A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 423 - 383

Chapter 423: Chapter 383

Their arrival was sounded by a dragon's roar.

My Authority was pricked as the sounds vibrated throughout the surroundings. The Seas were forcibly calmed down, the ensuing storms that rampaged across the skies were slowly quelled and a ferocious sunlight took their place.

[Ryūjin] Ddraig spoke up within the Boosted Gear. [It's been a long time since I've seen him.]

A massive eastern Dragon rose out of the Sea, Divinity wafting off of its glistening scales.

How strong is he?

[Probably stronger than Susanoo over there] Ddraig replied. [Not only is he a God linked to several other Pantheons, but he's also a Dragon on the level of a Dragon King.]

A Dragon God that holds very similar domains to Susanoo and I.

[The only reason he isn't ranked among them is that he considers himself more a God than a Dragon.]


"Stop hiding!" Ryūjin roared and the oceans shook.

A small greenish pendant floated out from inside of Sun Wukong's robe. It glowed brilliantly and expanded at high speeds. An equally massive Jade-like eastern dragon appeared behind Sun Wukong.

[Yu-Long.] Ddraig introduced again.

I didn't even notice him there...

[He's the youngest of the Dragon Kings, but also the most cowardly. When it comes to running or hiding away, he's the best amongst them.]

Yu-Long, from Journey to the West.

Quite the powerhouse.

"I wasn't hiding...." Yu-Long sort of cowered behind Sun Wukong, as well as a massive dragon can hide behind someone the size of a man funnily enough and he was shut up from a glare from Ryūjin.

Ryūjin's hand raised to the sky, holding a strange orb and the Ocean completely went still, not a single wave could be seen from one horizon to the other. And he politely bowed his head as a woman stepped down onto the currents, producing the faintest ripple, like a water droplet.

I sure as hell recognized her.

Hard to forget when someone flashed me.

Behind her were an uncountable number of Gods.

Japan's claim to have over 8 million Gods seemed to not be an exaggeration if someone saw this from far away.

Those in the know were privy to the full details knew it was a bit of hyperbole, but it didn't change the fact that Japan had perhaps the most numerous amount of Gods even if the vast majority of them weren't particularly powerful.

Flanked at her side were other noteworthy Gods of Shintoism. Inari stood out as being rather close to her. Takemikazuchi, Hachiman, Omoikane, Takeminakata, just to name a few I recognized at a glance. There were many other minor Gods that stood behind the Leader of the Shinto Pantheon as they stood opposite of Indra.

The Hindu God wasn't the only one receiving inquisitive looks.

Susanoo stood up straighter despite the wounds he had suffered. I admit I had a newfound respect for the Storm Gods in this particular moment. He was hit by things I would not be able to shrug off yet he stood here, defiantly, without a word of complaint.

Many of those gazes also landed on me.

I looked like a mess after everything happened, and I wasn't doing particularly well myself, but I didn't back down from the numerous Godly eyes.

However, Izzy also received a good amount of attention. She was not exactly well received amongst her own number. From someone with only a basic knowledge of Shintoism, it wouldn't be exactly wrong to label her an Evil God. I did not agree with the statement, but from an outsider's perspective, there wasn't much difference.

And perhaps many of the ones here also held similar thoughts.

"Indra." Amaterasu's voice carried across the ocean. "Is this an act of war?"

"I'm just dealing with a couple of troublesome pests." Indra crossed his arms, staring at the Japanese Sun Goddess.

"You invade my lands, attack my family and that's the excuse you give?" Her tone was mild and polite, yet the surroundings began to heat up. "If I don't receive a satisfactory answer, this will not end here."

Indra scoffed, his lightning and power began to rescind, and he returned to his previous state, if still a little disheveled. "I only came to retrieve things that belonged to me. Blame those two pests for causing the mess."

"Fuck you!" Susanoo spat out. "You insulted my mother, you deserve more!"

Indra twitched and didn't even look at him. "See what I mean?"

Amaterasu briefly glanced at Izzy who was silently standing next to Hades and frowned slightly. "It seems that I don't even enter your eyes. So be it." She turned slightly to her side and a God wearing Divine Armor noticed her and stepped forward. "Rally our armies and call upon all our forces. The Hindu Pantheon has struck as us, we will retaliate."

Indra's eyes widened for a brief moment, and he quickly corrected himself. "You're going to declare war for this? For a brother you notoriously don't get along with and a Devil Bastard?"

Amaterasu ignored his words. "Make sure that all know that we seek revenge on Indra's forces only. Let the others of the Hindus steer clear."

Indra's nostrils flared and he barely held back his anger. "You're playing a dangerous game. Do you think you can even handle my 'forces'?"

"Perhaps, perhaps not. But I am well aware that you have been biding your time for when you wage war against Shiva."

The look Indra showed revealed that she hit the nail on the head.

"I would also prefer it if that did not happen." A new figure gently stepped through a tear in space. The appearance of a young man with nicely kept red hair and a similar third eye on his forehead.

However, the aura he was releasing, even unconsciously, was suffocating.

"Shiva." Amaterasu greeted curtly, a shimmering warmth washed over the surroundings as if to offset the pressure imposed by the newest God that arrived.

The Strongest listed God in the world. The one that almost everyone unanimously agreed upon. The great destroyer, the one who would bring destruction to the world when the time came.

"Lady Amaterasu." Shiva slightly bowed his head in a polite greeting. "I apologize for intruding on your domain, I mean no ill will."

"Forgive me if my patience is tested on such a claim, Shiva." Amaterasu replied.

Shiva smiled wryly. "I understand your sentiment."

Amaterasu snorted, and merely crossed her own arms, but didn't push it again.

"I did not intend to interfere, but things have.... escalated beyond what I think anyone here wishes." He looked around. "Neither Indra nor I wish for a conflict with the Shinto Pantheon. Even I would be hesitant to face your father, Lady Amaterasu, which I'm sure would inevitably happen if things continued."

"Even so, I will require an explanation for this intrusion."

"If I may, I would like to know what sparked this conflict. I was only made aware once the fight escalated to a point. If Indra is at fault, then I will promise the Shinto Gods a sufficient explanation." Shiva answered. "However, simply walking into another's region has never elicited a response of this proportion. I am aware that Sun Wukong often comes and goes from Japan quite often." He pointed out.

Amaterasu furrowed her brow, glancing at the silent Indra before turning her gaze at Susanoo. "Susanoo, explain to me what happened."

"I was visiting Mother when he just barged right in and demanded some soul from her. He then started insulting and demeaning her so of course I stepped in." Susanoo grunted.

"Indra?" Shiva looked towards the Lightning God.

"I don't need to explain myself to you or anyone." The Lightning God scowled.

"You bastard – " Susanoo's voice was cut off as a bright light fell from the sky and landed right onto the Hindu God.

A fiery blast that sent him hurling away.

All eyes then turned towards Amaterasu who lowered her dainty hand.

Shiva simply raised an eyebrow.

"Sister?" Susanoo blurted out in confusion.

".....she is my mother too." Amaterasu said softly.

"Thank you for staying your hand." Shiva smiled.

"You say that as if I could harm him with that meager amount of strength." The Sun Goddess scoffed, the tension in the air dropped significantly.

Right, it wasn't particularly powerful, but more the Godly equivalent of a slap.

"Sun Wukong." Shiva turned his attention towards the Monkey King who was standing nearby. "You best return to placate Indra. I fear his anger will cause some manner of wrath to befall those close to him."

The Monkey King let out a long sigh. "Amitabha." He clapped his hands and bowed towards Shiva. "By your leave, Lord Shiva." He stood up straight on his cloud, tapping his Dragon Companion on the side. "Come on, Yu-Long. Let's not overstay our welcome."

"Definitely don't want to do that." The Jade Dragon agreed and the two of them quickly shot off into the distance, far away from Japan's territory.

"Hades." Shiva took that moment to acknowledge the Greek God in our midst.

"Shiva, it's been awhile." Hades nodded to him.

"May I ask why you're here?"

"I was wondering the same thing." Amaterasu glared towards him.

"Doing your job, it seems." He drawled, meeting Amaterasu's gaze.

"You dare, Olympian?" Her eyes glowed ominously.

[Oh right, the Shinto Gods have a small feud with the Olympians. I forgot about that.]

....there's a story there I really wanted to know.

"Don't postulate in front of me when I was doing what you should have been, girl. If not for Izanami's request and a favor I owed her, I wouldn't bother coming here." He snorted, waving his hand dismissively. "I was – "

"Hades." Izzy interrupted him. "Please." She tacked on.

"Very well." Hades relented with a mild bit of exasperation.

Shiva shook his head smiling lightly. "Lady Izanami, I apologize for Indra's actions."

"He merely said some words to me." Izzy frowned, crossing her arms. "If you want to offer apologies, perhaps the ones who suffered his power are the appropriate targets?"

"Your words are valid." Shiva acknowledged, floating down towards Susanoo and I. "Susanoo, I also offer my apologies to you. I will make sure that the Shinto Pantheon has an appropriate explanation."

Susanoo huffed and grunted but acquiesced. "If he comes near mother again, I won't hold back."

"Of course." Shiva chuckled, and finally his eyes landed on me. "I've heard your name recently. I did not expect to meet in this fashion."

"And I didn't expect the God of Destruction to be more amicable than the supposed Ruler of Heaven." I replied.

Shiva barked out another laugh. "It's easy for me to be more easy going. The end at my hands is inevitable and I can enjoy my existence without worry. Indra on the other hand, is burdened with stopping me, an impossible feat yet he continues to endure."

"Is that supposed to endear me to him?" I snorted in annoyance.

"I merely wished to explain his position. Even if you sympathize with him, he would perhaps take it as an insult." Shiva hummed in amusement. "In any case, I find you interesting. I first heard of you when you fought Susanoo here, and now you fight at his side. Are you an ally of the Shinto Pantheon? Or was there some other benefit?"

"Are you probing me for recruitment...?" I Blinked.

"Was I that obvious?" He chuckled. "Indra has built up his own forces and I have my own."

"I'm not a part of the Shinto Pantheon, and I gained no benefits."

"Oh? Then is there some other reason?"

"Of course. Izzy is my woman, no one is allowed to speak to her like he did." I said as a matter of factly.

"Wilhelm." Izzy sighed, covering her face, perhaps to hide the slight tinge that was showing underneath.

"What!?" I recognized Amaterasu's loud shrill, but it was then taken over by someone else.

Hades suddenly burst into laughter. "Well done, Izanami!" Hades continued to laugh, holding his stomach. "I'll tell Persephone. She'll be delighted to know. Expect a dinner invitation soon as well." He glanced my way. "With a plus one of course."

"Thank you, for your assistance, Hades." Izzy hissed in mild exasperation.

"I'll take my leave." He chuckled some more, producing a pulsing and expanding misty-like darkness that enveloped him and he disappeared shortly.

"I don't believe I have anything that can draw you to my side in that case." Shiva tilted his head, clearly amused by my declaration. "And I would be surprised if you have not been soured to my people from this incident."

"I'm not going to attribute the actions of one God to their entire Pantheon." I shrugged my shoulders. "Obviously I'm not going to go out of my way to associate with them either."

"A fair stance." He nodded. "I would like to claim there will be no reprisal, but I cannot speak for every God from my region. Indra has the favor and loyalty of many. However...." He paused, glancing at the sword and staff in my hand, then his gaze turned towards my other one that Susanoo still held. "That may not be an overt concern for you. What dangerous and wonderful weapons. I have never seen them before, which is beyond strange for someone such as I."

"Is there a question in there?"

"Perhaps not." He smiled mysteriously. "And Ddraig as well. It's been a very long time, Great Welsh."

"[Shiva. I still remember the time you kicked my ass.]"

"Haha, to be remembered by the Red Dragon Emperor, it seems I did something right."

[Don't be fooled by his attitude.] Ddraig spoke only into my soul. [He is someone who can fight all the Gods gathered here and come out on top.]

Yeah....there's a reason that Amaterasu and the Japanese Gods are being very polite and patient with him at the moment.

"The world has been getting more interesting lately. Those irregular Devils down below, movement from the Ouroboros, and even a gathering of Evil Gods. And now a new generation of monsters." He grinned, the ones he was implying were obvious. "A lot of it seems centered around you as well. I wonder what other fun things you will show in the future."

"Shiva." Izzy was the one who spoke up, approaching us, almost protectively.

Shiva held his hands up in mock surrender and chuckled. "Peace, Izanami, I mean no ill will. I'm a patient God, I don't mind silently watching and seeing how things play out. The end is the same regardless."

"My patience has run its course." Amaterasu finally spoke up as well. "Shiva."

"And I too believe I have overstayed my welcome. Amaterasu, I will be in touch to give a proper response to this incident."

"Thank you for stepping in, Shiva." Izzy politely thanked him.

"There is no need to thank me, I did it for selfish reasons. Had I not come, Indra would not have backed down until things became much worse. At least now he can save face and claim that it was due to my interference." He waved his hand, and space split apart at the seams. "I will be in touch, Lady Amaterasu."

"I will await the Hindu Pantheon's apology." She agreed.

Shiva smiled and nodded, disappearing back from where he came.

"Return." Amaterasu commanded. The numerous Gods she brought along, ready for battle, happily accepted to return back to Heaven, however, Amaterasu stayed behind idling.

"You two." Izzy rubbed the bridge of her nose. "I don't know if I should be angry, or happy, or a mix of both. What were the two of you thinking!?"

"Mother..." Susanoo whined. "You can't expect us to be quiet when someone talks to you like that."

"He's right." I oddly agreed with the Storm God. "No one is allowed to speak to you like that, Izzy. I will fight anyone who says otherwise."

"This is going to cause a commotion. Despite Shiva stepping in, this isn't going to end quietly."

"Don't care."

"Nor do I, Mother."

She simply huffed, unable to retort. "And you!" She held up a finger, jabbing me in the chest. "Just saying that in front of everyone. Do you have any idea what kind of issues that might cause?"

"Did I say anything wrong?"

"That's not the point."

"You're my woman, I'll proudly shout it out to anyone who wants to hear."

"You're impossible." She sighed.

"He must be at least this courageous, Mother." Susanoo seemingly agreed. "How else will he be worthy of you?"

"Sorry, you both are impossible." She rubbed the bridge of her nose again.

I returned my Staff to my ring, and quickly called back my other swords that had been discarded amongst the fighting. I also released my Authority, letting it return within me. Susanoo looked like he had something to say, but kept his mouth shut.

My Zanpakutō was odd. Feeling my Reiatsu settle back down as it returned to its sealed state and I stored it away. Something else I'll need to look into later.

Susanoo and I shared another silent look, each had a bit of respect towards one another. Perhaps another silent agreement for the future.

I held my arm out and he tapped it with his own.

No words needed to be said.


We all turned to look at the source. Amaterasu walked over, the previous regal and authoritative Goddess wasn't overly present now. Instead, she looked a mix of embarrassed and sheepish.

"....can we talk?"



PHO chapter next.

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