A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 263 - 247

Chapter 263: Chapter 247

Yasaka and I sat there, staring off into pace for an inordinate amount of time. There was a silencethat filled the room, only broken by the small crackles of fire in the burning braziers.

"Is that –"

"No." She cut me off.

"You didn't know what I was going to ask."

"You were going to ask me if that was a normal occurrence when meeting her. Taking into consideration the very sporadic meetings I've had over my life, that was most certainly not normal." She said blandly, eyes never discarding that distant gaze.



Simultaneously, we slowly turned to each other and broke out into a fit of giggles. I don't think the absurdity of the initial meeting ever wore off, simply pushed back.

"She's always been.....clumsy." Yasaka let out a long sigh. "I've always pretended not to notice when she does something especially embarrassing. Not to mention her tendency to lock herself in her room and the other nonsense that propagates her legends." Yasaka shook her head. "She compensates by trying to act all prim and proper in official settings."

"And now I'm never not going to picture her ass when she's brought up. Throughout the whole meeting, I couldn't help but keep seeing that perky rear whenever she opened her mouth."

"Ugh, tell me about it." Yasaka groaned. "It was so...what's the word?"


Yasaka blinked, the corners of her lips curling up. "That is surprisingly apt. And now it's even worse." She huffed, one of her tails whacking me softly on the back of the head.

I let out a laugh as I tried to grab it, only for her to pull it back out of my grasp.

"In all seriousness, I didn't expect a recruitment attempt."

"Took me by surprise too." Yasaka acknowledged. "I thought she would just come to flex her authority a bit, ask some questions and maybe poke fun at Susanoo. For her to actually consider recruiting you..." Yasaka paused, looking thoughtful. "Well, I suppose it isn't too strange. Takamagahara is rather close to the Celestial Bureaucracy, perhaps they took a page out of the Jade Emperor's book. Disregard race and origin, and seek competency and value?"

I just shrugged. "You would know more than me. However, I doubt I'd be all that welcomed."

"Oh, no, most certainly not. You definitely made the right choice, you would have been a pariah at best, and a lap dog at worse." Yasaka snorted, a hint of disdain on her face. "Even us Youkai are looked down by most of them. But, that's most Gods for you." She let out a helpless sigh.

"How long until she comes for round two after calming down about Izzy?" I questioned.

"Hmm, a few months probably. That or she'll send someone else in her place. Their lot don't usually work quickly on things of unimportance. If their lives or reputation isn't in danger, they'll sit on it for awhile." Yasaka stood up, brushing herself off. "But keep this as a reminder, that you are on everyone's radar now. You aren't simply some bastard of Lucifer running around, but a legitimate threat to most entities on the planet."

I slowly climbed to my feet, copying her actions. "Yeah, I get it, I really do. I don't see myself doing something like that whole Susanoo mess again. I'm happy to jut be here and help you out with everything." I flashed her a warm smile.

"And I appreciate every moment of it." She grinned, stepping forward to give me a kiss on the cheek. "And again, thank you for doing this. It didn't go quite as planned.....but I don't see how it could have ended on a better note."

"So I did good?" I chuckled.

"Amusingly, yes. You were respectful when you needed to and didn't break any major rules of etiquette. You denied her, but you did so in a polite manner and she has no ability to speak out against that. The fact that she decided to drop all pretense was just a point in our favor." Yasaka nodded to herself rather happily. "All in all, I suddenly have a lot less stress." She accentuated that with a yawn and a stretch.

"Can I ask a more sensitive question?" I had one thing weighing on my mind.

Yasaka blinked, her demeanor shifting. "Wilhelm, there really isn't anything you could ask me with a sincere curiosity that I would get upset about."

"What –"

"108 CM." She interjected with a mischievous grin on her face.

I blinked in confusion until she bounced her chest for an obvious hint. "Well, that is important information to have." I fully acknowledged.

Yasaka let out her laugh. "Sorry, I couldn't help it~. Alright, serious time, what do you want to ask?"

"I just wanted to understand why you were.....accepting Amaterasu still even though she didn't help with Kunou." There really was no need to sugar coat my question. It's not like I was demanding her to remove herself, nor even asking her to question her relationship with her Goddess. I simply wanted to understand her better.

"Ah." Yasaka's expression turned bitter. "You may not like my answer."

"I know you love Kunou more than life itself, your answer won't offend me."

She just developed a melancholic smile. "The simplest answer is that.....it's not her job. We have a, let's say, agreement, with Takamagahara. By that, I mean my faction, and by extension, the old man's half as well. I rule over Half the Youkai in Japan, that is not something insubstantial even if our faction as a whole isn't front and center on the world stage."

"Let me guess, Takamagahara essentially makes you legitimate?"

"More or less." She acknowledged. "But it isn't just that. I'm sure the old man and I could have corralled the majority of the Youkai in these parts of the world by ourselves if needed. No, what we owe them is the creation of this dimension. For that, we entered a more substantiated agreement. They gave us a home, and we gave them our worship."

That's.....smart. The Shinto gods essentially had their own small world that continued to worship them, essentially ensuring their continued survival even from the passing years that humanity became more and more divorced from them. "And you're a bridge, so to speak. You have duties as taken up by your status as a Miko to Amaterasu. But at the end of the day, you are just a link between each side."

"It's nice when my man is so smart." She let out a content sigh. "It's as you say. Besides also watching over the Leylines that is. That is an actual duty entrusted by Amaterasu as they're rather important to Japan's prosperity."

"Even if it wasn't her responsibility...."

"Don't get me wrong." Yasaka's expression darkened. "I'm still furious But what can I do? Get angry at her for not doing something she had no obligation to and potentially jeopardizing our arrangement? Suffice to say my general attitude towards her has dropped. All that remains is our professional arrangement.....with a small admittance of sexual attraction after that little debacle."

I couldn't fault her for that in any capacity. There was no denying that having an Exalted goddess, bent over, fully exposed, was anything but sexy.

"I see, thanks for answering." I reached out, squeezing her hand.

"Always." She brightened up, seemingly pushing those thoughts away. "So...I took the whole day off. I actually have an important excuse to use that I was meeting with our –" She waived her hand flippantly. "—Esteemed Goddess." She accompanied it with an eye roll. "I have no work today!" She threw her hands up happily.

"Oh, anything planned?"

"I'm gonna nap." She said immediately.

"That sounds amazing and I'm jealous."

"You can join me~"

"As much as I'd love to fall asleep between those fluffy tails again, I wanted to go visit Izzy after this." I admitted with no small amount of reluctance. "And Artoria, I haven't seen her in a few days and I want to make sure she's doing okay."

"Oh poo. Well, I expected as much."

Maybe I'll bring Izzy to see Artoria too? I wanted that Goddess to socialize more and I knew for a fact that they're friends. Not to mention, I felt like Izzy deserved an update knowing I had just met with her daughter, especially after everything that happened with Susanoo.

"Well, in any case, Suit yourself." She hummed. "The girls were kind enough to watch after Kunou, so I'm going to make use of my free time."

"As you rightfully should." I agreed complete. Naps should be a mandatory part of the day.

"Feel free to come join in whenever you want. You're not the only one who enjoyed cuddling, y'know." She shot me a warm smile. "Oh, and before I forget."


Yasaka held her hand out it become more.....foxy than her normal human-ish appearance. It was a claw, with she swiped down her own clothing with. Her kimono fell to the floor, merely scraps of cloth at this point. She stood there, a proud look on her face, only wearing a bra and panties. "I want you to be thinking of me, not her."

And I truly couldn't pull my eyes away, only managing to hold a shaky thumbs up. "Mission accomplished."

She gave a smug smirk as she turned around and swayed her hips, her tails flickering in a way that I got a full view of her butt bouncing as she walked.

"That woman..." I could only laugh as I shook my head.

She was something else.


Izzy was already waiting at the threshold of her door the moment I stepped foot into Yomi.

"Hey there, neighbor." I called out with a wave.

"I'm fairly sure we don't count as neighbors." She deadpanned.

"Well, Scáthach is the Queen of the Land of Shadows, that by extension makes me her King Consort, thus I am your neighbor!" I said proudly.

"....And I can't argue with the logic." She shook her head in exasperation. "Want to come in?"

"Nah, I just came to say that, cya!"

"Stop being a brat." She huffed. "Get over here." She didn't even give me an opportunity to respond, instead walking into her house, door left wide open.

I casually strode up, shutting the door behind me. I only paused when standing at the door, I noticed Izzy wasn't alone.

"Hello, Wilhelm." Artoria smiled at me. "You look very handsome in that clothing.

Well, there went my initial plans. "Artoria, I missed you." I quickly slid into a seat on the couch next to her. "And thanks, I was wearing due to the thing with Yasaka."

"It has only been a few days." She puffed up cutely. ".....I have missed you as well."

"Not that I'm not happy to see you. In fact, I was going to find you right after I visited Izzy and spent some time with her." I flashed the Goddess a smile. "Anything specific bring you around these parts, or just hanging out?"

"She wished to come visit." Izzy explained. "We have been chatting about various things."

"Yes, now that she knows the finer details about us, we were recanting stories for each other. I had finished the time that Lancelot had dressed up like a woman and seduced the king of an invading army, binding him to our cause." Artoria barely held back a chuckle.

".....I am both intrigued and horrified."

"That was my immediate response as well." Izzy snorted. "As well as telling me about other things, like her son."

"Mmm, I did speak of Mordred." Artoria nodded.

"How are you doing with her?" I questioned.

Artoria let out a sigh. "I do not know how to be a proper parent.....so I don't know how to answer that question."

"Join the club." Izzy sighed. "At least your child wants to spend time with you."

"Did you not say that Susanoo left happy the last time he was here?' Artoria countered. "You give yourself too little credit, Izzy."

"Bah, of course he would, he was finally getting away from me."

"Hey, none of that." I joined in with Artoria. "He's lucky to have an amazing woman like you for a mom."

Izzy just grumbled, and turned away. For some reason, it looked like she had a faint blush on her cheeks.

"Oh, Wilhelm." Artoria muttered.

"What?" I blinked in confusion.

"Nothing." She giggled, lightly pushing her shoulder into me. "You are sweet." She merely said without adding anything else. "But yes, Mordred and I.....have been doing okay. As morbid it is to think about, the problems that arose with this Pendragon family seemed to have brought us closer at an accelerated rate. I believe a problem such as this that we were required to jointly work on has allowed a bond to form."

"Speaking of them, I haven't heard anything yet even though you apparently put on quite the lightshow. Not that I speak with many people, but there should be some sort of rumors floating around." Izzy leaned back, hand resting on her chin. "It makes me think that someone is suppressing such things."

"I have resolved myself for when my existence becoming public knowledge." Artoria said calmly. "I will resign myself to whatever fate manifests. While I care not for such spotlight to be shined upon me, I will accept the consequences of my actions."

"If only we could get Wilhelm to develop the same mindset."


"I believe that an effort in futility." Artoria's lips curled up.

"I'm not that bad." I grumbled.

"My son would beg to differ." Izzy deadpanned.

"One time."

"Didn't you fight another version of my son in another world..."

"He did." Artoria confirmed.

".....Shit I got nothing."

"Hmph." Izzy crossed her arms, a look of smugness on her face. "One time my ass."

"Yes, well, speaking of rears, I just got back from seeing Amaterasu." I crossed my legs, looking at her with a smirk of my own.

Izzy blinked her expression changing significantly. "The way you phrased that.....I feel a headache coming on." She slumped in her seat.

"Please tell me you didn't fight her...." Artoria asked.

"Why does everyone think I was going to fight her!" I threw my arms up in exasperation. "One undeserved time." I made sure to iterate.

"Just....rip the Band-Aid off. Tell me how disastrous your meeting was."

"Apparently, Amaterasu is a thong girl." I said bluntly.

Izzy opened her mouth then closed it again. "Context, Wilhelm. Lots of context to fill in."

"Hmm, context huh?" I leaned back, playing with my nails. "I don't know.....my feeling are pretty hurt right now."

"You're really doing this." Izzy said dryly. "What, do I need to do?"

"I.....want a hug." I said with all seriousness.

Izzy let out a sigh. "You're a dork, you know that?" She got up from her seat as I held my arms open. "This is your boyfriend." She groaned, glancing at Artoria.

Artoria adopted an amused look as she watched. "Yes, yes it is."

"You didn't have to blackmail me for a hug." She rolled her eyes, sliding into my arms. "I would have done so regardless."

"It makes me feel powerful to blackmail a Goddess."

"You're ridiculous."

"Hug~" I wrapped my arms around her.

"You've had your hug, now tell me what you meant when you spoke about my daughter." She huffed, scooting over to the opposite side of me.

"Alright, but be warned, you will feel embarrassment by proxy."

"Dammit Amaterasu, what did you do?" Izzy already was facepalming.

"Alright, so, let me set the scene." I gestured with my hands, earning their full attention. "Yasaka and I were there, performing a sort of ceremonial welcome for Amaterasu, braziers all around us, elevated platform for Amaterasu to lord herself over us."

"This is going exactly where I think it is, isn't it?" Izzy let out a small whine.

"She appears, regal, noble, exalted. She takes a single step forward –"


"Steps on her own dress."

"Kill me now...."

"It rips, she falls on her face and tumbles down the steps."

"Oh my." Artoria blinked in surprise.

"Her dress torn in a way that her ass is facing us, completely visible, with a bright red thong."

"I have no words." Izzy dropped her head into her hands. "She's always been a clutz, but she flashed my friend and her Miko....dammit Amaterasu."

"Um...pardon, but what is a 'thong'?" Artoria asked.

"Erm..."I cleared my throat. "It's a very skimpy variety of panties....."

"Oh, OH." Artoria's face flushed. "I believe I have seen such types of undergarments when I have gone shopping with Rin...."

"Yup, so that was fun." I said with a little bit of chipper in my tone.

"I'm sure it was." Izzy drawled. "Let me guess, she tried to pretend it never happened?"

"Yup, disappeared, and then came back in a new dress. Acted like it was our first time meeting." I nodded. "Not that I didn't make a comment at the end."

"Of course, I expected nothing different." She ran a hand down her face.

"Do you like....?" Artoria started quietly before cutting herself off. "Ahem. I mean, was that all there was with the meeting?"

"Nope, she tried to recruit me." I shook my head.

"You turned her down, yes?" Izzy asked.

"Of course, it'd make things weird if I become a subordinate to your daughter. I told her as much and she didn't really argue after that."

"You shouldn't have mentioned me." Izzy grumbled. "It will bring you nothing but trouble."

"Izzy." I poked her. "I am in no way shape or form, ashamed of the relationship we have. I refuse to deny that you're my friend."

The Death Goddess just crossed her arms, letting out a cute huff. "It's not like I can stop you from continuously doing foolish things. And you continue to be infuriatingly wholesome."

"It is one of his points that I quite like." Artoria smiled warmly at the Goddess.

"I feel like I need to open another bottle of wine." Izzy got up from her seat. "Why do I always have to do this when you come over, Wilhelm." She shook her head as she disappeared into the kitchen.

"Oh, you love me." I hollered back to her. "I bring excitement."

"You bring me tales of my daughter flashing you and you beating up my son!"

"This does foretell a pattern...." Artoria commented. "I fear what would happen should you meet anymore of her children..."

"I'll need more wine, that's what will happen." Izzy grumbled, sitting back down with several glasses and a bottle with her. "Atleast recant everything from the beginning. I want to understand what my daughter spoke about in detail."

"It was –"

"And please leave out the in-depth descriptions of my daughter's rear. Just because she married my son, it doesn't mean I'm into that sort of thing."


"Hush, you. Continue with your story."

"Ruin my fun, fine." I huffed. "Alright. I guess it started with Kunou being her adorable self, wanting to dress up like Yasaka."


I groggily opened my eyes, adjusting to the darkness that enveloped the house. I was....sleeping on Izzy's couch as I remembered I drank a bit too much and just wanted to crash. Izzy, being the amazing person she was, offered me to sleep here, so I did just that.

Artoria...went to Skyrim with Rin for something? I don't' think she went in depth on that.

And I woke up because of an incessant buzzing in my ear. I waived my hand, producing my Kaleidophone. The magical device that could bug me even when stored away.

"Yasaka?" I blinked, looking at her face that appear on it. "What –"

"I'm glad I got ahold of you, Wilhelm. And I apologize for calling you so late, but I heard some news and I believe it would be important to you." She replied with a bit of urgency in her voice.

"Is everything okay, are you okay?" I woke up pretty quickly at this point.

"I'm fine, however.....you were going to seek out a meeting with your Grandmother soon, yes?

"In the next couple of days, yeah?"

"That may have to be put on hold." Yasaka sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "The Underworld is in an uproar right now. Their....leaders have been knocking down many different places that their 'enemies' reside and I just now got an update on the situation. From what my people have told me, Lady Gremory and her Grandson had gone missing."

I opened my mouth only to close it again.

Missing? Probably taken in some capacity, people like them don't simply go missing.

"Do they know who...?"

"I'm told that fingers are being pointed at the 'old Satan Faction' if you know who they are...."

"Yeah, I vaguely remember them. Idiots who want to start waging war again for some stupid reasons. They go on about the 'old ways' or some other nonsense." I said, closing my eyes. I couldn't help but run a hand down my face.

I...my half brother had most likely gotten kidnapped. I've never met him before, he's around Kunou's age.....I held no blame on him for how I was treated, even if I didn't particularly want to associate with them. Yet.....why did I have this pit form in my stomach?

A little brother....perhaps this was the first true moment that the actual concept weighed on me in any meaningful way.

I felt myself clench my fists without a conscious effort.

"Tell me....everything." I growled out.

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