A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic

Chapter 149: Fragile One

Chapter 149: Fragile One

***Arc 7 One Who Bare Their Fang on Reason, Chapter 149 Fragile One***

Between the Kreisharana and the Holy Spirit's forbidden area lies a rugged wasteland.

Countless cliffs and precipices, not even trees grew around there, the air was dry.

There were no rivers or springs, and the terrain was convoluted.

Once lost, there is no way to return home alive, and the only way to reach the Holy Spirit is through the wings of a griffin or along a path that leads to a forbidden area.

There was no gate at the entrance to the road, but the place was always guarded by three gatekeepers.

The guardian of the Forbidden Lands was the warrior Vervas, whose skills rank alongside the chief warrior in Kreisharana.

"Following Lira-sama's disappearance, it’s an intruder now?"

A large man with Suiko claw marks running down his cheek.

Vervas saw off the messenger who came to report from the top of the cliff and spoke to his subordinates.

Below them was the cliff where they are located and a three-kilometer path between the cliffs.

It was the only road leading to the forbidden area.

"Skilled enough to kill Suiko and Ranka without a fight... I can't believe it."

"Isn't there some kind of misunderstanding? Like the number of people, or the circumstances."

“The news about Ranka was Vinthril’s investigation. No way, that man will make that kind of mistake.”

Chief Warrior Vinthril.

He was the son of the chieftain and was a little over thirty.

He was the best warrior in Kreisharana, both in name and in reality, and was rumored to be the next chieftain.

A ferocious man who won the title of chief warrior from Vervas after a fierce battle in the sky that lasted for one koku.

To Vervas, Vinthril was an age that was like a son to him, but now that they had talked to each other with their spears, Vervas himself recognized him as the chief warrior and trusted him as a friend.

"... I don't think there are people who could do that in the plains."

"We are driven into this mountain and live here because of the people of that plain. Don't be arrogant."

Kreisharana was and still is a clan of warriors.

They valued valor and once believed in spears and swords.

No one stood against the Kreisharana, who conquered the surrounding tribes by force, and since they had the griffins as their friends, they no longer had any enemies.

A single warrior could cut through ten men and rule the entire sky.

The one who defeated them was the Dragon's Maw――a former weak tribe that fled to the south and gained strength.

Never forgetting the humiliation of their past defeat, they gathered their strength and turned their blades toward their enemy――the leader of that large army is the great chieftain Bazariche, who claimed to be a Child of God.

And the two arms, Mirskronia and Bernaich.

They built a strong fortress in a place where there was nothing, armor and shields for all the soldiers, and walls by battle lines.

From far away, they used a stone-throwing machine to break down the tower and wall, launching an unrestrained offensive.

They were supposed to be weaklings, but they had mastered the art of fighting against the mighty.

But even so, the great heroes of Kreisharana were not to be outdone.

While gradually being pushed back, they risked their lives to repel their offensive.

However, Bazariche realized that they could not cross the Dragon's Maw's head-on, they avoided fighting the warriors——or perhaps that was the reason they were fighting there from the start.

Many of the men of the tribe who had followed Kreisharana had died, and their people had become reluctant to fight.

The fight was not to pull out the Dragon's Maws but to disturb the tribes that followed Kreisharana.

Bernaich rode into the north alone, and went around the tribes in various places, estranging them, and targeting the women and children of Kreisharana.

The battle, which would have barely remained even if it had been fought head-on, was over.

Kreisharana allowed them to advance north, had their chieftain killed, and was driven to this mountain, home to the griffins.

That battle was now a lesson for Kreisharana.

They didn't value harmony, only respected valor, and that's why Kreisharana was defeated.

“The smallest of emotions can cause a breakdown. It is because of this that Kreisharana was defeated in the past. ...Remember that no matter how much you hone your spear, it is your heart that controls the tip of the spear."

"...my apologies, Vervas-sama."

Kepis was young and skillful, but his mind was still immature.

But he would make a good warrior in time.

While nodding at his words, Vervas put his hand on his chin and thought.

"If they're that skilled, the target should be Yagernauss-sama... How stupid."

Pointing your blade at the Holy Spirit.

They probably didn’t realize how big a sin it was.

They didn’t realize that all human activities exist because it was permitted by the Holy Spirit.

"Shouldn't we look around?"

"Yeah, I've already told some people to fly around the area, but we're here."

Vervas said

"We'll take precautions. If it was an opponent who could easily kill a magic beast there will always be some worrying factor. Reducing the number of people here is——"

Involuntarily, he gazed at the forest and recognized the shadows that danced out of it.

Even from a distance, he understands who the girl who was heading this way with Griffin is, and when he saw the person behind her, he immediately said.

“Kepis, sound the whistle!"

Lira explained that they would arrive when the sun shows the sky.

It must have been around the time when the sun began to rise after advancing through the rugged bushes.

They finally get out of the woods.

There were fewer trees on the road ahead, and it seemed that it would be much easier to proceed.

However, there was also a downside.

Good visibility didn’t bring much good in this situation.

The thick forest was far below.

As Krische and the others emerged, three Kreisharana warriors astride griffins stood blocking the road in front of them, their flutes echoing in the air.

They must have been waiting on the left-hand cliff.

The three were surprised to see Lira and turned their attention to Krische, her horse, and—Suiko, who were following behind her, showing obvious alarm.

The griffin is a ferocious beast that flies freely in the sky with its huge body, five shaku tall at the shoulder, and could easily leap over human bodies.

Even for those riding on it, the Suiko was an opponent they should feel wary about.

Vervas, the chief of the guards, gripped his spear at the bizarreness.

It was Lila who stepped in front of him.

"Lira-sama, so you're safe... everyone was looking for you. But..."

With a glance, he asked what this means.

What was being spoken was what the kingdom called an ancient language——a language once spoken in the north of the kingdom.

Vervas, who had the opportunity to interact with the Princess Miko of the Imperial State, was not ignorant of the words of the plains, but there was no point in using them here.

The figure of the girl in the back――judging from what she was wearing, she must be a person from the plains.

He had no intention of letting her hear this conversation.

"Vervas, I'm sorry. Please don't say anything and let me through here."

"... this is a forbidden area. Even if it’s Lira-sama it is not allowed to enter without permission. You should understand that. And..."

Vervas glanced behind Lira and looked at the girl and Suiko.

The Suiko growled, but the girl patted its head unconcernedly and just looked at them.

Putting aside if it was a dog or a cat, it was clearly a bizarre sight.

“We have received reports that countless magical beasts have been killed by someone who has invaded the mountain. Behind you――that girl who seems to be bringing Suiko with her, could it be?”

The guardians of the forbidden area where the Holy Spirit resides.

Its leader, Vervas, is one of the village's best warriors.

That was why he knows more than anyone else the horror of magical beasts.

He had never heard of anyone capturing a Suiko alive.

Much less, those who obeyed them.

"Come here, Lila-sama. Kepis, you should let Lira-sama escape first. She has Suiko with her. I don't think that girl is what you think. First of all, let Lira-sama escape to safety."

"Yes sir. Lira-sama――"


Stopping Kepis, who was about to step forward, Lia told them.

“…She’s not someone you can do something about with violence. I don’t doubt Vervas’ abilities, but she is someone who can hunt and tame the Suikp like a rabbit. ……Nii-san――Even the chief warrior can’t be her opponent.”

Lira's expression was serious.

They knew she respects her older brother Vinthril more than anyone else.

And she of all people told them that even her brother is no match for that girl.

Indeed, it's not normal.

The way she stood there, looking as if she was full of gaps.

There was no tension at all in this situation.

The serenity of the magic power that covers her body shows the high level of her ability.

A land filled with rich magic that can be said to be the blessing of dragons.

Most of those born in the village of Kreisharana possess magical powers, and from an early age, they learn the art of manipulating them.

Naturally, many of them are skilled in handling magic, but even compared to them, the serenity of the magic that the girl clad in was magnificent.

It was as Lira said, they also didn’t think she was as strong as she looked.

Just being in front of her like this sent a chill down her spine.

Against a girl who is not as tall as his chest, rather than her Suiko.

"I'm begging you, let us pass without saying anything. I'm just asking for an audience with the dragon...if you don't try to stop me, nothing will happen. So――"

The Suiko, who was standing behind, snarled.

The silver-haired girl strokes its forehead soothing it again.

Vervas stares at her and frowns with increasing alarm.

It was certain that Lira was threatened by her.

He knew she was concerned for their safety.

However, when he saw the countless melee spears hanging from the backs of horses behind them, he couldn't just nod.

It was clear that her objective was the Holy Spirit.

"――Excuse me, Lira-sama."

Vervas thrust his eight-shaku spear forward,


He then thrusts it into Lira's side――pushing her off the cliff.

Naturally, Lira's body was thrown into the air,


Vervas immediately roared.

By the silver-haired girl’s side――Larnell moved immediately, but the girl did not stop her.

Larnell jumps off the cliff to pick up Lira's body, and Vervas steps forward with the griffin.

"Please run away, Lila-sama. At least I'll buy you some time until the others come."


"Please run away. In any case, we can't let anyone through here. Let alone those who want to harm the Holy Spirit——"

"Hmm, well after all, it's going to be like this, isn't it?"

It was the sweet girl's voice that resounded.

Lilah's eyes widened in surprise as she looked at the girl——Krische.

The words that came out of her mouth were Kreisharana’s slightly quirky words.

“Sorry, Krische heard what you said. Krische just wants to go to the dragon. If you guys don't do anything, Krische won't do anything either, just like Lira said."


"It would be nice if Krische's word get through. Krische’s only seen it in a book, so Krische is a little unsure of the pronunciation..."

‘By the looks of it, it seems to be getting through’, Krische said, smiling.

Krische looked at Vervas, who was becoming more and more wary, and told the Suiko beside her, Gururun, to be quiet, before stepping forward.

She walked slowly, almost carelessly,

"Excuse me for a minute."


Suddenly, her body disappeared.

Only Vervas reacted immediately, pulling on his reins and sending the Griffin into the air.

She didn't disappear, she just sank deep.

A smooth step and tremendous acceleration, so smooth that even if he could see it, he didn’t notice it.

The distance between the ten ken (60 shaku, ~19 m) was easily closed, and the target was the man behind Vervas on the right——Kepis.

Leaping after sinking——Krische kicked the cliff wall on her left and quickly and easily grabbed the spear wielded by Kepis.

And cut the reins he held in his hand with a curved sword drawn from her waist.


She kicked Kepis' body off the griffin and took the spear from him.

To the other one, who was poised to jump up to open the distance——she thrust the tip of the spear at Reedle's neck and turned his gaze to Vervas.

"It's easy to kill you guys. It won't even be stalling."

The griffin on which Krische was riding went on a rampage, and she jumped off like she was troubled.

Reedle, who was leaning back when her spear was pointed at him, got down from the griffin, as Krische pushed the tip of the spear to his neck.

"Please stop doing meaningless things. It's fine if you just pass and let Krische normally."

With the curved sword in her right hand, Krische ripped open both of the saddle clasps on the griffin's waist.

Unlike a horse, without a saddle, it would be difficult to mount this griffin and escape.


The man who raised his voice at that moment was Kepis, the man who she had kicked down earlier.

He pulled a curved sword from his waist and approached Krische.

At present, all of them here were magical power holders――Was it the influence of magical power in the atmosphere?

Kepis' movements were not slow and his steps were not bad.

But when it comes to Krische, everyone is alike.

Krische twisted her hips.

The opponent was lightly armed, with armor on his chest and legs, and an unprotected stomach.

She turns around and digs her heel into his exposed belly.

Even though she only put moderate force in it, the heel of the boot was reinforced with steel.

The man's exposed abdominal muscles are pierced, and he rolls over, faints in agony, and then crouches down to vomit.

While frowning at the smell of vomit, Krische looked again at the man who seemed to be the captain flying in the sky——Vervas.

"As you can see, it's the same thing even if you're flying in the sky like that."

Krische suddenly leaned forward.

The first step is to charge, and the second is top speed.

A movement optimized to the limit——it was a spear of destruction that was released from there.

Even on a narrow foothold and with a spear that lacked a run-up, the power of the spear was out of the ordinary.

The roaring sound that engulfed the wind, and pierced through, was not that of a mere javelin.

Even Vervas, who had been on guard, could not even react——when the spear pierced the side of his face, he lost his posture due to the wind pressure.

His griffin screamed and for a moment the look in Vervas' eyes was one of fright.

But the eyes of the warrior Vervas had not lost his will to fight even after feeling it up close.

He was not someone who would back down at the slightest threat.

Krische pouted his lips and she lightly struck Griffin, who was standing rigidly next to her, on the buttocks with her spear.

The griffin screamed and took off, trying to run toward Vervas,


Krische jumped as if to stomp its back.

It's over a cliff.

It was completely in the air.

But her face was calm, not a trace of hesitation, not even a hint of tension.

Vervas was astonished to see the girl leap toward him, but he was a warrior.

This is the sky. This is a world ruled by the warriors of Kreisharana.

No matter how strong one was on the ground, you lose your freedom in the sky.

He knew this all too well.

He pulled the reins and gave the command to swoop down.

The trained pet bird instantly understands its master's intentions and flaps its wings just once.

With that, the girl would lose her aim and have no choice but to fall into the forest far below.

The trees would serve as a cushion.

He didn’t think this crazy girl would fall to death. But for now, as long as he could buy some time, that was all that mattered.

The girl leaping from the griffin as a foothold had tremendous speed, but that was also fatal.

Overhead of the swooping Vervas, she advanced,


Twisting herself to kick the sky, she flipped her cloak.

Her feet to the sky, her head to the earth.

She catches the atmospheric wall in front of her with her back, kills her momentum, and descends as if she were kicking at an invisible wall.

Her aim, of course, was the fleeing Vervas below——she was alone and in the air, forcing even the skilled Griffin (Lion-Eagle) Cavalry to be contained within her reach.

The turbulence of the wind is caused by the flapping of the griffin's wings.

Taking advantage of all that.

Knowing that he couldn’t dodge, Vervas immediately unleashes his spear.

He was a first-class warrior.

No matter what the situation, he can demonstrate all the power he has acquired.

However, the girl goes beyond that.

She sees through the wind as a matter of course, twists herself around, and flashes the curved sword from her hip.

What arises in Vervas' chest is no longer astonishment but admiration for her.

——This girl has a different level of strength.

He knew his strength thus what arose was her awe and respect.

With his certain defeat——and perceived his death, he looked at the girl.

But her curved sword did not take his life.

Severing the reins he held, she grabbed his spear-wielding arm and threw him far backward.

Using the griffin as a foothold, she leaps after him.

He rolled over and slammed into the cliff wall, his right arm held by her foot and her sharp curved sword against his neck.

Vervas coughed, wrinkled his brow, and glared at Krische.

"...why didn't you kill me?"

“Krische promised Lira that Krische would not injure Kreisharana as much as possible.”

‘Well, now you understand right’, Krische said, then looked at Lira.

The body slammed into the cliff wall. At least this guy can't move for a while.

"... Lira, let's go."

When Lira was called, she hesitated for a moment but soon came to her side.

Krische quickly turned her gaze away from Lira and looked down at Vervas.

“The bad guy is Krische in this case, and Krische doesn't mind if you come after Krische. ... in a way, it might be convenient for Krische. Bururun, this way. You can come too, Gururun."

The two animals approached their master, looking slightly wary, and Krische smiled.

Krische grabbed Vervas and the other's spear and put them on the back of an approaching horse.

The number of spears she could carry was limited.

It was troublesome for Kreisharana’s warriors to attack her, but it might not be a bad idea considering that each one of them would carry a spear like this.

Thinking something like that, she nodded to herself.

Even Vervas, who had heard it up close, couldn't understand the meaning of her words.

Even skilled warriors were only spear deliverers for her.

Her strength, which was out of the ordinary, was already beyond human comprehension.


The only unharmed person.

Reedle drew his sword and cried out, trembling at what could hardly be called a battle in front of him.

Lira shook her head.

"I'm begging you, don't resist any longer. I'll take full responsibility. Please take care of Vervas and Kepis."

"Hg... yes"

“...Vervas, she’s not the kind of person who you can do anything about with violence. I want you to tell anyone who comes later that I said so."

"But Lira-sama..."

"Please, Vervas. I don't want to see you killed."

Krische looked at them and said in the Common Western tongue,

“Let’s hurry up a bit, Lira. … No matter what the outcome, it would be better to avoid too many people gathering.”


Krische continued to run at a small pace, and Lira looked back at them for a moment and made Griffin run.

Naturally, the two follow.

When they disappeared, Lira said.

"……thank you"

“Krische said it yesterday, but Lira doesn’t need to thank Krische.”

"Nevertheless, to forgive someone who pointed their blade at you, I must express my gratitude."

Krische runs with a troubled look on her face.

"Krische said Krische wouldn't hurt them as much as possible after all. It’s only self-satisfaction."

Krische said while thinking a little.

“Krische is just doing it so that the people Krische loves won't hate Krische.”

She narrowed her eyes just a little.

"Even though Krische is trying to do something bad like this, it's too late to say that huh."

Lira's eyes were downcast, not knowing what to say.

"When I was little, I lost my mother to an illness. That's why…I can't say that I understand how Krische-sama feels, but … I also sneak out at night to ask Yagernauss-sama to help my mother who was suffering from an illness."

She was soon found and brought home, and her mother also hit her in the cheek.

‘This is preordained ―― there is no such thing as a person who does not die’, and after that, she hugged Lira, who cried, and repeated such things to her.

She remembers hearing those words and not being convinced by her.

She wondered why her mother, who was so good and kind, had to die.

The reason why she couldn't think of this girl as a stranger was probably because she had such memories.

Because the feelings she had in her childhood were still in her heart.

She suddenly realized that she had left Krische behind while running next to her.

“Bery is different from Lira's mother. …She won’t die.”

Cold words and somehow ooze with anger.

Lira quickly realized her gaffe and she hurried to her side as she stopped.

"... I'm sorry. It was a thoughtless word."

"...No, Lrla isn't bad. It’s just that... Krische is weird."

Her purple eyes swim to her left and right.

"Krische knows that people die. …But, just like when Tou-sama and Kaa-sama died, when Krische thought that Bery would disappear, that Krische wouldn't be able to see her again, Krische, can't imagine it and"

The girl then covered her mouth,

“…Even when Krische found out that Bery was stabbed, Krische’s head went blank… Krische, also, doesn’t know herself. Krische didn't want to think about it, so Krische decided to do what Krische could for the time being, and then..."

Then she put her hand against the cliff wall to stave off her nausea.

"……I’m sorry"

Lila said and stroked her back, the girl shook her silver hair and her head for a while as she calmed her breathing.

What was there was like a statue made of sand.

It was as if she touched it, it would fall apart, that kind of perilous state.

The girl’s back was so small that it was enough to make her forget the strength she had seen in the girl earlier.

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