A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 267: Interlude 14

Chapter 267: Interlude 14

Venelana Gremory POV

I held Millicas tightly as the Teleportation Circle enveloped us. I had memorized the coordinates to the manor many centuries ago and sent us there immediately. I had much unfinished business with my wayward grandson, but priority was with Millicas right now and reuniting him with his parents.

As much as I wanted to reward Wilhelm and perhaps relieve a little bit of this stress I had accumulated, I was too worried about my little man to continue that train of thought, for now.




The shouts filled the room and I was set upon before the lights even faded from my vision, surrounded by my family. Rias, Grayfia, and Zeo were all here waiting, and I believe I saw Akeno waiting in the corner as she looked on.

"My baby!" Grayfia swooped in, tossing aside all semblance of her usual demeanor as a maid to grab hold of her son. I couldn't fault her nor would I even make a noise in complaint, Satans know I would act exactly the same way had I not been been kidnapped as well.

"Mom, are you okay!?" Rias came up, hugging my tightly as she had tears run down her face.

"Rias, I'm okay." I pulled her in, gently soothing her as I ran a hand through her hair. I could only imagine how she and the others had been worried.

"Venelana, what's wrong with Millicas?!" Grayfia began to frantically cast various spells on him.

"I was told he has been drugged. I did some scans of my own, and admittedly it's not an area of expertise for me, however he didn't look like he was in danger. Though erring on the side of caution is perhaps the best move forward." I explained my thoughts on the matter as well as what I had been told by Wilhelm. While I didn't doubt his words, it's also something you can't simply leave to chance.

"Breathing is steady, no linger effects presented through his organs....." Grayfia muttered, spells encircling him and passing over every inch of his body. "No physical damage...some unidentifiable chemicals running through his blood."

"Is Millicas going to be okay?" Rias looked worried, removing herself from my arms as she knelt next to him and Grayfia.

"It doesn't look like it's a malevolent substance...just a very strong drug that's keeping him subdued. However, it looks like it's started clearing up on its own somewhat, which is strange due to the power needed to work on a devil. I'm worried that it's seeping into other parts of his body and going inert." Grayfia's lips thinned as she furrowed her brow in concentration.

She was perhaps the most skilled in medical procedures among us. Something she picked up during the CivilWar.

"Someone already started detoxifying him." I interjected before she got too lost into her own thoughts. It may be important for her to know. "I can't pretend to understand the mechanisms, but Millicas was much paler when I first got him back." It had looked like Runes, but that wasn't something I had knowledge in.

"It's okay, sweetie. Mommy's here." Grayfia cradled Millicas as her own spells took hold.

"Uh, should I go get some phoenix tears?" Rias offered, trying to help in her own way.

"I don't think they'll be helpful in this kind of situation." I shook my head. "Phoenix Tears are more for physical conditions, not drugs running through his body. It's possible the excess energy flowing through him would flare up and run counter to the drugs and cause some kind of negative effect."

The room was suddenly filled with another burst of power as the Teleportation Circle lit up once more and two more people joined us.

"Mom, Millicas!" Sirzechs bolted towards us, a red blurr as he quickly ascertained the status of his son and then me.

"Venelana, I'm happy to see that you're well." Ajuka also greeted as he watched the two parents fuss over Millicas. "Is he....?"

"Strong suppressant in the form of drugs, shouldn't be life threatening. He's currently unconscious which is probably for the best as we flush his system properly." I replied, earning a nod of approval from the other Satan.

"Honey, what happened?" Zeo walked up, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder. "You're fine, right?"

"I'm fine, Zeo." I put my own on his. " A little roughed up and stressed, but nothing beyond a few cuts and bruises that already healed."

"Does this whole thing have anything to do with.....him?" Ajuka narrowed his eyes at the third person I brought along who seemed to have been ignored in favor of Millicas and I.

"Why, yes. Yes it does." I said with no lack of disdain in my tone, earning everyone's full attention.

"Euclid!?" Grayfia's volume shot up upon realizing who it was. "I thought you were dead!" There was a gentleness in her words, even if they sounded a bit frantic. A sort of happiness at the realization that her brother was still alive. That was until she quickly put two and two together and deduced the reason he was in that half dead state. "You!" She screeched. "You kidnapped my son! You kidnapped my mother in law!"

The bound man grunted and groaned, his eyes darting back and froth, but the bindings were stopping him from truly moving or shifting in any meaningful way. However, I didn't know if his actions were because he wanted to say something or he was simply in pain.

I hoped it was the latter.

Ajuka quickly cast his own spells, sending many more different kinds of seals and bindings over the man. The Magic Circles around his hands flickering a dozen times in a few moments before he finished. "That should do for now." He glanced at Sirzechs who looked like he was about to murder the man. Frankly, I doubted anyone could blame him, nor would I make a move to stop him if he wanted to.

"I will be having a thorough talk with him after." Sirzechs all but growled, fists clenched tight. I think the only reason he didn't blow up was because Millicas and Grayfia were in need of the moral support to have him calm and nearby.

My son was not quick to anger, but once it happened, it was like a volcano. It wasn't a simple matter of a disaster striking, but anything that was involved that was related to the source of his anger would feel his continuous wrath until not but ash and salted earth remained.

"Vene, what happened, where did you go?" Zeo squeezed my hand.

"Mom..." Rias spoke up as well, probably also wanting to know.

Sirzechs held Millicas in his arms as both her and Grayfia looked at me expectantly.

"I take it you've been looking all over for me?" I asked.

"We turned over every Old Satan Faction base we knew of, and none of them knew anything." Grayfia scoffed, glaring down at her brother. "Lady – Venelana, we couldn't find you anywhere....."

"Thankfully, we now have evidence of who was behind everything." Ajuka glanced at Euclid as well. "Even if they deny knowing about him, it's enough to shut up any dissent."

I'll have to thank Wilhelm once more for not killing him then.

"I was in the Dimensional Gap." I said plainly, as there was no need to be coy about it. "They had several bases there from what I've been able to gleam."

"What!? The Dimensional Gap?" Rias's eyes widened, blurting out her thoughts. "How....I thought that place was uninhabitable?"

"Not....exactly." Ajuka let out a sigh, lips thinning. "That's just something we say to keep younger Devils from trying to go there. It's technically habitable, but it's not a good idea to go there for long periods of time. To set up permanent bases isn't something to do on a whim. It doesn't bode well that they've thought it a good idea to do so, and have apparently been operating that way for a significant amount of time." Ajuka met eyes with Sirzechs. "Clearly, we've been underestimating them.

"Serafall's still out there, turning over any rock she can find." Sirzech's shifted in place. "Let's hold off on announcing their returns, gives an excuse to keep going. Then we can use this – " He glanced at Euclid again. "--Rebel, as a scapegoat."

And there's my smart son.

"We should tell Zekram atleast." Ajuka crossed his arms. "Even if he's publicly the leader of the Great King Faction, he still has ties with the old coots. And I'm sure he isn't thrilled about Venelana and Millicas being in the crossfire. At the very least, he'd be willing to play along if we give him time to set things up to his advantage."

Sirzechs let out a sigh, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Fine, I just want to strike a blow against these guys. We can discuss things more thoroughly with Zekram after the dust settles. For now, it's open season on any Old Satan Faction bases we come across."

"That means I'll need to make an appearance of two." Grayfia huffed, pushing a few strands of hair out of Millicas's eyes.

"Sorry, honey." Sirzechs apologized.

"Don't worry all my anger is focused on others due to this." She glowered, making sure her brother saw her murderous gaze. "I'll be sure to make my time count before spending it all with our son."

"For now..." Sirzechs turned back to me. "Mother, how did you escape? It should be nearly impossible to actually find anything there if you're going in blind. It's only slightly easier if you're trying to actually leave."

"Your son saved me." I replied with all honesty. There was no point in holding it back when Euclid knew the truth. And Wilhelm didn't deign to keep it a secret, so I figured it was fair game.

"My Son –" Sirzechs froze in place, realization dawning on him.

"Wilhelm?" Rias spoke up again, having gone silent when everyone was talking about the political mess. "He saved you and Millicas?"

"He did." I couldn't help but smile. "He was quite dashing. Swooping in and taking them all out. From what I heard when Euclid was trying to recruit Wilhelm, though he was mostly talking to himself, he had torn through several other of their bases before he came to us."

Who knew that sending him that letter would be the difference between nearly dying or not? Or whatever plans they had in store for me. I had no doubt that Euclid would keep Millicas alive for whatever twisted idea of love he had for my grandson, but I would not have fared as well.

And Wilhelm cut a similar figure to a young Zeo, and just as handsome~

I glanced at Zero who gave me a knowing look. I pretended not to notice, even if I had to hold back a small laugh.

"Venelana, can you please recount everything form the beginning?" Ajuka took charge as Sirzechs just looked lost at the newfound information.

"Very well." I may as well get this over with. "As you know, I was out with Millicas, spending the day with him. We had our normal guards that stayed out of sight, and I didn't notice anything wrong until we were suddenly attacked. A dozen or so human Magician surrounded us, and I wasn't able to fight back while protecting Millicas. We were quickly teleported away and forced through several more checkpoint before finally being forced to the Dimensional Gap."

"Making it neigh untraceable." Ajuka sighed. "I tried, I really did."

"And I appreciate it, Ajuka. I hold no blame for you for not being able to provide a miracle." This boy, I could still remember him running around with Sirzechs when they were kids. Being able to trace several teleports around the world, then tracking through one of them to another destination. I couldn't hold that against him in the slightest. "Millicas and I were separated. He was apparently drugged up to keep him docile. Whereas I was kept on another side of the facility, and he was used to keep me in line as a hostage."

"Is there anything you found out? Any important information you could tell us?" Ajuka asked.

"It wasn't just the Old Satan faction, the vast Majority of the people at that base were Humans, of which Euclid led. I have no idea how far their reach has gotten, I didn't want to linger to find out." I shook my head. "I can ask Wilhelm when I see him again."

"Again?" Grayfia spoke up. "You.....are going to see him again?"

"He accepted my offer to speak with me. The whole reason he turned up was because he had gotten my letter previously." Grayfia was the only person who knew about that, her eyes flashing in realization.

"I see..." My Daughter in law looked down, a hint of shame appearing on her face.

It must be hard for her, having that misplaced displeasure towards the boy, yet he had just saved her son.

"And I stayed there for that period of time." I continued, wanting to push past the awkward atmosphere. Any other time, I would let her stew in those feelings, but this wasn't a normal circumstance. "Nothing changed until Wilhelm tore open my cell door, with Millicas in his arms."

"You said that Euclid had a lot of Magicians with him....." Ajuka spoke up again.

"Not counting the bodies left in the wake of my emancipation, there were a few hundred waiting outside." Again, it wasn't anything they couldn't get from the idiot.

"A few hundred!?" Rias squeaked out.

"I...agree. While I doubt most of them were High Class , that isn't an insubstantial amount." Zeo who had been listening intently also commented. "I am aware of the rumors about him fighting a God, but to hear something like that first hand."

"It was quite spectacular." I began to recant the tale. "Euclid ordered the Magicians to help him cast a spell, creating a massive creature out of Demonic Energy. He called it – Lucifer's decent." I rolled my eyes at the naming sense. "He also called it an army killer or some other nonsense."

"Blowing hot air?" Ajuka quirked an eyebrow.

"Oh no, it was certainly impressive. I had no doubt I would have died without even being able to put up a proper fight against it." I admitted. I wasn't exactly weak, but I hadn't really kept up with my training in so many years. Perhaps this was a wake up call? I should get back into fighting shape.

"And Wilhelm fought it?" Rias looked eager for the details.

"Sirzechs." I turned towards my son.


"Your Rook – his namesake. He still possesses his sword, yes?" I asked.

"....I believe so? I wouldn't think Surtr to give up such a powerful weapon. It's something that even I'm not confidant taking head on without injures." My son scratched his head. "Why the sudden question?"

"Because your son summoned the World Tree from the Norse Cosmology, then somehow summoned Surtr's sword and slashed apart the construct, sundering the earth, killing the majority of the Magicians and causing the remainder to flee."

".....what?" A reaction shared by all of them.

Well, I can't say I didn't feel something similar when I saw it in person. Well, that and a need to change my panties before heading back to see him.


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