet is becoming the Old Monster's heart.

'This is insane! If it's this power...'

He is drenched in cold sweat.

If it's this power, he is certain that even if the Wuji Ghost King comes in their main body, they would not be able to rival this power.

Even if he is in the Qi Building stage, a demi-god is a demi-god!

He is sure that the crystallization of this power is not inferior to the Wuji Ghost King.

"Ohoho, it truly is such tremendous power! Ah, it surges through me!"


Possessing Merchant Hwa Yeol's body with the spirit tablet as his heart, Black Tomb morphs into his own form.

"Hahaha! It's the best! The best! Now I shall rule the Peaceful Cloud Continent!"

His maniacal laughter echoes through the pit. The green radiance and power emanating from his body makes Ham Jin look up at him in despair.

Just then.


Ham Jin notices something strange about his shadow.

It's clearly his own shadow, but.

It has 19 heads.


And then.

He hears a familiar voice.

[Formation. Activate.]

In the next moment.


The formation that Ham Jin has laid out entwining the dragon veins in Split Turtle Valley activates.


Author's Note: Though fights with minor characters are the most fun, it would be troublesome if the main story gets delayed, so I crammed everything into one chapter.

Translator Notes: Some of you may have noticed the salt thing Seo Ran talked about that happened 300 years ago is actually a continuity error because it happened in the previous cycle. Think of it as if something similar happened when Seo Eun-hyun fought against Seo Hweol at the start of this cycle lol.


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