A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 278 - 258

Chapter 278: Chapter 258

"Good morning everyone." I walked down the stairs to see everyone sitting at the table, well mostly everyone.

Meridia was absent, but no one faulted her for being dimensionally challenged. The weight of her responsibilities were something none of us had the right to question. Hell, even Artoria and Yasaka with their experience as leaders couldn't measure up with how much she usually had on her plate based on what little she's talked about.

"Master~" Raikou got up and practically glided into my arms. I hugged my servant, giving her a quick kiss on the lips.

She didn't seem to want to let go, and I couldn't resist her. I grabbed two handfuls of that wonderful butt of hers.

"Either go play in private, or start removing clothes." Scáthach teased from her spot at the table.

"You heard her." I said emotionlessly. "Let's get naked, Raikou."

"If my son wants it." Raikou said rather shyly, though her expression clearly contradicted that, a barely restrained smile forming on her face.

"P-please don't do that here..." Artoria squeaked out.

I could just laugh, seeing Artoria's bright red face. I gave one more kiss to my Servant as the joke was concluded.

"Aww, I wanted to watch." Jinn pouted cutely.

"You've gotten much lewder recently." I walked by Jinn, playfully swatting at her hair.

"Who's fault is that?" She grinned.

"No idea." I smiled innocently, sneaking up on Artoria as I kissed her cheek. "You all have fun?" I patted her head, that flushed face of hers was always adorable. "And whoever made coffee, you're in first place."

"First place?" Scáthach raised an eyebrow.

"Mmm, I devised a ranking system –"

Scáthach summoned her spear.

"—And I have decided that such a thing was ridiculous, and thus discarded the ranking system."

I didn't react as I poured myself a fresh cup of coffee.

"Hmph." She narrowed her eyes, dismissing her spear.

"In all seriousness, how was your girl time?" I asked.

"It was productive." Artoria chimed in. "We spoke of important matters and other things we wish to keep between ourselves."

I just nodded, there wasn't a need for me to know everything, they were going to have their own secrets between themselves. I'm sure there were things they felt more confident speaking of with each other than me, just as I had embarrassing things I'd find hard to bring to their attention.

"Do you want to have that talk now about what I did?" I offered, the timing seemed adequate even if Meridia and Yasaka weren't here. "Or should we wait for the others?"

"I believe Yasaka and Meridia shared similar thoughts and would not mind us broaching it." Artoria stated.

"Fetch me another cup." Scáthach commanded, holding up her empty mug.

I rolled my eyes, taking it from her hands. "So, should I start? Then maybe add anything that I missed?"

Artoria tilt her head. "I believe that would be a fine beginning."

"Sounds good." Jinn nodded.

Scáthach just grunted, and Raikou slid in next to Artoria but was otherwise quiet in acceptance.

"Alright, should I start off saying I realize my mistake?" I sat down Scáthach's mug infront of her, taking an empty seat at the side. "I'm not going to make any excuses; I feel like I'm not that same kid who was bold enough to ask Meridia to be my woman within minutes of meeting her." I paused for a moment, letting them all chuckle at the image they were surely aware of by now.

Taking a sip, I took another second to enjoy the taste. "If I had to explain myself, I think I got caught up in everything that was happening, I had a lot of emotional baggage come undone and I was riding a certain high from that. In addition to actually being attracted and interested in Venelana, that was enough to sort of fall into her rhythm. Not that I'm excusing anything, mind you. I just wanted to express my mindset."

"And you do not believe this will be a reoccurring situation?" Artoria questioned.

"I will promise you all, as your Lover, Boyfriend, or any other titles you want to use for us." I swept my gaze around the room. "I will be more responsible, and I won't act this way again."

"I am pleased to hear you say that." Artoria smiled faintly. "I do not believe you would do such, but I wanted to be reassured with your sincere words. I will not raise a fuss at your romance of your grandmother. I understand that even if it was not a normal occurrence you would not have sought such skinship unless you desired her similarly as you do us."

"That's true." I nodded. "I don't like one night stand or anything like that. I will not be hooking up with anyone not in my....harem."

"That does not mean we accept her automatically." Scáthach spoke up. "You have ignored many steps if you wish to juggle multiple woman in your life, my student. I told you before, I expect you to be sincere and invest in each of us. I understand that we are long lived and have our own duties, thus we do not spend every moment together, but that does not mean you are allowed to find comfort in any woman that you find attractive."

"Not that we think you would, Master." Raikou quickly added. "We have decided to.....be vocal about our wishes as we have not spoken about them before. If you were needing comfort, I would have happily accepted you in every way. I am saddened that you did not come to your mother." I think she deviated slightly on that last bit from what they probably agreed to bring up.

"Raikou..." I felt a twinge of guilt in my heart. "I'm sorry, I rushed into something in my excitement and made you sad."

"I accept your apology." She said warmly. "While I will happily accept you in every way, I do enjoy your other focuses on me, Master."

Ah, that was her way of saying she liked being treated romantically. Jeez, she was so cute when she was like this, I just wanted to dote on her some more.

"And you, Jinn?" I turned towards my beautiful genie. "Anything to add?" It was important that I hear all their concerns.

"Not really, I agree with what they've said. I also don't think you would just start grabbing any woman who catches your eye, which you've proved to be true so far." Jinn shrugged. "However, I guess we should still talk about how, or if, you add more women to your harem, not just the way you brought in Venelana."

"Agreed, that deserves a conversation." Artoria added. "I will say that I was not entirely sure when we first started....dating. The idea of a harem was strange and a little intimidating to me who had never properly been in a relationship." She fidgeted a little in her seat. "However, I have come to appreciate every one of your other paramours and enjoy spending time with each of them. I do not find myself jealous, and do not even see your gestures towards them as untold or unwelcomed. I.....am happy when I see you and the others smiling, sharing touches, enjoying each other's embraces. And I am comforted by the fact that you would likewise treat me the same way and they too would feel the same in my own happiness." Artoria expressed her sincere thoughts.

"She speaks the truth." Scáthach crossed her arms with a slight smile on her face. "I like all your other women, my student. I am fond of them and have no problems considering them my sisters in our strange union."

"Going to hug you both so much!" Jinn vibrated in her seat, having to visibly restrain herself from jumping out of her seat and grabbing a hold of them. She was always really affectionate when she could be, and just getting closer with everyone let her do it as much as she wanted.

Not surprising considering how long she was alone for.

"Yup and I went and basically elevated a woman you don't know right into the same 'position' that all of you share." I realized my faults already, but being spoken aloud really put them into perspective.

"So you understand our concerns." Artoria nodded again. "We reached a consensus last night, we wish for you to consult with us before adding any more women to our group."

"That's completely fair and you shouldn't have even had to ask."

"No, Master. We also didn't say anything, it's important for all of us to speak about these things." Raikou spoke up as well.

"We are not upset, Wilhelm." Scáthach also interjected. "Merely skeptical and hesitant with what has happened. We are willing to make the effort if you are as well."

"I think that's a fair assessment, and I have no complaints." I didn't object to a single point they spoke about. It was healthy to voice our thoughts and for them to share their concerns. It's a cornerstone of any relationship that all parties needed to speak openly.

"Good." Artoria smiled lightly once more. "We also discussed other potential women you are already talking to, such as this Salem. We do not object since you are not jumping straight into it like you did with your grandmother." She said dryly, perhaps trying to be a little sharp with her words even if she intended no actual harmful intent.

Oh they're going to poke at me for this forever. Oh well, I reaped what I sowed.

"Again, I have no complaints, and I agree fully with everything." It was pretty simple, and important to make sure we're all on the same page.

"Hmm, that was easy." Jinn just hummed to herself.

"Well, they were all valid points." I shrugged at her nonchalance.

"We're pleased you think so." Scáthach nodded to herself happily. "We don't ask for much, Wilhelm. Remember my words from before."

"An honest effort, yeah, I won't ever forget that."

Scáthach adopted a beautiful smile that I could get lost in.

"Any other important matters to talk about?" I looked around.

"Yeah, Artoria wants –" Jinn was cut off as the aforementioned woman practically leapt across the table to silence the Genie.

"Nothing!" Artoria was a brighter red than I couldnormally produce by myself. "Y-you're licking me!" Artoria squeaked out.

Jinn broke out into a fit of giggles once Artoria removed herself.

It was nice to see them getting along.

Well, I guess we covered everything important. "You girls doing anything today?"

"Oh yes, we were talking about the modern era and Yasaka recommended a few documentaries for us to watch, so we were going to marathon them." Jinn answered with enthusiasm.

"Rin as well, when she decided to wake up." Artoria huffed. "Also, I invited Izzy to come as well."

"Indeed, it will be my first time meeting this Goddess, I look forward to it." Scáthach seemed interested as well. "A day to laze about isn't unwelcomed."

"I as well." Raikou admitted. "And I look forward to understanding this modern era more than my Grail knowledge has transmitted."

"Oh, it's going to be fun, lots of snacks!" Jinn beamed.

"Snacks?" Artoria perked up, looking equally excited.


I had something else to look forward to.


"You ready?" I popped over to Yasaka once the girls had been settled and I had my coffee.

Yasaka wasn't startled at all when I popped in while she was fixing Kunou's Kimono. "Almost ready~"

"Hmm, should I change?" I walked up to a full length mirror. "It's more a traditional setting, yeah?"

"Less formal, but I suppose. No one will say anything about your clothing, they'll be more interested in how strong you are." Yasaka replied, running her hands through Kunou's hair.

"Uncle Nurarihyon is really strong and the scary Youkai there are strong too." Kunou helpfully added.

"Stronger than your daddy?" I asked.

"Nu huh, daddy is the strongest."

And my heart just melted.

"She's right though, The old man gathers the more....unruly bunch and keeps them under control. That just so happens to coincide with the stronger ones too. I'm not ashamed to say that his people, on average, are stronger than mine." Yasaka stood up, admiring her work on Kunou. "And don't you dare transform again and make me fix it all over." She lightly booped Kunou on the nose.

"I'll be good." Kunou huffed.

I walked up, snaking my arms around my foxy woman. She giggled, leaning into my embrace, following it up with a light kiss. "And what should I expect?"

"His lot aren't the brightest, and by that I mean his underlings – for the most part. He though is cunning. Don't let his appearance fool you, he has –" Yasaka reached down, pushing down Kunou's ears. " –slit the throats of thousands of his enemies."

Kunou fidgeted and whined until she broke free.

"Your relationship?"

"Amicable with perhaps some familiarity." She pursed her lips. "He's.....nice, I suppose. He knew my mother, and he came around when I was still a little girl." She let out a sigh. "Our relationship changed once I took over, it was inevitable. But I suppose I'm still fond of him on some level. And he adores Kunou, of course."

"Of course." I chuckled.

Kunou tip toed up to me, tugging on my sleeve. I knelt down as she whispered into my ear. "He brings me snacks when momma isn't looking."

"I can hear you." Yasaka deadpanned.

"Nu uh, I whispered it, that means you can't hear what I said." Kunou seemed to deny Yasaka with her strange logic.

"Is that how it works." Yasaka just shook her head with a small smile.

"So, this just a formality then?"

"Mostly." She shrugged. "It's a less formal meeting than when we usually meet. Gives us an excuse to talk about things without our retainers being at each others throats. While we're allied, and actually quite friendly, it's still difficult for all of us to be in a room when we're on 'opposite sides'."

"Ah, a friendly rivalry then?"

Yasaka snorted. "Less friendly, but still....constrained due to our alliances. His bunch are brutes and like to flex their strength to mine. Not to mention over half of them.....are insistent flirts and can't take a hint."

"Oh?" I quirked an eyebrow. "And you just so happen to be taking me along, eh?"

Yasaka smiled innocently, grabbing my arm. "Is it wrong to want my big strong man to protect me~"

"Oh well, I guess I'll be putting some youkai in their place." Well, their culture was known for being more.... physical in certain matters. I didn't mind staking my claim very publicly, so they knew who she was with.

I tapped Kunou's head, rather the hair piece I gave her awhile ago. She still wore it, she seemed to always wear it. I made sure the protections were still active and going strong.

"Hmm, so you want to project strength when we go, right?" I asked.

"That's the general idea, but no one should try anything with Kunou at our side. And the old man would definitely stop that from happening." Yasaka nodded.

"How long until we need to be there?"

"An hour or two." She made the so-so genture. "The meeting isn't for a few hours but I figured it would be nice to get a little early and walk around."

"Have you talked to Jinn about awakening your Aura?"

Her lips slowly curled up into a feral grin. "I have."

"Well then, let's give them a little surprise."


"Oh my, is this always how you feel?" Yasaka looked at her hands, her golden aura shining over her.

"Daddy, me next, me next!" Kunou grabbed at me.

I took a deep breath, patting her on the head. "Wait until you're older, sweetie."

Kunou whined, but I didn't want to just give her a sudden boost in strength without consulting Yasaka some more.

She didn't know what I did, and probably didn't care about the semantics. Honestly, she probably just saw her mom glowing gold and wanted that too.

"And to answer your question, the euphoria wears off after a few minutes." I remembered when my Aura was awakened, it was an intoxicating feeling.

"I already feel significantly stronger." She continued to admire herself. "And its a completely different feeling from Touki and Youjutsu, but so warm and complimentative. I feel like it won't conflict with anything I normally do."

Well, it's the light of your soul, of course it won't be detrimental.

I was also curious to see what her Semblance would be.

I thought I would need a little longer to recover, but I was standing firmly again after a few minutes. I guessed my new Campione status really made me stronger, even my soul. I knew that was the case in a broad sense, but I hadn't really had the opportunity to meaningfully measure my soul since the change.

"You have a good amount of Aura too." I made sure to add.

Kunou, funnily enough, seemed to stop caring. Her attention taken by her mother's phone she somehow acquired when I wasn't looking.

"Oh yes, momma can get used to this." She flexed, her Golden Aura flowing around her as she already deduced some uses for it. She stopped, looking at me again. "I think someone deserves a reward~"

"Eww, momma!" Kunou gagged. "Eww, eww!" She started running around.

So freaking cute.

"Alright, alright." Yasaka laughed. "Come here, little fox, we're going to head over and see the old man."

"Mmkay." Kunou ran back over and grabbed both our hands.

"You have a teleportation circle?"

"I have the coordinates." She raised her arm producing a Magic Circle. And I was reminded that she knew atleast rudimentary magic here.

She fired it up, enveloping us as I watched the space around us distort. I helped it along with my own use of the Kaleidoscope considering my Magical Resistance wasn't letting it to attach to me.

With a bright flash of light, we arrived in an empty room.

Yasaka looked around. "That's strange, they should have people waiting here."

I stopped in my tracks, because I felt something strange I couldn't put my finger on. Like....something out of the corner of my eye was trying to grab my attention.

I narrowed my eyes as I summoned Mirage into my free hand. I turned to the side and swung it through the air, only to be met with resistance. Something invisible blocked it, a clear 'clank' resounded in the empty space.

"Buahahaha!" A voice bellowed out. A figure started to appear, as if the surroundings were peeled away from him, as if he existed there always and what I had seen was a lie. I could guess who he was immediately, the gourd-shaped head was a dead give away.

But my attention was taken by something else. He was standing to the side, my sword still stuck in the air, facing off against something else.

"Can't believe he saw through me." The Old Youkai rubbed his chin, eyeing me up and down.

"Maybe you're getting senile in your old age." Another voice answered back.

"Bah!" The Old Youkai huffed. "It's because I had to hide both of us. If it was just me I'd never been detected." He swiped his hand through the air and another figure came into view.

Another non-human. He was tall, with noticeable fur throughout his arms and face. Long hair and a weathered look about him, but a strange serenity about him, almost.....holy in nature. He was keeping my sword at bay with a pipe of all things.

I saw him fully now, an interesting pair of sunglasses, and his true race was revealed.

He looked like a monkey.

He pulled his large sunglasses down with his free hand, Fiery Golden Eyes looked at me.

"Hoh, you're more interesting in person." He said calmly, not at all perturbed at being on the end of my sword.

"The Great Sage Equal to Heaven." I could guess who he was.

The Monkey, smiled.

[*** ]

Got another chapter coming up in a couple minutes

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