A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 290 - 269

Chapter 290: Chapter 269

"Here we are, everyone, Skyrim!" I happily declared as everyone filed out of the house.

The cool Skyrim air immediately splashed against our faces, the mountains on the horizon a towering recognition of the new land that opened up before them. The very Moons in the sky were a stark reminder that they were now very far from home.

"The Air is nice." Atalanta spoke up, taking a deep breath.

"I know what you mean." Yasaka agreed, sniffing the air visibly herself. "I can't even smell any of the pollution that's so prevalent on Earth. I think I'll be able to make a lot of progress on my Senjutsu if I cultivate it here."

Huh, that's not something I considered before.

"It feels oh so similar to my Era." Medea added. "The Mana – or Magicka as you said it's call here – is so much denser."

Yup, even Medea wanted to tag along. Her Master was right by her side, I believed they said he took a Vacation. Though, even the stoic man looked rather intrigued and had a rare expression of interest as he gazed around.

"Alright, so just to make sure everyone's on the same page." I clapped my hands, gaining everyone's attention. I felt like I was chaperoning a school field trip. "So far, we have Rin and Artoria going to the College of Winterhold, anyone else going that way?"

"Yeah, me and the Necromancer are following along too." Mordred grunted.

I shouldn't have been surprised that Mordred wanted to follow along with Artoria. I was glad they were getting along so well....as well as you could expect them to, I guess. There was still some awkwardness, but they seemed to enjoy being around one another.

"While I am at the College I might take some jobs so we can get some money." Kairi nodded.

We did talk about that, good. The Archmage was still probably running around trying to keep everything together. While Kairi didn't necessarily have the same kind of firepower most of us could bring, he's experienced and could easily handle most jobs they needed a hand with.

"Us as well." Medea spoke up once more. "The majority of the reason I wanted to come was to see this College for myself. Might learn a thing or two while I'm here."

I shouldn't have expected anything else. "Noted, I'm sure they'd love to have you, Medea."

"Of course." She preened.

"I want to follow along for now....." Atalanta quickly said. "We.....haven't had much opportunity to spend time together. It should be a moderate trip from what I understand, I would enjoy spending it with you." She glanced at Medea. "Afterwards, we can go our own ways depending on what we want to do."

"Haaah, I guess I'm following along with them for now, then." Achilles rubbed his head. "I don't wanna stay at a stuffy school for too long, though."

"I was just going to pick a direction and start going." Sasaki said with a chuckle. "I have no destination in mind, I shall see where fate takes me."

"Well, alrighty then." I shrugged. "So, you all have your bracelets." I swept my gaze around, looking at all of them. I made sure they all had their own versions of the storage braclet. "They each got a little orb on them, if you get in trouble, break it and it'll alert all of us and act like a beacon."

Thought what I did for Venelana was practical in more than one application.

"Also, you all got a general map." I made sure to stuff one of those in all their braclets? . "And a bag of Septims – gold coins, their currency here."

It should tie them all over for quite some time, though if they wanted anymore money for anything, they'll have to earn it the old-fashioned way.

"A wonderful gift, thank you." Sasaki looked like he was investigating his bracelet, discovering how it worked with relative ease.

"You didn't need to do this, boyo." Medea sounded uncharacteristically gentle in her words.

"Just something to get you started or if you didn't want to stick around for all that long." I waved it off. "Otherwise, you'd be stuck asking Rin for Money, and I don't think you would want to do that."

"Does the poor witch need a hand." Rin's face quickly twisted into a malicious grin.

"And I suddenly have no reservations." Medea quickly changed her tune.

Well, I'm sure the trip up to the college would be entertaining with both of them within reach of each other. For some reason, they opted for the long trek, should be a couple days walk if they took it slow to take in the sights.

I could understand that, they probably wanted to do some sight seeing and whatnot. It's not every day that they get to visit a totally different world.

"Alright, Artoria, you're in charge." I designated her right off the bat.

She quirked a little amused smile. "I shall endeavor to ensure no trouble arises."

Unlikely, but I shall hold out hope.

The Archmage was probably going to develop a drinking problem once they're through.

"Stay safe, enjoy your time." I stepped in, wrapping my arms around her.

Artoria's bright smile was always something that could make my heart flutter. "I will surely."

More bonding time with Mordred, I'm sure she's looking forward to it.

"Make sure Mordred specifically doesn't cause trouble." I glanced at the scowling Knight.

"Oi, you got something to say, dandy man?" Mordred huffed.

I chuckled, kissing Artoria's head.

"Hmph, let's go, father." Morded pursed her lips. "It'll be like old times, traveling the land and helping the common folk." She slowly adopted a smile.

"Indeed, I too look forward to it." Artoria shared the sentiment. "Come, Rin and I know the shortest path, however it is littered with all manner of dangerous creatures."

"Oh?" Achilles perked up.

"Dangerous creatures? I have not hunted a meaningful prey in too long...." Even Atalanta looked interested.

With waves and goodbyes, I saw them off until they disappeared down the road moving slightly around Whiterun as they made their way up north.

"A moment, Wilhelm." Sasaki had yet to depart.

"What's up?"

"I have a query. I believe I spoke to you about my intention for creating a new sword?"

"Oh, right." I snapped my fingers. "I'm sure you'll want an idea of what to work towards, yeah?"

"Yes, that would be appreciated.

"Let me see your map." He produced it very easily, not even blinking as he withdrew it from his bracelet. I unfurled the piece of parchment, scanning it over. With a flick of my wrist, I pulled out a pen and marked it. "Around here..." I bit my lip, trying to recall specifically. "I vaguely remember Thorum telling me that there was an Orc settlement on an Ebony mine around here. They're very isolationist, but are also honorable warriors." I handed the map back to him.

"Hmm, I suppose I can try to work with that." He nodded as he looked it over. He turned around a few times, trying to adjust his sense of direction. "And Ebony, is it? You mentioned that metal before."

"Yeah, legends say that it's actually the blood of a God or something." I waved my hand flippantly. "Regardless, it's a very good metal, enough to go toe to toe with a Noble Phantasm and not outright break like your sword did."

"Intriguing." Assassin smiled. "Any other things I should be on the lookout for?"

"Honestly, most metals here are pretty darn good. You got the obvious things like iron and steel, but they have large variety of magical metals with various properties. That being said, there's a smith that lives here at Whiterun named Eorlund Grey-Mane, so once you get some stuff, head over here and ask around. You can drop my name if you need to, I got some pull in this town."

"Wonderful, thank you."

"What are friends for?" I smiled.

"...Indeed." The corners of his lips curled up. "Friends." He nodded happily.

"And a random thought while you're traveling about. If you hear any mentions of dead walking around, I suggest dealing with them. It would make a certain Goddess happy, and that might lead you to an unsacked tomb which could be filled to the brim with treasure."

"I will keep my ears peeled." He put the map away finally. "I guess this is where we shall part for now." He held his hand out.

I took it with a firm shake. "Kill a dragon or two for me, eh?"

He let out a laugh. "With absolute pleasure." With one last nod, he turned and started walking to the east.

"Well I certainly feel a little better with all of them running around and helping where they can." I idly commented.

"Should we feel bad for the dragons at this point." Yasaka, who had been mostly quiet, basically draped herself on me.

"My pity well is practically dried up for that lot." I snorted, running a hand through one of her tails. "And what's up? You've been very.....clingy since...." Well, since we spent that night together. It's only been like a day and a half, but she was being extremely clingy, not that I disliked it.

"Mmm, I don't want my scent to leave you." She practically purred in my ear.

".....we don't have to go to Whiterun immediately...." I offered.

Her smile turned feral as she started dragging me back into the house, her kimono was tossed to the side before we even crossed the threshold.


Yasaka held onto my arm as we walked down the road towards Whiterun.

"You know, you're probably going to want to let go, lest the people here judge you rashly and not give you the proper respect you deserve."

"I know." She squeezed my arm. "I'll present myself properly when we get close. I just want to enjoy this for now."


I wouldn't stop her even if I didn't want to enjoy this. How many times could she just relax and not worry about anything?

Raikou was with Kunou so we both felt good about that. And Scáthach was keeping an eye on Kyoto for other miscreants.

It'd been a little quiet and that made us anxious, but there wasn't really anything we could do about that.

Jinn was over at the College, doing her job. She took that very seriously and I had no intention on disturbing that aspect of her life. It was good that she found somewhere to...acclimatize to. I wanted all my girls to have a life, to have things outside of just me. It might sound a little arrogant, but Jinn was attached heavily to me and basically submitted herself to me upon our first meeting, I wanted her to have things to do. Raikou as well, and even she had found things she enjoyed doing.

Yup, it seemed like they all did at this point.

Almost abruptly, Yasaka let go, straightening herself. That cute and affectionate look of hers disappeared and she looked rather serious now, though still a bit regal.

"This is the city then?" She asked as we approached the walls.

"Yup, Whiterun, a nice city that I've come to adore." I nodded.

"Noticeable damage to the walls from nearly every angle I can see." She inspected everything intently. "You were right, farmlands have been ravaged quite thoroughly, nothing will be growing there for a long time. A lack of traffic is a little concerning due to the nature of this kind of city. At this time of day, I believe we should see people coming and going more noticeably."

"Dragons have everyone spooked. I think they're all still bunkered down for the moment, trying to wait out the storm."

"Hmm." She hummed to herself. Perhaps devising some strategizes on how to negotiate with the Jarl. "And you can help me meet this – Balgruuf without issues?"

"I think he'd be ecstatic to see me again. It's been a few months since I've been in his keep, and he was trying desperately to keep either Thorum or I close at hand."

"So not a foolish man then? Not someone with more swords than brains?"

"He's definitely a warrior, but he's an adept leader and know how to play the political game."

It didn't take long for us to approach the large gates. As we got closer and I could see the faces of the guards, I relaxed upon noticing one of them. One was the guard with the scars on his face.

"Well, look who it is." I greeted them with familiarity.

"Red Dragon Emperor." He slapped his fist against his chest plate. "It's good to see you back again so soon. And you brought panion." He looked at Yasaka, in fact, every guard who was in the vicinity was looking at her. And not just because she was absolutely beautiful. A significant portions of it was due to the ears atop her head and the fluffy tails swaying behind her.

"This is Yasaka, Kunou's mother." I introduced.

"It's lovely to meet you. I heard you took extra care to make sure my daughter was looked after. You have my gratitude." Yasaka's tone was polite.

The Guard broke from his stupor. "Tis just my duty, ma'am." He recovered easily. I guess after seeing me with Jinn, a woman with fox ears and tails wasn't that strange. Hell, they knew I have wings and didn't say anything.

"Is Thorum around?" I seemed to ask this every time I came.

"The Dragonborn is currently in Helgen, me thinks." He looked thoughtful. "Aye, I heard that he was over there checking on some bandit issue, should be back before nightfall."

"I see." I nodded in thanks. "Can I ask a favor? Do you think you can send a runner to the Jarl, tell him I want a meeting?"

"A meeting with the Jarl?" He blinked. "Of course, Red Dragon Emperor." I could see him smiling under his helmet. "The Jarl expressed sadness that he missed your last visit. I will send a man there to warn him of your arrival."

He gestured to another man who ran over and whispered in his ear. A moment later, that guard ran off further into the city, assumedly towards the Jarl.

"We'll make our way up there in a few." I waved towards the guard.

"Of course, and welcome to the city, Lady Yasaka. If you find yourself in any trouble, my men will assist as best as they can." He stated.

"I will thank you in advanced." Yasaka smiled evenly.

Once we walked a little inside, Yasaka turned to me with a little grin. "Red Dragon Emperor, huh?"

"They love their titles here." I chuckled. "And I don't think I'm the only one captivated by your tails."

"Oh shush you." She playfully swatted at me. "You know my tails are for you only~"

All mine.

If she wasn't trying to project herself appropriately, I would have stolen one already.

"Well, while the Jarl undoubtedly prepares himself for us, how about I show you around?"

"That would be lovely." She smiled brightly, completely unperturbed by the stares she was getting.


"Welcome, Wilhelm!" The Jarl's voice boomed throughout the hall. "And my Guard tells me of your company. Welcome as well, Lady Yasaka." I think he was warned of Yasaka's appearance, because he wasn't staring like the others were.

"Jarl Balgruuf." I respectfully acknowledged.

"Jarl Balgruuf." Yasaka mimicked, keeping herself from overtly reacting.

"I heard you have sought me out." He looked to be in a good mood. "What can? I do for one of our heroes?"

"Actually, I'm here more as an escort and act as guarantee this time around." I took a half step to the side, letting Yasaka take front stage.

"Oh?" He quirked an eyebrow. "And what can I do for you, miss?"

"Jarl Balgruuf." Yasaka's expression shifted slightly as she addressed him. "Allow me to introduce myself properly. I am Yasaka, leader of my own people who are known as – Youkai."

"Youkai?" He repeated the word.

"I'm sure you noticed my...features." She let her Tails extend outwards.

"Aye, I did not wish to be rude..."

Yasaka let out a giggle, but it was different from her normal ones. "I take no offense at the question, I'm sure I look quite strange to you and your people. I admit to never meeting Nords until this point either, however it's more familiar for me than I'm sure it is for you."

"It's as you say. I know Khajiit and Argonians, but never have I met a woman with fox tails and ears before. Tis strange, but an interesting experience." He responded rather casually. "But I do not think you came all this way to discuss our different races. Yasaka, Leader of these – Youkai, to what reason have you come before me?" While respectful, he held an aura of authority about him as he looked at Yasaka.

It wasn't only Jarl Balgruuf around either. His trusted aides were nearby, his personal guard, and I even saw that annoying mage from before in the corner, giving me the stink eye.

"I come with an offer for a mutually beneficial arrangement. Wilhelm has told me of the troubles your people have gone through, and my people have also suffered some hardships of a similar nature. To that extent, I have heard that you are in need of certain resources."

"You speak of a trade agreement?" He sat up straighter. If Yasaka had his interest before, she had his attention now.

"We need not formalize anything for the time being, but to be blunt about it – yes. You are seeking to buy things such as food and weapons from outside of Skyrim, correct?"

"It is not a secret." He nodded.

"And I'm sure you are being charged exorbitant fees."

His face darkened, a scowl forcibly kept away. "It's as you say. We are not the only ones either, most other holds within the provenance are seeking outside assistance."

"And If I say I can provide similar services for a reasonable price?"

"I would question your motivations." He narrowed his eyes. "What relationship do you claim with Wilhelm?"

Was he trying to feel her out? I would have been disappointed if he just accepted our words. He seemed like a much more thorough man than that.

"I am his woman." She said without any hesitation, making the Jarl blink in surprise.

I think he was expecting something a bit more coy or some other ambiguous answer.

"I see...." He seemed deep in thought. "And what benefits are you gaining from this exchange?"

"Money." She said simply. "Gold is more valuable for us than it is for you."

The Jarl rubbed his temple. "And you are upfront about such a thing because we have no way to make use of such information. We do not know from which place you hail, only by what you have spoken thus far."

Yasaka smirked.

Gained the initiative in the negotiations by being completely honest.

Septims – gold coins – were the currency here, yet they're worth a lot more back on Earth due to their gold content. She could take payment in about the normal price for goods they would normally pay, and then get an equal amount of such from Earth, with a nice chunk left over. Originally, Yasaka wasn't going to part with food, but after figuring out how much they could make, it was a worthwhile investment if they could get something going for even a short time frame.

"I admit I was not expecting this situation." Jarl Balgruuf let out a sigh. "You understand that I cannot make an immediate decision and there are still many more questions and explanations needed?"

"I did not expect anything of the sort." Yasaka smiled. "I just wished to present you the offer and give you a sample, if you desired."

"A sample?" He raised an eyebrow again.

Yasaka raised her hand, depositing several neat piles onto the floor around us. "Five hundred Enchanted Arrows. 100 Sacks of Rice. I believe this should be sufficient to show the quality and quantity of what I can offer."

That got their attention. While it wasn't a substantial amount when speaking about the populations shared between them, it was still a good chunk of goods to just drop on them.

Frankly, Yasaka's giving them an offer they couldn't refuse. It's exactly what she said before, a win-win situation for everyone.

But just as they couldn't refuse it, they also had to deliberate on everything. There were many logistical issues to work through. Not to mention, Yasaka was a complete unknown, basically only backed by me – who was also not exactly a citizen here. I had some goodwill developed, okay a lot of goodwill, which was the only reason the Jarl humored such talk from a complete unknown.

One of the Jarl's aides came up and whispered into his ear. There was a flash of something across his face, making him go deep into thought. They went back and forth for a few moments before settling down.

"As this was brought up so abruptly, I believe I need some time to discuss with my advisers." The Jarl Stood up. "Perhaps we should reconvene in a few hours to discuss further? I would be honored to host you and give you a proper tour of my city in the meantime."

"I would be delighted to see everything your city has to offer." Yasaka agreed, as if expecting this outcome.

Well, Yasaka seemed confident, but then again, these people were in a really tight spot. I doubted they were going to talk about not accepting any kind of deal, but more so how much they were able to acquire.

Their next harvest was all but shot and they were running through resources at an extreme rate after the Dragon fiasco, and the continued issues they brought.

I felt a little bad for them, but they were lucky that Yasaka was such a kind woman.

Because to put it bluntly, she had them by the balls in any negotiating.

We'll see when they got into my formal talks once everyone's on the same page.


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