A Record of a Mortal's Journey to Immortality: Immortal Realm

Chapter 854: From Foes to Friends

Chen Yang raised an eyebrow upon seeing this, and he grinned as he beckoned to Han Li.

A sharp gleam flashed through the giant golden ape's eyes, and it let loose a low roar before launching its fists through the air in a rapidfire barrage.

Golden fist projections erupted toward Chen Yang like shooting stars, causing the space in their wake to rumble violently.

However, Chen Yang remained completely unfazed as he thrust his left hand forward, and all of the golden fist projections instantly drew to a halt in front of him, as if they had encountered an unbreakable wall.

Immediately thereafter, all of the golden fist projections exploded, sending shockwaves sweeping through the air in all directions, while the giant golden ape had already vanished from the spot.

In the next instant, the golden ape reappeared in a wraith-like manner behind Chen Yang, then lashed out with its giant fists at Chen Yang's back.

Chen Yang reacted very quickly, swiveling around as he swung his glowing right arm toward the oncoming giant fists.

All of a sudden, the profound acupoints on the golden ape's body flashed momentarily, and its enormous body shrank down to the size of the average grown man as it crouched down to lower its center of gravity.

Chen Yang was caught completely off guard, and his right arm struck nothing but empty air, while his body also swayed involuntarily from the momentum generated by his arm swing.

Han Li pounced on this opportunity to spring forward like an agile monkey, darting past him before picking up Daoist Xie from the ground.

"Get back here!" Chen Yang roared with a furious expression as he reached out with both hands, and his arms abruptly elongated to around twice their original length, allowing him to grab onto Han Li's waist.

Bursts of white finger projections erupted out of his fingertips, and in particular, the ones that had erupted out of the fingers on Chen Yang's right hand were extremely bright, causing the nearby space to ripple and warp.

Due to the extreme spatial pressure in the Scalptia Spatial Domain, the space here was extremely stable, so it was very remarkable that Chen Yang was able to make the space ripple with his right hand.

In response, Han Li conjured up his True Extreme Film, but it stood no chance against Chen Yang's fingers and was torn apart with ease.

However, right at this moment, seven or eight true spirit projections suddenly sprang out of Han Li's body, and seven or eight layers of light of different colors also surfaced around him.

In the instant that Chen Yang's fingers grabbed onto Han Li's waist, he suddenly felt Han Li's skin become extremely slick, causing his fingers to slide off his body.

As a result, Han Li was able to escape, and he instantly flew to several hundred feet away, then turned to look at Chen Yang with a wary expression.

At this point, he had already reverted back to his human form, and he was looking a little pale.

The Twelve Awakening Transformations was an ability that was supposed to be unleashed using a combination of one's bloodline power and spiritual power.

Given that he currently had no access to immortal spiritual power, Han Li could only forcibly draw upon his bloodline power to unleash the Twelve Awakening Transformations, and that was extremely taxing on him.

Instead of giving chase, Chen Yang remained standing on the spot as he observed Han Li with a surprised expression.

"Are you alright, Fellow Daoist Li?" Shi Chuankong asked as he rushed over to Han Li's side with a hint of embarrassment in his eyes.

Thanks to the boundless resources of the devilish imperial family, he had managed to open over forty profound acupoints, but when it came to mental fortitude and tenacity, he was far inferior to Han Li.

"I'm fine," Han Li replied as he rubbed a hand over his waist, and the palm of his hand was instantly stained with blood.

At this moment, there were five long gashes on his waist that were bleeding profusely, but things could've been much worse.

"I didn't think the fugitives in this domain would be so strong. What do we do now? Should we use the trump card given to us by Pokong to kill this man?" Shi Chuankong asked through voice transmission.

Han Li offered no response. He had his Spirit Refinement Technique as a trump card, so he wasn't afraid of Chen Yang.

"You two are new guys from the outside, right?" Chen Yang suddenly asked, and the profound acupoints all over his body quickly faded away.

"That's right. We were only just cast into the Scalptia Spatial Domain by the Night Sun Empire. Who are you, and why did you attack us?" Han Li asked.

"I knew it. This is all a misunderstanding. I didn't recognize you two, and I saw a puppet by your side, so I attacked you on the assumption that you were from Puppet City," Chen Yang explained.

Han Li and Shi Chuankong exchanged a glance upon hearing this, and they remained cautious and apprehensive.

"Don't worry. If you two are new here, then we're not enemies," Chen Yang said with a smile, suddenly displaying a friendly demeanor.

After communicating briefly with Shi Chuankong through voice transmission, Han Li cupped his fist in a salute as he said, "Seeing as this was all a misunderstanding, then let's end things here and let bygones be bygones."

"My name is Chen Yang. May I ask your names, fellow daoists?" Chen Yang asked.

"Li Feiyu."

"Shi Kong."

Due to his sensitive status, Shi Chuankong had given a false alias.

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Fellow Daoist Li, Fellow Daoist Shi," Chen Yang said with a wide smile, and the tense atmosphere was significantly alleviated.

"What is this Puppet City that you spoke of earlier, Fellow Daoist Chen?" Han Li suddenly asked.

"That's a long story. To give you a summary, the survivors in the Scalptia Spatial Domain are currently split up into two major powers. My companions and I come from Profound City, while Puppet City represents the opposing major power, which is why I attacked you just now," Chen Yang explained with a smile.

"I see," Han Li replied as he nodded with a contemplative expression.

"Profound City and Puppet City... Those are two rather interesting names," Shi Chuankong remarked.

"As I'm sure you've figured out by now, it's impossible to use devilish qi and spiritual qi in the Scalptia Spatial Domain. Hence, in order to contend against all of the native beasts of the domain, the only options are to pursue bodily refinement or rely on puppets. Our Profound City is filled with bodily refinement cultivators, while those Puppet City specialize in puppeteering," Chen Yang explained with a smile.

"I see," Shi Chuankong replied with a nod.

"The environment in the Scalptia Spatial Domain is extremely unforgiving, and it's very difficult to survive here in small groups. Would you be interested in joining our Profound City? I can see that both of you have already opened up many profound acupoints, so you would be perfect additions to our city," Chen Yang invited.

Han Li was internally quite excited to hear this.

He was just considering joining Profound City or Puppet City to find more leads on Violet Spirit, so this offer from Chen Yang had come at the perfect time.

Despite this, his expression remained unchanged, and he pretended to be contemplating the offer while also giving Shi Chuankong a subtle look.

Shi Chuankong immediately caught on to his intentions, and he asked, "Would you be able to tell us more about Profound City, Fellow Daoist Chen?"

"As I just said, our Profound City is primarily inhabited by bodily refinement cultivators, and our city lord is Master E Kuai. He's an unfathomably powerful bodily refinement cultivator who's opened over a thousand profound acupoints, and it's all thanks to his protection that we're able to live safely in this Scalptia Spatial Domain," Chen Yang introduced as a hint of admiration surfaced in his eyes.

Han Li and Shi Chuankong were both astonished to hear this.

Bodily refinement was extremely difficult, yet even devilish beings were blessed with many physical advantages and also had access to an abundance of resources in the Devil Realm, Shi Chuankong had only ever heard of a few cultivators who had opened eight hundred profound acupoints.

"Master E Kuai is far above what the likes of us can hope to reach, but I can see that both of you also possess remarkable aptitude when it comes to bodily refinement, so why not come to our Profound City to further yourselves?" Chen Yang invited once again.

"Would you be able to give us some time to consider this matter, Fellow Daoist Chen?" Han Li asked, but he received no response, and as he turned his gaze to Chen Yang, he discovered that the latter had suddenly begun looking up at the sky with a grim expression.

Han Li also looked up at the sky upon seeing this, and he discovered that some dark clouds had suddenly appeared up above.

"Is there a problem, Fellow Daoist Chen?" Shi Chuankong asked.

However, Chen Yang didn't appear to have heard him at all, and he murmured to himself, "Why has it come so early this year?"

"Fellow Daoist Chen, are you alright?" Han Li asked in a louder voice, and only then did Chen Yang snap back to his senses.

Han Li's brows furrowed slightly upon seeing this, and he repeated his request from earlier.

"Of course you can take some time to consider my offer, but we have to leave this place right away," Chen Yang replied in an urgent manner.

"Is there something wrong with the clouds in the sky, Fellow Daoist Chen?" Shi Chuankong asked with slightly furrowed brows.

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