A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 180: Showing a shocking level of power

Chapter 180: Showing a shocking level of power

Immediately Helena said that, Old man James and the others with him laughed.

He then said to the people behind him, "Go get the girls behind her. While I face this one."

Once he said that, the people behind him rushed out to go attack the girls behind Helena. 

Helena looked at them as they began to dash towards her with a cold gaze in her eyes. 

Then she abruptly aimed out her two hands at them and unleashed a powerful magical strike after abruptly casting a particular spell in her mind. 


A frost-white wave of energy that carried intense coldness suddenly erupted from her palms and traveled towards them. 

However, the witches dashing furiously towards her quickly produced powerful defensive spells to protect themselves from the magical, icy energy blast raging towards them. 




Several loud bang sounds began to ring out as Helena's attacks struck the protective magical shields that they quickly put out to protect themselves from her attack. 

Seeing that the witches could come out unhurt from her attack, Helena aimed out her hands at them once again and unleashed another magical attack.

Immediately she did so, the earth around them trembled for sometime before large, dense spikes of earth began to shoot out from within the earth at them in a rapid and continuous manner like they were being fired from a rapid-fire cannon artillery.

Seeing the lethal attacks from the unique offensive spell called 'Furious Earth Shard Flurries' that Helena had casted, the witches dashing towards Helena quickly raised their hands at the attacks and began to unleash their own magical attacks to counter it.




So, as their attacks collided mid-air, numerous deafening boom and bang sounds began to ring out, which were then immediately accompanied by blinding, bright flashes of light because of the collisions that took place between the attacks.

After sometime, the rampant booming sounds and the bright flashes of light that occurred as the opposing attacks collided in the air ceased, since all the magical attacks upon collision with one another became fully neutralized.

The witches dashing towards Helena stopped and looked at with astonishment in their eyes. 

They couldn't believe what they were seeing. 

'So talented!' One said inwardly with a great impression of Helena's abilities setting into her mind. 

They had always thought that Helena possessed a powerful and special, witch-killing equipment which she used to effortlessly slay their friends and then behead them. 

But from what they have seen so far after the battle started, they came to a realization that what they thought was totally wrong. 

Old man James who was watching everything that was taking place, began to clap his hands on marvel.




He then said "Girl, I must say that I am impressed by you. Well done!"

Then he said further "Although you are very talented and would have definitely risen to great power if you were a cannibal witch, but that can't happen anymore as you seriously antagonize us. You stand very much against what the things that will absolutely continue our existences. So, for that, we just have to kill you, or we would be the one to perish."

"Stop playing around with her, women. Kill this girl this moment and seize those girls at her back. We have a large feast party of blood and flesh to organize when we are done here" Old man James unexpectedly said to the witches who had suddenly stopped in their tracks to take a good look at Helena.

"Die!" One of them then suddenly shouted and unleashed a powerful spell that instantly materialized as a massive, two-edged flaming sword that shot out at a tremendous speed towards Helena to vertically cut her into two, that is from the head down to her legs.

And as soon as one of the witches released that attack, another witch shouted with fury in her voice "Destroy!"

Then glowing and humming, lethal dark scarlet blades that numbered in the thousands, abruptly materialized hundreds of feet above them and rapidly shot out towards Helena to impale her.

In almost an instant, all the witches had sent out fearsome killing and destructive attacks at Helena who only produced a confident smile in her face.

Right now, the absolute devastating magical attacks that the witches had furiously casted were beginning to move in slow motion in Helena's bright and resolute eyes. And this was because she had quickly entered her supremely powerful Hrithika form to borrow more magical power which she used to vastly power a spell called the Time Perception Manipulation spell, a powerful but incomplete Mage-level spell that she had quickly, decisively casted upon herself.

So, by casting this spell upon herself, it made her to manipulate time to an extent, therefore bestowing with the ability to see in slow motion.

At the moment, in her magically-powered, time flow decelerated-vision, every object moving even at the speed of lightning would definitely take more than sixteen seconds to cover a distance of less than an inch.

So, because of this spell that strongly affected the flow of time in only her vision, Helena could see in really slow motion, enabling her to think of what to do.

Then with that smile still hung on her cherry red lips, she pointed at the dozens of lethal magical attacks moving towards her to utterly reduce her to nothing.


The instant that she pointed her index finger at the numerous attacks shooting towards her, a powerful, silver-grey beam of an incomparable, condensed magical power that was hundreds of feet wide, suddenly discharged from her dainty finger towards the attacks.




Once the numerous magical attacks became struck by that massive, powerful beam of energy, they instantly reduced into millions of fragments.

Then when she stopped operating the spell and reverted back to her human form, the witches quickly backed away from Helena with extreme horror and terror noticeable in their eyes.

They had all felt that great and majestic, shocking intimidating power that suddenly came forth from within Helena's body upon her borrowing small slivers of sliver of the Hrithika's boundless and astronomical, catastrophic magical power that resided deep in her blood.

Helena looked at them and said to the girls behind her with a smile in her face, "When we are done here, we would organize a large feast of wine and crispy, deeply-fried meat to celebrate our flawless conquest!"

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