A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 275: Interlude 15

Chapter 275: Interlude 15

Artoria Pendragon POV

After Wilhelm left, Meridia began waiving her arms around, and the area around us shifted. It was a vivid reminder that she was not a mortal in any stretch of the imagination. This realm of hers, it bent to her will with but a gesture.

The changes made the area a little more pleasant, the colors changed to match the new décor that saturated this small part of her home.

Between us was a large round table for us to sit at.

We all claimed seats without any noise, a quaint silence fell between everyone. I looked towards Meridia and noticed she had not elevated herself above us. This unfathomably powerful Goddess, and she faced us as equals.

I am unable to recall a single moment when I felt uneasy around her as well that didn't come from my own nervousness. From the moment I met her, she had made the effort to.....extend her hand. Admittedly, we had not interacted very much compared to the others, but there was no sense of distance either. There was no awkwardness associated with her whenever she appeared. If I ever desired to come here, if I simply called her and expressed my desire, I felt completely at ease to do so.

She was also the first of Wilhelm's other women that I had met, and mayhaps I felt a sort of bond due to that. At the time Scáthach had still been...gone and it was just Meridia and I that took Wilhelm's full attention.

Even as more women joined, I had not felt stifling or that it was satisfactory. Nor had I felt as if I was being pushed to the side. When I desired it, Wilhelm was there, his arms open for me. His smile welcomed me home and my heart fluttered as he made sure to show how much he desired me every day.

It was a strange dynamic we had developed, but both of us had things that took us far apart. My duties to Rin were something I could not compromise on. I was bound by not just honor, but duty as her Servant to be at her side in most circumstances. And Wilhelm, he respected that and never tried to push that boundary of mine.

No, it was more than that. He was always helpful whenever I needed it. With Rin, I had not known how to help her with her own issues, and Wilhelm had lent his aid in a way I could not. She had opened up much since meeting him....we both had.

Rin was now a confident woman with a drive to improve not just out of a misplaced desire to prove herself, but to do so because of genuine determination brought about through her own will. I would admit that there were still problems, but they were much better since the time I was summoned.

Wilhelm and I had gone days without seeing one another, however, the feelings never diminished. If anything, I can say with certainty that they grew in the time we have spent apart. Even now, I desired his touch, his warm gaze when he looked upon me, and those honeyed words of his that he used to tease me.

As strange as it was to say, I felt that our relationship was near ideal.

"This is my first time doing something like this, are we supposed to chat about all the naughty stuff we've done with our shared man?" Yasaka was the first to speak up, breaking the silence. "Or are we here to render judgment?"

"Immediate Execution." Scáthach replied without a second thought, making me unconsciously smile.

"Atleast wait until I get my turn~" The Nine Tailed Fox giggled.

"Ooh, let's talk about the naughty stuff!" Jinn happily stated.

"I think we all know the naughty things you've been up to." Yasaka covered her mouth as she laughed.

".....It is not exactly a secret you keep." Meridia said quietly, there was a faint redness on her cheeks.

"Kyah~" Jinn seemed to shift between embarrassment and excitement. "I can't help it."

"Have you tried removing your lamp from your rear?" The Goddess said dryly.

"Want me to lend it to you?" Jinn offered coyly, however, I believed she was entirely sincere.

It was amusing to see the Goddess flush with embarrassment. "....to do such a thing with my rear how unsightly." She couldn't even look at Jinn at that point, the powerful Goddess was too overcome with shyness.

"Did Master enjoy it?" Raikou asked with a clear interest.

"Most definitely~" Jinn didn't hide her proud tone. "You should know, how many times has he squeezed that big butt of yours?"

"Big?" Raikou seemed to look at her own backside.

"It's a compliment, sweetie." Yasaka reassured her. "Trust me, Wilhelm likes it that way."

"Oh." Wilhelm's Servant blinked, perking into a faint smile. "He does have wandering hands."

"My student also likes to grab at my rear." Scáthach looked thoughtful. "Perhaps I shall prepare myself in that way as well. It's been a very long time since I've used that place, but I can't deny that there's a certain appeal to it."

"I-is it really that pleasant?" I asked towards Jinn, unable to hide the heat rising on my face. "He.....likes to grab my behind too and often."

Jinn looked at me with a mischievous smile. "I can help you pick out some things to....test it yourself before trying it."

"Hmph, most of the time his lecherous paws go for my legs." Meridia huffed. "Am I the only one?"

Scáthach let out a laugh. "No, my student certainly likes to sneak a grasp at my thighs when he has the chance."

"Too be fair." Yasaka added. "I would do the same in his situation. You didn't....neglect that little bit when you created this body of yours~"

Meridia blinked and turned a darker shade of red at her insinuation.

I did not speak up, but I too thought that she had very appealing legs. I could understand why Wilhelm acted the way he did towards them.

"Mmm, Master likes to play with my legs too." Raikou smiled brightly. "But I think he enjoys it more when I pull him into my chest. He always uses it as an opportunity to grab at them."

I glanced down at my own chest and felt a hint of....envy.

I was not unaware that I was the....smallest of Wilhelm's interests.

"He mostly can't keep his hands off my Tails." Yasaka flicked one of her furry appendages for added effect. "I swear, I sometimes think he wouldn't even be interested if I wasn't fluffy as he puts it."

"Oh sister, you know that's a lie." Jinn, sitting right next to her, playfully swatted at her shoulder.

"Hmm, maybe I'm just upset he hasn't pulled my Kimono down yet." Yasaka huffed. "A woman has needs."

"Are you upset that he slept with this.....Venalana?" I asked, still a little unsure about that whole relationship.

Yasaka looked contemplative. "He spoke to me briefly, and I'll repeat the same thing I said to him, I didn't expect a turn or whatever." She waived her hand dismissively. "I'm just complaining to complain. I haven't had a man in years and now I have one who makes me feel like this, a man who my daughter calls 'daddy' and I just want him to love me all night."

"Our man can be an idiot." Scáthach never shied away from her blunt words. "If you desire him, be more direct. Rips his clothes off and drag him to your bed."

"Oh no." Yasaka waived her off. "I have something planned. He agreed to our little date during the upcoming festival – which I was planning on extending an official invitation to you all – and I wanted that to be our first time." The Nine Tailed Fox cupped her cheek with a fantasizing look on her face. "As much as I wanted to jump into bed, I can't help but want this to be romantic."

"Oh, that's sweet." Raikou smiled warmly.

"Indeed, I recall the intense feelings of the first night I shared with him, and I do not believe I will ever forget it." Meridia nodded.

"I finally told him to fuck me after we spared not too long ago." Scáthach snorted. "However, there were many occasions where he acted cute and tried his best to be gentle and loving towards me during his stay in the land of shadows."

"I've never been with a man before...does it hurt the first time?" I felt the embarrassment in my chest once more. "I have attempted smaller things in anticipation and my own.....fingers." I admitted. "However, I have a vague idea of his...size." I had caught outlines of it through his unders, and I was unsure if it would.....fit.

It was strange, but I welcomed that I had people to speak about these thoughts with. I had also spoken to Rin, but the teasing and embarrassment with her were many folds higher. Not to mention, Rin too had never been with a man, so her knowledge was limited. I searched for....information on one of those cell phone devices after Izzy had explained to me how they work, but I only came across what she called 'porn'.

After the initial scandalization wore off....I realized it was not a proper medium for my questions.

"So innocent and cute~" Jinn giggled.

"Oh my, I forgot that you're still inexperienced with this." Yasaka shared a similar sentiment with a more gentle tone. "I'll gladly help you any way I can. We can sit down and I'll answer all your questions afterwards."

"I....thank you, Yasaka." It was hard to meet her gaze. "I did not wish for Wilhelm to be....unsatisfied."

"I believe any one of us is willing to help." Meridia added. "And these matters do not need to reach our shared paramour."

"I've sat on my fair share of spears over the years, if you need any help, I'm more than willing." Scáthach said with a rare hint of gentleness.

It was the genuine support I received from them all that truly made me appreciate this strange relationship that I had with Wilhelm and by extension, all of them. It was.....nice to have so many people willing to help and support me when asked.

It felt like a budding family.

"Should we move onto the main reason we've decided to gather." Meridia asked, tapping her fingers against the table.

"Are we going to speak about Wilhelm's newest interest?" I questioned.

"I think that's a good idea, but I think it's just a symptom of something we haven't spoken about as a group." Yasaka responded.

"It seems like our man can't keep his hands to himself." Scáthach smirked. "How many does that make it thus far?"

"Just us, or the others that are most likely going to join?" Jinn asked.

"Master has spoken about a few others." Raikou fidgeted with her hands.

"Mayhaps we start with the most obvious?" I offered. "I do not believe Wilhelm even realizes that Izanami looks at him with such eyes."

"Your Goddess of Death." Meridia seemed to be thinking out loud. "From what I understand they have been friendly for a long period at this point. And he has even told her about his....origins."

Scáthach let out a sigh. "That foolish student of mine. He goes and gathers so many women who he fancies yet can't even tell that there is another who keeps their silence right infront of him."

"Master isn't usually oblivious to that sort of thing." Raikou decided to speak up. "Even when I was....not well, he simply decided to not act on anything. Maybe he's just worried about ruining their friendship?"

That's right, he never made a move on her while she was consumed with her Mad Enhancement.

"That sounds like something he would do." Jinn nodded.

"I agree, our man is very sweet." Scáthach pursed her lips. "However, you forget he can be quite foolish sometimes."

"Both seem plausible, but I think I agree with Scáthach." Yasaka replied. "Our Wilhelm is still a young man, it's not surprising that he sometimes fails to see things like this."

"It's funny to think that we're all older than him." Jinn laughed, propping her chin up with her hand. "And his others too, he really does love us older gals."

"Hmph, he just needs real women to take care of him." Scáthach puffed up her chest. "I doubt any young lass could even handle him at this point."

"You would know~" Yasaka grinned.

"I was sore for days afterwards." The Immortal Witch smirked.

"Me too!" Jinn giggled.

"You perverted girl, there's a different reason for that." Yasaka broke out in laughter.

Jinn was never short on details with regards to how she had Wilhelm use her rear for their.....intimacy.

In explicit detail....

"And none of us are against him pursuing more women?" Meridia asked, being the most outspoken than I'vdever seen her.

"What about you?" Yasaka tilt her head. "Are you against it?"

"No." Meridia said plainly. "I gave him permission when we first....got to together. I was aware I could not provide everything he would desire in a partner." She swept her gaze around the room. "Nor have I come to regret that decision."

And I believed that was Meridia's way of saying that she enjoyed our presence.

"That foolish boy of ours." Scáthach let out a sigh. "I've yet to say it so plainly, but this Scáthach's heart belongs to him. As long as he keeps the way he is, I take no issue if he wishes to expands his harem."

There was a moment of silence as everyone looked around, as if waiting for another to go.

"I don't mind." Raikou was the next to speak up, a little smile showing through. "Master.....he called out to an Oni like me. At the moment we made our contract, I accepted everything that would come. I will become anything he wishes of me. A mother, a Servant, a Lover, I accept them all happily."

It was a simple reason, but no less important for her compared to ourselves. I could sympathize with Minamoto-no-Raikou as we both were forced to hide our genders. To be denied certain things due to our status. I couldn't understand that simplicit desire and how much it meant to her thus I never questioned it.

"My turn?" Jinn perked up, her genuine enthusiastic attitude always enjoyable to be around. "Hmm." She hummed, looking thoughtful. "I never expected this – obviously. I spent so many years in my lamp, with the sole purpose I was created for. When Wilhelm showed me a wider world, I was desperate to come along. I offered to do anything if he brought me. I didn't know much about him, so I thought he'd have me chained to his bed or spend the majority of my time on my knees."

"Wilhelm wouldn't do that." Meridia crossed her arms with a huff before pausing. "...unless you wished for it." She added on quietly. "He can be quite.... perverse."

"You're right." Jinn smiled warmly. "All I knew about him was that he was a young man who didn't hide his looks at my naked body." She giggled to herself. "It was obvious what he was thinking about in the moment. But....that didn't come to pass. Instead, he was so gentle and kind to me, telling me all these things like he was going to take care of me, to make me happy. How could I not fall for him after all that? So if he wants to have more girls, I won't say anything, nor do I have a negative impression of him doing so. He tells me he wants to make me happy, I want to make him happy too."

"When you say it like that, it makes me realize how he's always trying to make us feel loved, to make sure we're all doing well." Yasaka looked contemplative. "I can't say I've ever properly considered becoming a part of a Harem before now, but things just ended up this way. Maybe it was because I was lonely and wanted to feel loved again, but I latched onto the idea when Kunou started calling him 'daddy'."

"It's so cute to see them together." Jinn cooed.

"I know!" Yasaka smiled brightly. "He's barely over twenty, and look how he took up the role of a father. Just shows how good a parent he'll continue to be when any of you want to take that step."


It was something I hadn't yet contemplated. We haven't even...and now Children were something that's a possibility.....

"Do you think he'll want to have more children?" Raikou sounded hesitant.

"Oh sweetie." Yasaka's expression softened.

"Wilhelm has stated he wished for a....large family." I remembered those words from back then. We were still relatively new to our relationship, so I did not put much thought into it at the time.

Raikou perked up at my words. "Master said he would give me anything I wanted....." She said quietly.

"Oh my, I would love for my Kunou to have some younger siblings, even if they aren't from me" Yasaka seemed to give her support.

"I can't have children." Jinn said with a sad smile. "I got all the parts, but they don't work." She ran a hand along her stomach. "I wasn't even intended to have sex, but they even gave me a womb for some reason."

"Your creators sound more and more incompetent with every new piece of information I learn about them." Meridia crossed her arms.

"You won't hear me say anything to the opposite." Jinn chuckled. "Mostly because I can't." She finished with a sigh.

"If you want.....I could perhaps take a look?" The Goddess offered.

Jinn blinked and looked a little sheepish. "It's not that I don't' trust you it's just.....a scary thought to think about being changed in any way. I don't think Wilhelm wants me to start pumping out babies anytime soon, so I'm fine waiting for now. At the very least, I think I can be the fun auntie!"

I could not help but picture how the children between Wilhelm and Jinn would look. Would they have that same blue skin and red hair?

"Kunou certainly loves when you come over to play."

"And I love that little fox~"

"I am in a similar circumstance." Meridia looked surprisingly sad. "I cannot bear him children in a manner he would prefer."

"You are a Goddess, a powerful one and your domain is life." Scáthach stated. "Is it beyond your ability to create a child between you both?"

"I am....different than the deities you are familiar with. Yes, I can blend my essence along with Wilhelm's to create a new entity, however..."

"It's not the same?" Yasaka helpfully finished.

"Yes." Meridia let out a sigh. I don't think anyone else has ever seen this side of such a powerful Goddess. "Is it wrong to want to experience all that with him?"

"Not at all." Yasaka's expression softened. "While I can't admit to enjoying every aspect of my pregnancy, it was an experience that will last with me forever. And with everything out there, there has to be some method for you to get what you want." The Youkai leader tried to reassure her.

"Wilhelm said the same thing." Meridia's expression gradually shifted. "That silly man promised me that he would find a way for us to have a child together."

"If my student wants to swell my belly, then he merely has to put in the effort." Scáthach grinned. "Though it will be a long and arduous road for him. I have already made up my mind to give him my everything, that includes baring his offspring. And....." She bit her lip. "I have had some desire since I was a young girl to become a mother. A son or a daughter, I have no preference on which or how many."

All eyes then turned to me.

"I....have not considered children before this point." I looked down at the table. "I am still trying to figure out how to bond with Mordred, I do not believe I will be a good mother when I can not even do this correctly."

Though it was all hypothetical, as I believed our relationship had not advanced that far yet.

"Hmm, I think we've went off topic when children came up." I was thankful for Yasaka's interjection. "We were talking about Wilhelm expanding this harem we're in? I think we were on you, Artoria. Do you have any problems with this?"

"I do not disapprove on the surface." I gave it some thought since learning of Venelana's existence. "I was aware of what I was getting into when Wilhelm told me the truth. He had been nothing but forward with his intentions. I admit to being fond of Izanami and would not mind her joining us, but I am skeptical of....Venelana."

"His Grandmother." Scáthach laughed.

"Yes." My lips thinned. "I am aware that he is a Half-Devil, so I am trying to keep an open mind. They are both adults who can do what they wish, but I'm still hesitant."

"Is it just Venelana or in general?" Jinn asked.

"I suppose my hesitation lays solely on Venelana." I confirmed. "I bare no issue as long as Wilhelm continues to act as he has in the past. I do not believe he will, but if he starts becoming erratic and acquiring an absurd amount of beautiful women on a whim, then I will be truly upset."

As long as he cared for all of us properly, I would not speak anything against his other relationships.

"He did say he would break things off if you're uncomfortable." Yasaka pointed out.

"Yes." I could not help but smile. "And I am happy that he spoke those words. For now, I will hesitantly accept and form a true opinion after meeting her."

"I guess that's all we can do at this point." Yasaka nodded. "I've met her before, she isn't a bad person. She's very straight forward, and doesn't mince her words unless she's playing around."

"Beyond his laying with his Grandmother." Scáthach still found it amusing. "He did look happier, and that wasn't just from the sex."

"I can verify that. I remember the look he had on his face after spending the night with you." Yasaka had a mischievous look about her. "No, this was a different sort of happiness. I'm glad he's finally settled that part of his life if nothing else."

"I wish to make sure he is okay regardless." Raikou sounded concerned. "I have seen his memories, and I know much about the feelings he had during his youth."

The Dream Cycle, I had forgotten about that with Raikou. Just as I have seen Rin's worse moments, so too has she seen Wilhelms.

"Yes, we should obviously make sure our man is not feeling unwell." Meridia agreed. "However, he is not very good at hiding his emotions. If he was unwell, I believe we would have noticed."

"Isn't that the truth." Yasaka laughed. "That boy is so easy to read sometimes."

"Hmm, It was even worse when I was training him. He always tried to act as if my teasing did not get a rise out of him." Scáthach smiled wistfully.

"Speaking of, I think we have one more woman to discuss." Jinn interjected. "The one from my world."

"Salem, I believe was her name?" I stated.

"Yup." Jinn said simply. "Sorry I can't be of more use – I'm out of questions." She emphasized, implying her restrictions were stopping her.

"You need not explain everything, Jinn." I reassured her. "I am aware of her name, and not much else." I admitted. "But I do not believe that it has progressed very far."

"If it did I think he would have spoken more about her." Yasaka nodded at my statement. "I think we can shelf her for the time being."

"Wilhelm mentioned that he visited her the last time we went to Remnant." Scáthach added. "And he said that there was some tension after revealing he had a Harem to her, so it might not be a forgone conclusion."

"A needless concern then." Meridia waived it off. "However, if he is putting in the effort, then we can assume that it will not go against our wishes."

That was a good way to look at it.

I did feel better after speaking my mind as well.

"Are you opposed to Venelana, Meridia?" Jinn asked. "I know your domain is Life and stuff. I've read a bunch of books that say you're really against anything dark in nature. Aren't Devils something you would....dislike?"

Did she hate Devils? I did not consider that aspect.

"Hate?" Merida whispered. "You are correct in that I despise dark things. Necromancy – the Raising of the Dead is one I absolutely hate the most. It mocks everything from what I am created from. It is emphasized less, but I do not like dark aligned creatures either. However, I am not blind to nuance. For instance, I do not demand Thorum's vampiric companion be smited due to her undead nature, even if Wilhelm was not in my life. I understand her circumstances were beyond her own choosing. There was even a time I thought of humans as dark creatures and they earned my ire." She breathed out. "I....try to approach things from a mortal view point when in regards to Wilhelm. Devils are something utterly foreign to me, so I had no impression on them previously. I am aware that their nature is inherently sinful. Wilhelm's presence was lessened in that degree due to other things thus I didn't immediately dismiss him upon first meeting."

"And he distracted you." Jinn giggled.

"Yes, he provided an adequate distraction to those thoughts." Meridia huffed. "I am not incapable of being flexible. I do in fact hate dark creatures and would not associate with them if possible. But Devils are...different enough that I can look at them in the same view as humans. Things that come from outside I can.....take a different approach to."

"I didn't realize you felt that way." Yasaka looked...concerned. "You know, us Youkai aren't that different from Devils."

"Yes, I noticed." Meridia replied.

"And you...?"

"I was skeptical upon first meeting and seeing your race. I admit to not voicing my thoughts previously as I do not believe even Wilhelm knows. But you are not from my world and thus I felt I had no right to judge you by my known standards. I consider it a great gift to walk amongst other creations, and I have resolved myself to accept that what I know isn't infallible and will judge each instance accordingly."

That is a very well thought out way to see everything. I know that many Divine beings are vehement to their Authorities, but seeing beyond one's existence might have been enough to open her to other possibilities. It's...suprising to see one open minded like this. But I suppose that is something that comes from the shock of learning that everything one thought as existence was but one small grain of sand int he desert.

Everyone seemed content with her explanation.

"Hmm is the harem stuff out of the way then?" Jinn asked.

"I have nothing else to speak about regarding the Harem." I replied. "My current worries had been assuaged for the most part." Yes, I will hesitantly accept for now and if I don't like it upon further reflection, then I will tell Wilhelm thus.

"It's rare for all of us to get together like this. Is there anything anyone wants to talk about?" Yasaka asked around the table.

"I was curious about your situation." I directed towards the Youkai. "Are your matters settled or do you still require aid?"

"Oh boy, going straight for the hard ones." Yasaka sighed at my question. "Things are....better. Much better than if I had to handle everything myself. That man of ours, he's brought everyone together and I can't thank you all enough."

"It was no trouble." Meridia said plainly. "I have abundant resources at my disposal, you merely need to tell me what you require and I shall deliver it."

"My spear is ready, and I have nowhere to point it for the moment." Scáthach added.

"I thank you, but at the moment it's just dealing with all the loose ends. I'll be talking to Nurarihyon tomorrow, Wilhelm will be coming with me. After that, I might have some more stuff that needs to be done." She turned back to me. "And how about you, Miss Pendragon. How is your wayward family?"

I felt myself stiff in my seat. "I admit to not being entirely forthcoming with Wilhelm. It has been....difficult. There are many issues that keep arising after removing Uther from the leadership. Mordred has been wonderful in helping, but she too is not quite sure how to proceed on some matters as there are many things we're ignorant about that world."

I did not want to bother Wilhelm with more of my selfish problems. He has already been so helpful and he is busy with his own things right now.

"Sweetie, you know you can come talk to me about this sort of thing. I've been leading my people for centuries and navigating all the crazy this world can throw at me."

"I...yes." I let out my own sigh. "I sometimes forget how I have people to rely on."

"Hmph." Jinn pouted. "You're supposed to tell us when you're having trouble."

"I apologize." I said with sincerity, unable to stop the corners of my lips from curling up. "I shall endeavor to remember I am not alone."

Not just Wilhelm, after everyone helped me before, I suppose I reverted to my old ways if think I should handle it myself.

"Good." Yasaka nodded. "Now tell us what's wrong so we can help."


Venelana interlude with her meeting her family is next. It was originally supposed to be included in this interlude, but this chapter got away from me.

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