A random pokemon journey

Clues and alchemy

Clues and alchemy

There was no way in hell I was going to stay here with a potentially homicidal god if I could leave. Just asking to be sent back was a nerve wracking thing as I had no clue if Giratina would just erase me since my usefulness was at an end. Thankfully the lord of the distortion world was generous enough to allow the delivery man to leave. That was pretty much all I amounted to in this scenario, a delivery man. I was brought here to drop off the orb and that was clearly it so I was taking the first oppurtunity to exit this place I got.-

I leaped through the portal without hesitation and after yet another gut turning trip was back in the chamber that I had been taken from. The portal closed behind me and to my surprise I discovered that my pokemon didn't even realize I had been gone as time had apparently flowed differently in the distortion world. I sealed the chamber again and had Gaia sink the ruins back below the sand as it was history best left forgotten.-

Few myths even reference Giratina so the information on it was scarce and that worked out for the best. It was this unknowableness that had fucked up Cyrus's plan in the game and I hoped would do so in reality as well. What confused me about these ruins though was that I hadn't learned anything about why the region was as it was. That was the whole goal of the quest after all so I was clearly missing some piece of the puzzle that would have tied the whole thing together. Checking the quest I saw that I only had two objectives left, investigate Cypher and find the last anomaly of the region.-

The first was the most troublesome for me as it meant getting involved with that whole situation and honestly Wes and Rui were doing a bang up job screwing Cypher over. My intervention was unnecessary and so I wanted to avoid that objective if I could for now. That left the last of the anomalies of the region which was pretty tricky to pin down. The first two were clear with a good observation of the region but the third was eluding me even after I had tried to figure out what it was.-

I had even asked my contacts in the region about it and the only thing I got was that there was a large reserve of water deep underground for the whole region but that hadn't caused the quest to update so I doubted that was the anomaly. On the trip back to the Hub I contemplated what I knew about the region from all my observations and experiences so far both from the past and present. 'Wait a minute, what happened to the pokemon that I know for a fact survived that day?' I thought with a frown.-

The region had plenty of pokemon in it that survived Giratina's fall as they were on the other side of the volcano or simply far enough away not to get caught up in it. This regions aversion to pokemon living here doesn't actually effect any pokemon already in the region so logically there should still be pokemon in this region and yet there was not. This wasn't some revolutionary idea but that was also why i missed it until now, it was so simple that I skipped right over it. I had taken the lack of pokemon in this region as a given but after my trip to the past I realize that it doesn't add up.-

It was this realization that caused my quest to update which meant that I now had ANOTHER thing to figure out to understand what the fuck was going on in this region. Specifically why the fuck all the surviving pokemon abandoned region after Giratina went off the deep end. Once again though I was missing pieces of the puzzle and it was making things so much more complicated then I originally thought it would be. I had assumed that it would be a cut and dry thing when I decided to investigate this region but the more I learned the deeper the rabbit hole got.-

So far I knew that Giratinas fall was the first domino of what happened to the region and a key piece of the puzzle. I also knew that the land had been restored more or less after the attack that hollowed out the region so the surviving pokemon should have spread out and repopulated but instead vanished from the region for some reason. And finally i knew that there was something still acting on the land here that kept pokemon from coming here from other regions as well as made the desert unusually flat.-

'It seems that Cypher holds another piece to this puzzle that might finally tie this all together.' I thought with a sigh. I sent a message asking Wes and Rui to keep an eye out for any historical documents or artifacts in their raids on Cypher before deciding to take a break from my quest. Instead I turned my attention to my plant manipulation ability to get some alchemy done. I enjoyed alchemy unlike for most people where it would be a job for me it was a hobby almost on the same level as cooking was.-

There was something I found deeply satisfying about extracting the essence of ingredients and mixing them to create something with wonderous or terrible effects. Sure it was a little messy and tended to smell quite bad but I wouldn't trade the skill for anything in the world. My plant manipulation ability was opening whole new avenues of research and development for me in the field that any other alchemist would look upon with intense jealousy. For most alchemists they could only afford to specialize as ingredients weren't cheap or easy to acquire unless they spent ninety percent of their time in the wilds.-

To sort of offset this cost they specialized in a particular sort of effect or field in the skill such as supplements or healing or poisons. I on the other hand had no specialization but learned every aspect of the skill and with my plant manipulation ability I was also able to obtain any sort of ingredient I might desire so long as I put in the effort to cultivate it. With the help of the Hub saturating everything within it's dome in life energy I did precisely that.-

I spent the next month just going nuts with hybridizations and new concoctions that I was rather proud of. My best in my opinion was the potion of regeneration that let the person or pokemon it was used on regrow entire fingers. I wanted to boost it's effectiveness to regrow whole limbs but that was not something I could do with my current level of ability and variety of ingredients. Just hybridizing the plants needed to make the potion took all of my current healing ingredients as well as a minor poisonous mushroom that normally gave you cancer.


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