A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 307 - 282

Chapter 307: Chapter 282

Venelana Gremory POV

Things were not good.

"Let's just Teleport away!" Rias's Pawn blurted out as he held out a Devil Contract in his hand. They did come with the most basic of Teleportation Magics built in, however.....

"Oh no, why had I not thought of that?" Kokabiel said in faux concern, with a very exaggerated look of shock on his face. "Newborn Devil, I fought in the Great War and the wars before and after. I've fought against your Ancestors and Gods on the battlefield. Did you really think I would overlook the most obvious method of running away?"

The Fallen Angel let out a sign, snapping his fingers, and the Devil Contract in Issei's hand burst into flames and drifted away as ash in the wind.

"And for that matter, why do you think no one else had that brilliant idea?" He shook his head before looking back at me. "So, this is the lot you've chosen to die with, huh Vene? It's a far cry from the old crowd you used to run with. Though, you never stood at the front lines, I can remember seeing you carve out my kin from my formations back in the good ol' days."

Unfortunately, I remembered him too. He led many legions of Fallen Angels throughout the Great War. He was never the strongest Angel in either faction, but no one could deny his skills as a General. He often took down foes stronger than himself with the help of his legions.

"My only regret is that you weren't among them." Good,got to keep him talking. Give us your maniac monologue, you always did love to do that. The longer this dragged on, the more time that someone on the other side might figure out that something was wrong.

"Hoho, that's the fire I remember." He let out a laugh. "The Devils these days are just so disappointing."

"What exactly is your plan? Come attack us and have my Son shove his hand so far up your rear that you'll see your dad again?"

"My Plan?" He rubbed his chin. "Hmm, is this the part where I declare my intentions for the world, reveal my diabolical scheme? Sorry, but it's actually really simple. I just want the War to start back up."

"You.....you're doing this to reignite the War?"

"Why else would I go through all this trouble, to do something so...pedantic." He rolled his eyes staring at the ones behind me. "Do you really think I would care one iota about those kids? That they're at all worth my effort? I don't want a fight, I want a war. This is merely a means to an end."

"You're mad....even if you succeeded, you wouldn't last a day after my Son found out."

"Well, it would be a life well lived then~" He chuckled. "But at the very least, I would have accomplished my objective. The world is so broken, it doesn't make sense anymore. And that fool, Azazel, just wants to make peace with everyone, it's disgusting. He actively cohorts with you lot, tries to appease you all and gives so many concessions in the name of his peace."

"One of the great Generals of the Grigori throwing a tantrum because he feels irrelevant." I scoffed at his reasoning.

"Oh please, pettiness is beneath you. Besides, you make it sound like I'm the only one involved. Do you think I forced my men to follow me? No, they did so because they share my sentiments."

"A bunch of mad Angels following their equally insane leader, how surprising."

"Haha, I do love that attitude of yours, it'll make this so much more fun. But you're wrong again, you think that it's only my men as well? I've made a bunch of...friends recently. You would be surprised how many like minded people there are in the world."

That...sounded very ominous and I came to a realization. "The Wards around the School." I breathed out in a feeling of dread. "You're many things, but a Magician of that caliber isn't one of them. There is no way you would have been able to pull down Ajuka's wards without any alarms going off."

I asked him to increase the defenses around the City after Wilhelm warned me about a potential attack. Yet.....they came down so quickly and easily. How many in the world could match Ajuka when it came to Magic?

"As I said, some like minded friends." Kokabiel just smiled. "Speaking of, I made some other preparations! Why don't you come on out, Freed!" He gestured as a new person walked forward.

The presence was.....not substantial. However, there was something about him that gave me pause.

It looked like a young Priest, but he held something in his hand that made my hair stands on end.

"Took awhile to steal those things from the Church, and I could only get four of them before Michael got smart." Kokabiel chuckled. "Well, and that one the Pendragon Family has, but I'm not stupid enough to stick my hand over there right now."

"Yer weren't lyin, huh?" The new Priest smiled maniacally, as he wielded a Holy Sword the likes I haven't seen in centuries. "I can really test my new Excalibur against these Devil Bitches?"

"Oh yes, you can have as much fun as you want. And don't worry, we have a barrier around the School, so they can't run away~"

I'd seen the Excalibur Fragments a few times, and this thing was significantly stronger than any of those. Did he manage to recreate the original thing to some extent?

"And this is your plan?" I stared warily towards that sword. "Somehow blame the Church by using some holy sword? Do you think that everyone's that dumb?"

"You insult me, Lady Gremory. Do you think this is all that I did? Of course that would be an idiotic assumption to make. They could, no they would easily hand wave it in the name of peace. Truthfully, I was hoping the Church would be their usual incompetent selves and arm a few Exorcists with the remaining fragments of Excalibur and send them to hunt 'us' down, but it seems someone used their brain." He hummed nonchalantly. "But fusing together four fragments should be enough. I just need a strong enough Holy Signature that isn't tied to an Angel. I've already put enough pieces in motion that when you all turn up dead, they have to declare war even if all the leaders don't want it."

Well, there went my hope that he's lost in his own madness. It seemed he actually thought and planned this out, even if it's a ridiculous notion.

"But lets end this stalling game you're trying." He smiled savagely. "And yes, I knew you were stalling for time. But spoiler~" He raised his arm up in the air. The Dark Night suddenly lit up with a Holy Glow, hundreds of Light Spears manifested in the hands of his troops. "No ones coming." He threw his arm down and they began raining from the sky.

It'd been so long since I've had to pull on this much power, having not brushed up on my old techniques. Luckily, I had anticipated this and quietly gathered enough during his monologue. I held my hands out, the smallest waft of Destruction flickered between them.

A small seed that I continuously fed for the past few minutes but kept oh so contained.

I released it up towards the sky infront of us. "Star of Extinction." And it bloomed magnificently.

It expanded abruptly, acting as a barrier between us.

The beautiful blackish energy consumed the Holy Lights of those angels.

"Rias, Run." I hissed under my breath, getting ready to gather enough for another attack.

"B-but, mom!?"

"Rias, listen to her!" Sona pulled on her arm. "Get out, call our siblings, lets find the edge of this barrier while your mom handles them, we're just going to be in the way!"

"Who said you can go!?"

I turned my head in shock to see that Priest appear behind us, holy sword in hand.

It was Sai's Knight who moved, a large lance in hand which he used to deflect a slash from that ridiculous Holy Sword.

"Oh! Lets see how good you are with that big 'lance' of yours, you shitty devil!" He laughed as they came to blows.

"RAAAAH!" I jerked my head back to see Kiba of all people roar as he charged at the Priest. The boy was usually more reserved, but I didn't dwell on it.

They should be able to handle him, even if he had that ridiculous sword. Especially with Sai's knight here, that one seemed to have quite a bit of experience in combat.

I would have to focus on the true enemy.

At the very least...I needed to get them out of here.

So.....distraction it was.

I looked down at the Bracelet that Wilhelm had given me, thinking of what I had inside. The only thing of note that would help right now was a single Phenex Tear, though my eyes did linger on the little jewel that hung on the Bracelet itself.

I had to stop myself from sighing, knowing it would be pointless.

It was odd how delicate it felt between my fingers as I crushed it. There was no immediately reaction other than a wisp of colorful energy that drifted away.

I took that as a sign that I shouldn't hope for a miracle and readied myself.

[ ***]

Rias POV

I was surprised to see Kiba let out a howl and charge towards the priest, activating his Sacred Gear – Sword Birth. His speed suddenly increased sharpy as he summoned a Sword that increased his speed, making me almost lose sight of him.

However, the Priest went even faster to the point where he disappeared from the spot he was in.

One moment he as standing still and the next his sword was aimed between Kiba's ribs.

"Be gone!" Sai's knight roar, his Lance intercepting the attack and deflecting that Holy Sword.

Akeno took that moment to cast a spell, a jolt of lightning manifesting from a Magic Circle as it traveled the distance towards the Priest.

The Priest, who had been knocked back by Sai's Knight, slid back on his feet, holding his Sword up as it glowed bright, enough that I had to shield my eyes partially. Akeno's Magic was snuffed out as it approached, her Magic Circle fell apart and a burning sensation covering all of us.

"How you like that you shitty Devils!? The Love of God is gonna be forced in ya whether you like it or not!" The Priest laughed as he slashed his sword down at Sai's Knight. "Come here ya cock suckers, get ready for Daddy Freed's Holy Sword! And I ain't talking about the Excalibur, HAHAHA."

Sona stepped up, a shield enveloped Sai's Knight, but it shattered upon contact with the Holy Blade. It was enough that the Knight was able to bring his Lance up to block.

"Rias! Stop spacing out!" Sona roared, Spell Circles activated again as her Queen joined in the melee.

"I....." My breath hitched as I looked around. I glanced at Mother who was.....facing that Kokabiel, and even looking at him made me shiver in fear. "Right..." I whispered, gathering what resolve I had. "Kiba, come back!" I yelled out, trying to grab his attention as he wasn't acting like his usual self. He did have a.....sore sport regarding that sword, but...I saw him grit his teeth and disengage.

We trained enough to be able to handle this!

"Koneko! Smash the ground!" I yelled, gathering my Destructive Power in my hands.

Beluga instantly knew what we were doing, it was a strategy we used against him not long ago. He grabbed Sona's Queen, yanking her back as he jumped to the side.

Koneko's Touki roared as she leapt forward high into the air and pushed all of it into her fist, before slamming it into the ground, sundering the earth and blocking everyone's vision.

"THE HELL YOU DUMB CUNT!?" The Holy Power of the sword was no joke. The random slashing could be seen between all the kicked up dust and even Koneko looked like she was hissing in pain when it collided with her. Thankfully, her Touki enveloped her body, keeping it from direct contact.

"Akeno!" I yelled.

"Take this, Thunder Snakes!" She yelled, as the spell manifested. Lighting-like snakes were created from a multitude of Magic Circles, crackling and jolting around every angle as they navigated the fallings debris that Koneko kicked up.

"Rah!" The Priest screamed as they collided with him. "MOTHER FUCKER, I FOUND YOU!" He screamed, lunging at Akeno with blinding speed.

"Don't forget about me!" Kiba slid in front of her with a new sword in hand. I only saw it once and he still hadn't worked out the kinks. "Sword Barrage!" He activated it, and the blade itself shattered into dozens of pieces, dozens of smaller shaped swords as they all fired off towards the oncoming Priest.

Something he came up with after seeing Wilhelm do something similar.

The Priest growled, stomping on the ground, and the Holy Light filled his sword as he continued to move blindingly fast, his arm blurring to deflect or destroy every one.

Unfortunately, it was still a work in progress. Kiba's own hands started bleeding, his blades having cut them apart when they shattered.

"Issei!" I shouted out again, as I saw the boy dove forward, protecting his other Peerage member. He let out a scream that made my blood crawl. The boy who had barely been a devil, and was just cut with a Holy Sword that could even bring down a century old Devil.

"Finally, got one of ya stupid cunts!" He Priest howled in laughter.

"BASTARD!" I yelled, letting go of all the Destruction I gathered, pointing it right at the Priest.

"Oh shit!" I lost sight of him and it barely missed my Peerage, enveloping the Priest. The burst slamming into the side of a School Building as it continued on, devouring everything in its way.

I let out pants when I didn't catch sight of him. I relief slowly working its way up in my heart.

"Rias, look out!" Sona shouted, but all I saw was a swirling of shadows next to me take shape, the same Priest, looked worse for wear, but still hole. That Sword swung at me.

I cast my own shields, and even saw Sona's appear around me. His sword cut through them like a hot knife through butter. I panicked, coating myself in my Power of Destruction haphazardly as the blade slammed into my arms.

The pain was excruciating.

It only lasting a moment before Koneko punched him away. But.....the mass that was the Priest distorted, a maniac smile appearing on his face, much too wide for a human to possess. His body shifted into a nightmarish shadowy monstrosity that towered over us.

Sona and Akeno both unleashed a barrage of spells, Lighting and Water intertwining as they landed upon the thing.

It didn't even react.

Even when I lofted my own Prideful Power at it, my Power of Destruction just ignored him in its entirety.

"Tis an illusion!" Sai's Knight yelled. "Be wary, his sword possesses the powers of the fragments!"

I blinked in realization at his words.

"Ruin my fun you fucking devil cunt!" The monstrosity's distorted voice range out as it burst into dozens of copies of the Priest appeared around us. Each one possessed a Holy Glow that made my skin burn by being close.

"Akeno, Phenex Tear on Issei!" I shouted, launching forward, my hands covered in Demonic Power as I clawed at the closest one, ignoring my hands that began to burn even through my protections.

"On it!" She nodded, running towards the boy who Kiba was still protecting him and trying his best to siphon away the Holy Power, presumedly with the sword he made previously that absorbed Holy Power. It was in no way able to stand up to the Sword in the Priest's hands, but for this, it was probably our best bet to save Issei.

"I'll find the real one." Sona declared, throwing her magic into the air and a torrential rain fall fell upon our small area. "Look for the wet one!" She declared.

My eyes darted around, but..... "They're all wet!" I shouted, shattering another illusion that leapt at me so haphazardly.

"Then I shall meet them head on!" Sai's Knight roared, his Demonic Power gathered visible, and he began to split, matching each illusion one for one as they clashed within the courtyard.

"SHIT FUCK!" The Priest shouted, A lancer slicing through his arm as the other illusions shattered.

It only took the blink of an eye for Koneko and Sona' Queen to launch back at the Priest who resorted to stepping back with a blur, gaining his own distance. "EAT A DICK!" He howled again, slashing his sword as it carried waves of Holy Power, slicing the ground and rending the earth.

I stepped forward, seeing what Mother did not too long ago, and I gathered my Power of Destruction, condensing it to a fine point before letting it out. What did she call it again – "Star of Extinction!" I let loose, acting as a shield to take the oncoming Holy Power and consuming it.

The 'Shield' dispersed almost immediately after fulfilling its purpose. It was exceedingly difficult to keep up, and I didn't know how Mom did her's for so long.

We prepared to attack again, only for Sona's Queen to turn into a blur herself, a Katana in hand as she stabbed upward into the Priest's Stomach, his blood spurting out from his mouth.

I blinked, only now noticing the line, a sort of appendage. I traced it back to its origin, and it was from Sona's newest Pawn the one who had been staying behind Sona. I knew for a fact he lacked any kind of combat experience, even less than Issei, however, I was able to put two and two together at this point.

His Sacred Gear.

Right next to him was the remains of one of those Cerberus that Mom had mutilated. His Sacred Gear can siphon strength from things, and I guessed it's able to give it to others too.

Did he take the remaining strength of that monster and add it to Sona's Queen?

Things were looking up now. I was feeling confident...and that all shattered once a bright light up in the sky caught my attention. And I was reminded that a Legion of Angels were hanging above as they all readied a multitude of attacks.

Fear returned.


Venelana POV

"Ara Ara, is that all? And you used to be so menacing, Kokabiel." My Power of Destruction finally dissipated from above, showing the bleak sky again. We had traded several blows at this point, but neither of us had committed to anything.

Well, as long as he's focused on me.

"It actually isn't." He chuckled, gesturing again and they once more started raining down Holy Light.

And, as if reading my thoughts, it wasn't reserved for me alone.

Once more, I had to gather my Power of Destruction and fill the space above not just me but the others as well.

"Mom!" Rias screamed as she looked up.

"Lady Gremory." Sona held up her hands as she began casting her own spells. She was decently talented in Magic from what I remembered, however....

The Barriers that sprung up in the sky were shattered immediately.

She wasn't experienced in facing Holy Light when weaving her spells.

Holy Light was our anti-thesis, it dismantled our Demonic Power quite easily if you didn't maneuver around it. Even then you needed a lot of power to shield from it.

I jerked my hand, my Power of Destruction wafted through the air, devouring the errant Spears of Light that seemed to be never ending.

"How boring. I'm sure if you were by yourself, a good chunk of my men would have fallen already. But instead, you're stuck protecting those little Devils behind you." Kokabiel took a few steps forward as I eyed his every movement. "I don't want this night to end on such a dower note, should I help you out? Maybe.....remove your handicap, perhaps?" His wings fluttered and he disappeared from the spot he was in.

My eyes widened as I turned around, ignoring a Light Spear that tore into my shoulder from above.

I used everything I had to propel myself forward, slamming into the Angel who was behind my Daughter with his hand glowing bright.

"What.....?" Rias didn't seem to notice until the last moment.

I grabbed the golden light he had gathered and deflected it to the side and forcing him back in one motion.

"Toot toot, look at you." Kokabiel slid back and readjusted his stance, reorienting himself after the little scuffle. "How much have you let yourself go? Have you even kept up with your skills in all these years? It's almost insulting, you should have been able to keep up better than this."

"Why don't you come closer and find out." I gritted out, grabbing the light spear sticking from my shoulder. With a burst of Destruction, I shattered it.

I could feel the Holy Light begin to invade my body and did the only thing I could do in this situation, I met it head on with my Destruction in miniscule amounts, slowly withering it away even as it began rampaging in the wound. At the very least, it was contained for now.

With a growl, I forced out my Demonic Energy, forming a large circle beneath us.

I directed it upwards, forming my own Demonic Spears in a taunt that sailed to the sky and with that small distraction, I gathered my Destruction at the tip of two fingers and thrust it at that priest that wielded that damn holy sword.

Fast, but just as deadly, even if it was a small amount.

I only heard him scream before I turned back towards Kokabiel, barely having enough time to envelop my arm in the same destructive energies as I raised it up to block an attack he swung down.

His Holy Light ffought against my Destruction as both powers cascaded off in all directions.

"Annoying." Kokabiel sneered, flicking his free hand to the side, dispersing another burst that came from somewhere else. My Daughter had gathered her own and threw it at the Fallen Angel. "Stupid human, couldn't even handle a bunch of kids with one of Father's creations." He grunted as I glanced to the side to see Sai's knight running the Priest through. A few of Rias's peerage didn't look too good, but they were still alive. "Oh well, I just needed him present, being alive or not is irrelevant. The backups I have just aren't as good and we already messed with the Church Records specifically for him. Well, he should be happy, at least he died while 'technically' still a member of the Church. With how broken Father's system is, I can't help but smile at the thought of Michael's twisting face as he welcomes the luncatic into Heaven."

Behind me, several Magic Circles formed, Sona's Water Magic coming into effect as a massive Serpent made of the magical Liquid formed and descended upon the Angel as well.

"Adorable." Kokabiel laughed as dozens of Light Spears rained down from the sky again, impaling the Watery Serpent and dispersed the Magics that held it together.

I swiped my hand at the Fallen Angel while his eyes were off me, he jumped back with a laugh. "Close~" A small wound only appeared on his chest and closed within moments.

I felt blood swelling up in my throat before pushing it back down. "Playing with your food isn't like you, Kokabiel." I breathed out, pushing sweaty hair out of my eyes.

"Hmm, you seem to be under a misconception." He tapped a spear of light against his shoulder. "For some reason you seem to think you're the one that's stalling." He tilted his head up and I just now noticed a man standing on a nearby roof. "You done?" He asked.

The man looked...like another Priest. An older, and round, man. Except, he had an exceedingly dangerous aura to him. "Just finished, you can wrap up whenever you want."

"Oh wonderful." Kokabiel chuckled again. "And why are you wearing that appearance? Did you run around as that priest I killed?"

The Priest just shrugged. "I found it amusing, so yes."

"Fair enough." Kokabiel turned back to me. "Now, where were we....oh yes." He snapped his fingers and the sky once more filled with light.

My Eyes widened as the amount of power raining down was much more intense than before. I was about to gather my Power of Destruction once more, but I looked down, blood began flowing from my mouth and there was a Light spear in my diaphragm, with Kokabiel's hands empty.

"You really lost your edge. I've kept training, always making sure I was ready while you sat on your laurels and played housewife." Kokabiel's voice held a cold indifference. "If it's any consolation, they'll be joining you shortly."

"MOM!" I think I heard Rias scream but my head was very dizzy and it was hard to focus.

Hearing it, I ground my teeth and stood up, gathering what power I had left and tossed it up into the sky, hoping It was enough so they wouldn't die and maybe buy a few more moments. The majority of the bombardment was consumed, but several still made it through.

The Holy Power erupted into explosions upon hitting the ground, causing the corrosive power and expand outwards. I grabbed Rias into my arms, turning my back and covering her.

I felt my body burn at the touch as a particularly large burst erupted right behind me.

It hurt.

My back felt like it was burning even with my Demonic Power coating me in an attempt to ward off the Holy Power.

"Pathetic. So, this is the last moments of one of my old foes? I do hope this kicks you devils into actually being threats again." I looked up to see his hand shaping his Holy Light into the form of a small sword. "Or not, killing Devils has always been enjoyable."

I gathered my Power of Destruction, molding it into a wall once more.

"A last pitiable stand." He sword cut through it easily enough, but I clutched my hand. It distorted, the wall reformed and the Destruction jerked and pierced towards the Fallen Angel. He hissed as it barely managed to tear away a few strands of flesh before his own Holy Power shined off his body, dispersing it quite easily. "That's more like it." He smiled brightly.

I shakily took out a Phenex Tear from the storage I was given. I attempted to give it to Rias, only for the glass to shatter in my hand with a burst of light I could only assume was from the Fallen Angel

"Really?" Kokabiel sounded incredulous. "Not even for yourself, but to help your daughter? You do realize she's going to die if you can't stop me, right? Not that you will, I just think the logic is ridiculous. Though I guess it's slightly admirable too. I can admit that you Devils care about your own, even if you did steal that kind of Love from Father when Lucifer fell. As a final acknowledgement, I'll kill you first so you don't have to see her die."

I held the remains of the flask, the liquid dripping between my fingers as I quickly rubbed it on Rias's exposed skin, and even into my own wounds. I felt the healing properties invade, if diminished heavily. It was enough that I stood up again.

"Rias..." I managed to breath out as she also slowly climbed up. I stood in front of her protectively, but I was under no delusion that I was in any way capable of truly protecting her at this moment. "I need you to run. I need you to do your absolute best to run and not look back, whatever happens. There's a tiny chance, but it's better than nothing."

I could see several others stand to their feet out of the corner of my eye. Good, the more the higher the chance. That Priest off to the side hadn't made a single move, so I was hoping he would think it was beneath him.

For some odd reason, Kokabiel wasn't moving, probably deciding to keep having fun it seemed.

No, he was rather speechless for some reason, just standing there, looking at us.


"Rias, don't question me." I hissed out under my breath, I didn't dare take my eyes off Kokabiel for a moment. It still hurt, I was still dizzy, but I pulled on my Destruction again as it wrapped around my hands.


I stuttered at Rias's words, instinctually looking behind me, practically running right into something as my vision was filled with black and white. A soft fabric that I had seen several times at this point. A iridescent glow behind that matched one I had seen come from the emergency gem Will had given me.

Arms wrapped around me; and I instinctually dismissed my Destruction. All my fatigue seemed to catch up to me in that moment as I felt a relief overcome me. I felt like I would collapse, but those warm arms held me up, and I did my best to make it so the tears didn't fall.

"Sorry, I'm late." His voice was reassuring in a way I didn't think possible.

"We've got to stop meeting like this." I don't know why but I started giggling at the ridiculousness of my own words.

Maybe it was just the stress of the situation that made me so tired that I couldn't even control myself properly anymore. Or maybe, it was because in this moment, I no longer felt fear.

[ ***]

Wilhelm POV

I stepped out of a portal upon a battlefield.

I was relaxing at home with my girls after working on that Obelisk Project for several days.

That was, until I got pinged by Venelana's emergency jewel. I had no actual name for it at this time.

It hit me so suddenly that I scrambled to trace back its location, the coordinates were distorted in an intense way. It was...different than what the Fae did. It wasn't a normal method of spatial distortion. It was as if...someone built a maze around them and I had to waste energy forcing my way through it as opposed to the normal method which was to seal up a location.

There was no expectance in me to appear at my old school, or what was left of it.

But I didn't dwell on that, even with my girls followed me through. I felt my heart drop at what I saw, and my hands even shook as I took her in my arms. My Healing spells came out instinctually, enveloping her as my arms wrapped around her tight.

My Venelana was not in the best of shape. I could practically feel her exhaustion as she barely even supported herself anymore. Well, the fact that she was giggling to herself was a good sign.

There was a slight bit of color that returned to her face as I continued my healing. "It's going to be okay, I'll take care of it now." I whispered to my Grandmother as she swayed back and forth in my grasp.

I didn't need to look back to know that my other girls were taking care of anyone else. I saw many others that I recognized, but my attention was solely on Venelana right now.

"Please protect them." Her voice was strained.

"Of course." I reassured her with a kiss on her forehead. I could see her shoulders sag in relief.

Scáthach, Artoria, Jinn, and Raikou all followed me through as they were with me at home. Yasaka, was not able to accompany or leave Kyoto right now for obvious reasons.

A quick glance showed me that they were administering Health Potions, and Artoria's hands glowed with the light of Avalon as she helped others to their feet.

"You...." I hissed upon seeing him. "Kokabiel." The name seethed with a fury in me that was hard to describe.

"A miss calculation, I thought you wouldn't appear." He didn't even react to my sudden entrance. Instead, he turned to someone else that was.....lowering their own presence. A man in priest's garb, that was clearly not normal, but they contained themselves quite thoroughly. "I thought you said he wouldn't be able to get through?"

The Priest looked at me with sparkling eyes. "He shouldn't have been able to. I look forward to understanding how he did it. But regardless, we made our own preparations, did we not?"

"Unlucky, I suppose, but you're right." Kokabiel turned his gaze up towards the sky. "Open the Dragon Gate." he declared.

It's not that I didn't notice the legion of Fallen Angels in the sky, but they weren't not a priority at all right now.

They moved with a practiced ease, and I felt the fluctuation of Magical Energy, an extreme amount.

Not all of them moved to this strange formation that created a Magic Circle. Some of them gathered Holy Power and launched attacks.

My Swords flung out, colliding with the oncoming barrage, shattering the dozens of Light Spears before they could bombard the ground while we were healing these Devils.

Whatever was coming out, I couldn't bear to let Venelana leave my grasp right now to stop it.

[That's'....not possible.] Ddraig said within my mind. [That thing should have died a long time ago.]

The strange Magic Circle, what Kokabiel called the 'Dragon Gate'. Something burst through almost immediately, as if anticipating this scenario.

A massive black body.

Inky black scales, two sets of wings, and razor sharp teeth and claws.

I recognized it, because it was the same form Ddraig took not too long ago.

It slammed onto what remained of a nearby school building, its snake-like body hissing and dripping with venom.

"Is this the mortal who made a mockery of me?" The Dragon spoke in that venomous voice as its equally venomous saliva dripped onto the stone, dissolving anything it touched.

"As per our agreement, that's him." Kokabiel nodded, looking rather casual.


Apparently, the real one.

Did he anticipate me then, was that what this was about?

The Dragon, let out a roar that shook the surroundings as its wings flapped, kicking up mini tornados with the movements. It shot out at me, faster than anything that size had any right to be, its massive maw opened and ready to devour me and the woman I was holding.

I didn't blink, nor react in the slightest. Venelana, seemed to jerk at the sudden pressure descending upon us, but, I gave her another squeeze of reassurance.

The Dragon let out a confused roar as a red light collided with its side, piercing its scales. Followed by a burst of Purple Lighting that slammed onto it from above. A Burst of Air then slashed at its underbelly, sending the beast tumbling to the ground and sliding into a building to the side.

Lastly, a large Magic Circle appeared in the sky above where the Dragon landed.

Hundreds upon Hundreds of Magical Staffs and other Magical Foci appeared as they all gathered an obscene amount of Magical Energy and released a torrent of spells that blinded everyone present.

I kissed Venelana on the forehead again, taking out my Staff of Magus, and slammed it into the ground next to me. I used it to facilitate a continued cast of healing around the area as I climbed to my feet, finally letting her out of my arms.

For the first time since arriving, Kokabiel seemed to be startled.

"You seem to misunderstand where you stand." I growled, even glancing at that priest who looked just as surprised as kokabiel.

A roar erupted, the building that the Dragon had collided with and subsequently been buried under, exploded outward. The Dragon, not looking any worse for wear minus some small wounds, shot up into the sky.

"Did you think such a mighty beast would be so easily defeated?" The priest regained that calm demeanor he had before. "Níeh?ggr fought against Gods, Mortal." He stated with a mocking tone.

I slowly turned my head to him, our eyes meeting. Reaching within my Ring, I took out another staff, pointing it to the sky.

"Bex Zii Zoor Frul Lo." It wasn't met with the same energy as the last time, but the words, they carried an accompanied Rage both from within and without. Ddraig was in my soul, he could feel my anger and it was intertwined with his own declaration "Disgyniad yr Ymerawdwr."

Another Black Dragon appeared opposite from the first.

"Ddraig, handle that worm." I stated, turning back towards Kokabiel. "I don't care about the others – " Directing my words to my Girls behind me. They had been quiet, as if sensing my current turbulent emotions. "But the Angel is mine."


Here's Tuesdays chapter.

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