A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 273 - 255

Chapter 273: Chapter 255

"This was fun, we should do it again sometime." We sat on the temple steps in Fuyuki, after having fished for the evening. We just light chatted as we finished up the drinks that had been brought.

"It certainly breaks up the monotony." Assassin mused, finishing off his beer. "However, I still think I prefer sake over this.....beer." He set down the empty can.

"Eh, it's a traditional thing." Kairi replied. "My old man did the same thing, beers when fishing."

"We mostly had wine back in my day." Achilles shrugged. "This stuff, it's not bad, not very strong though."

"I can show you guys the stronger stuff later. Trust me, we got good stuff from several worlds." I chuckled.

"I look forward to it." Assassin smiled.

"Probably should head back, wanna come around?" I offered towards the swordsman.

"I will decline this time." He shook his head. "Despite the amusing jabs I exchange with the Witch, I do wish to stay nearby until proper plans are in place that account for my extended leave."

Well, he was the honorable sort and was still sticking to their contract even if the spirit of it was no longer applicable. I couldn't help but admire him for his attitude. "Here, take this." I tossed him a Kaleidophone. "You can contact me through that, it has my corresponding device saved. If you need anything, just holler."

"Oh, how interesting." He immediately began to fiddle with it. "I shall have fun figuring out how this device operates."

I would tell him, but he gets bored and I thought it would bring him some amusement for awhile. My Number was saved, so it should be easy enough.

"Hey, what about me." Achilles sort of pouted.

"Sorry, this other one is registered to Siegfried." I shrugged. "Since there's no Siegfried here, I can't do anything."

"Oh fuck you, hand it over."

I just laughed, tossing it to him.

"Oh, and Kairi."

"Hmm? I already got one from last time." He looked at me.

"Nah, something else. Sort of a....thanks I guess. And, well, I wanted to give you another tool at your disposal." I took out the Teleportation Orb thing that Magician used back in the Khaos Brigade. "Want a Sacred Gear?" I offered.

He blinked, looking at it. "...a weapon created by God to give to humans. You're asking me if I want one?" His sunglasses slipped down, giving me an incredulous look.

I guessed he looked up information on these things. Well, I couldn't fault him, they had been popping up frequently enough when it came to threats.

"Well.....that's technically true I suppose. Not every one was created by Big G, some were things he just wanted to cycle through humans or whatever." I explained briefly. "This one, I don't think he created it, and I honestly don't know its name, but it's pretty nifty. Its user was annoying me because of it."

"A Sacred Gear?" Assassin asked.

"Oh, they're these neat things, sorta like Noble Phantasms. Apparently the Christian God gave them to some people or whatever over in that world." Achilles perked up, eyeing it with clear interest. "Fought a guy who could turn into animals and stuff. He even turned into a dragon-form and got a lot stronger for a bit."

"That's not entirely accurate again, but it's close enough." I'd give him a run down later. "But yeah, this thing gives line of sight teleportation. This mage girl was using it to teleport her teammates out of harms away."

"Huh." Kairi admired the small thing. "Aren't these supposed to like.....be bound to the soul.?"

"Depends on the sacred Gear. You know my spear, right?"

"You mean the spear that pierced the side of Christ. One of the most Sacred Objects to the Christian Faith. The thing that would have the Church start a crusade against you even if they didn't know you were a devil?" He said dryly. "Yeah, I remember that thing."

"Oh, you had something like that? So many things I don't know." Sasaki laughed. "I'll have to see them for myself at some point."

I need to include Assassin more. He's been such a great guy and helped me a lot.

"Yup, well, the Spear is an example of one that can just be.....taken for lack of a better word. Most exist within someone's soul, and are awakened by the owners, but they aren't tightly bound like other Sacred Gears such as my Boosted Gear. Just nabbed this one and been working on removing any of that other mage's influence. You just need to bind it to yourself, but I thought you'd be able to handle that easily enough." I tossed it to him. He almost fumbled it out of surprise before holding it like a precious treasure.

"Are there any limitations?" He asked.

"Besides the line of sight thing, I don't know." I followed up with another shrug. "I didn't look too deep into it. And as far as I know, there aren't any side effects either." Well in my case I had a talking dragon in my soul who always goes on about his secret crush.

[You fucked your grandmother.]

Yes, yes I did. And I'm going to do it again.

He grumbled but settled back down.

Tried to shame me? Hah!

"You okay?" Kairi broke me from my thoughts. "Sorta just zoned out there? Something I should be concerned about?"

"Oh, sorry. I guess that happens when Ddraig talks to me." I apologized. "So, yeah, Sacred Gear with a decent Teleportation option. You want it?"

He rolled it in his hand. "What do you want in return?"

"Oh, right equivalent exchange and all of that." I scratched my cheek. It was an ingrained part of Magus culture. I guess I was too used to dealing with family and friends that I just didn't bother with them. "Hmm, how about doing some jobs for the College in Skyrim when you're there?" I offered.

"You mean the ones I'd get paid for doing anyways?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Eh, the pay isn't high, some jobs will probably only cover your costs performing the job, they're also short staffed and could use the extra hand." I was honest with the circumstances.

He blinked again, looking down at the orb.

"I already consider you one of my people. Honestly, if it makes you feel better, you can pay me." I added. "It's practically worthless to me and I would have just given it to Yasaka. Both Rin and I can do better with applications of the Kaleidoscope, and if I'm being honest, you're probably the weakest member of our....group. And I don't want Mordred to lose you." It's funny that I had to convince him to accept my good will, but no one ever said Magus Culture was pleasant.

"Alright, alright." He sighed. "I'll take it. It's not like I wouldn't help out anywhere you wanted anyways. Already so far in debt that it doesn't make a difference." He finally accepted, and sent it into his storage bracelet. "I'll look into making it mine later."

"If you need any help."

He nodded at me, a wordless thanks. But it was easy to tell he wanted to do this by himself if he could, which I wouldn't push him on. Certain things are too....personal, such as messing with one's own soul.

We weren't quite at that point yet, which was why I didn't offer to unlock his Aura.

Kairi was a good guy. And that's by normal standards, not Magus ones.

"Well, I'm going to head back." I stood up, stretching my arms. "You guys are free to come with or come knocking on my door when you're ready."

"I'll head back now, see what Atalanta's been up to." Achilles hopped to his feet.

"I'm sure Mordred's been causing issue." Kairi sighed, fixing his sun glasses. "You should see the shit she tries to do when I'm not looking."

I could only imagine.

"It was fun." Sasaki rose to his feet to give a proper farewell. "I'll welcome you all back whenever you wish to come." He expression turned sharp. "However, if you wish to ascend these steps, you are required to go through me."

We all paused, looking at him.

Within the moment of a blink of the eye, Achilles was dozens of steps up the temple.

We all slowly turned towards him and back to Assassin.

He deflated, letting out a sigh. "I was attempting to be intimidating to instigate a spar for your next visit."

I just put a hand on his shoulder. "Always a pleasure, Sasaki Kojirou."

"Yes, it seems you bring me new and interesting things every time you come." He perked up with a smile. "I look forward to seeing your skills when we next clash."

"I'll show you some moves I derived in a similar vein to your technique."

"Ohoho." He rubbed his chin. "Now I'm excited." He turned towards Kairi. "And to you to, Magus. I believe I would have done well with you as my master."

"Hah." Kairi let out a laugh. "Yeah, I think we'd have gotten along well."

"Yeah, it was fun." Achilles appeared right back next to us. "Next time lets test our blades." The fastest hero smiled.

Sasaki forced a smile in response. "I look forward to it...Dragon Slayer."

I snorted, covering my mouth.

Achilles slowly turned to me with a hint of killing intent. "I. Hate. You." He punctuated every word.

"Is it because I have a –" There was suddenly a spear tip at my throat.

"Say it, I dare you."

"Dragon in his soul?" Sasaki finished for me.

I did tell the Swordsman about Ddraig.

"You and me next time, bird man." Achilles huffed, twirling his spear around before dismissing it.

I couldn't help but laughed, Kairi failed to hold back himself.

"Yeah, yeah, get in the portal." I waived my hand, connecting us to Yasaka's compound where I knew some people were.

He frowned, crossing his arms before stomping away.

I caught Assassin's smirk and waived once more before following behind Kairi and closed the portal behind us.


We were immediately greeted by the sounds of shouts and steel clashing. I looked to the side to see Mordred and Arthur sparring...well more like Arthur getting smacked around. But sparring as far as Mordred was concerned.

"Oh nice, I'ma try to get in on that." Achilles walked over to the two Pendragons.

"I guess I'll hang out for awhile, keep an eye on Mordred." Kairi walked off to the side, finding an empty seat and table that no one occupied. He was glancing up at Mordred, but he took out his new Sacred Gear and was obviously inspecting it.

"Yo, got room for another?" I glanced back at the knights sparring as Achilles approached.

"Might be good to have the squire get more experience with other opponents." I heard Mordred say as she looked him up and down.

"Awesome, I need to move my body, been sitting still too long." Achilles summoned his armor, spear in hand.

"Ah, know the feeling." Mordred just nodded. "Feel free to have a go, as long as he doesn't die or loses a limb, have fun." She said nonchalantly.

"Let's get started." He slammed the butt of his spear down. "The name's Achilles, kid. Let's have some fun."

It took a moment, but Arthur suddenly paled.

I guess when he understood that King Arthur was a shout away that someone claiming their name to be Achilles might mean something more than just a descendant like the Hercules he knew.

I'm sure he'd be fine.

They weren't the only ones here either. Almost opposite of this rather large courtyard, Kunou was holding a bow, trying to shoot a target with Atalanta of all people fixing her posture. And I thought that was Arthur's sister standing right by, doting on Kunou.


I didn't want to disturb them, I wanted Kunou to have fun playing with other people.

Instead, I went to the third and final group.

"Look who it is~" Yasaka gave me a little smirk as I approached.

"Hello, Wilhelm." Artoria smiled brightly towards me.

"Hey girls." I couldn't help but perk up seeing that wonderful smile of hers. I wrapped up Artoria from behind, stealing a quick kiss on her cheek. "You've been busy, huh?"

Artoria, as always, had a cute reaction before settling herself. "I have settled many matters. Rin is also taking a needed break, I believe she described it as 'lazing around'. She is at the house, watching the television."

"More Dungeon diving?" I asked.

"Yes, I believe we have made some progress. Jinn has been extremely helpful in that regard. She spoke that you now know of her aid, so I do not have to keep it a secret any longer." Artoria nodded with a small sigh of her own. There was an undertone of tiredness, atleast in a mental capacity. "Without her help I believe we would keep running around with no aim."

"Yeah I saw that. I can't believe she did something like that, it's amazing." I sunk down, putting my chin on her shoulder. "I can't wait to put it to use myself."

"Mmm, are you going back to Skyrim soon?" She asked.

"I want to check up on Thorum and the college. I miss my friend." I signed, wistfully. "And no immediate need of my attention, so I figured why not?"

"Well, maybe this comes up at a good time then." Yasaka chimed in.

"Hmm?" I looked towards her in confusion.

"In light of recent.....events." Artoria's cheeks turned a light red. "We decided to get together as we have not for a period, especially with how our group as grown in recent time."

"Girls night out?" I questioned. "Like I just did with the guys?"

"Something like that." Yasaka grinned. "I told them about our newest sister" There was a little mischievous aura to her words.

"Ah, I see." I didn't really get flustered. "Wanna talk about it some?" I peered down at Artoria.

"I do believe it is a matter worth discussing. However, I shall wait until afterwards, if that is okay?" She replied.

"Sure." I said simply. "I can't say it isn't a.....strange situation."

"Hmm, I thought you would look more frantic and paranoid." Yasaka pouted. "Now I don't get to tease you."

"I think I'm past the point of being scared about our relationship falling apart, with everyone not just you." I hummed, kissing Artoria's cheek again. I couldn't help it, she was just so cute. "If I did something to upset anyone, I don't think they would keep it in. And as far as displeasure goes, I think Artoria would be the one to be the most put off."

"I....do not deny that." The Knight herself admitted. "But it is as you say, I am trying to.....accept other points of view and differences in cultural settings. You are a Devil, she is a Devil, it isn't the same as what I lived through."

I finally let go of her, taking an empty seat.

"Mah, you're being too mature." Yasaka huffed. "Where's that flustered boy who got teased so easily?"

"He banged his Grandmother." I replied without missing a beat.

Yasaka actually reacted with a suppressed laugh, holding her mouth, air blowing out her nose.

Artoria though, she looked not scandalized, but very flustered.

"But in seriousness." I continued once the humor died. "Tell me how you feel once you have settled yourself. You're important to me and if you're not okay with it, I'll break it off." I reached over, taking Artoria's hand in mine.

She smiled very warmly, quickly accepting my touch. "Thank you. And you speak the truth. I would have said something thus far if I had been vehemently against it. As it stands, I am merely conflicted at the moment and desire more time to think it over. I shall endeavor to open my mind, so to speak. I know it is not uncommon in other species, as even Yasaka told me that Youkai would not be perturbed by the notion."

Yasaka just shrugged. "Wasn't all that uncommon when Youkai were more scattered. You took what partner you could. Of course that was before my time. If I recall correctly, I believe my great grandmother and my great grandfather were actually siblings."


"So the Harem is gathering to decide my fate." Propped my head up with my arm.

"Guess where we're going to gather at." Yasaka's tail sneaked around my waste like it tends to do.

"I would have assumed the house, but now I'm not sure." I looked towards Artoria who just looked away, not speaking. "Hmm, somewhere fun? Like an outing, or just a get together?"

"More something in-between if I were to describe it. Definitely a place most of us haven't been before."

"I honestly have no idea." I admitted defeat. "What magical place are you all meeting at?"

"The Colored Rooms, Meridia's realm." Yasaka revealed with no small amount of amusement in her tone.

My eyes widened slightly. "Oh wow, that is neat. Yeah, I don't think most of you have been there before. Who suggested it?"

"It was Meridia." Artoria replied. "We spoke through the Kaleidophones that Rin created. She offered the use of her Realm to gather. I believe she also wished to host us all. You are aware of how she's trying to.....connect more."

"Yeah, she's trying in her own way." I smiled again. "She's not used to having people in her life like this. At most she's only had allies and subordinates not...family."

"Indeed, I can understand her sentiments in some small capacity. I recall my time as King where I felt isolated and alone upon my throne. I wish not for her to feel that way while we are around. She has been nothing but kind and wonderful to us even with her high status." Artoria agreed with a swift nod.

"She came immediately when I called her up before." Yasaka added as well. "Poor woman must have been alone for too long."

"Shall we deploy the tactical Kunou missile at the goddess?"

"Fire away, captain." Yasaka giggled.

"You two." Artoria rolled her eyes, but fought the smile tugging at her lips.

"Is our trip still on or is that pushed back?" I asked Yasaka.

"It should still be the same time." She waived off my concerns. "We shouldn't be gone more than a night, and I believe your ----Magic can help if it really did come to that."

"True, true." I was looking forward to meeting the other Youkai Leader. "Want me to look after Kunou?"

"If you wouldn't mind."

"I will never mind looking after her." I made sure to cut off that thought. "I just didn't want to disrupt any plans you may have had."

"Oh, you're such a sweetie when it comes to our Daughter. So careful not to step on any toes." She giggled again.

"Speaking, how'd that happen?" I jabbed my thumb towards Kunou who still hadn't noticed me.

"Oh our adorable Kunou decided that a proper shrine maiden has to know how to shoot a bow. After seeing it on TV of course. Atalanta was around, so I asked if she could show our daughter a thing or two with some payment. Atalanta has been nothing short of amazing with Kunou."

"Well the Chaste Huntress does have a soft spot for kids." I watched them for another few moments before turning away.

"How about I take Kunou with me to see Thorum?" The idea suddenly entered my head.

Yasaka look thoughtful at the notion. "You'll have to tell her then."

I ran a hand through my hair. "Maybe I should hold back on the details? Maybe say something like I'm taking her to another realm?" I offered as an alternative.

"Feels a little like lying to me." Yasaka pursed her lips. "But I do feel like it's a little too early to tell her the whole truth."

"If I may?" Artoria interjected. "I believe something similar happened when I was...adopted by Sir Ector. I was told that my parents were influential and noteworthy individuals, not that my father was King Uther. Merely telling her that it is another realm to keep knowledge of Earth a secret there would not be a poor alternative for the moment."

"You raise a valid point." Yasaka seemed to soften at the idea. "And Meridia would be able to keep an eye on you to dissuade other parties."

"Yup, and anything short of that, well, they would have to get through me." I didn't even attempt to hide my protectiveness.

"Daddy!" I turned to the side to see my little fox darting towards me.

I quickly sat up from my seat, holding my arms out, catching the Kunou-shaped missile. "My little fox." I greeted her as I always did, wrapping her up in my arms and spun her around.

I glanced at Yasaka who gave me a nod in confirmation.

"Momma is gonna go play with your Aunties, you want to go meet your Uncle Thorum with me?" I asked after setting her back down.


Just a few chapters of calmness and a couple interludes before things begin again.

If you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.on.c.o.m / astoryforone

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