A Knight Who Eternally Regresses

Chapter 67

Krais found the most efficient way to gain benefits from the ongoing situation.

“Even if it is called the Thieves Guild.”

Upon closer look, it’s no different from a business enterprise.

Collecting protection fees, eliminating petty theft, and only utilizing the best resources—such a business wouldn’t be too bad.

More importantly, Krais had a business plan based on the Thieves Guild.

This place is the Border Guard, known for its strict law enforcement.

Normally, it wouldn’t be easy for a criminal guild to thrive here.

But not here. The Gilpin Guild had made it work. It’s not clear what they did, but it wouldn’t have been easy with ordinary means.

Right now, how many heated leather pieces did they produce?

There were also several coins and notes worth over a hundred thousand Krona.

Some promissory notes were also found, but they seemed difficult to utilize.

If he organized his plans and the businesses here.

‘There’s no way I can lose.’

Krona was at stake. Krais demonstrated the wisdom befitting a sage, understanding and accepting the situation.

“Become a thief?”

Encrid asked back. Krais briefly looked at the Squad Leader.

He had said his dream was to be a knight. He wanted to go higher.

To get proper training and quality equipment, he would need Krona.

Knights traditionally earned money through warfare.

They didn’t earn the nickname ‘experts in slaughter’ for nothing.

“There’s nothing wrong with thinking about it. The Gilpin group is finished now, and if they leave, how long do you think it will take for another Thieves Guild to take their place?”

Krais’s mind was racing. Blood flowed to his brain, making it spin.

Considering Gilpin’s nature, this was a golden opportunity.

“It will take at most a month.”

It was true. Encrid reflexively nodded.

“It’s warm!”

Rem exclaimed from the side, wearing a coat made of heated leather.

“Of course, are you cold?”

Ragna scolded Rem.

After briefly diverting his gaze, Krais’s voice drew Encrid back. It was calm yet contained a strange intensity.

“In that case, Gilpin seems like a decent person. Let’s leave him as he is and form a Thieves Guild that doesn’t kill people or steal items.”

It was a plausible suggestion. Truly tempting.

Maintaining honor as a knight?

That was also something that required Krona.

Encrid knew the reality well.

Of course, if he possessed knight-level martial prowess, Krona would naturally roll in.

In fact, even among those with knight-level skills, there were some who would move if you paid them enough.

Most importantly, Encrid believed that the honor of a knight was about following one’s heart.

There was nothing objectionable about Krais’s proposal.

Viewed positively, it was actually a good idea.

‘If it makes people’s lives easier.’

Then, there would be fewer crying children.

Parents raising their children would have fewer worries.

As in any city, there are always those who live difficult lives.

It might provide some comfort to them.

At first, he had just intended to gather firewood to survive the winter, but if this opportunity could help people.

There was no reason not to do it.

“Is it alright?”

“Yes, it’s fine.”

“I’ll divide the profits appropriately and give them to the Squad Leader. Just make sure to handle the other squad members well.”

He wondered why Krais was so intent on convincing him.

It was because of Rem and the others.

If Krais decided to take over the guild, they wouldn’t just let it happen.

“What benefit do you get out of this?”

He suddenly became curious.

Was it worth having a thieves guild while paying tribute?

How much actual profit did he expect?


Encrid was newly impressed by Krais’s cleverness.

Information is money. Even trivial information within the city could turn into quality Krona within the squad.

For example, just knowing the name and hobbies of the flower shop girl would have people lining up to buy that information.

It could also be used in other ways.

“You understand right away. That’s why I like you as a Squad Leader.”

Krais extended his fist. Encrid also extended his fist and bumped it.

Thus, a promise was made and a deal was struck.

Encrid would gain Krona and handle the squad members.

Krais would get the guild.

When Encrid returned to stand in front of the fireplace,

“I’m fine with it. Krais can have it.” said Jaxon first.

…What a scary guy.

He had incredibly sensitive ears. They seemed to have spoken at least ten steps away.

“Gilpin, take care of the corpses here and sort out those among the survivors who are prone to murder, who have significantly harmed the weak, or who might cause problems in the future. I’ll take them to prison.”

Leaving things as they are didn’t mean leaving them exactly as they were now.

“Hmm, it seems like we need to hand over a few guys.”

“And from now on, this friend is the guild leader. That means you can stay here. Oh, and if you quit here and start another guild, we’ll meet again.”

“I don’t have the guts for that.”

Out of habit, Gilpin scratched his white sandy hair as he spoke.

“But, sir soldier.”

Then he continued.


“Well, I think it’s best to disband. If we stay, we might all get killed.”

All get killed? Why?

Encrid asked with his eyes.

Gilpin hesitated and then roughly explained the situation so far.

Most people probably didn’t know, but the dead guild leader was a contractor who handled jobs for Aspen.

Not a spy, but a contractor.

“There’s someone who comes periodically to check on the guild. If it weren’t for that, we would have switched places long ago.”

Even though Gilpin seemed gentle and cared for his people, he was still part of the Thieves Guild.

He wouldn’t be in his current position if he were an ordinary person.

The person who came to visit, that guy was the problem.

“If they don’t see the dead guy, there will be chaos. We were already planning to sell the mansion at a low price and disappear completely.”

“How many are coming?”

“One person, but… it’s…”


“It’s a Frog.”

Members of a race that instills heart-phobia.

A combat species with strength far superior to humans.

Encrid had once been kicked by a Frog. It had landed him in the infirmary.

“A Frog is coming?”


What should be done about this?

Why would a Frog come to monitor a Thieves Guild in a frontier town?

There’s a saying that Frogs who are on the continent are recognized Frogs.

It means they’re already proven experts to some extent.

By the military grading system of Naurillia, the minimum would be a special-grade or higher.

“What is this place exactly?”

“For the details, only the dead guy knows. One thing is certain, whenever that Frog comes, they leave some Krona as operational expenses.”

Not collecting money, but leaving it?

Seriously, what is this?

Encrid couldn’t fathom the reason at all.

“That’s curious.”

Krais felt the same way.

There was nothing more to say.

So, what now?

“We’re taking over the guild.”

Nothing changes. There’s still time.

The matters that come afterward can be dealt with then.

Or, they could disband and give up when the time comes.

Thus, they decided to take over the guild entirely.

Gilpin had no particular complaints.

He thought it was a relief just to be alive.

Encrid believed that although these thieves agreed for now, they might cause problems later.

Could such a group really remain obedient?

Of course, from now on, it would be Krais’s skill in handling them.

Since he decided to do it, it was now up to him.

“I’ll take this.”

Jaxon collected a few rings and jewelry, presumably for a woman.

Rem grabbed a heated coat and some leather to use as a rug, and then began inspecting the contents of the safe.

Ragna looked over the swords gathered by the guild and dismissed them all as trash.

After that, he lost interest in the valuables.

Audin was the same.

“They say focusing on wealth blinds you.”

He only prayed.

Instead, he fulfilled Encrid’s request.

“Could you open the safe?”

“Yes, brother.”

It was the dead guild leader’s safe.

It had a sturdy lock with chains wrapped tightly around it.

Audin stood in front of the lock and grasped it.

With a crunching sound.

From then on, it was like watching a strongman show.

He broke the lock with his bare hands. It seemed almost unbelievable.

“Wow, you’re pretty strong, aren’t you?” Rem exclaimed in amazement.

With the lock broken, the chains were useless.

Normally, it would take a long time with a hacksaw, but this was done instantly.

This was the strength of a squad member who could open doors without knocking.

Encrid was also curious about what was inside the safe. He walked over briskly.

“Are you going to open it yourself?”

Rem looked at Encrid and spoke.

“Shall I?”

It was pure curiosity.

As he approached the safe, Encrid asked.

“So, when does this Frog come?”

Gilpin, who was standing next to him, answered.

“He’ll come at the start of the first season. He said he comes once at the beginning of the four seasons and once in the third season.”

Once in spring and once in autumn.

That meant there was still time.

Encrid nodded and stood in front of the safe.

What could be inside?

He was curious.

He grabbed the handle of the safe with his fingertips and lifted it.


The hinges, apparently not oiled, made a rusty sound as they moved.


The safe opened. The heavy lid swung back and hit the body of the safe, making a dull noise that echoed faintly in Encrid’s ears.

Thud. Thuuud. Thuuuuud.

He couldn’t see anything. He couldn’t touch anything. But he felt something wrapping around his body.

He felt isolated from the world. Suddenly, everyone around him vanished from his sight.

He tried to blink, but his body wouldn’t respond.


He tried to open his mouth, but even that didn’t work.

“What’s up? Found something good?”

Suddenly, Rem’s voice broke through. Encrid snapped back to his normal state.

He blinked and opened his mouth. There was no problem.

“Did that seem a bit strange just now?”

“The Squad Leader has always been a bit strange. I know that well.”

No one else seemed to have noticed anything.

Dismissing Rem’s nonsense, Encrid also thought it was just his imagination.

“Let’s see what’s inside.”

He shook his head slightly and looked into the box.

Inside was a leather armor.

“What’s this?”

Encrid’s mouth opened. The question was directed at Gilpin.

“I don’t know. All I know is that the dead guy cherished it.”

He picked it up and examined it. It didn’t seem like an ordinary item. When he pressed it with his finger, it felt resilient.

“It looks like precious leather. Take it, Squad Leader. Better not get a hole in your belly.”

“It seems like a good item.”

At Rem’s suggestion, Krais inspected it. He had an eye for valuable items.

He decided to keep it. Good armor is several times more valuable to a warrior than a good weapon.

“I’ll take this.”

There were no objections. After packing it, Krais decided to handle the rest of the matters.

“By now, the snow should be all cleared, right?”

Rem continued to speak up.

Encrid pondered the time and looked out the window.

The snow had not yet melted.

If they returned now, they might have to shovel snow all night.

It wasn’t something to worry about, so Encrid muttered as he gathered his squad’s opinions.

“Our mission ends tomorrow morning.”

By tomorrow morning, there surely wouldn’t be any snow left to clear.

“Good. It seems like there’s still a lot to do here.”

Rem agreed, settling in front of the fireplace. For now, Rem was as docile as could be.

It made sense. Rem was savoring the word ‘happiness’ with the warmth of the heated leather and the fireplace.

“Indeed, there’s still a lot to do.”

Ragna took a seat opposite the fireplace.

“Yes, it seems there’s still much to convey the words of the gods.”

Audin added.

“Then I’ll return tomorrow morning.”

Jaxon opted for individual action.

At times like this, there’s no room for disagreement. They worked well together. Encrid wished they were always this cooperative.

It was a recurring thought during this task.

“Squad Leader.”

Krais called Encrid and subtly gave him a thumbs-up. It was high praise.

* * *

“Reporting the return of all squad members. We have located and eliminated the Thieves Guild.”

Upon Encrid’s words, the Company Commander, wrapped in a thick coat, glanced up.

It was the commander’s private training ground.

Despite lighting fires on two poles, it was still a cold day.

The Company Commander, standing on the frozen ground like stone, asked again due to the cold weather.


This woman, did she know something and was asking for confirmation?

Encrid calmly replied.

“Yes, eliminated. We sent those destined for prison and executed the remaining resistors.”

“I see.”

The Company Commander spoke while rotating his shoulders, as if loosening up.

Did he really know something?

Still, it wasn’t like Encrid could just calmly say, “Krais took over the guild.”

“The treasures from the base were brought to the unit.”


Except for a few heated leathers and some jewelry, everything else was returned to the unit.

That was only natural.

Any additional gains from operations were supposed to be handed over to the unit.

It’s customary to turn a blind eye to taking a small amount.

“You did well.”

Fortunately, the Company Commander didn’t press further. Instead, she just made a suggestion, looking at Encrid’s blue eyes with his jewel-like green eyes.

“A match?”

“…What do you mean, commander?”

“Don’t you want to test the Fairy Sword?”

“Do you mean a sparring match?”

“I heard you never refuse.”

The Fairy Sword is light but sharp.

That’s its reputation.

Encrid had faced the Fairy Sword a few times. Encountering fairies wasn’t rare during his mercenary days.

But back then, his skills were poor.

Their sensitivity made Valen’s Mercenary Sword Technique ineffective, so it was embarrassing to even say he properly faced them.


A sparring match. It seemed like a valuable experience.

Lately, he had been thinking,

“The more I fight, the more I gain.”

Encrid knew that his talent was mediocre.

The more experience, the better.

All of it shone when he faced another today.

Of course, even without such a reason, he wouldn’t refuse. That was just the kind of person Encrid was.


“Good, I like your spirit. Come at me.”

The Fairy Company Commander drew her sword.


Naidil, the sword of the fairies. It was a real sword duel.

Encrid drew his own sword.


The longsword and the Naidil clashed once.


Simultaneously, they both stepped back two paces.

Encrid was cautious. He remembered a time when a mere gesture from the Fairy Company Commander had knocked him down.

It was back in the infirmary.

How much has he changed since then?

He didn’t know. He was about to find out now.

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