A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 405 - 376

Chapter 405: Chapter 376

Izanami POV


"Susanoo." I cleared my throat, slowly sliding my hand out of Wilhelm's. "What are you doing here?"

"You were gone for a while and I was worried! If you didn't come back soon I was going to go ask for help." He admitted making my heart feel very warm. "Wait, that doesn't matter. Why are you – and him!" He threw his finger at Wilhelm.

"I didn't think anyone would care if I was gone. I apologize for making you worry."

"Mom..." His face dropped.

"I'll be sure to leave a note if I'm gone for extended periods of time from now on." I gave him a reassuring smile. How sweet of him to check in on his mother and wait anxiously for my return?

He grumbled something but glared back at Wilhelm. "Mom, what are you doing with him?"

It seemed I wasn't able to distract him away from that line of questioning. Wilhelm was being polite and allowed me to answer these questions. I knew he didn't quite get along with Susanoo, so I was thankful for him keeping the peace.

"Susanoo, calm yourself." I said sternly as I saw his power bubbling beneath the surface. "Wilhelm and I were spending time together...as a couple." May as well rip the Band-Aid off, it wouldn't be possible to ease him into it.

Right as the words left my mouth, lightning crackled from his eyes and I could tell he was going to do something stupid. Wilhelm looked ready to start another brawl too, so I put my foot down, more literally than anything.

"Are you about to start a fight in my home?" I grabbed him, making him flinch.

"N-no." My son quickly denied, reeling himself back.

"No is right." I let go. "Because I would be very upset if you started another fight. Are we clear?"

"Y-yes mother."


"But mom! You can't, he's... he's a Devil!"

"Are you telling me who I can and cannot date, Susanoo?"

"He's a Devil!" He repeated.

"I am more than aware of this fact."

"I...." Susanoo stuttered, seemingly unsure of how to respond. "I'll kill him!"

"You will do no such thing!"

"He can try." Wilhelm said nonchalantly.

"Not helping Wilhelm." I glowered at him.

"This is unacceptable, I refuse!" Susanoo slammed his hand on my coffee table, breaking it. He stiffened as it shattered into pieces.

"Your acceptance was not a factor in my decision, Susanoo. You are my son, and I love you unquestionably. However, who I like and don't like is not something you can decide." I glared at him, reining in my own flaring temper at his actions. "For the first time in many years I have someone I wish to be with, someone who makes me happy. I would ask that you respect my decision if nothing else." I gave him a moment to consider my words and offer any response, but he silently fumed instead. "I will go get something to clean this up and I will make a lunch for all of us to sit down and eat. I will not tell either of you to like each other, but you will accept that the other is a part of my life. And so help me if I find out you two got into another fight." I gave them a fair warning.

They would not like what came next if they actually fought again.

With that, I disappeared into the kitchen, intentionally leaving them alone.

As much as I knew this was a bad idea and just asking for trouble, they had to deal with this themselves and get whatever they were going to say out of their systems.

All because I wanted to stop by the house and change into something more...presentable. I knew it's silly, but I wanted my first time meeting Wilhelm's other Harem members to be.....better. I wanted to look my best and feel like I belonged even if I found myself still trying to make excuses and question this newfound relationship.

It felt too good to be true. To find someone who completely accepted me for everything that I was, the good and the mostly bad.

"You stay away from my mom!"

I let out a sigh, recognizing my son's voice. It's not that he was particularly loud, but I think they failed to realize that this was literally my home, within Yomi even. There was nothing that happened inside of here that I was unaware of.

"Fuck you."

Dammit Wilhelm....

I resisted the urge to step in and mediate, because they were going to have to get this out of their systems eventually. They were both very headstrong men and in hindsight, I could see the brawl they had as something necessary to come to this point. Heavens knew that if that incident never happened Susanoo would be much less receptive to my words and would have probably already tried to 'smite' Wilhelm for his 'insolence'.

"You dare, mortal!" I could even feel his Divinity from here.

"Oh good idea, get Izzy pissed at you. I won't even make a move, do your worst."

"You hide behind my mother!"

"Trust me, if I'm behind your mom, it's not because I'm hiding."

Dammit Wilhelm! Don't just blurt out things like that.

....even if it's probably going to be true soon.

It's been a long time since I've had a lover....and I admit it's something I've been feeling more aching for certain things lately...

"I'm going to kill you! No one will find your corpse, it'll be turned to ash and dust into the wind."

"How'd that go for you last time, hmm?"

I shook my head and went about preparing a meal. I didn't expect to have a luncheon like this out of nowhere, but I wasn't particularly upset about it either. I would always welcome my son popping in for whatever reason.

They continued to bicker and I didn't pay it much mind. As long as things didn't get physical, I wouldn't step in at this point. I was cutting up some vegetables and the knife in my hand came to an abrupt stop due to the crashing of something in my living room.

"You broke it, good job thunder head."

"I did not!"

"Fix it before she notices."

"How do you expect me to fix it!?"

"You're a God! Use your Godly Powers!"

"I'm a God of Storms! I don't fix things!"

"So you're useless."

"You dare, Mortal!?...I'm not useless!"

"Sure, when's the last time someone was like 'Gee, I sure hope a terrifying storm comes and ravages the country. You know what we could use, a Monsoon!"

"If you think so highly of yourself, then you fix it."

"You're the one who made the mess."

"I command you to fix this!"


"I am your God, you will listen to my orders!"

"Not my God, actually. If anything, I'm more linked to the Abrahamic Cosmology than the Shinto one."

"You would disgrace your homeland!?"

"You were the one calling me a Devil and dismissing me earlier, and now I'm suddenly under your umbrella?"

My son scoffed. "And I should have known better than to expect anything worthwhile from your ilk."

"You know...." I knew Wilhelm's tone and I preemptively began rubbing my temples. "I don't think we should fight, we have some things in common."

"What could I possibly share with you?"

"Well for starters, I'll also be calling Izzy mommy later."

"I'll kill you!"


Okay, I believe it was time to intervene because it was just getting petty now. "Lunch is ready, come and eat." I called out to them.

Their little squabbling stopped as they came into the kitchen, and I urged them to quietly sit down at the table.

Despite the sniping back and forth they were doing, I think this had been....productive. I knew for a fact that if it were anyone else Susanoo would not take those kinds of jabs from anyone bar a handful. The fact that he truly didn't get upset and throw around his power was testament to some degree of acknowledgement on his part.

This was going to be a nice and peaceful family meal.

"Did you know your sister flashed me?"

Dammit Wilhelm.


Wilhelm POV

"How's my hair." Izzy asked, fussing over it.

"Perfect." I reassured her. "As it was ten seconds ago. And you're absolutely stunning and you didn't need to dress up like this."

She was wearing a white Kimono that looked very beautiful and elegant on her. A much more traditional type of clothing than the jeans and sweater she was wearing previously.

"I.....wanted to look my best for my first introduction." She said quietly.

"It's hardly a first introduction."

"Yes, but it will be the first time I'm meeting them as....we're together."

"Izzy, they absolutely loved and adored you before. They'll probably love you even more now." She was so cute when she was being shy.

"...thank you."

"Would you like a quick kiss?" I offered.

We were literally at the door of my – I guess our home now, so even if anything wasn't as she wanted, it was a bit too late for further changes. They were waiting, I had given everyone a little bit of warning so they could all get together and welcome Izzy.

Susanoo had been quick to leave after the meal. Maybe it was the story about his sister I told him, or maybe it was the kiss I shared with his mom.

"...Yes, I would like that very much."

So cute.

I leaned in and lightly placed my lips against hers. And at that moment, someone on the other side decided to open the door.

A very smug Jinn was staring at us.

And that was the reddest I think I've ever seen Izzy.

"Don't stop on my account, I don't mind watching." Jinn broke the awkward silence. "Personally, I like when he uses his tongue to – "

"Come here you silly girl." Scáthach appeared and dragged the giggling Genie off to give Izzy some space.

Izzy looked like she wanted to hide but I reassuringly took her hand and led her inside.

Jinn was sitting down, nearly vibrating in place. And everyone else was present besides Meridia, which I expected. Having her pop up on short notice was difficult at the best of times, and she could usually only do that every once in a while. Frankly, it's probably best to keep that for an emergency situation.

"We will now decide your fate." Scáthach said with a very serious expression.

"Is that so?" I said, crossing my arms, staring at her. "And while I think that would be valid if it was some woman you didn't know, I'm fairly sure that isn't the case here. Jinn, dear." I looked at my very adorable Genie. "What were the bets?"

I knew my girls well enough at this point.

There were little looks around the room.

"That depends, who confessed first and how?" She smiled brightly.

"I confessed first and pulled him into a kiss." Izzy covered her face with her hand.

There were annoying huffs all around and they all took out money, tossing it to Jinn who cackled happily.

"Who bet what?" I demanded.

"I expected her to get tired and flash her tits." Scáthach freely admitted. "Would have been quick and easy."

"Do you really think –"

"Yes." Scáthach cut me off, gesturing towards my wonderful Grandmother.

"Hello~" She smiled, with a hint of smugness I think as well. "I abstained as I was relatively new and didn't know much."

"You are my favorite then." Izzy deadpanned.

"I....thought Wilhelm would be the first to express his feelings." Artoria spoke with a hint of embarrassment. "He was so forward with me, I did not think he would stumble for so long."

"I was close. Honestly, I thought it'd be Wilhelm pulling you into a kiss." Yasaka hummed. "But I'm happy to see you finally made a move. I swear, he has selective blindness sometimes."

"Oh no, he was actually very aware of how I felt, he just chose to ignore it." Izzy huffed with a bit of good naturedness to it.

...that made it sound worse than it was....

"I believe he requires remedial lessons then. There may be some foolishness that needs to be beaten out of him." Scáthach looked at me with a vicious glint in her eyes.

"I agree." Artoria looked amused.

"Seconded." Yasaka giggled.

"Third" Jinn chirped.

"I'm being bullied." I looked for my source of emotional support. "Mama Raikou, I'm being bullied."

"My poor son." Raikou pushed my face into her breasts quicker than I could blink. "Mama is here."

"And what did you bet?" I pushed my head up to look at her.

She looked away with a little blush. "I was under the assumption that Master would need a firm helping hand."

"To be honest, if it went on any longer, we all would have been more forceful." Yasaka added. "As fun as it was to watch you two dance around it, it needed to reach a conclusion at some point. We're all genuinely happy that you both finally met halfway though."

"So no one's upset? I don't want to assume and I hope we can talk about anything?" I escaped the gravitational pull of Raikou's cleavage to look around the room.

"Oh my foolish student. We approved it after speaking when Venelana joined."

"...that long ago, huh?" I remember they got together in Meridia's realm and had a girl's talk which was....awhile ago. I let out a sigh, looking at Izzy. "I'm an idiot."

"Yes you are." She replied nearly instantly. "But you're my idiot." Her expression softened. "I suppose our idiot. It will take some getting used to being in a Harem of all things. I can honestly admit I never foresaw this for myself, but I can't bring myself to hate it."

"Awww, I'm so happy to have a new sister!" Jinn shot up from her seat, hugging the surprised Goddess. "Welcome to the family."

After she got over the initial surprise, Izzy smiled just as brightly, returning the hug enthusiastically.

Scáthach snuck up to my side in a rare show of outward affection, her arms wrapped around me, her lips finding mine with ease. "You have gained many new things, yes?" She asked after breaking the kiss.

"Yeah, I have more stuff to work on."

"Good, we shall train after you settle what you require." That loving look that I knew was reserved only for me, it never failed to make my heart beat faster.

Scáthach was without a doubt the most independent of my girls. That's not to say independent from me, but rather from everyone. Even Meridia ruled over an entire realm whereas Scáthach in comparison seemed to merely wander from one fancy to another with no clear goal. That wasn't to say she was without a purpose, but she chose to live a more 'nomadic' life it seemed, in that she didn't pick a particular role and settle down into it like the others did.

I never faulted her for it, and I always made sure she got the space to live the way that she wanted. But it was moments like this that were the perfect reminder that we had an unbreakable bond.

"Let me talk to Gramps later then I'll have some free time." I returned the favor, kissing her cheek. She replied with a hum, acknowledging it.

Yeah, I needed to talk to Gramps to see where he stood on the World-line that Chaldea was operating in. That'd be my first stop right after this.

Scáthach settled, leaning on me and we watched as everyone clamored around Izzy giving her a 'hard time' about finally coming together.

"Tell us about what happened. Did you have fun? What problems did Wilhelm cause?" Yasaka finally asked.

"What makes you assume I caused problems? I'll have you know that in terms of causing problems Izzy definitely has me beat here." I quickly defended myself.

"Oh?" Izzy raised an eyebrow in a threatening manner. "You wish to play that way then? Very well, let me tell you all a story about a man and a brick."

"You know what, I think Gramps is calling me – "

"Do you have something to hide, my student?" Scáthach's grip around me tightened.

Welp, not gonna live this one down.

But I guess it isn't the worst thing ever. That's probably what Roman –

"Oh, I got a story after this too. I went to Remnant recently, and guess what I found out." Jinn looked at me, her smile widening by the moment.

Oh God, she knows.

Ddraig, I give you permission to kill me.

[You think they'd write Watermelon Torchwick on your tombstone?]



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