A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 302 - 279

Chapter 302: Chapter 279

The meeting was....tedious. That air of anxiety hung over everyone, it made it difficult to keep everyone together for long. There was a certain vigor when discussing war strategies, but even that wasn't enough to keep spirits artificially high.

Most of them still had blank expression when they got up and walked out.

I had many more things on my plate as well now. I was going to do my best to gather sufficient resources and help rebuild. I was Yasaka's lover and also a honorary member of Nurarihyon's gang as well.

No matter how you looked at it, this was my fight too.

Yasaka's tail was wrapped tightly around me still. She was keeping it together splendidly, but she was clearly holding back grief. They may not have been her people, but I could tell she still thought of them as her people. There was a greater sense of community among Youkai than most other species in the world.

Nurarihyon was whispering something to Izzy as they walked to another side room, presumedly they had some private matters to speak about.

Yasaka slowly climbed to her feet and I followed along, not that I had a choice in the matter. Her tailed refused to let me go.

We went a different way than Izzy and Nurarihyon, but we went further into the mansion to a secluded area. She slammed a door behind us, taking us into what looked like a storage room.

I was about to ask, but she immediately threw herself at me, her face buried in my chest, and I felt the fabric start to get wet.

"Why..." She manages to blurt out, it was ridden with sniffles. "Why do things like this keep happening!? First those idiots that attacked Kyoto, now this!?" Her muted sobs filled the room.

I didn't even think about it before, we weren't really together back then. She must have had to shoulder everything herself. Who else would she have allowed to see her like this? To see her so.....vulnerable. She always had to appear as a strong leader to her people, and to Kunou as a strong mother.

I wrapped my arms around her, my fingers running through her hair. "Shhhh." I quietly whispered. "It's okay, we're going to be okay. I'm here with you, and the others are too. You don't have to do this alone anymore."

"....I hate this." She said very quietly.

"I know." I did my best to reassure her.

This was definitely not how she usually acted, but I couldn't find any fault given the circumstances. How much stress must she be under right now?

"I hate this." She started hitting my chest with her fists, though there was no force behind them. " I hate it, I hate it! How many more families do I have to go to and tell them their fathers, brothers, sons, aren't coming home!?"

I didn't ask how many of her own soldiers didn't make it.

I had been so caught up in healing after everything had settled, then immediately sat in on the war meeting.

She looked up at me, her face was covered in tears, before settling down again, just resting herself against me.

She had it tough.

"I'm sorry." She began pulling away, wiping her eyes. "I don't like you seeing me like this. I just...wanted to vent for a moment."

"You have nothing to apologize for." I gave her a gentle smile, pushing some stray strands of hair out of her face.

"I must look like a mess." She sniffled again, rubbing away a few more tears.

I was about to respond, but there was an abrupt knock on the door, and the person on the other side was letting out their aura slightly so it was obvious who was on the other end.

"Do you –"

"Come in." Yasaka said loud enough for the person to hear.

Izzy pushed the door open, pausing as she saw us, specifically her eyes landed on Yasaka. "Oh you poor girl." She quickly went over to the fox and wrapped her up in a hug.

Yasaka let out a small noise, pushing her head into Izzy's chest this time, clearly appreciative of the moral support.

In any other circumstance, I may have said something about how cute it was that Izzy was gently rocking Yasaka back and forth.

Izzy let out a sigh. "This has become a large mess and I don't know if the other Gods will stay out of it."

"As horrific as everything was....I didn't think the Gods would care." It's just their nature not to care unless they're directly affected.....for the most part.

"For the most part, you are correct. However, that Winter Queen." Izzy's voice turned sour. "She directly challenged our Power with her little stunt. You should have some inkling of what she is, you are knowledgeable about many things. She is not a God but she possess an....Authority, as you would call it. Winter Queen is more than just a title."

"And she basically broadcasted that right in the middle of Japan, right in the middle of Takamagahara territory." I finished what she was trying to say.

It was no different than if Zeus came over and started flexing his power.

"To do that so blatantly, clearly this Winter Queen has some degree of confidence. Nurarihyon said they hide within their realm, and your statement implies that even Gods would have difficulty going there."

"That's true." Izzy pursed her lips. "I don't have confidence in forcing my way into the Faerie Realms. Even for me who watches over a realm of death, that place is strange and confusing. It's as if the Realm itself is a living entity that dislikes other species from intruding."

"The more I hear about them and their home, the more I'm reminded of my own." I took a step forward, putting my head on Izzy's shoulder. Yasaka quietly listed as we talked, she didn't seem to want to speak right now. "The Reverse side of the world – Where Avalon resides. Even with my Magic, I can't force my way there.....I don't think this world's version is quite the same, but that 'portal' or whatever they used, it's not so simple to backtrack and mimic."

I would need to do some calculations to figure everything out. Lots of testing to do as well. The Old Man would probably have some answers if I asked him. I'm sure it's something he's had experience with before, even If I couldn't recall anything.

"Regardless, the Winter Queen shouldn't be making any overt actions any time soon. The Gods are watching and she should be aware of that."

"Are you familiar with her at all?"

"I've never met her, but I know someone who has. He told me a few stories many centuries ago, but I didn't give them much thought until now." Izzy shook her head. "I'll be reaching out again for more information because his Pantheon had dealings in the past. But for now, I am going to focus on keeping her from getting ideas.

What a fucking mess this is.

"I could always ask Meridia..."

"No." Izzy cut off that train of thought immediately. "Everything you told me about her, if she were ever to appear and use her real power, the world would descend in true chaos. Everything is already teetering on the brink in many places. Honestly, the fact that there aren't any more large scale wars right now is something of a Miracle, and I say that as a Goddess."

I winced slightly at how thoroughly she rebuked me. "How bad are things right now? I haven't really cared about things outside of, well...."

"The three factions, their cease fire right now can be described at tenuous at best. The Norse.....the Giants recently have started open conflicts again and Loki is causing problems. A few Titans escaped Tartarus in the Greek corner. And the Indians, well, they've never really truly settled down, they just handle their messes quietly or keep it internal. Asuras and Rakshasas causing trouble is nothing new, but they're being much more noisy about it than usual. The Tuath De Danann over in Ireland have started getting aggressive too. I could go on, but I think you get the idea."

Yeah...that doesn't sound good at all.

I could see how introducing someone like Meridia to the greater world in such an abrupt manner could cause all kinds of problems.

"We're getting off topic from what I wanted to talk about." Izzy stated, rubbing a hand through Yasaka's hair. "I'll be able to keep this place relatively safe. As I said before the Winter Queen isn't a fool, she won't so blatantly cause issues openly. Subterfuge is still a problem, but I think there are solutions in both places for that."

"Yeah, Scáthach had been handling things on that front."

Izzy nodded in approval. "And Nurarihyon is admittedly extremely skilled in things like this. Much more than he lets on." Izzy almost hissed that last part out.

Yeah, seeing him somehow return to his youth was a big surprise.

"Do....do you know him from before this?"

Izzy looked away slightly. "I've met him once before."


"It was several centuries ago when he was much younger....he snuck into Yomi and stole my undergarments." She had the hint of a blush on her face.

There was a moment of silence before Yasaka broke out in a fit of giggles. Full on uncontrollable laughter even if it was muffled with her face buried in Izzy's chest.

"T-thank you, I needed to hear something ridiculous like that." Yasaka smiled for the first time this evening.

Izzy, even if she looked slightly embarrassed by the admission, did look happy that Yasaka was feeling better.

"You need not worry about the safety of this place. I will take care of it, and I won't allow another such incursion to occur." Izzy declared.

"I'm glad you're here." I sighed, relaxing my head on her shoulder.

"I wish I would have known sooner. I do not usually meddle in mortal affairs, but such a thing is beyond what is allowed." Izzy grunted. "The only silver lining thus far is that the damage was contained to only here. This place isn't completely cut off from the humans, it was on the brink of spilling over to the mundane."

"And I'm guessing the Fae won't care about this tentative masquerade that's up?"

"Not in the slightest." Izzy huffed. "I am going with Nurarihyon to speak with the Five Principal Clans to see where they stand. They should lend a hand after hearing everything."

Hmm, the Five Principal Clans.....

If I remember correctly, Nurarihyon and them had some sort of peace agreement. With Izzy, even if she wasn't the most...appreciated Goddess, they would probably be more open to certain talks. The Human Onmyoji and Exorcists would hopefully see the bigger picture here, even if they weren't fond of Youkai.

Yasaka let out a sigh, removing herself from Izzy's arms. "We should get going, there are still many things we have to do. I can't sit here crying forever when people have lost much more than I have." She straightened herself up.

"Where should we go next?" I asked.

"I will be going to speak with my Guards, then finish some matters with Nurarihyon. You should probably go deal with Ddraig, he's been quiet." Yasaka replied.

"That's.... a good point."

She leaned up, kissing me quickly on the lips. "Thank you." She whispered again. "Now, let's wrap this up. I need to get back home to make our own preparations as well."


I walked out a fair distance away from the Mansion the meeting was held in. A small clearing was infront of me, or rather, there would be one if not for a Giant Black Dragon laid comfortably on the ground.

He opened an eye as I got close. "Rawr, stay back mortal, I am the mighty Níeh?ggr."

"How terrifying, with claws like swords, and teeth like spears. You sure your name isn't Smaug?"

"Bite me." Ddriag huffed, a little bit of miasma blow out. "It was the first thing that came to mind, and I enjoyed the story when I saw it from your memories."

I walked over to his side, putting a hand on his scales. "Got some nicks and cuts here or there. Lost a few scales too and it looks like you got hit a few times."

"Hmph, if I had my real body, their puny weapons and spells would have never been able to touch me. You just had to put me in a body of such a disgusting weakling. And I'm not even as strong as the real thing. Really, it's all your fault."

I let out a chuckle, sliding down until I was sitting down with my back against his stomach. "How was it?"

Ddraig settled himself again, head lowering down as he let out a long breath. "It was.....amazing." He said quietly. A rare sort of gentleness in his words. "Thanks.....brat." He muttered.

Yeah, being outside again, it must have been a much needed reprieve.

"How were things on your end?" He seemed to wanna quickly change the subject.

"I had to see Yasaka cry." I let out a sigh. "I'm angry, Ddraig. And I have no one to immediately take this anger out on. I'm not entirely sure I can easily go to where they're hiding anytime soon."

"Now, later, it doesn't matter. We'll have our revenge."

"We?" I questioned.

"Of course." Ddraig breathed out with a snort. "You called me a Partner, that means your problems are my problems."

"....yeah, I guess you're right." I leaned back, looking up at the night sky. "The stars are really pretty tonight."

"Mmm, I haven't seen them for a long time." Ddraig muttered. "I'll miss it."

"...the spell wearing off?"

"Yeah, I can feel my tenuous anchors unraveling....it's really an annoying feeling. Not painful, but it's like.....I have a chain attached to my leg and someone's tugging on it. I feel like there's still some slack, but at the same time, I know it's running out."

An interesting explanation.

I patted his belly, standing up. "So, how was it? Tell me about the feelings and your thoughts." May as well get the data.

Ddraig shifted, slowly rising to his feet. "Took awhile to get used to the body." His wings stretched out. "I think we messed up some things on the casting. The Words didn't align with the spell parts as well as they could, I feel like I could be stronger in this form."

"Hmm, that's to be expected, we'll have to practice it more." I rubbed my chin. "Did you try using your own powers while under that guise?"

"I had a feeling that the spell would entirely unravel if I tried to Boost or use my real stuff so I didn't attempt it." He explained, his head tilting up, looking at the sky again. "I just wanted.....to enjoy this time for what it was."

I smiled faintly at his words, lightly tapping his side. "Don't worry about it, we can figure that stuff out later."

"Hmm, and let's put the Staff in the Gauntlet, let it absorb more of my Draconic Aura, that should help smooth things out too." Ddraig spoke as part of his body started to dissipate.


"Why are you looking at me like that, brat?" Ddraig chuckled. "It's not like I'm leaving, just going back in the Gauntlet."

I know he wasn't going anywhere, it's just.....

I stepped forward, grabbing hold of him. He was large, so it was a bit awkward, but I tried my best to give him a hug.

".....Jeez, brat." Ddraig huffed again, his body becoming ethereal as parts disappeared. "I've gotten soft." I felt his head lightly tap me on the head before he burst into Magical Energy, his soul forcibly returned, slamming into me as it delved into my body and straight into the Boosted Gear that was still within my soul.

I put a hand on my chest, feeling like a part of me returned.

[Home sweet home.] Ddraig chuckle, though it felt.....melancholic.

I promise I'll find a way to free you fully, Ddraig.


Sorry for the late chapter, my Medicine apparently hit me much harder than I thought it would. Just a heads up, I'm driving up to see my mom from Wednesday through Friday for thanksgiving (American Holiday).

Anyways, if you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / astoryforone. We're in the kokabiel Arc right now.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.