A Record of a Mortal's Journey to Immortality: Immortal Realm

Chapter 906: Agreement for the Next Round

Chapter 906: Agreement for the Next Round

Chen Yang gave Xuanyuan Xing a slight nod, then turned his gaze to Yi Liya, who was also looking back at him with a calm expression.

"Yi Liya, you have the toughest opponent of all today. Your opponent is Feng Wuchen of Profound End City. Not only is he the most powerful representative of Profound End City, he also placed in the top four during the previous martial gathering, so..."

A proud smile appeared on Yi Liya's face as he cut Chen Yang off and interjected, "Rest assured, City Lord Chen, Feng Wuchen is a tough opponent, but I've already thought of a strategy against him, so I'm not without chances."

Chen Yang was a little displeased at being cut off, but he didn't show it as he nodded in response.

"Feng Wuchen is an extremely formidable cultivator that even I may not be able to defeat, so don't be careless, Fellow Daoist Yi," Gu Qianxun warned.

Yi Liya's brows furrowed slightly upon hearing this, and he replied in an indifferent manner, "Thank you for the cautionary words, Fellow Daoist Gu."

This entire time, Han Li didn't even bother to take a single glance at Yi Liya, and it was as if he hadn't heard the conversation taking place between Yi Liya and Chen Yang at all.

After lecturing the four combatants for a while longer, Chen Yang departed to make his way toward the elevated platform reserved for the city lords.

As soon as Chen Yang departed, Yi Liya strode over to Han Li and said, "You better not lose this round, Fellow Daoist Li. That way, we'll be able to face each other in the next round."

"Likewise, I hope you can defeat Feng Wuchen, Fellow Daoist Yi," Han Li replied in an indifferent voice.

Indeed, the arrangement of the bracket meant that Han Li would be facing one of Yi Liya or Feng Wuchen if he could successfully progress to the next round.

Yi Liya gave a cold harrumph upon hearing this, then made his way back to Tu Gang and the others, while Han Li sat down on the spot with his legs crossed and closed his eyes to rest.

By the time Chen Yang arrived on the elevated platform, the other four city lords were already there, but for some reason, Mistress Liu Hua was absent.

"My sincerest apologies, City Lord Chen. Your Green Goat City only has four people left, and after this round, at least two more will be eliminated. I wanted to give one of you representatives a free win as a gesture of goodwill, but neither Feng Wuchen nor Hao Feng were willing to surrender their battles, and I couldn't just force them into doing so," Qin Yuan said.

"I appreciate the thought, City Lord Qin, but the Five City Martial Gathering has always produced its fair share of surprises, so who's to say what the outcome of the battles will be?" Chen Yang replied with a smile.

"I admire your composure, City Lord Chen. Let's wait and see then," Qin Yuan said with a faint smile.

Fu Jian and Sun Tu sat in silence, displaying no interest in the conversation taking place between Chen Yang and Qin Yuan.

"It's time, let's begin," City Lord E Kuai declared, and the horned man standing beside him immediately nodded in response before jumping down from the elevated platform to the center of the Asura Arena.

"I'm sure all of you are still buzzing from the spectacular first round that took place seven days ago. Today, the excitement continues with the much-anticipated second round! The rules of this round will be the same as the previous ones, with sixteen total battles held in two batches," the horned man announced, and the gray stone wall slowly began to rise up once again.

This time, there were only thirty-two names and two columns on the stone wall, laying out the matchups for the second round.

Han Li and Yi Liya had their battles in the first batch, while Gu Qianxun and Xuanyuan Xing were scheduled to fight in the second batch.

Yi Liya strode over to his platform in silence, followed by Tu Gang and the others, while Han Li took a deep breath to brace himself for the upcoming battle.

"Good luck, Fellow Daoist Li," Gu Qianxun said.

"Indeed, best of luck to you, Fellow Daoist Li," Xuanyuan Xing chimed in with a friendly smile.

Han Li gave the two of them a faint smile, then made his way onto his platform, where a black-robed referee was already standing.

Han Li gave the referee a slight nod, then took a casual glance at his surroundings to discover that there were far more spectators gathered nearby than for his first round battle, but most of them were from Profound End City, so they were clearly supporters of Hao Feng.

Right at his moment, a gray shadow abruptly appeared on the platform across from Han Li at an astonishing speed.

It was a gray-robed figure that was as thin as a bamboo pole, and he was holding a strange serpentine sword with a layer of viscous green light flashing over its blade.

Han Li's eyes narrowed slightly as he thought back to the information that Chen Yang had gathered on Hao Feng.

Just like Feng Wuchen, Hao Feng's cultivation arts were also mostly focused leg cultivation, thereby granting him tremendous speed, and his Green Snake Sword also contained the venom of some type of powerful scaled snake that could directly erode one's profound acupoints.

Hao Feng was also observing Han Li, and he said in a raspy voice, "Li Feiyu, I watched your battle against Xu Shun. Your acting may have been able to fool others, but you didn't fool me."

"I'm honored that you watched my battle," Han Li replied in an expressionless manner.

"I can tell you're a powerful cultivator, and you've hidden your powers well, but it's very unfortunate for you that you had to encounter me. I suggest you surrender this match, it'll be the wisest decision you'll ever make," Hao Feng continued.

"My apologies, but I have no intention of surrendering this match," Han Li replied with a faint smile.

A cold look flashed through Hao Feng's eyes upon hearing this.

"Fine! I gave you a chance!"

"Begin!" the black-robed referee announced, and over a hundred profound acupoints instantly lit up over Hao Feng's body, enshrouding his entire body in brilliant white radiance.

In particular, around forty to fifty of those profound acupoints were gathered in his legs.

The white light radiating from those profound acupoints converged to form a pair of serpentine projections, making it appear as if he had a pair of white snakes underfoot.

A hint of surprise flashed through Han Li's eyes upon seeing this, and seventy-two of his profound acupoints lit up in unison.

Before he had a chance to do anything else, a cold sneer appeared on Hao Feng's face, and he abruptly vanished from the spot, leaving only a trail of glowing white afterimages in his wake.

In the next instant, a green sword projection appeared directly in front of Han Li, piercing toward his chest, while Han Li remained rooted to the spot, seemingly having completely failed to react.

All of the nearby spectators were immediately put on the edge of their seats upon seeing this.

Was this already going to be the end of the battle?

However, after the Green Snake Sword pierced through Han Li's body, not even a single drop of blood was shed, and he quickly dissipated from the spot, revealing himself to be nothing more than an afterimage.

Right at this moment, the powerful gust of wind swept toward Hao Feng from behind as Han Li appeared behind him without any warning. All of his Wingform Ascension Arts profound acupoints were glowing radiantly, and he was making a grab for Hao Feng with one hand.

Hao Feng was quite startled by this turn of events, and he didn't have time to turn around, so he could only lash out behind himself with his Green Snake Sword, sending a wave of green sword projections sweeping toward Han Li.

All of the sword projections were as fast as lightning, and they sped toward Han Li with tremendous power.

Han Li immediately clenched his outstretched hand into a fist, and a layer of golden light emerged over his arm as he threw a punch at the oncoming green sword projections.

A resounding boom rang out as a burst of radiant golden light erupted from Han Li's right arm, instantly tearing through the wave of green sword projections.

Hao Feng shuddered violently as he was forced back a step, and he looked down to discover that a layer of golden fur had appeared over Han Li's fist, leaving several white marks on the edge of his Green Snake Sword.

Hao Feng harrumphed coldly as his body abruptly dissipated into a series of white afterimages, and in the blink of an eye, he was behind Han Li, thrusting his Green Snake Sword toward Han Li's back.

However, Han Li was able to turn around in time to throw another punch into the Green Snake Sword, forcing back Hao Feng once again.

In the wake of his two consecutive failed attacks, Hao Feng was beginning to grow a little agitated, and he quickly accelerated to his top speed, conjuring up layers upon layers of afterimages that connected together to form what appeared to be a giant white serpent rapidly coiling around Han Li.

At the same time, gusts of fierce wind swept through the air, forming a tornado that was over a hundred feet in size around Han Li.

"Fellow Daoist Hao Feng is using his Snake Shadow Movement Technique! There's no way Li Feiyu will be able to survive this time!" a spectator from Profound End City exclaimed in an excited manner.

A series of green sword projections shot out of the surrounding tornado, targeting several of Han Li's vital regions at once.

Han Li raised an eyebrow upon seeing this, then casually threw a punch forward, and a burst of tremendous power erupted out of his fist in all directions.

All of the surrounding sword projections were instantly stopped in their tracks as if they had struck an invisible wall, following which they abruptly shattered with a resounding boom, while the surrounding tornado also exploded.

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