A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 305 - 281

Chapter 305: Chapter 281

A chat, huh?

Never talked to an Angel before, I wouldn't really count that time that Azazel came barging in and made a fool of himself.

Well, I didn't really see a reason why not? He'd been really polite thus far and I could spare a few minutes.

"You don't need to be so on guard, I am here with peaceful intentions. I'm many things, boy, but a liar is not one of them." He flashed a toothy grin.

"Really? Isn't it common sense that if someone says they aren't a liar then they're a liar by default?" I raised an eyebrow at his proclamation. I've heard that said before, Meridia said that her word was beyond reproach, I fully believe her. To hear a Fallen Angel say it was a little...

"The Church would tell you that Angels are perfect beings and they can't lie~"

"I'm pretty sure they despise Fallen Angels just as much as Devils."

There was a flicker of annoyance that flashed across his face before he buried it away. "More, actually." He chuckled. "It's just not as openly despised." He waved his hand flippantly through the air. "Devils this, Devils that. It's their rallying cry, an enemy they can tell their younger members to hate without reservations. Fallen Angels, though, that's pointing out the fallacy of their faith. We're supposed to be perfect beings created by Father, how could we possibly 'fall'? So we're not talked about much unless it's important."

"Sounds like a roundabout way of saying you can in fact lie." I pointed out.

He shook his head with a small smile. "Many Fallen lose things when they fall. I chose to keep that aspect of myself. To lie is to deny your own actions, to relinquish responsibility. Every one of my words, everything I do, they are mine and I will never deny them."

"An odd way to look at it, but I can't deny the sentiment I suppose." I shrugged at his reasoning. "I can't say that I don't feel similarly."

"The strong have no need to lie." He chuckled again. "Even renown tricksters, like those detested pagan Gods such as Loki – they don't lie. They skirt the truth, they tempt and they play their word games, but they don't lie. Not like Devils." Kokabiel finished with a scowl.

"So he says to the Half-Devil."

"Please, we both know you don't associate with them." He rolled his eyes. "Tell me, do you think of yourself as a Devil?"

I guessed that's pretty common knowledge at this point, huh?

I actually gave that question some thought. Even before my many changes, I never really thought of myself as a Human or a Devil even if I did align myself with Humanity. "Point." I nodded. "And with your obvious distaste for them, even if I don't care to associate myself with them, I'm surprise you're speaking to me so amicably."

"It would be hypocritical of me to lump you in with them just because of how you're born. Just as I no longer see myself like my siblings above, I don't necessarily see you as those from down below." He shrugged with a casual dismissal. "Besides, you're also partially Human, even if I don't really care for them, they're at least better than Devils."

"Is that so...." I muttered, not really knowing what to say to that.

"Do you disagree?"

"Not at all." I crossed my arms. "I care about one Devil. The Devil Faction could disappear as a whole for all I care." Well, I suppose I would protect the things important to her as well, but I just can't bring myself to care about them. "But I think this conversation has taken a strange turn. I'm curious, why are you here?"

"Well, you questioned the truth of my words." He said with an amused look. "But to answer your question, well, I suppose I was investigating the recent events that happened around here. I also took it as an opportunity to do some sightseeing. I haven't been here before – at least not since the Youkai here separated themselves from normal human."

"Investigating? And what's so interesting here that you wanted to investigate?" I was curious if it was any specific incident or just in general.

"Playing the fool?" He raised an eyebrow. "Even ignoring the fact that those Faeries attacked Japan of all places since disappearing for so many centuries, why wouldn't I? Aren't you here? How long ago was it that a Half-Devil fought a God off the coast of Japan? Or was that something so insignificant to you that you have so easily forgotten it?" He let out a bark of laughter.

I guess for everyone here it hadn't been that long..... but with my moving between worlds, things just felt different I guess.

He studied my expression for a moment before continuing. "Do you know what they call you around here? When I asked questions about you to the Youkai on the street when I acted as a tourist?"


"They call you a Hero." Kokabiel laughed. "Imagine, the son of the current Lucifer, being hailed as a hero outside of the Devil Faction, with none of the usual propaganda to help either."

"A hero?" I repeated the word, it almost felt foreign. "I never thought of myself as a hero. I've met heroes and I don't feel like I can measure up to their lofty ideals. I've only ever care about the things within my reach."

Kokabiel nodded his head in amusement. "How refreshingly selfish."

"Most people are selfish, I don't see why I have to be different." I felt no shame in saying so. I would protect what I cared about and keep everything within my reach safe. "But I feel like you've been dancing around the question I asked."

"Hmm, maybe I have." He hummed. "I admit I initially came because of the Fae attack, I wanted to see what happened with my own eyes and to get a.....measure of things. Call it a vested interested in the state of the world's balance after hearing about the War Declaration."

"Worried that your faction is going to be pulled into things?" I really couldn't fault him for that, and it's not like he's causing trouble like Azazel. Yasaka had a very open policy in regard to people coming and going as long as they don't cause trouble.

"Something like that~" He smiled in a way that didn't sit well with me. "I was wondering if I should change some of my upcoming plans, but I think it doesn't matter in the long run, just some extra considerations to take into account."

"It sounds like you could have done all of this without showing yourself to me. The fact that you didn't announce yourself to Yasaka and just wandered around, you alteast wanted to keep low profile. So, why specifically come talk to me when you could have investigated in relative secrecy?"

"Hmm.....call it a whim. If I didn't hear you were out and about I may have just left already." He shrugged once more. "I wanted a chance to meet the person behind so many of the rumors and strange occurrences."

"And do I live up to any perceived hype?"

"....You are a scary young man." He narrowed his eyes. "How young are you and yet, I can't see through you at all. You aren't a freak like your father, no, you are something that....grew into what you are now. I don't know how, but you're a monster of your own making."

"Should I take that as a compliment?" I snorted.

"Just an observation, maybe tainted with a hint of jealously. The one thing I admire about humans is their ability to change so drastically if they put their minds to it." He stood up, dusting himself off. "I wonder if that's why Father was so fascinated with such lowly things. We Angels are even more stagnant than those Devils. They atleast had the bright idea to start stealing humanities' potential to better themselves while we sit here, waiting for the world to change without changing with it."

"Then what's stopping you? You're no longer bound by Heaven's system, the rules and such don't force you into certain paths anymore. Be whatever you want to be."

"You don't know much about Fallen, do you?" Kokabiel looked at me. "When we fall, we lose a part of ourselves. It's not just no longer being connected to Heaven, but Father's love, his essence that he poured into use is ripped out when we deny our original purpose. In desperation, we do whatever we can to fill that emptiness with something, and that something becomes an obsession that we can't escape from, just like those who still live high above. Devils are slaves to their sinful nature, Angels are slaves to Father's rules, and we're slaves to our own obsessions."

He sounded rather....melancholic when he said that. "And what's your Obsession, Kokabiel?"

"Hmm, who knows?" He cracked a smile once more. "Maybe you'll find out soon enough. But I think I wasted enough of your time. It was an interesting talk, even if it didn't go anywhere. But I do have on question before I go."

"What can I do for you?"

"You wouldn't happen to know a good place for a meal, hmm? I can't say I'm particularly knowledgeable about Japanese cuisine, but I find myself craving something, a good meal to celebrate."

"I know a few places around here, I could point you in their direction." I didn't really know what to expect from him but from how the talk went, it wasn't this. "Down the street, three block take a right and there's a quaint little restaurant that serves good food and drink."

"You have my thanks." He hummed something I couldn't quite make out as he began walking away.

"You said you're celebrating..." I called out to him before he got too far away. "What exactly are you celebrating?" For some reason a few things he said before made me anxious.

He turned, giving a sideways glance. "I don't know yet. Either the end of a long life, or the start of something spectacular. We'll see what happens in a few days~" He gave me a final wave before disappearing down the street.

Whatever, it didn't concern me. He didn't seem hostile to me, so it wasn't something I was going to dwell on

I was just going to focus on my job right now and help secure Kyoto from any attacks.


And I'm back. Here's a chapter, a little on the shorter side. I didn't want to deviate too much from Kokabiel's canon attitude, but maybe make it less cartoonishly evil? Sorta being unhinged, but also sane about it in w eird way.

Anyways, if you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / astoryforone

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